WHS Meet #1 (Shenandoah District) 2024

Waynesboro, VA
Hosted by Waynesboro
Timing/Results Blue Ridge Timing

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hamilton, Durrell Staunton High School
Hammer, Joseph Waynesboro
Hinton, Dontrea Staunton High School
Printy, Ethan Wilson Memorial
Carter, Amari 10.84 Waynesboro
Reed, Izaiah 11.13 Staunton High School
Hurd, John 11.31 Stuarts Draft
Brent, Jonah 11.44 Waynesboro
Smith, Dashea 11.53 Stuarts Draft
Sirico, Gian 11.64 Riverheads
Weston, Caleb 11.64 Riverheads
Moats, Christian 11.68 Stuarts Draft
Yeago, Colby 11.75 Buffalo Gap
Baptiste, Naquon 11.98 Staunton High School
Cardelli, Roman 12.00 Fort Defiance
Laird, Jaden 12.00 Wilson Memorial
Anthony, Katrell 12.03 Stuarts Draft
Simpson, Spencer 12.04 Riverheads
Talbott, Jonathan 12.04 Riverheads
Wright, Carson 12.05 Fort Defiance
Shiflett, Skyler 12.14 Riverheads
Jenkins, Tyler 12.22 Fort Defiance
Washington, Kaveon 12.37 Waynesboro
Shutt, Lucas 12.51 Staunton High School
Graber, Baylor 12.63 Stuarts Draft
Sanders, Carter 12.91 Wilson Memorial
Clark, Osiris 13.20 Waynesboro
Pelina, Carter 13.50 Wilson Memorial
Patterson, Carson 13.65 Wilson Memorial
Bartley, Jacob 14.00 Buffalo Gap
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Patterson, Qua'ran 15.27 Waynesboro
Moore, Derrick 16.03 Stuarts Draft
Sommerfield, BC 16.44 Fort Defiance
McLaughlin, Jeffrey 16.47 Fort Defiance
Tyree, Nolan 16.58 Riverheads
Cole, Timothy 17.12 Wilson Memorial
Floyd, Zach 20.28 Stuarts Draft
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Morningstar, Owen Waynesboro
Lynch, Cullen Stuarts Draft
Lopez, Ever Wilson Memorial
Marin-Perez, Chris Waynesboro
Blosser, Parker 4:44.61 Fort Defiance
Schultz, Jacob 4:57.42 Fort Defiance
Thomas, Brendan 5:20.21 Wilson Memorial
Jarvis, Cy 5:24.39 Riverheads
Mayo, Cooper 5:28.18 Waynesboro
Simmons, Devyn 5:29.59 Buffalo Gap
Stewart, Colton 5:37.60 Riverheads
McNorton, Landon 5:38.66 Wilson Memorial
Fint, Seth 6:00.02 Stuarts Draft
Baird, Tyler 6:01.70 Wilson Memorial
Yoder, Alex 6:02.24 Fort Defiance
Leichner, Finn 6:08.04 Wilson Memorial
Berry, Andrew 6:17.00 Stuarts Draft
Miller, Conner 6:18.05 Fort Defiance
Smith, David 6:19.02 Riverheads
Hibshman, Joey 6:26.28 Stuarts Draft
Nguyen, Aiden 6:42.38 Staunton High School
Zetwick, Ben 6:56.99 Fort Defiance
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hinton, Dontrea Staunton High School
Bradley, Cade Buffalo Gap
Hamilton, Durrell Staunton High School
Bartley, Jacob Buffalo Gap
Carter, Amari 22.02 Waynesboro
Hurd, John 23.14 Stuarts Draft
Reed, Izaiah 23.36 Staunton High School
Weston, Caleb 23.71 Riverheads
Sirico, Gian 23.86 Riverheads
Moats, Christian 23.97 Stuarts Draft
Alexander, Jalen 24.01 Fort Defiance
Jenkins, Tyler 24.18 Fort Defiance
Anthony, Katrell 24.31 Stuarts Draft
Yeago, Colby 24.40 Buffalo Gap
Talbott, Jonathan 24.57 Riverheads
Baptiste, Naquon 24.68 Staunton High School
Brooks, Carson 24.70 Riverheads
Vest, Debron 24.94 Staunton High School
Koenig, David Braxton 25.16 Waynesboro
Cardelli, Roman 25.69 Fort Defiance
Laird, Jaden 25.81 Wilson Memorial
Diggs, James 25.89 Stuarts Draft
