Race #7
Girls JV - Morning
Start Time: 11:00 am
Final Standings Score Scoring Order Total Avg. Spread
1 James W. Robinson 39 3-4-9-10-13(26) 1:43:17 20:40 0:39.9
2 Maggie Walker 91 5-6-11-22-47(54)(78) 1:45:35 21:07 1:44.4
3 Morgantown 133 7-12-23-40-51(52)(90) 1:47:26 21:30 1:44.0
4 Blacksburg High School 134 8-18-27-36-45(70)(88) 1:47:25 21:29 1:33.3
5 South Lakes 191 14-21-35-50-71(76)(106) 1:49:25 21:53 1:35.2
6 Western Albemarle 211 1-17-53-58-82(84)(120) 1:49:09 21:50 2:53.6
7 Atlee 244 2-43-62-63-74(96)(104) 1:50:25 22:05 2:32.7
8 Jamestown 259 42-44-48-57-68(85)(97) 1:51:33 22:19 0:35.5
9 Patriot High School 287 15-37-39-73-123(156)(161) 1:52:24 22:29 3:04.2
10 James Madison 316 34-38-64-67-113(115)(118) 1:53:01 22:37 2:01.3
11 Glen Allen High School 322 28-41-77-87-89(107)(133) 1:53:03 22:37 1:38.1
12 Riverbend High School 332 29-30-79-92-102(157)(165) 1:53:08 22:38 2:00.0
13 Loudoun Valley 334 49-55-66-81-83(94)(103) 1:53:24 22:41 0:49.4
14 Collegiate 362 20-31-91-108-112(134)(137) 1:53:54 22:47 2:28.0
15 Ocean Lakes 369 24-25-75-98-147(150)(167) 1:54:55 22:59 3:58.0
16 National Cathedral 381 16-59-80-109-117(126)(141) 1:54:20 22:52 2:46.5
17 Alexandria City High School 384 33-61-86-99-105(111)(127) 1:54:31 22:55 1:48.8
18 Midlothian High School 439 46-65-93-116-119(178) 1:56:02 23:13 1:58.5
19 Colonial Forge 482 32-95-110-114-131(170)(176) 1:57:20 23:28 2:43.5
20 Bishop McNamara High School 591 19-69-158-172-173 2:05:43 25:09 6:15.9
21 Our Lady Of Good Counsel 593 101-121-122-124-125(129)(139) 2:00:28 24:06 0:40.8
22 Charlottesville 630 60-136-142-143-149(160)(164) 2:02:39 24:32 3:09.0
23 North Shore 639 72-132-138-144-153(169)(171) 2:03:04 24:37 2:58.3
24 Spotswood 649 56-100-130-181-182 2:09:37 25:56 7:49.1
25 The Potomac School 735 128-135-154-155-163(174) 2:07:23 25:29 2:27.4
26 Deep Run 758 140-145-146-152-175(185)(186) 2:09:15 25:51 3:36.3
27 Monacan High School 835 151-159-168-177-180(183) 2:17:12 27:27 3:26.6
28 Stonebridge School 839 148-162-166-179-184 2:19:25 27:53 5:33.3
UNOFFICIAL Standings Score Scoring Order
1 James W. Robinson 30 4-5-6-7-8-(9)
2 Maggie Walker 130 3-19-21-23-64-(68)-(99)
3 Blacksburg High School 141 13-14-24-37-53-(55)-(91)
4 Morgantown 149 15-27-31-36-40-(59)-(62)
5 Atlee 186 1-39-43-46-57-(67)-(128)
6 Patriot High School 231 17-18-44-51-101-(121)-(138)
7 Western Albemarle 246 25-28-60-61-72-(73)-(127)
8 James Madison 255 26-29-30-65-105-(122)-(135)
9 South Lakes 274 22-34-35-74-109-(111)-(114)
10 National Cathedral 333 2-48-71-94-118-(119)-(152)
11 Ocean Lakes 340 42-45-56-63-134-(163)-(181)
12 Glen Allen High School 366 49-50-54-106-107-(117)-(145)
13 Jamestown 378 66-69-75-82-86-(89)-(98)
13 Loudoun Valley 378 16-76-77-96-113-(115)-(116)
15 Colonial Forge 392 20-79-90-95-108-(165)-(169)
16 Riverbend High School 424 52-58-85-103-126-(158)-(166)
17 Our Lady Of Good Counsel 429 70-78-80-81-120-(129)-(132)
18 Collegiate 447 10-12-139-140-146-(147)-(149)
19 North Shore 480 33-38-131-137-141-(144)-(178)
20 Midlothian High School 484 84-87-88-92-133-(136)-(190)
21 Bishop McNamara High School 487 32-47-93-148-167-(168)
22 Alexandria City High School 541 100-102-104-112-123-(124)-(143)
23 Monacan High School 588 11-125-130-150-172-(187)
24 Spotswood 667 83-97-110-188-189
25 Charlottesville 696 41-142-151-180-182-(183)-(184)
26 The Potomac School 818 154-155-160-174-175-(176)
27 Deep Run 822 156-157-159-164-186-(191)-(192)
28 Gainesville High School 860 153-170-171-173-193
29 Stonebridge School 864 161-162-177-179-185
UNOFFICIAL Standings Score Scoring Order
1 James W. Robinson 30 4-5-6-7-8-(9)
2 Morgantown 123 10-15-27-34-37-(54)-(79)
3 Maggie Walker 125 3-18-20-22-62-(63)-(98)
4 Blacksburg High School 148 16-24-25-32-51-(55)-(92)
5 Atlee 190 1-38-45-47-59-(65)-(128)
6 Western Albemarle 232 12-13-68-69-70-(82)-(135)
7 South Lakes 240 26-33-36-56-89-(101)-(102)
8 Patriot High School 261 11-17-53-71-109-(124)-(172)
9 James Madison 277 29-30-31-67-120-(123)-(129)
10 Jamestown 324 57-60-64-66-77-(87)-(96)
11 Glen Allen High School 328 41-46-48-94-99-(112)-(144)
12 Ocean Lakes 363 43-44-58-81-137-(161)-(181)
12 National Cathedral 363 2-50-95-97-119-(122)-(148)
14 Loudoun Valley 365 28-61-76-90-110-(111)-(114)
15 Riverbend High School 401 40-49-85-106-121-(157)-(162)
16 Colonial Forge 419 23-80-93-108-115-(167)-(170)
17 Collegiate 421 14-21-125-130-131-(132)-(143)
18 Alexandria City High School 447 73-75-78-105-116-(117)-(142)
19 Midlothian High School 478 83-84-86-91-134-(136)-(189)
20 North Shore 521 39-72-133-138-139-(140)-(175)
21 Our Lady Of Good Counsel 522 88-100-103-113-118-(126)-(127)
22 Bishop McNamara High School 566 35-52-152-163-164-(193)
23 Monacan High School 643 19-141-149-154-180-(188)
24 Spotswood 654 74-104-107-184-185
25 Charlottesville 692 42-147-150-176-177-(178)-(179)
26 The Potomac School 778 145-146-153-166-168-(169)
27 Deep Run 808 151-155-156-160-186-(190)-(191)
28 Gainesville High School 869 159-171-173-174-192
29 Stonebridge School 875 158-165-182-183-187
UNOFFICIAL Standings Score Scoring Order
1 James W. Robinson 29 3-5-6-7-8-(9)
2 Maggie Walker 116 2-14-16-22-62-(64)-(99)
3 Morgantown 122 11-12-26-34-39-(51)-(85)
