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What influence has your coach had with respect to your performance and overall life goals?
Salute to Seniors series feature on Tuscarora distance runner Logan Feierbach. In his senior year at Tuscarora High School in Leesburg, Logan Feierbach was a state qualifier and All-Region performer in both cross country and outdoor track. Feierbach clocked personal best times of 4:28 in the 1600 meter run and 1:58 in the 800 meter run, which rank as some of the fastest times in the young school's history. In cross country, Feierbach made it to the state meet with a 16:28 5K PR run at the Region II Championships and will look to walk on to the team at William & Mary in the fall.
Interview with Tuscarora (Leesburg) distance/mid-distance runner Logan Feierbach
What was your most memorable meet?
Coming into the Region II XC championships, I was ranked around 23rd or something in that area, and it seemed as though my chances of being all-region and advancing to states were not too high. With several events that one would expect to throw yourself out of focus (tripping in a field, stepping in a puddle and having to warm up with a completely soaked shoe, etc.), I was able to actually have the best race of my life, focusing all the way to the line and crossing in 10th place as an all-region xc runner and a PR of 16:28 for the 5000.
Who would you consider your biggest competition over your four years?
Easily the biggest competition throughout my running years in Virginia has been my two teammates John Dooney and Logan Carrington. During cross country, John always had an upper hand on me, but I would fight every race to get as close as I can to him. In track, the competition was split between John (1600m), and Logan (800m). I trained every day with those two, and became very close to them, but once we stepped on the line it was anyone’s game.
What was your greatest accomplishment?
My greatest accomplishment was going from being only a state qualifier in a relay junior year t&f (after a rough year with injuries), to a 3-event state qualifier as a senior in the 1600m, 800m, and 4x800m relay. We also then went on to place 3rd in the 4x800m relay in the VHSL AA State Championships. The other biggest accomplishment was finding out that I will be running for The College of William and Mary in the fall. That being said, my greatest accomplishment was achieving all of the goals I had set for myself for my senior year track season.
If you could do it all over again what would you change about your running career in high school?
The one and only thing I would change would be to be more careful in the transition from sophomore to junior year, in which I managed to end up being injured for the beginning of both my cross-country and track seasons.
What were the most difficult obstacles you had to overcome?
In the winter before track season of junior year, I found out I had a recurring problem with iliotibial-band syndrome which had previously kept me out of freshman year track, and made me have to start from scratch after the junior year season had already begun. I had to learn to maintain my IT-bands with a lot of stretching and a lot heating and massage.
What will you miss the most?
I am going to miss my teammates more than anything. The bonds I made with my teammates over these years are something that I will miss tremendously. Shout-out to Anna Wasko!
What advice would you give younger athletes?
Give it everything you have. You won’t grow into becoming good. If you want to be good, work your butt off and become good! Something you should always keep in mind is that for every day that you slack off, there is someone else out there willing to put in the work to be better than you. Also, listen to your body. Don’t let yourself get injured.

My coach pushed me to become a much faster and stronger runner, in turn helping me to achieve all of my high school goals.
What are your college plans?
I will be running XC and track for The College of William and Mary in the fall as a walk-on, and I plan to major in Chemistry with a double-minor in French and Spanish. Later on, I also intend on starting up my triathlon career as well; I see that as my long-term athletic career.
Who would you like to say thank you to?
First of all, the biggest thank you goes out to my teammates, who have been through it all with me, and helped me push to become the athlete I am today. Thank you to Anna Wasko, John Dooney, Logan Carrington, Sam Brazer, Michael Nerantzis, Jarred Silverman, Matthew Trossman, Natalie Rosas, Jeanna Mazaris, Courtney Walker, Colleen Heberle, and the rest of the distance squad.
Another huge thank you goes to my parents, who supported me through everything and were always proud of whatever it was that I did, even when I wasn’t proud of myself.
The last thank you goes to my coaches and the Tuscarora High School, who gave my high school running career a chance.
Is there anything else you'd like to add?
Running cross country and track all four years of high school turned me into the person I am today, and made me realize how much hard work can be rewarded. I’ll never forget my high school career, but I am now shifting my focus towards college, where I will continue to become even better and achieve the new goals I set for myself.