Clark, Osiris 25.97 Waynesboro
Earhart, Dustyn 26.36 Stuarts Draft
Rudin, Cole 26.79 Wilson Memorial
Printy, Ashton 27.06 Wilson Memorial
Washington, Kaveon 27.24 Waynesboro
Shaver, Grayson 27.39 Wilson Memorial
Johnson, Lucas 28.30 Waynesboro
Mays, Quin 28.69 Riverheads
Eccles, Ethan 31.78 Wilson Memorial
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Clark, Osiris Waynesboro
Simpson, Spencer Riverheads
Sommerfield, BC 41.62 Fort Defiance
Smith, Dashea 42.96 Stuarts Draft
Cole, Timothy 43.17 Wilson Memorial
McLaughlin, Jeffrey 43.67 Fort Defiance
Moore, Derrick 46.01 Stuarts Draft
Fitzgerald, Jackson 46.42 Riverheads
Patterson, Qua'ran 46.48 Waynesboro
Graber, Landon 47.34 Stuarts Draft
Vess, Max 48.05 Wilson Memorial
Floyd, Zach 50.43 Stuarts Draft
Sterling, Ryland 50.70 Stuarts Draft
King, Wes 53.00 Buffalo Gap
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McCoy, Kevin Wilson Memorial
Berry, Andrew Stuarts Draft
Williamson, Ross Waynesboro
Liu, ZiJian Riverheads
Campbell, Sage Wilson Memorial
Jolin, Miles 10:13.99 Waynesboro
Colander, Dylan 10:33.78 Waynesboro
Basurto-Cacho, Guillermo 10:55.00 Riverheads
Mitchell, Connor 11:01.32 Fort Defiance
Childress, Joseph 11:10.53 Wilson Memorial
Knick, Tyler 11:44.23 Wilson Memorial
Armstrong, Nelson 11:45.22 Wilson Memorial
Stockman, Clay 12:10.99 Staunton High School
Welch, Liam 13:24.24 Fort Defiance
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Akens, Ronin Stuarts Draft
Shiflett, Skyler Riverheads
Reeves, Gabriel Stuarts Draft
Bartley, Orion Staunton High School
Riddle, Keller Waynesboro
Reed, Michael Staunton High School
McNorton, Landon Wilson Memorial
Shaver, Grayson 1:00.31 Wilson Memorial
Bradley, Cade 1:00.90 Buffalo Gap
Parker, Storm 1:01.38 Riverheads
Earhart, Dustyn 1:01.68 Stuarts Draft
Rudin, Cole 1:02.59 Wilson Memorial
Johnson, Lucas 1:04.38 Waynesboro
Baird, Tyler 1:06.10 Wilson Memorial
Clinedinst, Laird 1:07.20 Fort Defiance
Mays, Quin 1:17.92 Riverheads
Roberts, Austin 52.95 Riverheads
Alexander, Jalen 53.21 Fort Defiance
Campbell, Owen 53.22 Buffalo Gap
Reed, Sullivan 53.46 Staunton High School
Jenkins, Tyler 53.94 Fort Defiance
Obaugh, Tyler 54.20 Stuarts Draft
Duquette, Alex 55.21 Buffalo Gap
Koenig, David Braxton 56.15 Waynesboro
Morris, Eli 56.88 Waynesboro
Shutt, Lucas 57.88 Staunton High School
Kilgore, Howard 58.18 Staunton High School
Diggs, James 59.27 Stuarts Draft
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Wilson Memorial
Relay Team A Waynesboro
Relay Team A 44.51 Riverheads
Relay Team A 44.88 Staunton High School
Relay Team B 44.88 Staunton High School
Relay Team A 45.70 Stuarts Draft
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Stuarts Draft
Relay Team A Waynesboro
Relay Team A Staunton High School
Relay Team A Fort Defiance
Relay Team A 3:50.13 Riverheads
Relay Team A 4:19.07 Wilson Memorial
Relay Team A 4:35.00 Buffalo Gap
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Stuarts Draft
Relay Team A 10:18.10 Wilson Memorial
Relay Team A 10:22.00 Buffalo Gap
Relay Team A 8:59.31 Riverheads
Relay Team A 9:08.77 Fort Defiance
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bartley, Orion Staunton High School