4 Blacksburg High School 135 15-21-25-31-43-(57)-(86)
5 Atlee 194 1-42-44-48-59-(74)-(129)
6 South Lakes 227 24-27-38-54-84-(90)-(94)
7 Western Albemarle 244 10-13-69-70-82-(100)-(137)
8 James Madison 277 30-32-33-65-117-(122)-(124)
9 Patriot High School 302 18-23-56-95-110-(130)-(177)
10 Glen Allen High School 309 36-46-47-88-92-(111)-(143)
11 Jamestown 319 52-61-66-67-73-(76)-(97)
12 Loudoun Valley 357 35-63-79-87-93-(102)-(115)
13 National Cathedral 367 4-50-89-104-120-(121)-(147)
14 Ocean Lakes 377 40-41-71-80-145-(161)-(181)
15 Riverbend High School 381 37-49-72-107-116-(158)-(165)
16 Alexandria City High School 402 53-55-75-106-113-(118)-(144)
17 Collegiate 413 17-28-114-123-131-(132)-(138)
18 Colonial Forge 433 19-83-98-108-125-(173)-(178)
19 Midlothian High School 471 77-78-81-101-134-(136)-(188)
20 Our Lady Of Good Counsel 551 91-103-112-119-126-(127)-(128)
21 North Shore 565 60-96-133-135-141-(142)-(174)
22 Bishop McNamara High School 573 29-58-160-162-164
23 Spotswood 652 68-105-109-184-186
24 Monacan High School 662 20-151-153-156-182-(189)
25 Charlottesville 676 45-146-148-168-169-(170)-(171)
26 The Potomac School 760 139-140-152-163-166-(167)
27 Deep Run 796 149-150-155-157-185-(190)-(191)
28 Stonebridge School 871 154-172-175-183-187
UNOFFICIAL Standings Score Scoring Order
1 James W. Robinson 33 3-4-5-9-12-(15)
2 Maggie Walker 120 7-11-16-23-63-(66)-(88)
3 Morgantown 128 6-13-25-38-46-(48)-(82)
4 Blacksburg High School 133 14-19-29-32-39-(80)-(98)
5 Atlee 210 1-42-50-52-65-(92)-(123)
6 South Lakes 213 22-24-43-54-70-(86)-(93)
7 Western Albemarle 215 2-8-60-64-81-(83)-(129)
8 James Madison 271 30-33-35-67-106-(118)-(119)
9 Jamestown 296 53-57-58-59-69-(79)-(97)
10 Patriot High School 303 18-28-56-87-114-(143)-(171)
11 Glen Allen High School 328 31-41-68-89-99-(110)-(140)
12 National Cathedral 359 10-55-90-91-113-(122)-(147)
13 Loudoun Valley 361 44-62-75-84-96-(108)-(109)
14 Riverbend High School 364 37-40-78-102-107-(156)-(169)
15 Alexandria City High School 367 45-47-76-94-105-(115)-(138)
16 Ocean Lakes 385 34-36-74-95-146-(159)-(179)
17 Collegiate 394 17-27-103-121-126-(131)-(136)
18 Colonial Forge 457 26-85-104-112-130-(172)-(180)
19 Midlothian High School 469 71-72-77-117-132-(186)
20 Bishop McNamara High School 583 21-61-165-166-170
20 Our Lady Of Good Counsel 583 100-111-120-124-128-(134)-(137)
22 North Shore 624 73-133-135-141-142-(154)-(173)
23 Spotswood 636 49-101-116-183-187
24 Charlottesville 660 51-145-149-155-160-(162)-(163)
25 Monacan High School 701 20-158-164-175-184-(189)
26 The Potomac School 726 125-127-150-157-167-(168)
27 Deep Run 734 139-144-148-151-152-(185)-(190)
28 Stonebridge School 878 153-174-181-182-188
UNOFFICIAL Standings Score Scoring Order
1 James W. Robinson 38 3-6-7-8-14-(16)
2 Maggie Walker 118 5-10-15-24-64-(65)-(84)
3 Morgantown 128 4-12-25-41-46-(49)-(87)
3 Blacksburg High School 128 11-19-29-31-38-(80)-(97)
5 South Lakes 212 22-23-43-52-72-(89)-(92)
5 Atlee 212 1-42-50-53-66-(93)-(118)
7 Western Albemarle 215 2-9-60-63-81-(82)-(130)
8 James Madison 277 32-34-35-68-108-(116)-(117)
9 Jamestown 295 54-57-58-59-67-(79)-(99)
10 Patriot High School 307 18-30-56-88-115-(144)-(168)
11 Glen Allen High School 319 28-39-70-86-96-(111)-(139)
12 Riverbend High School 361 37-40-78-100-106-(158)-(169)
13 National Cathedral 362 13-55-90-91-113-(120)-(145)
14 Loudoun Valley 363 47-61-74-83-98-(107)-(109)
15 Alexandria City High School 365 44-45-77-94-105-(119)-(135)
16 Collegiate 382 17-26-102-114-123-(131)-(136)
17 Ocean Lakes 386 33-36-76-95-146-(155)-(174)
18 Colonial Forge 459 27-85-103-110-134-(171)-(180)
19 Midlothian High School 465 69-71-75-121-129-(185)
20 Bishop McNamara High School 580 20-62-163-165-170
21 Our Lady Of Good Counsel 589 101-112-124-125-127-(132)-(138)
22 North Shore 625 73-133-137-140-142-(157)-(172)
23 Spotswood 642 48-104-122-182-186
24 Charlottesville 649 51-143-148-153-154-(161)-(162)
25 Monacan High School 702 21-159-164-175-183-(188)
26 The Potomac School 725 126-128-149-156-166-(167)
27 Deep Run 773 141-147-150-151-184-(189)-(190)
28 Stonebridge School 872 152-173-179-181-187
UNOFFICIAL Standings Score Scoring Order
1 James W. Robinson 39 3-6-7-8-15-(16)
2 Maggie Walker 114 5-9-13-24-63-(64)-(85)
3 Morgantown 130 4-12-25-42-47-(49)-(88)
4 Blacksburg High School 132 10-20-29-35-38-(78)-(97)
5 South Lakes 208 21-22-44-50-71-(87)-(96)
6 Atlee 216 1-43-51-53-68-(94)-(116)
7 Western Albemarle 220 2-11-61-65-81-(82)-(130)
8 James Madison 282 33-34-36-70-109-(115)-(117)
9 Jamestown 296 56-57-58-59-66-(80)-(101)
10 Patriot High School 306 18-31-54-84-119-(147)-(166)
11 Glen Allen High School 325 28-39-72-86-100-(111)-(140)
12 Loudoun Valley 357 48-60-73-83-93-(106)-(108)
13 Riverbend High School 358 37-40-79-95-107-(159)-(169)
13 Alexandria City High School 358 41-45-75-92-105-(120)-(135)
15 National Cathedral 361 14-52-90-91-114-(121)-(144)
16 Collegiate 376 17-26-102-113-118-(133)-(137)
17 Ocean Lakes 381 30-32-76-98-145-(155)-(175)
18 Midlothian High School 464 67-69-77-125-126-(185)
18 Colonial Forge 464 27-89-104-110-134-(171)-(180)
20 Bishop McNamara High School 582 19-62-163-168-170
21 Our Lady Of Good Counsel 585 99-112-122-123-129-(131)-(136)
