Virginia's Middle School State Championships for cross country are going to happen this fall. There are definitely going to be some changes that we have heard of but the good news is that these races are going to happen.
Instead of being an entire day of races and distances, the 2020 installment (2nd annual) will only feature one championship race for each gender over the 4K distance. There will be no team scoring and both races will be capped by total number of entries.
The Virginia Middle School States committee worked hand and hand with the VA Elite XC Invite to secure a date at Pole Green Park (October 17th) and will be hosting their two races within the overall meet to be hosted in October.
Here are some of the biggest takeaways from that and where to go for more information.
- Meet date: Saturday October 17th
- Meet time: 3:00pm Girls, 4:00pm Boys -- Only enter the park one hour before race time
- Spectators: Only one parent/family member per athlete
- Race viewing: This event will be live streamed!
- Awards: Top 10 individuals will receive a medal, no team awards
- Where to enter: Click here
- Meet Page
- COVID-19 rules and requirements
- Email for questions: