Quad Meet - AHS, MHS, Fluvanna, Louisa 2021

Earlysville, VA
Hosted by Albemarle
Timing/Results Blue Ridge Timing

Athlete Entries

Boys 5000 Meter Run 89 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dempsey, David Albemarle
Hillis, JT Albemarle
Weaver, Liam Albemarle
Hall, Zachary Albemarle
Bittner, Jason Monticello
Torres, Juan Fluvanna County
Moody, Asa Albemarle
Black, William Monticello
Price, Luke Albemarle
Naseh, Hasib Albemarle
Redick-Smith, Preston Albemarle
Mathes, Bazil Monticello
Duncan, Baelin Albemarle
Costello, Hayes Albemarle
Stetkevych, Robert Albemarle
Emmert, Nicholas 15:57.00 Louisa County High School
Davenport, Caiden 16:51.00 Louisa County High School
Moore, William 17:23.40 Louisa County High School
Roy, Cooper 17:38.70 Monticello
Pellissier, Chris 17:43.10 Albemarle
Ballard, Gaines 17:45.90 Albemarle
Cox, Andrew 17:46.30 Albemarle
Grubbs, Adrian 17:51.00 Albemarle
Soriano, Taylen 18:18.00 Louisa County High School
Vizcaino, Daniel 18:22.10 Monticello
McClung, Luke 18:27.40 Albemarle
Cantagallo, Matthew 18:34.92 Fluvanna County
Pellissier, Alan 18:38.00 Albemarle
Smith, Brandon 18:41.80 Louisa County High School
LaRochelle, Cole 18:51.11 Fluvanna County
Drumheller, Austin 19:01.50 Albemarle
Zartler, Eric 19:04.50 Albemarle
Petrylak, Ryder 19:05.27 Fluvanna County
Jeffries, Conner 19:09.76 Fluvanna County
Sexton, Owen 19:11.70 Monticello
Myers, Gavin 19:20.00 Louisa County High School
Walker, Tristan 19:28.20 Monticello
Attridge, James 19:38.00 Albemarle
Valentin, Nathan 19:41.60 Fluvanna County
Scharer, Max 19:43.90 Monticello
Moore, Patrick 19:45.30 Louisa County High School
Girard, Aidan 19:46.88 Fluvanna County
Hall, Samuel 19:52.00 Albemarle
MacDonald, Chris 19:55.00 Albemarle
Spaeder, Joey 19:59.97 Monticello
Krouse, Jacob 20:04.60 Monticello
Long, Erik 20:05.00 Albemarle
Weisenburger, Cole 20:06.35 Fluvanna County
Bambick, Jesse 20:08.00 Albemarle
Muehlberg, Lukas 20:27.87 Monticello
Schinstock, Mac 20:55.70 Albemarle
Wallace, Brandon 21:00.00 Louisa County High School
Lee, Dustin 21:11.00 Albemarle
Carter, Jaeshaun 21:22.70 Albemarle
Deepak, Seth 21:24.30 Albemarle
Frankart, Coleman 21:31.00 Louisa County High School
Heron, Tyler 21:41.79 Albemarle
Paschell, Jonathan 21:46.00 Louisa County High School
Antonio, Ryan 21:48.00 Monticello
Sugerman, Harrison 21:55.10 Albemarle
Lee, Justin 21:57.70 Albemarle
Cornett, Troy 22:00.00 Louisa County High School
Smith, Will 22:01.10 Albemarle
Messier, Mitchell 22:11.34 Fluvanna County
Jumper, Colin 22:22.10 Monticello
Veraa, Colton 22:24.50 Albemarle
Alms, Gabriel 22:25.00 Albemarle
Wells, Liam 22:26.61 Fluvanna County
Gaskin, Warner 22:27.30 Monticello
Wilkerson, Avery 22:37.90 Monticello
Whitaker, Pierce 22:59.80 Monticello
Kotval, Ben 23:01.50 Albemarle
Prescott, Layton 23:05.02 Louisa County High School
Kriebel, Colin 23:07.00 Albemarle
Miller, Anderson 23:47.40 Fluvanna County
Parrish, Kyle 23:48.50 Monticello