22 North Shore 625 74-132-138-139-142-(161)-(172)
23 Spotswood 641 46-103-124-182-186
24 Charlottesville 653 55-143-148-153-154-(157)-(158)
25 Monacan High School 708 23-160-167-174-184-(188)
26 The Potomac School 725 127-128-150-156-164-(165)
27 Deep Run 770 141-146-149-151-183-(189)-(190)
28 Stonebridge School 872 152-173-179-181-187
UNOFFICIAL Standings Score Scoring Order
1 James W. Robinson 41 3-6-8-10-14-(21)
2 Maggie Walker 106 5-7-12-23-59-(63)-(80)
3 Morgantown 127 4-11-25-41-46-(51)-(87)
4 Blacksburg High School 131 9-20-28-34-40-(72)-(92)
5 South Lakes 198 19-22-43-44-70-(82)-(99)
6 Western Albemarle 213 1-13-57-65-77-(89)-(128)
7 Atlee 224 2-42-55-56-69-(93)-(114)
8 Jamestown 279 49-53-54-61-62-(84)-(95)
9 James Madison 287 35-36-39-68-109-(113)-(116)
10 Patriot High School 297 17-37-45-81-117-(151)-(166)
11 Glen Allen High School 322 31-33-78-83-97-(107)-(135)
12 Riverbend High School 341 30-32-85-88-106-(156)-(167)
13 Loudoun Valley 349 50-58-71-79-91-(98)-(108)
14 Alexandria City High School 356 38-47-74-94-103-(118)-(132)
15 Collegiate 363 18-24-96-110-115-(133)-(138)
16 National Cathedral 367 15-52-86-102-112-(119)-(142)
17 Ocean Lakes 374 27-29-73-101-144-(154)-(173)
18 Midlothian High School 454 64-67-76-123-124-(183)
19 Colonial Forge 466 26-90-105-111-134-(168)-(179)
20 Our Lady Of Good Counsel 589 100-120-121-122-126-(127)-(136)
21 Bishop McNamara High School 595 16-66-158-177-178
22 North Shore 631 75-131-137-141-147-(165)-(172)
23 Charlottesville 646 60-140-145-149-152-(161)-(162)
24 Spotswood 648 48-104-125-185-186
25 The Potomac School 727 129-130-153-155-160-(164)
26 Deep Run 756 139-143-146-148-180-(189)-(190)
27 Monacan High School 855 157-163-169-182-184-(188)
28 Stonebridge School 859 150-170-171-181-187
girls 5k
pl name yr - school - time - - -
1 Fritts, Maddie 8 4914 Western Albemarle 1 20:09.4 --- 6:28.9 4:07.3 (25) 6:30.9 (13) 8:07.9 (10) 12:14.9 (2) 13:09.5 (2) 13:57.3 (2) 16:13.6 (1)
2 Coyne, Riley 8 309 Atlee 2 20:23.1 13.7 6:33.3 3:50.9 (1) 6:12.4 (1) 7:50.0 (1) 12:04.8 (1) 13:02.7 (1) 13:51.2 (1) 16:14.7 (2)
3 Jensen, Ciara SO 2070 James W. Robinson 3 20:26.8 17.4 6:34.5 4:00.8 (7) 6:25.4 (8) 8:06.7 (8) 12:23.8 (9) 13:23.3 (8) 14:14.2 (8) 16:34.2 (10)
4 Morosco, Emily JR 2072 James W. Robinson 4 20:27.0 17.6 6:34.5 4:00.0 (4) 6:24.4 (4) 8:04.3 (3) 12:16.2 (3) 13:11.9 (3) 13:58.6 (3) 16:19.1 (3)
5 Rolfes, Ada 9 2681 Maggie Walker 5 20:27.2 17.8 6:34.6 4:06.1 (21) 6:32.7 (20) 8:11.5 (14) 12:25.9 (11) 13:23.5 (10) 14:14.5 (9) 16:32.7 (7)
6 Kennedy, Callie SR 2675 Maggie Walker 6 20:31.8 22.4 6:36.1 3:59.0 (3) 6:22.6 (3) 8:02.5 (2) 12:18.1 (7) 13:14.5 (5) 14:05.4 (5) 16:29.5 (5)
7 Yawe, Tumaini 9 3126 Morgantown 7 20:32.8 23.4 6:36.4 4:08.9 (31) 6:31.5 (16) 8:09.1 (13) 12:17.5 (6) 13:14.0 (4) 14:02.5 (4) 16:26.0 (4)
8 Griggs, Penny SO 526 Blacksburg High School 8 20:35.5 26.1 6:37.3 4:04.5 (13) 6:31.5 (15) 8:12.0 (15) 12:28.6 (14) 13:25.3 (11) 14:14.8 (10) 16:33.7 (9)
9 Wierschke, Samantha SR 2075 James W. Robinson 9 20:36.2 26.8 6:37.5 4:00.6 (5) 6:24.5 (5) 8:04.6 (5) 12:17.1 (5) 13:15.7 (7) 14:06.2 (7) 16:32.9 (8)
10 DeVoe, Leah SO 2068 James W. Robinson 10 20:39.8 30.4 6:38.6 4:00.6 (6) 6:24.8 (6) 8:05.0 (6) 12:16.9 (4) 13:15.1 (6) 14:05.7 (6) 16:31.5 (6)
11 Gummadi, Bhavya JR 2669 Maggie Walker 11 20:55.3 45.9 6:43.6 4:05.7 (19) 6:32.5 (18) 8:12.2 (16) 12:30.3 (16) 13:29.0 (15) 14:18.4 (13) 16:43.6 (12)
12 Hayes, Maria SO 3119 Morgantown 12 21:00.4 51.0 6:45.3 4:05.0 (15) 6:29.5 (10) 8:08.8 (11) 12:28.0 (13) 13:26.0 (12) 14:16.8 (12) 16:42.6 (11)
13 Marshall, Janiyah SO 1358 Freedom (Woodbridge) -- 21:05.6 56.2 6:46.9 4:09.6 (32) 6:41.4 (36) 8:21.2 (31) 12:42.4 (26) 13:42.6 (23) 14:33.5 (23) 16:57.6 (20)
14 Dodson, Macy 8 1684 Grafton High School -- 21:06.4 57.0 6:47.2 4:12.0 (43) 6:36.5 (27) 8:17.0 (21) 12:33.3 (17) 13:33.5 (17) 14:22.5 (16) 16:50.8 (15)
15 Wierschke, Danielle JR 2074 James W. Robinson 13 21:06.7 57.3 6:47.3 4:00.8 (8) 6:24.9 (7) 8:05.4 (7) 12:27.4 (12) 13:27.3 (14) 14:19.5 (15) 16:49.5 (14)
16 Ghantiwala, Sarah SO 4096 South Lakes 14 21:09.1 59.7 6:48.1 4:09.9 (35) 6:39.3 (34) 8:19.9 (28) 12:42.4 (25) 13:43.2 (25) 14:33.3 (22) 16:59.1 (21)
17 Kim, Sarah 1 3596 Patriot High School 15 21:09.3 59.9 6:48.1 4:05.6 (18) 6:30.2 (11) 8:13.3 (18) 12:37.6 (19) 13:38.1 (19) 14:29.5 (19) 16:55.3 (18)
18 Privor, Calla SO 3196 National Cathedral 16 21:12.6 1:03.2 6:49.2 3:54.8 (2) 6:21.6 (2) 8:04.4 (4) 12:24.6 (10) 13:26.5 (13) 14:19.1 (14) 16:53.5 (16)
19 Montini, Sofia 8 4931 Western Albemarle 17 21:14.3 1:04.9 6:49.7 4:08.4 (28) 6:30.9 (12) 8:09.1 (12) 12:23.0 (8) 13:23.4 (9) 14:15.4 (11) 16:46.7 (13)
20 Baker, Laura SR 516 Blacksburg High School 18 21:14.6 1:05.2 6:49.8 4:06.5 (24) 6:34.0 (24) 8:17.0 (22) 12:38.0 (20) 13:38.4 (20) 14:30.6 (21) 17:00.1 (22)
21 Simmons, Sky SO 449 Bishop McNamara High School 19 21:21.2 1:11.8 6:52.0 4:09.6 (33) 6:41.7 (37) 8:20.2 (30) 12:39.3 (22) 13:39.4 (21) 14:29.6 (20) 16:55.0 (17)
22 McMullin, Samantha JR 868 Collegiate 20 21:22.0 1:12.6 6:52.2 4:03.1 (10) 6:31.0 (14) 8:12.4 (17) 12:37.2 (18) 13:37.1 (18) 14:28.6 (18) 16:56.2 (19)
23 Hernandez, Luna JR 4098 South Lakes 21 21:23.2 1:13.8 6:52.6 4:06.1 (22) 6:34.6 (26) 8:18.7 (25) 12:41.7 (23) 13:43.1 (24) 14:33.8 (24) 17:03.3 (24)
