The Seven Biggest Headlines of The Weekend

Loudoun Valley Is Better Than Ever

Early season US #1, Loudoun Valley showed us they aren't just back to defend their titles but to shock the world this season. This past weekend they took a big step in that direction by dominating one of the best meets in PA all year, the PTXC 10 meet. 

On a not so easy course and with 71 other teams they were able to sweep the team titles. That means they won the Varsity Gold, Varsity Blue, and JV team titles for BOTH boys and girls. That's right, Loudoun Valley left PA with a whopping six team titles and 18 top 10 finishers. 

PTXC Coverage & Results 

In the two biggest races, the gold championship ones, Loudoun Valley dominated. The girls won with 85 points while the boys managed to score a very low 25 for the win. 

The fastest girl for Valley was Ricky Fetterolf who went 19:14 for 5th and the fastest guy was Jacob Hunter who won his race in 15:44. 

Carlos Shultz and Kevin Carlson both finished under 16 minutes as well to place 2nd and 4th respectively.