Sprouse, Nathan Wilson Memorial
King, Wes Buffalo Gap
Bergland, Langston Staunton High School
Jones, Jamar Staunton High School
Morse, Everett Wilson Memorial
Schultz, Jacob 2:09.36 Fort Defiance
Blosser, Parker 2:14.89 Fort Defiance
Robertson, Jaden 2:18.10 Riverheads
Thomas, Brendan 2:18.62 Wilson Memorial
Wright, Stevie 2:19.24 Fort Defiance
Duncan, Tate 2:20.00 Riverheads
Morris, Eli 2:24.43 Waynesboro
Veselinovic, Marko 2:26.00 Stuarts Draft
Morningstar, Owen 2:26.20 Waynesboro
Hibshman, Joey 2:28.09 Stuarts Draft
Lapic, Abram 2:29.93 Riverheads
Porter, Jakhari 2:30.68 Waynesboro
Fint, Seth 2:38.47 Stuarts Draft
Stewart, Colton 2:40.59 Riverheads
Berry, Andrew 2:41.00 Stuarts Draft
Leichner, Finn 2:42.00 Wilson Memorial
Norris, Grayson 2:44.83 Waynesboro
Miller, Conner 2:46.84 Fort Defiance
Miller, Cameron 2:59.40 Riverheads
Zetwick, Ben 2:59.76 Fort Defiance
Friedman, Grant 3:15.00 Stuarts Draft
Meadows, Sam 3:29.00 Wilson Memorial
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HS Boys Discus Throw 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Watkins, Christopher 125-1 Stuarts Draft
Keller, Noah 124-6 Riverheads
Vasquez, Ricky 110-7 Wilson Memorial
Hurd, John 96-7 Stuarts Draft
Hall, Tyson 93-0 Fort Defiance
Graber, Baylor 90-2 Stuarts Draft
Burch, Storm 90-0 Riverheads
Pincock, Joseph 88-1 Wilson Memorial
Kent, Riley 87-0 Fort Defiance
Jackson, Desmond 82-6 Waynesboro
Withrow, Mitchell 82-5 Riverheads
Stamm, Bryce 81-2 Waynesboro
Brammer, Eli 69-2 Riverheads
Bergland, Langston 68-10 Staunton High School
Poulson, Liam 62-5 Wilson Memorial
Johnson, Levi 61-8 Wilson Memorial
Battaglia, Michael 59-9 Stuarts Draft
Gardner, Terrell "elias" 58-6 Staunton High School
McNorton, Lane Waynesboro
Miller, Briscoe Waynesboro
Quentero, Henry Stuarts Draft
Steele, Henry Buffalo Gap
Jones, Justice Staunton High School
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HS Boys High Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Roberts, Austin 6-2.75 Riverheads
Moats, Christian 6-0 Stuarts Draft
Watkins, Christopher 5-10 Stuarts Draft
Clinedinst, Laird 5-6 Fort Defiance
Tyree, Nolan 5-6 Riverheads
Sterling, Ryland 5-0 Stuarts Draft
Veselinovic, Marko 4-10 Stuarts Draft
Bradley, Cade 4-8 Buffalo Gap
Kilgore, Howard Staunton High School
Reed, Michael Staunton High School
Reed, Sullivan Staunton High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hurd, John 22-2 Stuarts Draft
Vess, Max 21-1 Wilson Memorial
Moats, Christian 20-2 Stuarts Draft
Reed, Izaiah 20-0.5 Staunton High School
Kilgore, Howard 19-10 Staunton High School
Brooks, Carson 19-6.25 Riverheads
Watkins, Christopher 19-4.5 Stuarts Draft
Graber, Landon 19-3.75 Stuarts Draft
Moore, Derrick 19-1 Stuarts Draft
Clark, Osiris 18-11.75 Waynesboro
Wright, Carson 18-9.25 Fort Defiance
Vest, Debron 18-9 Staunton High School
Sanders, Carter 17-10 Wilson Memorial
Printy, Ashton 17-0 Wilson Memorial
Roberts, Austin 16-7 Riverheads
Shiflett, Skyler 16-5 Riverheads
Cardelli, Roman 15-10.5 Fort Defiance
Simpson, Spencer 15-8 Riverheads
Printy, Ethan 15-6.25 Wilson Memorial
Bradley, Cade 15-2.5 Buffalo Gap
