Despite Chantilly being one of the top contending teams for this year's Group AAA State indoor team title, the Westfield boys (74 1/2 pts) managed to repeat as Northern Region champions on Saturday at George Mason University by a margin of nearly 20 seconds points. Like last year's squad, the relays were the cornerstones for Westfield's team success.
Northern Region Boys Meet Summary
Feb 20, 2013
Northern Region Girls Meet Summary
Feb 19, 2013
Felecia Majors may go down as the greatest all-around track athlete in the history of the Northern Region. There will at least be no athlete after her to challenge for that distinction with this being the last year of the region's existence. In the last Northern Region Indoor Track & Field championships before the current regional system disolves in the new 6 classification system next fall, the South County senior and University of Tennessee recruit Majors totaled 64 points individually in the one day meet held this past Saturday at George Mason University in Fairfax County.