Norfolk Collegiate School Invitational 2014

Virginia Beach, VA

Norfolk Collegiate School Invitational 2014 vs Norfolk Collegiate School Invitational 2015

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -35 96 131
Overall Average -52.49 23:49.72 24:42.21
1st-10th Place -11.72 18:47.51 18:59.23
1st-25th Place -4.45 19:52.21 19:56.67
1st-50th Place +0.81 21:03.29 21:02.48
1st-100th Place -1.28 22:52.54 22:53.82
Common Athletes -- -- 38
Ran Faster -12 13 25
Ran Season Best 4 4 --
Average Time +31.32 23:33.20 23:01.88
Median Time -8.34 23:00.26 23:08.60
Middle 80% Times +10.57 23:02.86 22:52.28
Top 10% Times +31.84 19:16.59 18:44.74
Top 25% Times +30.37 20:03.41 19:33.04
Top 50% Times +17.55 21:02.63 20:45.08
Bottom 50% Times +45.09 26:03.76 25:18.67
Bottom 25% Times +1:30.08 28:18.19 26:48.11
Bottom 10% Times +3:24.24 32:38.21 29:13.98
Average Difference +31.32 -- --
Median Difference -45.37 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +8.66 -- --
Top 10% Difference +21.61 -- --
Top 50% Difference +17.57 -- --
Top 25% Difference +31.04 -- --
Top 50% Difference +17.57 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +45.07 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +56.02 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +2:12.39 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Sam Estes Catholic High School +19.51 18:34.59 18:15.08
Chandler Branton Norfolk Collegiate +53.29 19:21.00 18:27.71
John Durkin Catholic High School +59.52 20:00.48 19:00.96
Owen Hill Atlantic Shores Christian -2.23 19:13.00 19:15.23
Frankie White Norfolk Collegiate +46.95 20:17.57 19:30.62
Cody Carpenter Walsingham Academy +15.85 19:57.75 19:41.90
Patrick Murphy Walsingham Academy +1:52.30 21:34.49 19:42.19
Chase Canova Walsingham Academy -2:33.01 20:23.31 22:56.32
Matthew Culkin Catholic High School +52.97 21:19.47 20:26.50
Harrison Fuller Norfolk Collegiate +32.84 21:05.49 20:32.65
Mathew Brause Walsingham Academy +2:25.41 23:02.95 20:37.54
Clare Kinney Walsingham Academy -3:50.15 20:45.02 24:35.17
Jack Yang Walsingham Academy -1:20.57 20:59.43 22:20.00
Nic Trent Catholic High School +3:00.28 24:00.15 20:59.87
Patrick West Catholic High School -1:47.66 21:01.91 22:49.57
Stanley Brown Catholic High School +1:50.28 23:00.26 21:09.98
Matthew Unrein Norfolk Collegiate +3:10.86 24:22.34 21:11.48
Chas LeHew Norfolk Collegiate +54.40 22:41.04 21:46.64
Amanda Libasci Catholic High School -5:05.80 22:05.91 27:11.71
Justin Towels Atlantic Shores Christian -2:12.25 22:07.93 24:20.18
Nathan Ocampo Catholic High School -55.48 22:33.01 23:28.49
Maddie Foster Norfolk Collegiate +34.29 23:15.46 22:41.17
Peyton Marshall Walsingham Academy +1:16.83 24:07.95 22:51.12
Caroline Foley Catholic High School -45.37 22:51.46 23:36.83
Paige Waterhouse Catholic High School -11.42 22:57.18 23:08.60
Samantha Libasci Catholic High School -36.96 23:05.43 23:42.39
Nathaniel Gardner Catholic High School +57.24 24:19.43 23:22.19
Julia Grimson Walsingham Academy +6.58 23:32.68 23:26.10
Grace Klopp Walsingham Academy -10.00 23:45.33 23:55.33
Parker Gross Norfolk Collegiate +2:59.91 27:06.24 24:06.33
David Du Catholic High School +15.60 24:23.07 24:07.47
Alisa Wash Walsingham Academy -43.58 25:00.74 25:44.32
Nathan Houser Catholic High School +1:19.47 26:36.89 25:17.42
Alexandra Haggerty Walsingham Academy +2:04.49 27:35.89 25:31.40
Marybeth Musgrove Catholic High School +11.04 25:50.04 25:39.00
Gina Leanzo Norfolk Collegiate +33.93 26:15.92 25:41.99
Hannah Tuberson Atlantic Shores Christian +8:12.39 36:08.39 27:56.00
T j Riggs Walsingham Academy +3:38.46 39:42.34 36:03.88