Monroe Parker Invitational
@Burke Lake Park 2.98Mi (Burke, VA)
Current Meet Records
Boys: 14:43 Louis Colson (Thomas Edison) 2013
Girls: 16:58 Caroline Alcorta (West Springfield) 2013
Threat Levels: Boys (5) - Girls (1)
This is one of the most storied courses and invitationals in the state of Virginia. What that means though is it also has some of the toughest records to break. 2013 was the year to run the course apparently since both records fell that year. This year doesn't seem to be the year they both fall again as many of the elite teams competing this weekend have pulled their star runners due to the long track season. If everyone was competing the girls number would be much higher but unfortunately it looks like Alcorta and Colson get to hold their records for at least one more season.