Cardinal District Championship 2019

Dale City, VA
Hosted by Gar-Field

Meet Information

2019 Cardinal District Championships

********* Important POLE VAULT information.***********

The Pole Vault for the Cardinal District Indoor Championship Meet will be held on Feb 4th at K-Sports, 10103 Residency Rd., Manassas, VA 20110.

The facility will open at 4:30 for warm-up with vaulting beginning at 5:00.

There is no admission fee (to view the Pole Vault) and parents, coaches and everyone is welcome

10:00 a.m. Coaches Meeting - 10:30 a.m. Field Events - 10:45 a.m. 4 x 800 m Relay


The meet will be held on FEB 5th, the Pole Vault will be held on Feb 4th. The format for the fifth is still that of a ONE DAY MEET.

Entry limits: 1 relay and 3 individuals per event

(There is one exception, if more than 3 of your athletes have met the district standard this season and it was run at a qualifying meet with the results recorded on milestat* then you may enter as many athletes as you have had qualify in that event)

*Contact me with questions/issues at 703-899-2944 or at

Entry Deadline:
Entries will be accepted until Friday February 1st at 9:00 p.m.

: There will be a boys and a girls team champion. The boys team and the girls team with the most points at the end of the meet will be declared the District Champion.

: Medals to top 3 individuals, trophy to team champion and runner-up. Individual medals will be given to coaches after the meet. Team awards will be presented as soon as all results have been tabulated.

: General Admission: $6.00 for Adults/$4.00 for students with an ID

Complimentary: Schools participating may issue Complimentary Cardinal District Passes & the standard VHSL acceptable passes for entry. VHSL, Regional Administrative, and working PRESS passes will be honored.

2018 Edition National Federation rule Book and the 2018-19 edition of the VHSL Handbook.

10-8-6-4-2-1 Athletes should report at First Call. In events run by heats, all starters must report to the clerk at the check-in area before the first heat is run. Failure to report at the time will result in a scratch. Each individual declared for participation will have that event count against their event total, regardless of whether or not they compete in the event.

: In one meet, a contestant may compete in any number of field events but shall be limited to participation in only three running events. If one of the running events is the 3200m, an athlete may only run in one other event on the same day that the 3200 is contested.

This is a ONE DAY meet!

Each coach is asked to keep his/her squad in the stands or in the team tent area. Team areas may be in the stands on either side of the field or in opens areas at the end of the bleachers unless cordoned off. Teams may NOT set up areas under the bleachers. The infield, except when an individual is competing or warming-up for an immediate event is off limits. People allowed on the infield are coaches and event staff who are properly identified.

Hip Numbers will be issued on the track beyond the start/finish line under the tent.

Check-in for each race/section will be at the start line.

Field event check-in will be at the event site.

****Cardinal District MEET T-Shirts will be sold by Main Event Sports during the meet.

****Athletes are not permitted in school building at any time.

****Concessions will be sold throughout the meet.