Race videos by Rob Fleenor from the 2014 Atlantic Coast Invitational held on Saturday, February 1st at the Boo Williams Sportsplex in Hampton.

Coverage, information, results and highlights of national caliber performances from major high school indoor track & field meets in the South region of the United States during the week ending on Sunday, February 2nd.
Coverage from Saturday's Atlantic Coast Invitational at the Boo Williams Sportsplex in Hampton. Complete results posted. Photo gallery and race videos to be uploaded before weekend's end.
For those that are allowed to travel, the main indoor meets are at UNC and Virginia Tech, plus several season-ending polar bears.
Due to the Hampton Roads area schools being shut down on Friday as well as participating in activites, the Atlantic Coast Invitational set for this weekend to be held at the Boo Williams Sportsplex will now be a one day meet on Saturday. Many of the area school systems will likely be giving the option for athletes to provide their own transportation to the meets if they choose rather than providing school transportation on Saturday (similar decision made last weekend by Richmond area school systems for the St. Christopher's Invite when schools were closed on Friday). To adjust for the one day meet format, the start of the meet with the field events will start much earlier at 7 AM with the trials of the 55 meter hurdles and dash projected to start at 11:30 AM and then 4x800 with the rest of the running events in succession to begin at 1:00 PM. If any teams are not allowed to attend the meet, please contact meet director Vincent Pugh at vapugh@yahoo.com.
Performance list for this weekend's Atlantic Coast Invitational to be held at the Boo Williams Sportsplex in Hampton. MileStat.com will be on-site with coverage.
A winter storm rolled through Virginia on Wednesday dumping considerable snowfall amounts (7-10 inch range) in particular in the Hampton Roads area as well as moderate snowfall totals (2-5 inch range) in Central Virginia. The winter weather forced many school systems to not only close Wednesday, but make calls to close on Thursday with the status of Friday to come in question as well as the weekend travel and meet plans for many track & field teams in the state of Virginia. Being the last weekend to achieve or improve qualifying times for championship season including the first and only time for many to race on a banked track at the Virginia Tech Invitational, the weather is causing many issues and frustrations in potentially ruining a last chance meet weekend for many.