Pelina, Carter 14-3 Wilson Memorial
Brent, Jonah Waynesboro
Fitzgerald, Jackson Riverheads
Washington, Kaveon Waynesboro
Hamilton, Durrell Staunton High School
Reed, Michael Staunton High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Snyder, Trent 11-6 Waynesboro
Tyree, Nolan 11-6 Riverheads
McLaughlin, Jeffrey 11-0 Fort Defiance
Roberts, Austin 10-6 Riverheads
Floyd, Zach 10-6 Stuarts Draft
Wright, Carson 10-0 Fort Defiance
Porter, Jakhari 9-6 Waynesboro
Truslow, Kenny 9-6 Waynesboro
Hite, Vaiden 9-6 Waynesboro
Fitzgerald, Jackson 9-6 Riverheads
Watkins, Christopher 9-0 Stuarts Draft
Moore, Derrick 8-6 Stuarts Draft
McLaughlin, Dominick 8-0 Waynesboro
Parker, Storm 8-0 Riverheads
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HS Boys Shot Put 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Withrow, Mitchell 39-4 Riverheads
Yeago, Colby 39-3 Buffalo Gap
Burch, Storm 37-0 Riverheads
Graber, Landon 36-0 Stuarts Draft
Keller, Noah 35-11.25 Riverheads
Quentero, Henry 34-10 Stuarts Draft
Vasquez, Ricky 34-3 Wilson Memorial
Jackson, Desmond 34-2 Waynesboro
Stamm, Bryce 33-11 Waynesboro
Woodward, Leon 33-4 Staunton High School
Bickford, Teegan 33-0 Waynesboro
Graber, Baylor 32-1 Stuarts Draft
Battaglia, Michael 31-4 Stuarts Draft
Wagoner, Camden 30-0 Stuarts Draft
Poulson, Liam 29-5.5 Wilson Memorial
Hall, Tyson 29-3.5 Fort Defiance
Kent, Riley 29-1 Fort Defiance
McLaughlin, Jeffrey 28-9 Fort Defiance
Pincock, Joseph 28-1 Wilson Memorial
Steele, Henry 27-4 Buffalo Gap
Brammer, Eli 23-10 Riverheads
Johnson, Levi 22-11.5 Wilson Memorial
McNorton, Lane Waynesboro
Miller, Briscoe Waynesboro
Gardner, Terrell "elias" Staunton High School
Jones, Justice Staunton High School
Bergland, Langston Staunton High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Vess, Max 43-1.5 Wilson Memorial
Moats, Christian 42-9 Stuarts Draft
Smith, Dashea 42-5 Stuarts Draft
Moore, Derrick 40-6.5 Stuarts Draft
Tyree, Nolan 38-5 Riverheads
Graber, Landon 37-9 Stuarts Draft
Watkins, Christopher 37-8.5 Stuarts Draft
Wright, Carson 36-2 Fort Defiance
Sanders, Carter 36-0.5 Wilson Memorial
Clinedinst, Laird 35-3 Fort Defiance
Kilgore, Howard 33-3.75 Staunton High School
Printy, Ethan Wilson Memorial
Printy, Ashton Wilson Memorial
Shiflett, Skyler Riverheads
Reed, Michael Staunton High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lam, Faith Staunton High School
Palmieri, Leah Buffalo Gap
Johnson, Chantelle Waynesboro
Mensah-Agyekum, Desirata 12.95 Wilson Memorial
Walter, Megan 13.03 Stuarts Draft
Alexander, Mia 13.18 Fort Defiance
Foster, Faith 13.62 Waynesboro
Elsea, Lillian 13.84 Fort Defiance
Flippin, Ava 13.90 Stuarts Draft
Quick, Kiernan 13.93 Wilson Memorial
Johnson, Kalela 13.94 Waynesboro
Baber, Erin 13.96 Wilson Memorial
Ferraro, Ava 14.03 Wilson Memorial
Swatts, Amya 14.03 Stuarts Draft
Yowell, Madeline 14.20 Riverheads
Nelson-Brasuel, Alaya 14.23 Fort Defiance
Williams, Shyla 14.29 Waynesboro
Stevens, Hollynn 14.30 Stuarts Draft
Keller, Olivia 14.46 Riverheads
Quintero, Blanca 14.50 Stuarts Draft
Clinedinst, Livia 14.60 Fort Defiance
Larose, Wilamina 14.79 Riverheads