24 Hutson, Lana SO 2672 Maggie Walker 22 21:28.2 1:18.8 6:54.2 4:06.2 (23) 6:33.2 (22) 8:17.0 (24) 12:42.1 (24) 13:43.9 (26) 14:35.9 (26) 17:07.7 (25)
25 Cline, Kylie JR 3115 Morgantown 23 21:29.7 1:20.3 6:54.7 4:08.3 (27) 6:36.7 (29) 8:19.1 (27) 12:46.6 (27) 13:47.2 (27) 14:41.8 (27) 17:16.5 (27)
26 Gong, Elizabeth 9 3414 Ocean Lakes 24 21:30.4 1:21.0 6:54.9 4:12.8 (48) 6:46.3 (46) 8:32.1 (43) 12:56.7 (38) 13:58.1 (38) 14:51.5 (34) 17:20.6 (29)
27 Graham, Rebekah 9 3415 Ocean Lakes 25 21:30.7 1:21.3 6:55.0 4:12.2 (44) 6:45.9 (45) 8:32.0 (42) 12:56.2 (36) 13:57.5 (35) 14:50.4 (32) 17:20.9 (31)
28 Bardolf, Audrey JR 2064 James W. Robinson 26 21:32.6 1:23.2 6:55.6 4:01.3 (9) 6:25.4 (9) 8:07.0 (9) 12:29.1 (15) 13:30.6 (16) 14:24.9 (17) 17:01.8 (23)
29 Prince, Sally 9 536 Blacksburg High School 27 21:33.9 1:24.5 6:56.0 4:11.0 (38) 6:38.7 (33) 8:22.7 (33) 12:55.6 (34) 13:55.7 (31) 14:48.2 (31) 17:20.8 (30)
30 Stein, Emma 8 1525 Glen Allen High School 28 21:34.4 1:25.0 6:56.2 4:14.2 (52) 6:46.8 (48) 8:33.9 (48) 13:03.4 (43) 14:03.6 (41) 14:56.0 (41) 17:25.7 (35)
31 Frappier, Layla 9 3869 Riverbend High School 29 21:36.1 1:26.7 6:56.8 4:15.0 (56) 6:47.3 (51) 8:35.0 (51) 13:02.4 (42) 14:03.8 (42) 14:56.6 (42) 17:24.9 (34)
32 Boetig, Audrey SO 3866 Riverbend High School 30 21:40.3 1:30.9 6:58.1 4:18.4 (63) 6:45.5 (42) 8:30.3 (39) 13:00.1 (39) 14:01.3 (39) 14:54.6 (39) 17:21.3 (32)
33 Mccomb, Maddie SR 867 Collegiate 31 21:44.8 1:35.4 6:59.5 4:03.9 (12) 6:33.0 (21) 8:20.0 (29) 12:51.3 (29) 13:51.6 (28) 14:44.4 (28) 17:16.1 (26)
34 Wilt, Nadia JR 930 Colonial Forge 32 21:46.3 1:36.9 7:00.0 4:05.9 (20) 6:33.2 (23) 8:16.3 (19) 12:50.0 (28) 13:52.4 (29) 14:44.9 (29) 17:19.0 (28)
35 Henel, Claire 9 117 Alexandria City High School 33 21:50.4 1:41.0 7:01.4 4:25.9 (110) 6:57.5 (80) 8:39.5 (58) 13:06.8 (47) 14:09.0 (46) 14:59.1 (43) 17:31.9 (40)
36 Jaillon, Violet SO 1959 James Madison 34 21:50.5 1:41.1 7:01.4 4:08.5 (29) 6:37.5 (31) 8:23.3 (34) 12:56.5 (37) 13:57.8 (37) 14:51.9 (35) 17:28.5 (37)
37 Levey, Olivia 9 4101 South Lakes 35 21:51.4 1:42.0 7:01.7 4:21.3 (79) 6:52.8 (60) 8:39.3 (57) 13:11.8 (56) 14:14.3 (55) 15:07.8 (52) 17:39.3 (46)
38 Martin, Kate SR 530 Blacksburg High School 36 21:51.7 1:42.3 7:01.8 4:15.0 (55) 6:48.2 (53) 8:33.3 (45) 13:01.3 (41) 14:01.7 (40) 14:55.3 (40) 17:28.4 (36)
39 Pavkov, Josslyn 9 3600 Patriot High School 37 22:02.0 1:52.6 7:05.1 4:05.4 (17) 6:32.0 (17) 8:17.0 (23) 12:52.1 (30) 13:56.7 (32) 14:51.1 (33) 17:31.7 (39)
40 Williams, Sarah JR 1978 James Madison 38 22:02.8 1:53.4 7:05.3 4:07.7 (26) 6:37.8 (32) 8:23.4 (35) 12:55.6 (35) 13:57.6 (36) 14:52.4 (36) 17:29.0 (38)
41 Campise, Kendra 1 3588 Patriot High School 39 22:03.7 1:54.3 7:05.6 4:12.4 (46) 6:49.5 (56) 8:40.2 (60) 13:14.3 (58) 14:17.0 (58) 15:10.6 (56) 17:40.2 (47)
42 Brown, Madison JR 3114 Morgantown 40 22:06.0 1:56.6 7:06.4 4:18.4 (62) 6:50.3 (57) 8:36.4 (53) 13:06.9 (48) 14:09.5 (48) 15:05.5 (49) 17:41.6 (48)
43 Stefanova, Izzy SO 1524 Glen Allen High School 41 22:06.7 1:57.3 7:06.6 4:15.0 (57) 6:45.7 (43) 8:28.8 (38) 12:54.9 (33) 13:55.2 (30) 14:46.6 (30) 17:22.2 (33)
44 Kellogg, Kathleen SO 2153 Jamestown 42 22:07.2 1:57.8 7:06.8 4:21.6 (82) 6:55.3 (69) 8:43.2 (71) 13:16.1 (61) 14:18.3 (59) 15:12.9 (60) 17:48.0 (56)
45 Anderson, Isobel SO 302 Atlee 43 22:07.5 1:58.1 7:06.8 4:12.2 (45) 6:46.5 (47) 8:34.9 (50) 13:04.9 (44) 14:07.9 (44) 15:01.2 (45) 17:38.5 (44)
46 Wester, Abigail SR 2175 Jamestown 44 22:08.2 1:58.8 7:07.1 4:22.8 (90) 6:55.8 (71) 8:43.0 (70) 13:16.3 (62) 14:18.7 (60) 15:12.5 (59) 17:45.0 (51)
47 Jantzen, Neda 9 528 Blacksburg High School 45 22:08.8 1:59.4 7:07.3 4:04.8 (14) 6:34.0 (25) 8:18.9 (26) 12:53.1 (31) 13:56.7 (33) 14:52.9 (37) 17:34.6 (42)
48 Flakas, Camila SO 3025 Midlothian High School 46 22:08.9 1:59.5 7:07.3 4:23.4 (92) 6:59.9 (91) 8:49.3 (85) 13:27.0 (78) 14:28.0 (75) 15:20.1 (70) 17:54.6 (66)
49 Jones, Julia SO 2673 Maggie Walker 47 22:11.6 2:02.2 7:08.2 4:19.6 (69) 6:55.1 (68) 8:42.3 (67) 13:22.0 (70) 14:23.9 (67) 15:17.1 (65) 17:53.9 (65)
50 Matyjas, Kathyrn JR 2158 Jamestown 48 22:12.3 2:02.9 7:08.4 4:20.7 (74) 6:52.9 (61) 8:38.4 (54) 13:11.6 (55) 14:14.6 (56) 15:11.0 (58) 17:47.5 (55)
51 Souder, Cady 9 2556 Loudoun Valley 49 22:14.8 2:05.4 7:09.2 4:05.2 (16) 6:36.7 (28) 8:28.0 (37) 13:06.4 (46) 14:09.9 (49) 15:06.1 (50) 17:46.0 (52)
52 Carlson, Caroline 9 4093 South Lakes 50 22:16.1 2:06.7 7:09.6 4:10.5 (36) 6:42.3 (38) 8:30.5 (40) 13:05.4 (45) 14:08.6 (45) 15:03.5 (46) 17:39.2 (45)
53 Workman, Zoey SO 3125 Morgantown 51 22:16.8 2:07.4 7:09.8 4:10.8 (37) 6:40.3 (35) 8:27.2 (36) 13:01.0 (40) 14:04.7 (43) 14:59.5 (44) 17:36.5 (43)
54 Freshour, Ryleigh SO 3116 Morgantown 52 22:19.0 2:09.6 7:10.5 4:11.4 (41) 6:42.3 (39) 8:30.6 (41) 13:07.9 (50) 14:11.8 (51) 15:06.7 (51) 17:46.2 (53)
55 Callihan, Kinley SO 4909 Western Albemarle 53 22:19.3 2:09.9 7:10.6 4:21.1 (78) 6:56.4 (75) 8:44.6 (73) 13:17.0 (63) 14:19.8 (62) 15:15.0 (63) 17:51.1 (59)
56 Oristian, Charlotte 9 2679 Maggie Walker 54 22:19.9 2:10.5 7:10.8 4:20.5 (73) 6:54.7 (67) 8:42.1 (65) 13:20.6 (67) 14:24.2 (68) 15:17.5 (66) 17:53.0 (61)
