CHS Mini Meet 2020

Woodstock, VA

Athlete Entries

Boys 3 Mile Run 52 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mickelwait, Ryan Central (Woodstock)
Purdy, Shawn Central (Woodstock)
Redcay, Elliott John Handley
Dunn, Skyler John Handley
Pratt-Perez, Ethan James Wood High School
Krossman, Dalton James Wood High School
Stimatze, Ryan Brentsville District
Broemmel, Patrick Brentsville District
Boatright, Zach Central (Woodstock)
Horton, Josh John Handley
Smith, Jack John Handley
Linares, Christopher James Wood High School
Will, Connor Brentsville District
Pence, Hayden Central (Woodstock)
Rojas, Juan Central (Woodstock)
Pardue, William John Handley
Hu, Jack John Handley
Simko, Will James Wood High School
Matthews, Luke James Wood High School
Fajfar, Lincoln Brentsville District
Yergey, George Brentsville District
Summitt, Hunter Central (Woodstock)
Francis, Pierce John Handley
Stickley, Ryan John Handley
Rincon, Danilo James Wood High School
Reich, Ben Brentsville District
Richman, Adam Central (Woodstock)
Stickley, Garrett John Handley
Summitt, Dylan Central (Woodstock)
Coffelt, Logan John Handley
Staneart, Colton James Wood High School
Staneart, Colin James Wood High School
Randall, Alonzo Brentsville District
Bocompani, Ryan Brentsville District
George, Logan Central (Woodstock)
George, Landon Central (Woodstock)
Schianchi, Nicolo John Handley
Love, Brendan John Handley
Emerson, Sam James Wood High School
Barnes, Lincoln James Wood High School
Maddox, Brady Brentsville District
Bessette, Carter John Handley
Craun, Isaiah Central (Woodstock)
Ware, Max John Handley
Stover, Jack James Wood High School
Cornwell, Nolan James Wood High School
Fuentes, Alex Brentsville District
Bliem, Joseph 22:04.00 Manassas Park
Hernandez, John 22:25.00 Manassas Park
Ruiz, Allan 22:25.00 Manassas Park
Valenti, Joseph 26:42.00 Manassas Park
Hill, Andersen 35:19.00 Manassas Park
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Girls 3 Mile Run 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Duvall, Peyton John Handley
Kluge, Jocelyn James Wood High School
Beckman, Shayla Brentsville District
French, Mary Central (Woodstock)
Collingwood, Berkeley John Handley
Cardoso, Jaclyn Central (Woodstock)
England, Lily John Handley
Schneider, Carrie James Wood High School
Saupp, Kimberly James Wood High School
Mohler, Ava Brentsville District
Crockett, Meredith Brentsville District
Brubaker, Page John Handley
Martinez, Jazmin Central (Woodstock)
Lineburg, Heidi John Handley
Battista, Raven James Wood High School
Crockett, Ellie Brentsville District
Hahn, Eleanor Central (Woodstock)
Delaney, Florence John Handley
Campbell, Kelsi Central (Woodstock)
Roberson, Sarah John Handley
Smith, Olivia James Wood High School
Stover, Faith James Wood High School
Maddox, Regan Brentsville District
Fleischauer, Anna Brentsville District
Alvarado, Mia Central (Woodstock)
Jones, Kadan John Handley
Moss, Sarah James Wood High School
Johnson, Josie Brentsville District
Hoover, Asia Central (Woodstock)
Balio, Isabella John Handley
Erickson, Natalie Central (Woodstock)
Westfall, Emma John Handley
Vreeland, Megan James Wood High School
Linares, Bianca James Wood High School
Simmons, Rachel Brentsville District
Ball, Kylie Central (Woodstock)
Fout, Emma John Handley
Dodd, Ashley Central (Woodstock)
Newman, Grace James Wood High School
Krasko, Nicole Brentsville District
Shelhamer, Eden Central (Woodstock)
Allison, Katie Brentsville District
Kern, Mia John Handley
Hoover, Laniah Central (Woodstock)
Xu, Madison 31:40.00 Manassas Park
Alfaro, Natalie 33:59.00 Manassas Park
Vigil Jimenez, Fatima 38:03.00 Manassas Park
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