Meet Information
2019 Jefferson District Indoor Championship
Hosted by Charlottesville High School
Date: Saturday, February 2nd at 10:00am at Fork Union Military Academy in Fork Union, VA.
*Teams will not be allowed into the building until 8:30am. Coaches Meeting at 9:00 A.M.
Director: Rodney Redd, Charlottesville High School
Entries and Timing: Louisa County High School. Questions: Contact Coach Cutright, 1-540-748-0781.
Eligibility: Three (3) athletes per individual event and 1 relay team. More than three (3) may be
entered in individual events if all meet the District qualifying standard. If you have
more than 3 entries, please email them to prior to the entry
deadline. Please list each athletes seed time, distance or height with the name and
date of the meet in which the standard was met.
Entries: Entries will be made using milestat. Entries are due no later than Wednesday,
January 30st by 9:00 pm. Meet information is posted on the website.
Any updates, changes or scratches must be in before noon on Thursday, January 31st.
Email Coach Cutright at Louisa by noon on January 31st or sooner.
Scratches only can be made at the coaches meeting. No changes will be taken after
noon on January 31st.
Coaches will turn in a Sportsmanship Form and an Equipment Certification Form at the
coaches meeting. The forms are part of this packet. They will also be available at the
coaches meeting.
Entry Fee: Meet costs will be split evenly between all district schools. Each school will need to
provide workers for the meet. The assignments are listed below.
WAHS Boys and Girls PV
Fluvanna FAT Timing
Albemarle Boys and Girls HJ
Louisa Check in and clerking
Powhatan Boys and Girls LJ 3 attempts-No finals
Orange Boys and Girls TJ 3 attempts-No finals
Charlottesville Boys and Girls SP 3 attempts-No finals
Monticello Turns, Hand-off zones and Infield
Starting Heights: Girls HJ: 4-2 Girls PV: 7-0
Boys HJ: 5-0 Boys PV: 8-0
*The starting heights will be adjusted if needed based upon the field of entries into the meet
Check-in: Check in will be set up near the start line for the 55m dash. Athletes must check in to
get their hip number by the second call. They must then be at the check in area at the third call to be lead to the start line. Field events are to check in at the event.
District Standards:
Girls Boys
LJ 14-6 18-11
TJ 30-3 37-3
HJ 4-6 5-6
PV 8-0 8-6
SP 26-8 35-9.25
55 H 10.30 9.40
55m 7.88 7.00
300m 46.98 39.65
500m 1:30.05 1:15.16
1000m 3:27.57 2:57.96
1600m 5:57.41 5:03.92
3200m 13:22.98 11:13.86
Time Schedule:
*We will run ahead of schedule when possible*
Field Events:
Girls Pole Vault 10:00
Boys Long Jump 10:00
Girls High Jump 10:15
Girls Shot Put 10:30
Girls Long Jump 11:00
Boys High Jump 11:15
Boys Pole Vault 11:30
Boys Shot Put 11:30
Boys Triple Jump 12:30
Girls Triple Jump 2:00
Track Events:
Girls 4x800m Relay 11:00
Boys 4x800m Relay 11:15
Girls 55m Hurdles 11:30
Boys 55m Hurdles 11:40
Girls 55m 11:50
Boys 55m 12:00
Girls 4x200m Relay 12:10
Boys 4x200m Relay 12:20
Girls 1600m 12:30
Boys 1600m 12:40
Girls 500m 12:50
Boys 500m 1:00
Girls 1000m 1:10
Boys 1000m 1:20
Girls 300m 1:30
Boys 300m 1:45
Girls 3200m 2:00
Boys 3200m 2:20
Girls 4x400m Relay 2:35
Boys 4x400m Relay 2:45
Awards 3:15
Admission: $7.00 per person.
Hospitality Room for Coaches.