57 Haws, Ivy 9 2543 Loudoun Valley 55 22:20.2 2:10.8 7:10.9 4:21.6 (81) 6:54.6 (66) 8:42.1 (66) 13:19.3 (65) 14:20.3 (63) 15:14.6 (62) 17:51.4 (60)
58 Argueta-Romero, Carla JR 4164 Spotswood 56 22:21.3 2:11.9 7:11.3 4:22.8 (87) 6:57.5 (78) 8:44.0 (72) 13:07.9 (51) 14:11.0 (50) 15:04.8 (48) 17:42.8 (50)
59 Plaskon, Sophie 9 2166 Jamestown 57 22:22.2 2:12.8 7:11.6 4:25.3 (106) 7:01.5 (94) 8:48.5 (83) 13:24.2 (75) 14:26.2 (71) 15:19.7 (69) 17:53.8 (64)
60 Cabell, Hadley 9 4908 Western Albemarle 58 22:22.4 2:13.0 7:11.6 4:18.8 (65) 6:56.3 (74) 8:44.8 (74) 13:20.6 (68) 14:23.3 (66) 15:17.6 (67) 17:55.2 (67)
61 Cleary, Charlotte 9 3184 National Cathedral 59 22:23.0 2:13.6 7:11.8 4:14.0 (51) 6:47.6 (52) 8:35.0 (52) 13:13.3 (57) 14:15.0 (57) 15:10.2 (54) 17:46.8 (54)
62 Orban, Caroline SO 807 Charlottesville 60 22:24.4 2:15.0 7:12.3 4:11.8 (42) 6:45.8 (44) 8:33.5 (47) 13:11.1 (53) 14:14.2 (53) 15:10.9 (57) 17:53.3 (62)
63 Gomez Diez, Lia SO 115 Alexandria City High School 61 22:24.6 2:15.2 7:12.3 4:25.5 (108) 6:57.5 (79) 8:39.1 (56) 13:07.2 (49) 14:09.2 (47) 15:03.8 (47) 17:42.7 (49)
64 Moore, Mina SO 1790 Hayfield Secondary School -- 22:26.0 2:16.6 7:12.8 4:24.0 (96) 6:59.4 (89) 8:46.3 (78) 13:22.6 (71) 14:26.7 (72) 15:21.1 (71) 17:58.9 (70)
65 Grim, Cordelia 9 315 Atlee 62 22:27.2 2:17.8 7:13.2 4:11.2 (40) 6:44.4 (40) 8:33.3 (46) 13:11.4 (54) 14:14.3 (54) 15:10.2 (55) 17:49.0 (58)
66 Sobotka, Amelia SO 324 Atlee 63 22:31.3 2:21.9 7:14.5 4:12.8 (47) 6:46.8 (50) 8:32.8 (44) 13:08.6 (52) 14:12.4 (52) 15:09.4 (53) 17:48.3 (57)
67 Carey, Sloane JR 1785 Hayfield Secondary School -- 22:31.4 2:22.0 7:14.5 4:16.7 (60) 6:52.3 (59) 8:38.8 (55) 13:16.0 (60) 14:22.6 (65) 15:18.9 (68) 17:58.7 (69)
68 Rooney, Sonya SO 1969 James Madison 64 22:33.1 2:23.7 7:15.1 4:08.7 (30) 6:36.9 (30) 8:21.6 (32) 12:53.8 (32) 13:56.9 (34) 14:53.4 (38) 17:34.2 (41)
69 Hillsman, Claire JR 3029 Midlothian High School 65 22:33.5 2:24.1 7:15.2 4:22.8 (88) 6:59.9 (90) 8:49.1 (84) 13:26.9 (77) 14:28.6 (77) 15:23.2 (75) 18:00.6 (73)
70 Fredlake, Emily 9 1786 Hayfield Secondary School -- 22:38.4 2:29.0 7:16.8 4:24.3 (98) 6:59.1 (87) 8:46.0 (77) 13:23.1 (73) 14:27.0 (73) 15:21.3 (73) 17:59.4 (71)
71 Schober, Elsa 9 2555 Loudoun Valley 66 22:41.7 2:32.3 7:17.8 4:21.6 (80) 6:57.9 (81) 8:49.6 (86) 13:31.5 (82) 14:35.0 (81) 15:29.6 (80) 18:09.2 (78)
72 Lo, Erin JR 1964 James Madison 67 22:42.5 2:33.1 7:18.1 4:19.7 (70) 6:56.2 (72) 8:42.4 (69) 13:22.7 (72) 14:27.5 (74) 15:23.5 (77) 18:06.1 (74)
73 Teer, Sadie SR 2173 Jamestown 68 22:42.7 2:33.3 7:18.2 4:20.4 (71) 6:54.3 (65) 8:41.3 (64) 13:15.9 (59) 14:19.0 (61) 15:13.7 (61) 17:53.6 (63)
74 Bridges, Madison JR 443 Bishop McNamara High School 69 22:42.9 2:33.5 7:18.2 4:13.3 (50) 6:48.8 (55) 8:40.4 (62) 13:18.0 (64) 14:22.0 (64) 15:17.0 (64) 17:55.3 (68)
75 Li, Adelaide SO 529 Blacksburg High School 70 22:43.7 2:34.3 7:18.5 4:15.7 (59) 6:50.9 (58) 8:40.2 (59) 13:35.9 (87) 14:42.5 (87) 15:36.2 (85) 18:12.7 (79)
76 Brabant, Elizabeth SR 4091 South Lakes 71 22:44.3 2:34.9 7:18.7 4:27.9 (119) 7:02.6 (96) 8:51.0 (91) 13:24.7 (76) 14:29.0 (78) 15:26.0 (78) 18:08.3 (76)
77 Reisberg, Dylan SO 3350 North Shore 72 22:51.9 2:42.5 7:21.1 4:09.7 (34) 6:45.3 (41) 8:41.0 (63) 13:29.7 (80) 14:32.9 (80) 15:29.9 (81) 18:16.4 (82)
78 Fricke, Layland 8 1686 Grafton High School -- 22:52.5 2:43.1 7:21.3 4:27.9 (120) 7:03.4 (100) 8:52.7 (93) 13:29.4 (79) 14:31.4 (79) 15:23.3 (76) 18:08.6 (77)
79 Green, Mia 8 3659 Poquoson -- 22:54.1 2:44.7 7:21.8 4:32.0 (137) 7:08.2 (111) 9:00.3 (109) 13:46.7 (103) 14:49.2 (99) 15:44.4 (96) 18:27.5 (94)
80 Phillips, Ellie SR 1791 Hayfield Secondary School -- 22:54.2 2:44.8 7:21.9 4:18.6 (64) 6:54.1 (64) 8:42.4 (68) 13:19.8 (66) 14:25.5 (70) 15:21.2 (72) 18:00.5 (72)
81 Imala, Ngozi 1 3594 Patriot High School 73 22:54.8 2:45.4 7:22.1 4:25.8 (109) 7:11.4 (123) 9:06.3 (123) 13:42.3 (94) 14:47.2 (95) 15:42.7 (91) 18:23.1 (88)
82 Baldwin, Isabella 8 304 Atlee 74 22:55.8 2:46.4 7:22.4 4:17.4 (61) 6:54.1 (63) 8:40.4 (61) 13:21.1 (69) 14:24.7 (69) 15:22.1 (74) 18:07.3 (75)
83 Pham, Zoey 9 3419 Ocean Lakes 75 22:56.0 2:46.6 7:22.4 4:15.7 (58) 6:53.3 (62) 8:45.0 (75) 13:30.6 (81) 14:36.4 (83) 15:33.3 (83) 18:14.1 (80)
84 Captain, Charlotte 9 4092 South Lakes 76 22:58.1 2:48.7 7:23.1 4:28.3 (124) 7:07.4 (109) 8:57.5 (98) 13:42.1 (93) 14:47.5 (96) 15:43.5 (94) 18:24.5 (89)
85 Arjona, Katherine 9 1499 Glen Allen High School 77 22:58.4 2:49.0 7:23.2 4:14.3 (53) 6:46.8 (49) 8:34.3 (49) 13:23.1 (74) 14:28.4 (76) 15:28.5 (79) 18:20.9 (85)
86 Anand, Anoushka SO 2657 Maggie Walker 78 22:59.7 2:50.3 7:23.6 4:32.9 (139) 7:15.7 (132) 9:07.8 (125) 13:55.8 (119) 15:00.1 (116) 15:54.8 (114) 18:35.2 (104)
87 Tsai, Ashley 9 3879 Riverbend High School 79 22:59.9 2:50.5 7:23.7 4:25.9 (111) 7:10.4 (120) 9:04.3 (120) 13:52.1 (113) 14:55.7 (110) 15:50.3 (105) 18:25.6 (92)
88 GRAY, Matilda SO 3189 National Cathedral 80 23:01.0 2:51.6 7:24.1 4:24.7 (102) 7:05.3 (105) 8:56.9 (97) 13:44.5 (98) 14:48.1 (97) 15:45.5 (99) 18:27.3 (93)
89 Pritchard, Ruthie 9 2680 Maggie Walker -- 23:01.9 2:52.5 7:24.3 4:25.3 (107) 7:05.7 (107) 8:59.5 (107) 13:42.6 (95) 14:46.5 (91) 15:43.3 (92) 18:22.8 (87)
