Gun at 1:07 Camera dies about 17:47 into race, sorry. http://va.milesplit.com/meets/127326/results/226597
Gun at 1:07 Camera dies about 17:47 into race, sorry. http://va.milesplit.com/meets/127326/results/226597
An epic fast Northern Region Cross Country Championships was only fitting for the final Northern Region Cross Country Championships. The meet had individual race winners in Sean McGorty (14:18) of Chantilly and Sophie Chase (16:42) of Lake Braddock who threw down times which rank them among the second (McGorty) and third (Chase) fastest ever on the historic Burke Lake 2.98 mile course in Fairfax County.
Erin Finn dominated in MI! Montoya rips up state in AZ! Finn and Bos bring it in MI! Neale flies in WA! Hauger gets record 4th title in MN! (Photo by Pat Davey, runmichigan.com)
The Lake Braddock girls did not qualify for the state meet last year, but as far as regional dominance through the years, no team can compare to the Bruins. Since the regional team championship and state qualifying process was instituted on the girls side beginning in 1978, Lake Braddock has qualified for the state meet an astounding 30 of the 34 years it has been in existence.
Sean McGorty and the Chantilly boys are not slowing down in championship season, but instead taking it up even another notch after steam rolling through invitational season as the top ranked runner and team in Group AAA. Sophie Chase and the Lake Braddock girls are similarly establishing themselves as firm #1's in Group AAA, but West Springfield's Caroline Alcorta was not too far behind Chase at their district meet and the Oakton girls will race head-to-head with Braddock for the first time this week at the Northern Region Championships.