VHSL 3A Conference 32 Championships 2017

Roanoke, VA

Meet Information

HIDDEN VALLEY High School -- ROANOKE, Virginia
(Monday, MAY 15th and Wednesday MAY 17th)


SPIKES: Spikes NO LONGER then inch will be allowed 1/8th inch preferable. Immediate disqualification will result if longer spikes are used. Coaches, please help us with this!

Hidden Valley High School- 5000 Titan Trail, Roanoke, VA 24018. Coming from I-81- take Exit 143. After exiting, travel on 581 for approximately 10.1 miles. Take Electric Rd/419 exit (Tanglewood Mall). Take a right off of the exit ramp onto 419 North. Travel 3 miles and take a Left onto 221/Brambleton Drive. Drive 1 mile on Brambleton Drive. Turn Right on Pleasant Valley and then a right on Titan Trail, the school will be on your right coming up the hill, the track it to your left behind the school.

BUS & AUTO PARKING: All Vehicles will use lot on the left between the softball field and the track.

ATHLETIC TRAINER: Will be provided for limited assistance.

ADMISSION: There will be a $5 admission fee to all spectators.


1. Entry Info: Due by 9:00 pm on Sunday, May 14th , 2017
Entries will be done online through Milestat.com. Coaches need to have a Milestat account. The password for the meet is 3a32. Coaches unfamiliar with doing entries this way can e-mail or call the meet director for instructions. There is no need for any paper entries for the district meet. After the web site closes each coach will receive an e-mail with a copy of what has been downloaded into the meet database. They will be asked to confirm their entries.

Information for registering online can be found at
va.milesplit.us/help/faq/meetreg or the directions are listed below.

1. Login or Register - You must have a user name and password for Milesplit. To get that, if you don't have one, click register in the top right gray MileSplit bar directly under the Universal Sports logo and search box.

2. Claim Your Team - If you haven't already set this up, you must be registered as a coach or team administrator to register for a meet. In order to get set up, you go to your team page, and at the top right, click "Claim This Team." Choose either that you want to be a coach or team admin. Follow the instructions on that page. Apply and submit. Once you do that and are approved (usually within a few hours), you will receive a confirmation email and you'll be set to go to the next step.

3. Update Your Roster - If your team's roster is not already up to date, now is a good time to get any corrections made and add any additional athletes to it. Go to your team page, login, and you will see button that says "Team Administration" to the right of your team's name. Click that and then click roster on left hand toolbar. Enter or update your roster, adding any new athletes. To move graduated athletes to Alumni, simply add their graduation year and hit save.

4. Enter the Meet - Go to the season calendar and click on the green meet registration button of the meet you want to enter. Read and follow the instructions carefully and fill out the form completely. Once entered you'll see all of the available events/races listed out. To put your athletes into these events/races click the "Edit Entries" link by the event. On the following page, check the athletes you want in the race (putting in seed times if applicable), and click the save button at the bottom. Do this for each event/race. You will be able to change and update these entries until the entry deadline.

2. There will be NO scratch deadline. Scratches and reseeding will be done before each event.

**A reminder a new rule was adopted by the VHSL that states an athlete can be scratched from an event and still compete in the rest of his or her events without being disqualified from the rest of the meet.**

**A reminder that your athlete can not exceed the event limits set by the VHSL.**

3. You may enter up to three athletes per event (other than relays), regardless of qualifying standards. However, if you enter more than three athletes in any event (other than a relay, ALL athletes you enter must have met the Conference 32 Qualifying Standards (enclosed). Please follow VHSL guidelines with your entries (i.e. limitations)

4. Best time (converted to metric equivalent and FAT), best height, or best distance in a meet this season must be shown for each entry. Sections and heats will be set up based on your entries, so please be accurate.

5. All running times must be FAT.

General Information for Principals and Coaches

1. Scoring: Individual events - 10-8-6-4-2-1. Relays score 10, 8, 6, 4, 2.

2. The meet is scheduled for Monday, May 15th and Wednesday, May 17th (see Time Schedule that follows)

3. During the meet coaches are to see Coach King (meet director) with any concerns.
A Jury of Appeals will be announced at the Coaches Meeting. The Jury of Appeals will be made up of one coach from each team. Please do not bother judges and timers.

5. Each team must be represented at the Coaches Meeting @ Noon.

6. Numbers of heats and sections will be determined after entries are received. We will avoid running sections if possible, but only if we can safely and fairly accommodate all runners in one section.

7. Starting heights for the High Jump and Pole Vault will be determined by entries and announced at the coaches meeting.

8. In the Shot, Discus, Long and Triple Jumps all competitors will have three trials. The top eight will advance to the finals where they will receive three more trials.

9. All events will be run as timed finals. Slow to Fast

10. Hidden Valley HS will supply starting blocks. Schools must provide their own throwing implements and batons. Each team is responsible for its own equipment.

11. The enclosed page, "Information for Athletes and Coaches" is very important. To avoid misunderstandings, please be sure that you understand the sheet and that your athletes understand their responsibilities. You may wish to photocopy this sheet and distribute it to your athletes. The meet is for the athletes, and the last thing we want to do is disqualify someone for being in the wrong place or doing the wrong thing at the wrong time. If you and they understand what is expected, we'll have a good, smooth meet.