Smith, Taylor-Marie 14.80 Wilson Memorial
Kittrell, Brook-Lyn 14.83 Staunton High School
Sirico, Alaina 15.05 Riverheads
Frye, Ella 15.10 Staunton High School
Hall, Selah 15.40 Fort Defiance
Thomas, Kate 15.56 Staunton High School
Morrell, Marley 15.97 Staunton High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Morgan, Zania Wilson Memorial
Herr, Lia 17.78 Fort Defiance
Callo, Anna 18.00 Stuarts Draft
Lawhorn, Katie 18.29 Wilson Memorial
Sacra, Alexis 19.33 Riverheads
Ziegler, Zoey 19.63 Fort Defiance
Antoine, Jasmine 21.66 Wilson Memorial
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Austin, Alexis Waynesboro
Quinby, Sophia Fort Defiance
Plautz, Cassidy 5:40.71 Wilson Memorial
Franklin, Thea 5:44.35 Wilson Memorial
Franklin, Quinn 5:45.87 Wilson Memorial
Jordan, Verity 5:54.09 Riverheads
Carver, Emma 6:35.56 Waynesboro
Bast, Violet 6:44.00 Fort Defiance
Melton, Maddy 6:59.00 Stuarts Draft
O'Brien, Molly 7:04.69 Fort Defiance
Quinby, Grace 9:09.00 Fort Defiance
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Weisgram, Madelyn Waynesboro
Folden, Hannah Buffalo Gap
Kittrell, Brook-Lyn Staunton High School
McCloud, Brandy Waynesboro
Howard, T'Shalyn Waynesboro
Morrell, Marley Staunton High School
Miller, Kimora Waynesboro
Palmieri, Leah Buffalo Gap
Walter, Megan 26.86 Stuarts Draft
Cubbage, Taylor 27.17 Fort Defiance
Alexander, Mia 27.57 Fort Defiance
Bradley, Elise 28.14 Wilson Memorial
Huffer, Madison 28.20 Buffalo Gap
Mensah-Agyekum, Desirata 28.32 Wilson Memorial
Johnston, Parker 28.94 Staunton High School
Lane, Abby 29.13 Fort Defiance
Swatts, Amya 29.26 Stuarts Draft
Lawhorn, Katie 29.35 Wilson Memorial
Quick, Kiernan 29.50 Wilson Memorial
Shirley, Anna 29.58 Riverheads
Alger, Caroline 29.63 Buffalo Gap
Ferraro, Ava 30.03 Wilson Memorial
Flippin, Ava 30.20 Stuarts Draft
Nelson-Brasuel, Alaya 30.85 Fort Defiance
Stevens, Hollynn 31.28 Stuarts Draft
Larose, Wilamina 31.76 Riverheads
Andrews, Anabel 32.57 Buffalo Gap
Hall, Selah 32.79 Fort Defiance
Keller, Olivia 32.83 Riverheads
Huffman, Taylor 33.37 Stuarts Draft
Sati, Emina 33.48 Waynesboro
Sirico, Alaina 33.74 Riverheads
Carbajal, Charlotte 34.09 Staunton High School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Antoine, Jasmine Wilson Memorial
Morland, Kylie Stuarts Draft
Morgan, Zania Wilson Memorial
Smiley, Bristol 1:06.90 Stuarts Draft
Callo, Anna 53.86 Stuarts Draft
Sacra, Alexis 54.09 Riverheads
Herr, Lia 55.18 Fort Defiance
Brown, Kendal 56.02 Staunton High School
Hartzler, Anne 56.91 Waynesboro
Frye, Ella 57.79 Staunton High School
Ziegler, Zoey 57.84 Fort Defiance
Misick, Isabel 59.73 Stuarts Draft
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Boucher, Cadence Waynesboro
Matthews, Josalyn Staunton High School
Johnson, Gwynn Fort Defiance
Lang, Bethany 13:15.58 Fort Defiance
Back, Sierra 13:24.94 Riverheads
Troxell, Sydney 13:58.52 Wilson Memorial
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Butler, Emma Stuarts Draft
Caister, Elizabeth Waynesboro
Emurian, Chloe Buffalo Gap
Staton, Kyleigh Waynesboro
Folden, Hannah Buffalo Gap
Solomon, Izzy Wilson Memorial
Veney Redifer, Kayla Waynesboro