Jefferson District Records:
Field Events:
Long Jump: 2018 Dahja Price Louisa 18 1
Triple Jump: 2002 Joyce Johnson Charlottesville 372
High Jump: 2007 Ryan Tillery Monticello 53
Shot Put: 2004 Jilliant Coleman Louisa 373.5
Pole Vault: 2006 Ashley Early WAHS 127
Long Jump: 2006 Shakai Saunders Charlottesville 2111
Triple Jump: 2000 Anthony Johnson Charlottesville 473.75
High Jump: 1998 Travis Washington Fluvanna 68
Shot Put: 2001 Reggie Butler Monticello 523
Pole Vault: 2012 Chance Parmly Fluvanna 150
Track Events:
4x800m: 2011 Emily Moffett WAHS 10:09.39
Olivia Hajek
Killian OConnell
Claire Johnson
4x200m: 2012 Monica Mallory Louisa 1:48.99
Javanique Burruss
Shadelle Gregory
Natese Ragland
4x400m: 2009 Kia Christmas Louisa 4:12.84
Jasmyne Johnson
Nojai Veras
Imani Dugger
55m HH: 2012 Javanique Burruss Louisa 8.41
55m: 2005 Angela Johnson Charlottesville 7.22
300m: 2015 Taylor Watkins Charlottesville 41.31
500m: 2004 Jessica Fanning WAHS 1:19.61
1000m: 2009 Katie Farina WAHS 3:12.00
1600m: 2011 Mattie Webb WAHS 5:09.93
3200m: 2011 Mattie Webb WAHS 10:59.64
4x800m: 2009 Andrew Jennings WAHS 8:16.86
Kyle Satterwhite
Adrian Sitler
Tyler Stutzman
4x200m: 2009 Tyler Jackson Louisa 1:34.48
Gunnar Carroll
Corrinn Harris
Dante Davis
4x400m: 2008 Adrian Sitler WAHS 3:38.07
Aaron Myers
Kevin Dubovsky
Nick Ward
55m HH: 2007 Jeff Carey Orange 7.60
55m: 2009 Jamal Spears Fluvanna 6.55
2004 Rueben Jones Charlottesville 6.55
300m: 2013 Raeshawn Bishop Louisa 36.60
500m: 2002 Stephen Carlson Louisa 1:07.9(H)
1000m: 2009 Tyler Stutzman WAHS 2:35.28
1600m: 2008 Tyler Stutzman WAHS 4:21.07
3200m: 2008 Kyle Satterwhite WAHS 9:39.84
Hosted by Charlottesville High School
Date: Saturday, February 2nd at 10:00am at Fork Union Military Academy in Fork Union, VA.
*Teams will not be allowed into the building until 8:30am. Coaches Meeting at 9:00 A.M.
Director: Rodney Redd, Charlottesville High School
Entries and Timing: Louisa County High School. Questions: Contact Coach Cutright, 1-540-748-0781.
Eligibility: Three (3) athletes per individual event and 1 relay team. More than three (3) may be
entered in individual events if all meet the District qualifying standard. If you have
more than 3 entries, please email them to prior to the entry
deadline. Please list each athletes seed time, distance or height with the name and
date of the meet in which the standard was met.
Entries: Entries will be made using milestat. Entries are due no later than Wednesday,
January 30st by 9:00 pm. Meet information is posted on the website.
Any updates, changes or scratches must be in before noon on Thursday, January 31st.
Email Coach Cutright at Louisa by noon on January 31st or sooner.
Scratches only can be made at the coaches meeting. No changes will be taken after
noon on January 31st.
Coaches will turn in a Sportsmanship Form and an Equipment Certification Form at the
coaches meeting. The forms are part of this packet. They will also be available at the
coaches meeting.
Entry Fee: Meet costs will be split evenly between all district schools. Each school will need to
provide workers for the meet. The assignments are listed below.
WAHS Boys and Girls PV
Fluvanna FAT Timing
Albemarle Boys and Girls HJ
Louisa Check in and clerking
Powhatan Boys and Girls LJ 3 attempts-No finals
Orange Boys and Girls TJ 3 attempts-No finals
Charlottesville Boys and Girls SP 3 attempts-No finals
Monticello Turns, Hand-off zones and Infield
Starting Heights: Girls HJ: 4-2 Girls PV: 7-0
Boys HJ: 5-0 Boys PV: 8-0
*The starting heights will be adjusted if needed based upon the field of entries into the meet
Check-in: Check in will be set up near the start line for the 55m dash. Athletes must check in to
get their hip number by the second call. They must then be at the check in area at the third call to be lead to the start line. Field events are to check in at the event.