90 Wrenn, Brooke 9 2557 Loudoun Valley 81 23:02.6 2:53.2 7:24.6 4:25.1 (104) 7:02.8 (98) 8:55.1 (95) 13:41.1 (91) 14:45.8 (90) 15:41.8 (90) 18:22.4 (86)
91 Broadbent, Sarah Jane SO 4906 Western Albemarle 82 23:03.0 2:53.6 7:24.7 4:18.9 (66) 6:56.3 (73) 8:59.8 (108) 13:38.7 (88) 14:44.0 (88) 15:39.9 (88) 18:19.4 (84)
92 Betz, Zoey 9 2537 Loudoun Valley 83 23:04.2 2:54.8 7:25.1 4:28.5 (125) 7:11.6 (124) 8:58.8 (102) 13:47.7 (106) 14:54.6 (108) 15:49.5 (103) 18:31.6 (100)
93 Steinberg, Lark JR 4937 Western Albemarle 84 23:04.9 2:55.5 7:25.3 4:21.1 (77) 6:59.1 (88) 8:50.5 (89) 13:41.0 (90) 14:45.6 (89) 15:41.5 (89) 18:29.1 (98)
94 McDonnell, Kiara SR 2159 Jamestown 85 23:06.0 2:56.6 7:25.7 4:23.8 (94) 6:58.3 (82) 8:46.7 (80) 13:35.4 (86) 14:42.0 (86) 15:38.6 (87) 18:24.9 (91)
95 Snipe, Amelia 9 130 Alexandria City High School 86 23:07.2 2:57.8 7:26.0 4:26.1 (112) 6:58.7 (86) 8:48.4 (82) 13:31.5 (83) 14:36.7 (84) 15:33.1 (82) 18:15.3 (81)
96 Adams, Aubry 8 3657 Poquoson -- 23:08.1 2:58.7 7:26.3 4:32.0 (136) 7:08.5 (113) 9:00.6 (112) 13:46.5 (102) 14:49.3 (100) 15:44.2 (95) 18:27.7 (95)
97 McEvoy, Abby SR 1514 Glen Allen High School 87 23:10.5 3:01.1 7:27.1 4:27.1 (115) 7:05.7 (106) 8:57.9 (100) 13:43.3 (96) 14:47.0 (93) 15:43.4 (93) 18:24.6 (90)
98 Norton, Caroline SO 531 Blacksburg High School 88 23:10.6 3:01.2 7:27.1 4:24.2 (97) 7:03.0 (99) 8:54.2 (94) 13:49.0 (108) 14:54.5 (107) 15:50.5 (107) 18:32.8 (101)
99 Walker, Kate SO 1529 Glen Allen High School 89 23:12.5 3:03.1 7:27.7 4:26.6 (114) 7:04.3 (102) 8:56.7 (96) 13:50.1 (110) 14:53.8 (106) 15:52.8 (110) 18:37.8 (108)
100 McCasi, Ayla SO 3121 Morgantown 90 23:13.3 3:03.9 7:28.0 4:19.3 (67) 6:58.7 (83) 8:52.0 (92) 13:40.6 (89) 14:47.1 (94) 15:45.2 (98) 18:28.1 (96)
101 Adamson, Shepard SR 851 Collegiate 91 23:14.0 3:04.6 7:28.2 4:37.9 (162) 7:19.3 (143) 9:09.2 (130) 13:52.5 (114) 14:56.7 (112) 15:53.4 (112) 18:36.2 (106)
102 Pesnell, Julia SR 3878 Riverbend High School 92 23:14.8 3:05.4 7:28.5 4:22.8 (91) 6:59.9 (92) 8:46.6 (79) 13:33.3 (85) 14:40.4 (85) 15:37.0 (86) 18:28.3 (97)
103 Stells, Isabella SO 3035 Midlothian High School 93 23:16.1 3:06.7 7:28.9 4:24.3 (99) 7:01.0 (93) 8:50.1 (88) 13:32.4 (84) 14:36.0 (82) 15:33.8 (84) 18:18.5 (83)
104 Haws, Rowan JR 2544 Loudoun Valley 94 23:16.6 3:07.2 7:29.1 4:39.1 (168) 7:20.4 (144) 9:12.6 (137) 14:01.1 (123) 15:05.1 (123) 16:00.6 (120) 18:38.5 (109)
105 Swartzwelder, Heidi SO 540 Blacksburg High School -- 23:16.9 3:07.5 7:29.2 4:41.6 (178) 7:24.7 (153) 9:17.1 (141) 14:02.5 (128) 15:06.4 (124) 16:02.8 (123) 18:42.4 (116)
106 Francis, Ava 9 917 Colonial Forge 95 23:24.7 3:15.3 7:31.7 4:21.9 (85) 6:58.7 (84) 8:50.8 (90) 13:41.1 (92) 14:46.6 (92) 15:45.2 (97) 18:31.3 (99)
107 Grim, Miranda 9 316 Atlee 96 23:25.9 3:16.5 7:32.1 4:20.4 (72) 6:55.6 (70) 8:47.9 (81) 13:45.8 (100) 14:52.3 (103) 15:49.8 (104) 18:34.0 (102)
108 Foster, Erica 9 2144 Jamestown 97 23:27.7 3:18.3 7:32.6 4:22.8 (89) 7:04.7 (104) 8:59.2 (105) 13:48.7 (107) 14:54.9 (109) 15:53.0 (111) 18:35.6 (105)
109 Spencer, Caitlyn SR 3384 North Stafford -- 23:28.4 3:19.0 7:32.9 4:13.0 (49) 6:48.7 (54) 8:45.0 (76) 13:44.6 (99) 14:51.3 (102) 15:48.6 (102) 18:37.4 (107)
110 Blackmore, Abby 9 3411 Ocean Lakes 98 23:28.9 3:19.5 7:33.0 4:19.5 (68) 6:58.7 (85) 8:49.9 (87) 13:47.1 (105) 14:53.2 (105) 15:50.6 (108) 18:41.2 (113)
111 Ludke, Katherine SR 122 Alexandria City High School 99 23:29.2 3:19.8 7:33.1 4:33.6 (141) 7:16.0 (135) 9:08.3 (127) 13:54.4 (116) 15:00.6 (117) 15:56.8 (117) 18:42.1 (115)
112 Divietro, Abigail 8 1683 Grafton High School -- 23:30.6 3:21.2 7:33.6 4:28.2 (122) 7:09.3 (115) 9:01.2 (113) 13:49.8 (109) 14:57.6 (113) 15:54.4 (113) 18:38.6 (110)
113 Hewavita, Neela 9 4168 Spotswood 100 23:32.6 3:23.2 7:34.2 4:27.9 (118) 7:10.8 (121) 9:02.2 (116) 13:52.0 (112) 14:59.2 (115) 15:55.0 (115) 18:42.8 (117)
114 De La Oliva, Mia 9 3470 Our Lady Of Good Counsel 101 23:35.1 3:25.7 7:35.0 4:21.8 (83) 7:06.3 (108) 9:01.3 (114) 13:51.2 (111) 14:55.9 (111) 15:50.9 (109) 18:40.6 (112)
115 Boetig, Claire SR 3867 Riverbend High School 102 23:36.1 3:26.7 7:35.3 4:34.6 (145) 7:17.5 (139) 9:10.3 (132) 13:58.5 (121) 15:04.2 (120) 16:01.2 (121) 18:47.6 (119)
116 Poag, Lily JR 2552 Loudoun Valley 103 23:38.1 3:28.7 7:36.0 4:29.0 (127) 7:14.7 (129) 9:09.2 (129) 14:02.0 (127) 15:08.3 (126) 16:04.9 (125) 18:52.2 (123)
117 Racer, Macon 9 322 Atlee 104 23:38.5 3:29.1 7:36.1 4:35.2 (147) 7:21.6 (147) 9:19.6 (152) 14:13.9 (143) 15:20.2 (137) 16:18.0 (134) 19:02.7 (131)
118 Cohn, Zoe 8 110 Alexandria City High School 105 23:39.2 3:29.8 7:36.3 4:28.3 (123) 7:09.6 (116) 9:02.9 (119) 13:46.9 (104) 14:52.8 (104) 15:48.5 (101) 18:34.7 (103)
119 Wang, Sophia 9 2929 McLean -- 23:40.1 3:30.7 7:36.6 4:27.6 (117) 7:09.8 (117) 9:02.6 (117) 13:55.1 (117) 15:02.1 (119) 15:59.8 (118) 18:50.2 (120)
120 Chinn, Daisy SO 518 Blacksburg High School -- 23:40.5 3:31.1 7:36.8 4:42.3 (183) 7:24.9 (155) 9:17.9 (143) 14:11.0 (135) 15:12.8 (129) 16:11.1 (130) 18:55.6 (126)
121 Aguirre-Martinez, Juliana JR 4088 South Lakes 106 23:41.5 3:32.1 7:37.1 4:28.8 (126) 7:07.9 (110) 8:58.8 (101) 13:45.9 (101) 14:51.2 (101) 15:50.4 (106) 18:40.5 (111)
122 Monett, Sofia JR 1515 Glen Allen High School 107 23:42.1 3:32.7 7:37.3 4:30.1 (129) 7:12.8 (126) 9:07.1 (124) 14:01.2 (124) 15:08.4 (127) 16:06.3 (127) 18:50.8 (122)