Quintero, Blanca Stuarts Draft
Johnston, Parker 1:04.59 Staunton High School
Lane, Abby 1:04.76 Fort Defiance
Forbus, Lainey 1:06.37 Wilson Memorial
Hepner, Riley 1:08.04 Fort Defiance
Cronk, Erika 1:08.70 Wilson Memorial
Pittman, Elsie 1:08.78 Wilson Memorial
Frye, Ella 1:09.32 Staunton High School
Shirley, Anna 1:10.00 Riverheads
Massie, Cecilia 1:10.60 Riverheads
Matherly, Gillian 1:13.07 Waynesboro
McWhorter, McKenzie 1:16.73 Wilson Memorial
Clinedinst, Livia 1:17.11 Fort Defiance
Huffman, Taylor 1:21.05 Stuarts Draft
Farris, Lauren 1:22.00 Stuarts Draft
Jarvis, Kaylie 1:22.05 Stuarts Draft
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Wilson Memorial
Relay Team A Buffalo Gap
Relay Team A Waynesboro
Relay Team B Waynesboro
Relay Team A 54.29 Fort Defiance
Relay Team A 54.90 Stuarts Draft
Relay Team A 59.67 Riverheads
Relay Team A 59.81 Staunton High School
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Staunton High School
Relay Team A Wilson Memorial
Relay Team A Buffalo Gap
Relay Team A Stuarts Draft
Relay Team A Waynesboro
Relay Team A 4:36.70 Fort Defiance
Relay Team A 4:49.79 Riverheads
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Riverheads
Relay Team A Stuarts Draft
Relay Team A 11:00.72 Fort Defiance
Relay Team A 11:01.95 Wilson Memorial
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Grove, Kaylie Stuarts Draft
Rodger, Annalyn Stuarts Draft
Cranford, Haven 2:35 Wilson Memorial
Franklin, Thea 2:39.96 Wilson Memorial
Jordan, Verity 2:40.00 Riverheads
Conner, Madison 2:40.40 Fort Defiance
Cronk, Erika 2:42.10 Wilson Memorial
Pittman, Elsie 2:51.10 Wilson Memorial
Miller, Meghan 2:52.60 Wilson Memorial
Robinson, Grace 2:53.45 Riverheads
Lapic, Anna 2:55.96 Riverheads
Mongold, Jessica 2:56.32 Fort Defiance
O'Brien, Molly 3:07.58 Fort Defiance
Melton, Maddy 3:18.30 Stuarts Draft
Quinby, Sophia 4:22.34 Fort Defiance
Quinby, Grace 4:35.40 Fort Defiance
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HS Girls Discus Throw 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Roller, MacKenzie 101-7 Riverheads
Smith, Jordan 89-0 Waynesboro
Lassiter, Saraiah 76-5 Staunton High School
Yowell, Madeline 72-4.5 Riverheads
Hansbrough, Brynna 63-8 Fort Defiance
Matthews, Josalyn 63-3 Staunton High School
McCurdy, Saige 62-11 Staunton High School
Davis, Riley 61-0 Fort Defiance
Larose, Wilamina 57-2 Riverheads
Lapic, Anna 57-1 Riverheads
Frye, Ella 56-0 Staunton High School
Cline, Trinity 51-5 Buffalo Gap
White, Elaina 49-4 Waynesboro
Farris, Mary 46-5 Stuarts Draft
Keyser, Claire 43-9.5 Buffalo Gap
Nash, Holliciannca 42-9 Staunton High School
Clark, Shamari Waynesboro
Huffman, Taylor Stuarts Draft
Thompson, Kyra Stuarts Draft
Quintero, Blanca Stuarts Draft
Ferraro, Ava Wilson Memorial
McWhorter, McKenzie Wilson Memorial
Smith, Taylor-Marie Wilson Memorial
Woolridge, Hannah Buffalo Gap
Fitzgerald, Ciara Buffalo Gap
Townsend, Jenna Fort Defiance
Mongold, Jessica Fort Defiance
Hoffman, Haley Fort Defiance
Puckett, Olivia Stuarts Draft
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HS Girls High Jump 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lawhorn, Katie 5-0 Wilson Memorial