Smith, Will 23:49.70 Fluvanna County
Phillips, Eli 24:56.00 Albemarle
Bigler, Isaac 25:12.30 Monticello
Simpson, Zayden 26:05.70 Monticello
Lanning, Evan 26:16.40 Albemarle
Cleal, Adam 26:36.00 Louisa County High School
Davenport, Justin 27:20.53 Louisa County High School
Field, Matthew 27:22.50 Monticello
Field, Zachary 30:42.00 Monticello
Fiddner, Logan 31:24.80 Monticello
Givens, Sam 32:05.20 Fluvanna County
Nelson, Ben 35:12.90 Albemarle
Brow, Wyatt 42:04.00 Albemarle
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Girls 5000 Meter Run 60 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hephner, Madison Albemarle
Rankin, Sophia Albemarle
Leach, Rachel Albemarle
Gerow, Lila Monticello
Snell, Kulate Albemarle
Coleman, Jenna 19:06.00 Albemarle
Gypson, Madelyn 19:47.00 Albemarle
Meriwether, Savannah 20:19.50 Albemarle
Anderson, Charlotte 20:28.30 Monticello
Guyton, Hanna 20:33.20 Albemarle
Harris, Kennedy 20:39.70 Louisa County High School
Creasy, Madeline 20:59.99 Fluvanna County
Weaver, Eva 21:09.00 Albemarle
Kohler, Grace 21:09.00 Albemarle
Farley, Sophie 21:12.09 Fluvanna County
McCullough, Hope 21:17.00 Monticello
Peskova, Lillian 21:34.70 Albemarle
Popovsky, Bella 22:03.50 Albemarle
Myers, Maeve 22:11.20 Louisa County High School
Love, Katarina "Kat" 22:39.10 Monticello
Chapman, Caroline 22:55.20 Louisa County High School
Riddervold, Eva 23:02.15 Monticello
Alms, Alexis 23:11.00 Albemarle
Kennedy, Ellie 23:18.24 Fluvanna County
Williams, Rebecca 23:27.31 Fluvanna County
Ham, Katherine 23:28.90 Monticello
Soriano, Alison 23:31.00 Louisa County High School
Hart, Shea 23:39.60 Fluvanna County
Malone, Madeline 23:50.20 Monticello
Chandler, Madison 23:51.00 Louisa County High School
Metz, Madison 24:00.00 Louisa County High School
Aust, Jennifer 24:02.80 Monticello
Weeks, Macy 24:09.40 Monticello
Outland, Lily 24:52.40 Monticello
Uthlaut, Emily 24:54.00 Albemarle
Nguyen, Yelena 25:04.65 Louisa County High School
Durkee, Molly 25:05.30 Monticello
Murphy, Autumn 25:23.00 Albemarle
Kozella, Kayla 25:40.48 Fluvanna County
Nolte, Ariana 25:49.96 Fluvanna County
Govan, Mary 26:24.11 Albemarle
Corral, Madison 26:31.00 Louisa County High School
Wiliams, Dessa 26:35.70 Monticello
Viar, Amber 26:45.90 Fluvanna County
Hernandez, Laura 26:47.00 Fluvanna County
Abel, Avery 26:47.84 Fluvanna County
Schmidt, Miranda 26:50.30 Monticello
Krebs, Ballard 27:13.80 Monticello
Blankenship, Brooke 27:29.00 Albemarle
Klosek, Stella 28:17.30 Albemarle
Rodriguez, Jamie 28:36.30 Fluvanna County
Owed, Shelby 28:57.10 Albemarle
Bryant, Abigail 29:14.00 Louisa County High School
Buluma, Doraine 29:30.60 Monticello
Anderson, Lauren 30:31.70 Monticello
Madison, Ashley 30:37.11 Fluvanna County
Abhyankar, Avani 30:55.00 Albemarle
Jumper, Addison 31:24.80 Monticello
Stadler, Maddie 32:35.40 Monticello
Guiffre, Elise 33:49.50 Albemarle
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