123 Crawford, Caroline SR 859 Collegiate 108 23:42.4 3:33.0 7:37.4 4:42.9 (186) 7:32.6 (173) 9:27.9 (169) 14:19.3 (147) 15:23.7 (144) 16:18.9 (139) 19:03.2 (133)
124 Brackins, Jolie SR 2540 Loudoun Valley -- 23:43.3 3:33.9 7:37.7 4:29.1 (128) 7:11.7 (125) 9:00.5 (111) 13:58.6 (122) 15:04.8 (121) 16:02.7 (122) 18:54.5 (124)
125 Bogacki, Nora 9 2903 McLean -- 23:43.3 3:33.9 7:37.7 4:27.9 (121) 7:10.1 (118) 9:02.8 (118) 13:55.4 (118) 15:02.1 (118) 16:00.2 (119) 18:50.6 (121)
126 Wang, Julia SR 3205 National Cathedral 109 23:43.9 3:34.5 7:37.8 4:30.8 (131) 7:16.9 (137) 9:12.3 (136) 14:06.2 (129) 15:13.3 (130) 16:11.2 (131) 18:58.5 (129)
127 Mendoza, Cecelia 9 922 Colonial Forge 110 23:45.2 3:35.8 7:38.3 4:25.0 (103) 7:04.0 (101) 8:59.4 (106) 13:53.3 (115) 14:58.3 (114) 15:55.1 (116) 18:44.5 (118)
128 Strickler, Gabriela SO 131 Alexandria City High School 111 23:48.9 3:39.5 7:39.5 4:34.2 (143) 7:15.9 (133) 9:11.2 (134) 14:09.4 (131) 15:20.4 (139) 16:19.6 (141) 19:07.9 (138)
129 Lewis, Stuart 8 866 Collegiate 112 23:50.0 3:40.6 7:39.8 4:38.3 (164) 7:22.4 (149) 9:18.2 (144) 14:12.4 (141) 15:14.4 (131) 16:10.9 (129) 18:56.7 (127)
130 Tomlinson, Emily SR 1975 James Madison 113 23:51.8 3:42.4 7:40.4 4:32.4 (138) 7:18.4 (141) 9:10.7 (133) 13:57.3 (120) 15:04.8 (122) 16:03.0 (124) 18:54.7 (125)
131 Sol, Ruby 9 927 Colonial Forge 114 23:53.6 3:44.2 7:41.0 4:27.3 (116) 7:10.9 (122) 9:05.2 (121) 14:01.9 (126) 15:07.4 (125) 16:05.1 (126) 18:58.1 (128)
132 Shults, Leah SO 1970 James Madison 115 23:54.4 3:45.0 7:41.2 4:37.0 (156) 7:22.2 (148) 9:18.6 (146) 14:11.7 (137) 15:19.6 (136) 16:17.7 (133) 19:03.6 (134)
133 Norris, Clementine 9 3031 Midlothian High School 116 23:55.3 3:45.9 7:41.5 4:37.7 (158) 7:26.9 (161) 9:26.0 (163) 14:25.5 (158) 15:31.0 (152) 16:28.2 (148) 19:13.2 (145)
134 Goddard, Helena SO 3188 National Cathedral 117 23:59.1 3:49.7 7:42.7 4:31.1 (132) 7:17.6 (140) 9:17.0 (140) 14:13.1 (142) 15:21.4 (141) 16:19.9 (142) 19:08.7 (139)
135 Small, Carmen 9 1973 James Madison 118 24:02.4 3:53.0 7:43.8 4:37.7 (159) 7:24.1 (152) 9:19.6 (151) 14:11.9 (138) 15:18.8 (135) 16:18.0 (135) 19:04.8 (135)
136 Naglic, Evie JR 319 Atlee -- 24:03.0 3:53.6 7:44.0 4:36.0 (149) 7:23.6 (151) 9:20.5 (154) 14:14.1 (145) 15:20.8 (140) 16:18.4 (138) 19:03.0 (132)
137 Nathan, Geneve SO 574 Briar Woods -- 24:05.2 3:55.8 7:44.7 4:24.5 (100) 7:10.2 (119) 9:08.6 (128) 14:09.8 (132) 15:17.7 (132) 16:17.6 (132) 19:06.6 (136)
138 Waechter, Mary Page JR 3919 Saint Catherine's -- 24:06.5 3:57.1 7:45.1 4:42.7 (184) 7:27.5 (164) 9:22.8 (156) 14:23.4 (153) 15:31.4 (153) 16:30.6 (155) 19:15.2 (147)
139 Webb, Chloe SO 3036 Midlothian High School 119 24:07.4 3:58.0 7:45.4 4:23.7 (93) 7:02.8 (97) 9:00.3 (110) 14:11.3 (136) 15:22.7 (142) 16:24.3 (146) 19:14.4 (146)
140 Luna, Lauren SO 4928 Western Albemarle 120 24:08.0 3:58.6 7:45.6 4:44.6 (193) 7:32.8 (174) 9:27.5 (167) 14:25.8 (160) 15:32.4 (156) 16:30.5 (154) 19:20.7 (152)
141 Radgowski, Genevieve SO 1968 James Madison -- 24:08.8 3:59.4 7:45.9 4:38.3 (165) 7:23.5 (150) 9:17.5 (142) 14:12.2 (140) 15:20.4 (138) 16:18.4 (137) 19:01.8 (130)
142 Donahue, Elisabeth 9 3472 Our Lady Of Good Counsel 121 24:09.7 4:00.3 7:46.1 4:31.5 (134) 7:16.0 (134) 9:12.1 (135) 14:13.9 (144) 15:24.5 (145) 16:22.2 (143) 19:12.4 (144)
143 Arnold, Keziah 9 515 Blacksburg High School -- 24:10.1 4:00.7 7:46.3 4:54.9 (232) 7:39.6 (197) 9:33.9 (181) 14:22.7 (152) 15:28.1 (147) 16:25.3 (147) 19:11.7 (143)
144 Berge, Gabriella 9 3465 Our Lady Of Good Counsel 122 24:13.4 4:04.0 7:47.3 4:22.3 (86) 7:08.4 (112) 9:08.0 (126) 14:12.2 (139) 15:24.9 (146) 16:23.8 (144) 19:09.9 (140)
145 Bacerra-Guldin, Hayly 9 3587 Patriot High School 123 24:13.5 4:04.1 7:47.4 4:14.8 (54) 6:56.8 (76) 8:59.0 (103) 14:07.5 (130) 15:18.4 (133) 16:19.5 (140) 19:06.9 (137)
146 Rogers, Abigail 9 3481 Our Lady Of Good Counsel 124 24:13.6 4:04.2 7:47.4 4:20.7 (75) 7:02.0 (95) 8:57.7 (99) 14:01.5 (125) 15:10.2 (128) 16:09.6 (128) 19:10.3 (141)
147 Shaffrey, Lilly JR 575 Briar Woods -- 24:14.1 4:04.7 7:47.6 4:30.3 (130) 7:15.2 (130) 9:09.9 (131) 14:10.2 (133) 15:18.8 (134) 16:18.1 (136) 19:11.3 (142)
148 Kulbeth, Jane JR 3383 North Stafford -- 24:14.7 4:05.3 7:47.7 4:43.4 (188) 7:38.1 (192) 9:37.5 (193) 14:44.3 (189) 15:49.0 (175) 16:47.5 (174) 19:35.2 (163)
149 Cooley, Olivia SO 3469 Our Lady Of Good Counsel 125 24:15.9 4:06.5 7:48.1 4:44.5 (192) 7:34.4 (182) 9:30.0 (172) 14:25.7 (159) 15:33.6 (158) 16:31.2 (156) 19:17.5 (149)
150 He, Sarina SO 4917 Western Albemarle -- 24:17.3 4:07.9 7:48.6 4:47.9 (210) 7:33.0 (175) 9:26.2 (164) 14:24.4 (154) 15:31.9 (154) 16:29.9 (153) 19:19.9 (151)
151 Smith, Malia SR 3198 National Cathedral 126 24:18.2 4:08.8 7:48.9 4:20.7 (76) 7:04.6 (103) 9:01.4 (115) 13:44.4 (97) 14:48.6 (98) 15:48.1 (100) 18:41.7 (114)
152 Whelan, Sophie 8 133 Alexandria City High School 127 24:18.7 4:09.3 7:49.0 4:54.2 (230) 7:42.7 (205) 9:41.2 (199) 14:38.4 (175) 15:45.5 (168) 16:43.4 (164) 19:28.5 (157)
153 Gabriel, Charlotte SR 4549 The Potomac School 128 24:19.4 4:10.0 7:49.3 4:45.6 (198) 7:34.9 (184) 9:28.9 (171) 14:19.5 (148) 15:29.8 (148) 16:28.3 (149) 19:22.2 (153)
