VHSL Group 3A Conference 25 XC Championships 2015 vs VHSL Group 3A Conference 25 XC Championships 2013

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -29 75 104
Overall Average +1:12.08 23:48.39 22:36.31
1st-10th Place +6.56 17:24.70 17:18.14
1st-25th Place +33.62 18:36.92 18:03.30
1st-50th Place +1:51.33 21:03.70 19:12.37
1st-100th Place -4:22.61 17:51.29 22:13.90
Common Athletes -- -- 16
Ran Faster 4 10 6
Ran Season Best -3 3 6
Average Time +21.00 22:52.13 22:31.13
Median Time +47.24 23:51.00 23:03.76
Middle 80% Times -8.17 22:44.46 22:52.64
Top 10% Times -26.64 16:46.00 17:12.64
Top 25% Times -34.95 17:18.00 17:52.94
Top 50% Times -32.16 18:53.13 19:25.28
Bottom 50% Times +1:14.16 26:51.13 25:36.97
Bottom 25% Times +2:17.80 29:22.75 27:04.95
Bottom 10% Times +3:58.41 31:53.00 27:54.59
Average Difference +21.00 -- --
Median Difference +10.70 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -25.36 -- --
Top 10% Difference -26.64 -- --
Top 50% Difference -37.15 -- --
Top 25% Difference -34.95 -- --
Top 50% Difference -37.15 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +1:19.15 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +2:42.32 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +5:15.72 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Andrew Carlin New Kent -13.00 16:28.00 16:41.00
Matthew Hrncir Warhill -40.27 17:04.00 17:44.27
Braden Troy Wilson Warhill -44.66 17:49.00 18:33.66
Tyler Brightwell New Kent -41.85 17:51.00 18:32.85
Christian Lysek New Kent -49.96 18:21.00 19:10.96
Kent Garland Poquoson +4.84 19:29.00 19:24.16
Christopher Rowe Colonial Heights -1:53.76 21:10.00 23:03.76
Michael Ritenour Colonial Heights +1:59.16 24:23.00 22:23.84
Cole Jarratt Southampton +1.47 22:53.00 22:51.53
Lela Knight Poquoson +10.70 23:51.00 23:40.30
Lauren Dansereau Warhill -2:00.19 24:23.00 26:23.19
James Garcia-Otero Colonial Heights -25.75 24:41.00 25:06.75
Miranda Curry Park View (South Hill) +11:58.90 36:44.00 24:45.10
Samantha Miller New Kent +54.55 27:02.00 26:07.45
Talia Hohman New Kent -36.72 26:44.00 27:20.72
Carrie Beale Southampton -1:27.46 27:01.00 28:28.46