Shirley, Anna 4-10 Riverheads
Brown, Kendal 4-10 Staunton High School
Cubbage, Taylor 4-8 Fort Defiance
Hartzler, Anne 4-6 Waynesboro
Clinedinst, Livia 4-6 Fort Defiance
Swatts, Amya 4-6 Stuarts Draft
Keller, Olivia 4-4 Riverheads
Conner, Madison 4-0 Fort Defiance
Huffman, Taylor 4-0 Stuarts Draft
Howard, T'Shalyn Waynesboro
Staton, Kyleigh Waynesboro
Reed, Olivia Staunton High School
Sacra, Alexis Riverheads
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HS Girls Long Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bradley, Elise 16-0 Wilson Memorial
Alexander, Mia 15-2 Fort Defiance
Johnson, Kalela 14-10.5 Waynesboro
Callo, Anna 14-9.5 Stuarts Draft
Elsea, Lillian 14-9.5 Fort Defiance
Shirley, Anna 14-4 Riverheads
Kittrell, Brook-Lyn 14-4 Staunton High School
Thomas, Kate 13-5 Staunton High School
Nelson-Brasuel, Alaya 11-11 Fort Defiance
Massie, Cecilia 11-8 Riverheads
Jarvis, Kaylie 10-11.25 Stuarts Draft
Stevens, Hollynn 10-7.5 Stuarts Draft
Navarro, Naomi 9-10.5 Stuarts Draft
Smiley, Bristol 9-1.5 Stuarts Draft
Huffer, Madison Buffalo Gap
Caister, Elizabeth Waynesboro
Davenport, Addison Staunton High School
Davenport, Brittany Staunton High School
Wallace, Audrey Riverheads
Reed, Olivia Staunton High School
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HS Girls Pole Vault 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Callo, Anna 11-3 Stuarts Draft
Keller, Olivia 8-6 Riverheads
Sacra, Alexis 8-0 Riverheads
Sloat, Skylar Waynesboro
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HS Girls Shot Put 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Townsend, Jenna 34-9.5 Fort Defiance
Lassiter, Saraiah 31-0.5 Staunton High School
Smith, Jordan 30-3 Waynesboro
Bowie, Akeelah 29-3 Waynesboro
Roller, MacKenzie 29-2.5 Riverheads
Hansbrough, Brynna 27-3 Fort Defiance
White, Elaina 26-5 Waynesboro
Cline, Trinity 25-8 Buffalo Gap
McCurdy, Saige 25-6 Staunton High School
Mongold, Jessica 24-1 Fort Defiance
Matthews, Josalyn 23-10 Staunton High School
Davis, Riley 21-5 Fort Defiance
Nash, Holliciannca 20-4 Staunton High School
Farris, Mary 18-5 Stuarts Draft
Hoffman, Haley 17-7 Fort Defiance
Keyser, Claire 17-3 Buffalo Gap
Clark, Shamari Waynesboro
Huffman, Taylor Stuarts Draft
Woods, Nya Stuarts Draft
Thompson, Kyra Stuarts Draft
Ferraro, Ava Wilson Memorial
Smith, Taylor-Marie Wilson Memorial
McWhorter, McKenzie Wilson Memorial
Woolridge, Hannah Buffalo Gap
Fitzgerald, Ciara Buffalo Gap
Frye, Ella Staunton High School
Puckett, Olivia Stuarts Draft
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HS Girls Triple Jump 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Callo, Anna 32-0 Stuarts Draft
Elsea, Lillian 30-9 Fort Defiance
Nice, Alandra 30-8.5 Stuarts Draft
Stevens, Hollynn 28-2 Stuarts Draft
Davenport, Addison 24-9 Staunton High School
Davenport, Brittany 23-8 Staunton High School
Shirley, Anna Riverheads
Massie, Cecilia Riverheads
Clark, Shamari Waynesboro
Herr, Lia Fort Defiance
Clinedinst, Livia Fort Defiance
Nelson-Brasuel, Alaya Fort Defiance
Reed, Olivia Staunton High School
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