Information for Coaches and Athletes

1. During the field event competition, coaches MUST watch field events from the assigned coach's boxes or from behind the fence. Non-competing athletes must remain outside the track surface during field events. The only individuals with permission to be in the infield are meet officials and athletes currently participating in an event. Once the running trials begin, coaches must also move outside the oval or to coach's boxes.

2. Coaches and non-competing athletes must stay away from the starting and finishing lines of the running events, except for those athletes competing in the race in question.
Violation may result in disqualification.

3. Tell your student/athletes - no music, balls, Frisbees... etc.

4. In running events, contestants should report to the Clerk of Course on first call, regardless of the heat entered. Those not present for the second call may be scratched. First calls will be given about 15 minutes before a race is scheduled, second calls about 10 minutes prior to an event and third calls five minutes before. An athlete must report for himself. Running events take precedence over field events.

5. In field events, only the first call will be given over the PA system. At the first call, contestants should report to the assigned field event area where second and third calls will be given.

6. In a running event, contestants should remain in assigned lanes at the finish line until released by the head finish line judge.

7. Certificates will be printed and sent to schools from the Conference office.

8. Spikes can be no longer than 1/4"and 1/8 is preferred. Only pyramids are allowed. They will be checked when hip numbers are given out..

9. Contestant numbers will be used in only the 800, 1600, 3200 meter runs. Numbers will be distributed by the clerk when runners report for the race and will be worn on the front of the uniform jersey.

10. Remember that VHSL has ruled that an athlete can be scratched from an event and still compete in the rest of his or her events without being disqualified from the rest of the meet. Entry limitations will be enforced.

11. The track rule book has very specific rules concerning team uniforms. Coaches and athletes are expected to know and observe these rules.

12. Please clean up your teams area prior to leaving.

Meet Schedule for Monday May 15th.

4:00 pm Pole Vault girls then boys - Cave Spring HS.
6:00 pm 3200 meters - girls then boys - sections if needed - Cave Spring HS

Meet Schedule for Wednesday, May 17th

NOON Coaches Meeting
Shot/discuss Inspection and Weigh-In

12:30 pm 3200 meter relay, Girls
12:45 pm 3200 meter relay, Boys

12:45 pm Girls' Long Jump
Boys Long Jump
Boys Shot Put
Girls Discus
Girls High Jump

2:00 pm Girls Triple Jump
Boys Triple Jump
Girls Shot
Boys Discus
Boys High Jump

3:30 pm 100 meter hurdle - finals Girls
3:40 pm 110 meter hurdle - finals Boys
3:50 pm 100 meter dash - Champions Together
3:55 pm 100 meter dash - finals Girls
4:05 pm 100 meter dash - finals Boys
4:15 pm 1600 meter run - sections Girls
4:25 pm 1600 meter run - sections Boys
4:35 pm 400 meter relay - Champions Together
4:40 pm 400 meter relay - finals Girls
4:45 pm 400 meter relay - finals Boys
4:50 pm 400 meter dash - sections Girls
4:55 pm 400 meter dash - sections Boys
5:05 pm 300 meter hurdles - sections Girls
5:15 pm 300 meter hurdles - sections Boys
5:25 pm 800 meter run - sections Girls
5:35 pm 800 meter run - sections Boys
5:45 pm 200 Champions Together
5:50 pm 200 meter run - finals Girls
5:55 pm 200 meter run - finals Boys

25 minute break

6:20 pm 1600 relay - finals Girls
6:25 pm 1600 relay - finals Boys
6:40 pm Awards

100 m Dash 13.87 13.11 12.95
200 m Dash 28.50 27.52 26.69
400 m Dash 1:05.17 63.12 61.30
800 m Run 2:29.54 2:25.69 2:24.46
1600 m Run 5:32.96 5:28.09 5:22.53
3200 m Run 12:19.35 12:08.67 11:45.90
100 m Hurdles 18.89 17.37 16.42
300 m Hurdles 54.01 50.76 49.11
4 x 100 m Relay One team 52.22 51.81
4 x 400 m Relay One team 4:24.95 4:16.68
4 x 800 m Relay One team 10.39.99 10:16.70
Pole Vault 6-2.00 8-06.00 8-09.00
High Jump 4-7.25 4-09.00 4-10.00
Long Jump 14-9.00 15-09.00 16-04.00
Triple Jump 30-6.00 33-04.00 34-07.75
Shot Put 27-10.50 33-02.00 34-09.00
Discus 82-7.50 98-09.50 105-08.75

100 m Dash 11.92 11:56 11.33
200 m Dash 24.16 23.51 23.04
400 m Dash 54.46 53.06 52.07
800 m Run 2:06.29 2:02.91 2:01.19
1600 m Run 4:41.76 4:34.94 4:33.34
3200 m Run 10:14.80 10:09.27 9:52.62
110 m Hurdles 18.09 16.20 15.72
300 m Hurdles 46.28 42.80 41.87
4 x 100 m Relay One team 45.99 44.82
4 x 400 m Relay One team 3:40.04 3:34.58
4 x 800 m Relay One team 8:44.34 8:28.82
Pole Vault 7-07.00 11-03.00 11-03.00
High Jump 5-05.75 5-10.00 5-10.00
Long Jump 19-01.75 20-01.50 20-09.75
Triple Jump 38-02.50 41-03.00 42-05.75
Shot Put 38-02.50 44-11.50 46-10.25
Discus 108-01.00 128-04.75 133-11.50

Standards were developed by taking last years standard, multiplying by 5, then adding last years final scoring place and dividing by 6