Meet Information
=PR= Kick Off Invitational
August 29, 2013
Bull Run Regional Park
Centreville, VA
What: A special open event for high school cross country. Due to feedback and the success of last years race, where we ran a series of 2 mile races, we are going to continue and run the meet in that format. A team within each graded race, consists of 5 athletes, each racing 2 miles. We will run freshmen, sophomore, and junior/senior races. We will expand any of these fields if we think the numbers become too overwhelming. The overall meet winners will be determined by the score within each graded race.
When: Thursday, August 29, 2013
Where: Bull Run Regional Park, Special Events Center, Centreville, VA
Who: 20 teams (per gender) from Virginia, Maryland, and D.C.
Only the first 20 teams (per gender) committing to the meet will be accepted. Please commit early as we expect to fill the field in August. To commit to the meet, please send Mike Kiernan ( an email.
Entries: You may enter an unlimited number of athletes in each of the graded races. Entries due: Monday, August 26, 2013. All entries must be entered on
Entry Fee: $200 per school. $100 per single gender team. Please make checks payable to NVCCTFA. Checks should be delivered to meet or mailed to Mike Kiernan, 3948 Bradwater Street, Fairfax, VA 22031.
Awards: Awards will be given to top 15 individuals in each race and to the top teams from each race.
Results: Results and pictures will be posted at and
T-shirts: Commemorative Invitational T-shirts will be sold at the meet.
Concessions: A variety concessions will be sold throughout the meet.
Meet Directors: Mike Kiernan, 703-209-3585, Scott Raczko,
=PR= Kick Off Invitational Schedule
4:00 p.m.: Girls Frosh 2 mile race
4:20 Boys Frosh 2 mile race
4:40 Girls Sophomore 2 mile race
5:00 Boys Sophomore 2 mile race
5:20 Girls Junior/Senior 2 mile race
5:40 Boys Junior/Senior 2 mile race
6:15 Awards ceremony
=PR= Kick Off Invitational Entry Form
Due by August 26. Please send to
School: _________________________________
Coach: _________________________________
Email: _________________________________
Phone: _________________________________
To Bull Run Special Events Center
FROM BRADDOCK ROAD.Come all the way out Braddock, across Union Mill. Continue on New Braddock Rd. until you hit Route 28. Turn right on 28, and go 3 lights to route 29. Turn left on 29 and see continuation
FROM 29.Come all the way out Route 29 until you get to the Route 29 and Route 28 intersection and see continuation
FROM 66.Go west on 66 to exit 52 (Rt. 29). Turn right (South) at end of exit ramp and see continuation
CONTINUATION.From intersection of 28 and 29: Go south on Route 29, 3 miles to Bull Run Post Office Road. (Top of the hill-Bull Run Park sign on right) Turn left; Go 1.5 miles to Park (Dont get on Compton Road) As soon as you cross over Route 66, turn left at Shooting Range. Then go straight back as far as you can.
August 29, 2013
Bull Run Regional Park
Centreville, VA
What: A special open event for high school cross country. Due to feedback and the success of last years race, where we ran a series of 2 mile races, we are going to continue and run the meet in that format. A team within each graded race, consists of 5 athletes, each racing 2 miles. We will run freshmen, sophomore, and junior/senior races. We will expand any of these fields if we think the numbers become too overwhelming. The overall meet winners will be determined by the score within each graded race.
When: Thursday, August 29, 2013
Where: Bull Run Regional Park, Special Events Center, Centreville, VA
Who: 20 teams (per gender) from Virginia, Maryland, and D.C.
Only the first 20 teams (per gender) committing to the meet will be accepted. Please commit early as we expect to fill the field in August. To commit to the meet, please send Mike Kiernan ( an email.
Entries: You may enter an unlimited number of athletes in each of the graded races. Entries due: Monday, August 26, 2013. All entries must be entered on
Entry Fee: $200 per school. $100 per single gender team. Please make checks payable to NVCCTFA. Checks should be delivered to meet or mailed to Mike Kiernan, 3948 Bradwater Street, Fairfax, VA 22031.
Awards: Awards will be given to top 15 individuals in each race and to the top teams from each race.
Results: Results and pictures will be posted at and
T-shirts: Commemorative Invitational T-shirts will be sold at the meet.
Concessions: A variety concessions will be sold throughout the meet.
Meet Directors: Mike Kiernan, 703-209-3585, Scott Raczko,
=PR= Kick Off Invitational Schedule
4:00 p.m.: Girls Frosh 2 mile race
4:20 Boys Frosh 2 mile race
4:40 Girls Sophomore 2 mile race
5:00 Boys Sophomore 2 mile race
5:20 Girls Junior/Senior 2 mile race
5:40 Boys Junior/Senior 2 mile race
6:15 Awards ceremony
=PR= Kick Off Invitational Entry Form
Due by August 26. Please send to
School: _________________________________
Coach: _________________________________
Email: _________________________________
Phone: _________________________________
To Bull Run Special Events Center
FROM BRADDOCK ROAD.Come all the way out Braddock, across Union Mill. Continue on New Braddock Rd. until you hit Route 28. Turn right on 28, and go 3 lights to route 29. Turn left on 29 and see continuation
FROM 29.Come all the way out Route 29 until you get to the Route 29 and Route 28 intersection and see continuation
FROM 66.Go west on 66 to exit 52 (Rt. 29). Turn right (South) at end of exit ramp and see continuation
CONTINUATION.From intersection of 28 and 29: Go south on Route 29, 3 miles to Bull Run Post Office Road. (Top of the hill-Bull Run Park sign on right) Turn left; Go 1.5 miles to Park (Dont get on Compton Road) As soon as you cross over Route 66, turn left at Shooting Range. Then go straight back as far as you can.