District Standards:
Girls Boys
LJ 14-6 18-11
TJ 30-3 37-3
HJ 4-6 5-6
PV 8-0 8-6
SP 26-8 35-9.25
55 H 10.30 9.40
55m 7.88 7.00
300m 46.98 39.65
500m 1:30.05 1:15.16
1000m 3:27.57 2:57.96
1600m 5:57.41 5:03.92
3200m 13:22.98 11:13.86
Time Schedule:
*We will run ahead of schedule when possible*
Field Events:
Girls Pole Vault 10:00
Boys Long Jump 10:00
Girls High Jump 10:15
Girls Shot Put 10:30
Girls Long Jump 11:00
Boys High Jump 11:15
Boys Pole Vault 11:30
Boys Shot Put 11:30
Boys Triple Jump 12:30
Girls Triple Jump 2:00
Track Events:
Girls 4x800m Relay 11:00
Boys 4x800m Relay 11:15
Girls 55m Hurdles 11:30
Boys 55m Hurdles 11:40
Girls 55m 11:50
Boys 55m 12:00
Girls 4x200m Relay 12:10
Boys 4x200m Relay 12:20
Girls 1600m 12:30
Boys 1600m 12:40
Girls 500m 12:50
Boys 500m 1:00
Girls 1000m 1:10
Boys 1000m 1:20
Girls 300m 1:30
Boys 300m 1:45
Girls 3200m 2:00
Boys 3200m 2:20
Girls 4x400m Relay 2:35
Boys 4x400m Relay 2:45
Awards 3:15
Admission: $7.00 per person.
Hospitality Room for Coaches.
Jefferson District Records:
Field Events:
Long Jump: 2018 Dahja Price Louisa 18 1
Triple Jump: 2002 Joyce Johnson Charlottesville 372
High Jump: 2007 Ryan Tillery Monticello 53
Shot Put: 2004 Jilliant Coleman Louisa 373.5
Pole Vault: 2006 Ashley Early WAHS 127
Long Jump: 2006 Shakai Saunders Charlottesville 2111
Triple Jump: 2000 Anthony Johnson Charlottesville 473.75
High Jump: 1998 Travis Washington Fluvanna 68
Shot Put: 2001 Reggie Butler Monticello 523
Pole Vault: 2012 Chance Parmly Fluvanna 150
Track Events:
4x800m: 2011 Emily Moffett WAHS 10:09.39
Olivia Hajek
Killian OConnell
Claire Johnson
4x200m: 2012 Monica Mallory Louisa 1:48.99
Javanique Burruss
Shadelle Gregory
Natese Ragland
4x400m: 2009 Kia Christmas Louisa 4:12.84
Jasmyne Johnson
Nojai Veras
Imani Dugger
55m HH: 2012 Javanique Burruss Louisa 8.41
55m: 2005 Angela Johnson Charlottesville 7.22
300m: 2015 Taylor Watkins Charlottesville 41.31
500m: 2004 Jessica Fanning WAHS 1:19.61
1000m: 2009 Katie Farina WAHS 3:12.00
1600m: 2011 Mattie Webb WAHS 5:09.93
3200m: 2011 Mattie Webb WAHS 10:59.64
4x800m: 2009 Andrew Jennings WAHS 8:16.86
Kyle Satterwhite
Adrian Sitler
Tyler Stutzman
4x200m: 2009 Tyler Jackson Louisa 1:34.48
Gunnar Carroll
Corrinn Harris
Dante Davis
4x400m: 2008 Adrian Sitler WAHS 3:38.07
Aaron Myers
Kevin Dubovsky
Nick Ward
55m HH: 2007 Jeff Carey Orange 7.60
55m: 2009 Jamal Spears Fluvanna 6.55
2004 Rueben Jones Charlottesville 6.55
300m: 2013 Raeshawn Bishop Louisa 36.60
500m: 2002 Stephen Carlson Louisa 1:07.9(H)
1000m: 2009 Tyler Stutzman WAHS 2:35.28
1600m: 2008 Tyler Stutzman WAHS 4:21.07
3200m: 2008 Kyle Satterwhite WAHS 9:39.84