154 Vera, Michell 9 3484 Our Lady Of Good Counsel 129 24:19.7 4:10.3 7:49.4 4:36.7 (153) 7:21.2 (146) 9:19.3 (149) 14:22.6 (151) 15:30.5 (150) 16:29.2 (152) 19:19.2 (150)
155 Rascoe, Ruth JR 4175 Spotswood 130 24:24.7 4:15.3 7:51.0 4:25.1 (105) 7:08.6 (114) 9:06.0 (122) 14:10.5 (134) 15:23.6 (143) 16:23.8 (145) 19:15.6 (148)
156 Scianna, Tessa 8 129 Alexandria City High School -- 24:25.7 4:16.3 7:51.3 4:42.3 (181) 7:32.4 (172) 9:31.7 (176) 14:29.2 (165) 15:37.1 (161) 16:38.4 (161) 19:28.5 (158)
157 Coney, Lola SO 4094 South Lakes -- 24:28.3 4:18.9 7:52.1 4:31.3 (133) 7:14.2 (128) 9:13.6 (138) 14:20.6 (149) 15:30.0 (149) 16:28.7 (151) 19:24.5 (155)
158 Cook, Sophia 9 4912 Western Albemarle -- 24:28.8 4:19.4 7:52.3 4:48.4 (213) 7:42.7 (207) 9:41.3 (201) 14:43.3 (184) 15:51.3 (179) 16:50.0 (176) 19:36.2 (164)
159 Mallory, Susannah 8 123 Alexandria City High School -- 24:29.1 4:19.7 7:52.4 4:53.7 (226) 7:43.4 (209) 9:40.6 (197) 14:38.4 (174) 15:45.7 (169) 16:43.4 (165) 19:29.7 (159)
160 Williams, Olivia SR 929 Colonial Forge 131 24:29.8 4:20.4 7:52.6 4:23.8 (95) 7:15.4 (131) 9:18.6 (145) 14:25.0 (155) 15:35.5 (160) 16:38.2 (160) 19:31.4 (161)
161 Bonvicino, Lila SO 3339 North Shore 132 24:30.8 4:21.4 7:52.9 4:38.5 (167) 7:29.3 (168) 9:24.8 (158) 14:25.5 (157) 15:34.3 (159) 16:31.9 (157) 19:26.0 (156)
162 Herzog, Carrie JR 1507 Glen Allen High School 133 24:31.2 4:21.8 7:53.1 4:44.0 (191) 7:33.9 (179) 9:31.1 (175) 14:37.0 (171) 15:46.1 (170) 16:47.1 (172) 19:39.1 (166)
163 Bowman, Olivia SR 856 Collegiate 134 24:32.4 4:23.0 7:53.4 4:41.1 (177) 7:25.7 (157) 9:23.2 (157) 14:25.4 (156) 15:32.5 (157) 16:32.9 (158) 19:30.2 (160)
164 Broadbent, Finleigh 9 4905 Western Albemarle -- 24:32.9 4:23.5 7:53.6 4:48.7 (214) 7:42.7 (206) 9:41.9 (204) 14:44.1 (188) 15:52.1 (183) 16:50.4 (177) 19:39.6 (168)
165 Choi, Kate SR 4548 The Potomac School 135 24:33.3 4:23.9 7:53.7 4:45.9 (200) 7:34.5 (183) 9:28.3 (170) 14:18.0 (146) 15:30.5 (151) 16:28.3 (150) 19:22.4 (154)
166 Sutton, McKinley JR 1526 Glen Allen High School -- 24:33.4 4:24.0 7:53.8 4:43.9 (190) 7:34.3 (181) 9:32.1 (177) 14:36.7 (170) 15:46.2 (171) 16:47.1 (173) 19:39.2 (167)
167 Racer, Eliza JR 321 Atlee -- 24:34.2 4:24.8 7:54.0 4:47.3 (205) 7:40.3 (201) 9:40.8 (198) 14:47.2 (192) 15:55.6 (189) 16:55.2 (186) 19:49.6 (182)
168 Sponaugle, Natalie SO 325 Atlee -- 24:34.4 4:25.0 7:54.1 4:45.6 (197) 7:38.8 (195) 9:37.3 (190) 14:43.9 (187) 15:52.1 (184) 16:51.7 (181) 19:45.0 (176)
169 Engler, Gloria 9 311 Atlee -- 24:35.0 4:25.6 7:54.3 4:46.1 (201) 7:37.8 (190) 9:36.8 (189) 14:41.2 (182) 15:51.9 (182) 16:50.8 (179) 19:41.0 (170)
170 Conklin, Hazel SR 796 Charlottesville 136 24:35.5 4:26.1 7:54.4 4:39.9 (169) 7:35.5 (185) 9:36.2 (188) 14:48.7 (195) 15:57.5 (191) 16:57.6 (191) 19:50.2 (184)
171 Biedler, Alana JR 517 Blacksburg High School -- 24:36.7 4:27.3 7:54.8 4:45.8 (199) 7:28.8 (166) 9:25.0 (159) 14:43.2 (183) 15:51.7 (181) 16:54.7 (184) 19:47.1 (181)
172 Pogue, Emilia SO 535 Blacksburg High School -- 24:37.6 4:28.2 7:55.1 4:47.2 (204) 7:38.9 (196) 9:34.9 (184) 14:37.4 (172) 15:46.4 (172) 16:46.4 (169) 19:41.7 (171)
173 Shively, Isabella 9 2686 Maggie Walker -- 24:40.9 4:31.5 7:56.2 4:34.1 (142) 7:16.8 (136) 9:15.8 (139) 14:21.3 (150) 15:31.9 (155) 16:35.0 (159) 19:31.7 (162)
174 Hough, Madeline SR 864 Collegiate 137 24:46.2 4:36.8 7:57.9 4:40.8 (175) 7:33.8 (178) 9:33.8 (180) 14:39.8 (177) 15:50.9 (178) 16:51.5 (180) 19:45.2 (177)
175 Acquista, Lola SO 2655 Maggie Walker -- 24:46.3 4:36.9 7:57.9 4:37.9 (163) 7:33.7 (177) 9:36.1 (187) 14:46.5 (191) 15:55.3 (188) 16:56.4 (188) 19:55.4 (188)
176 Brady, Chloe SO 3340 North Shore 138 24:46.5 4:37.1 7:58.0 4:40.4 (172) 7:30.4 (169) 9:31.0 (174) 14:39.2 (176) 15:48.2 (174) 16:45.9 (167) 19:41.9 (172)
177 Faber, Trinity 9 2664 Maggie Walker -- 24:47.9 4:38.5 7:58.4 4:47.9 (209) 7:38.4 (193) 9:34.1 (182) 14:35.8 (168) 15:43.6 (166) 16:43.3 (163) 19:38.5 (165)
178 Cayce-Luckett, Lily 9 4911 Western Albemarle -- 24:48.1 4:38.7 7:58.5 4:50.1 (221) 7:43.8 (211) 9:44.3 (205) 14:49.1 (196) 15:59.6 (196) 16:57.3 (189) 19:43.6 (174)
179 Mallette, Nikka 9 2549 Loudoun Valley -- 24:49.3 4:39.9 7:58.9 4:42.7 (185) 7:36.4 (187) 9:35.3 (185) 14:40.3 (179) 15:51.7 (180) 16:52.2 (182) 19:46.9 (180)
180 Fleming, Reese JR 861 Collegiate -- 24:51.1 4:41.7 7:59.5 4:40.7 (174) 7:25.8 (158) 9:22.1 (155) 14:27.6 (162) 15:40.6 (163) 16:44.5 (166) 19:43.0 (173)
181 Jewett, Olivia JR 3479 Our Lady Of Good Counsel 139 24:51.5 4:42.1 7:59.6 4:36.1 (151) 7:25.8 (159) 9:26.8 (165) 14:36.3 (169) 15:47.0 (173) 16:46.5 (170) 19:45.7 (178)
182 Skwarok, Isabella JR 1106 Deep Run 140 24:54.0 4:44.6 8:00.4 4:49.3 (217) 7:43.3 (208) 9:41.9 (203) 14:43.7 (185) 15:52.3 (185) 16:53.5 (183) 19:46.6 (179)
183 Emad, Zoe SR 3474 Our Lady Of Good Counsel -- 24:54.7 4:45.3 8:00.6 4:37.2 (157) 7:20.6 (145) 9:18.6 (147) 14:28.4 (163) 15:42.1 (165) 16:47.5 (175) 19:51.3 (186)
184 Kim, Hanna SO 4923 Western Albemarle -- 24:56.1 4:46.7 8:01.1 4:34.8 (146) 7:27.1 (162) 9:27.4 (166) 14:43.8 (186) 15:53.6 (187) 16:54.9 (185) 19:49.7 (183)
185 Foley, Maddie SR 1955 James Madison -- 24:56.9 4:47.5 8:01.3 4:38.5 (166) 7:25.3 (156) 9:25.8 (162) 14:40.3 (180) 15:50.4 (177) 16:50.7 (178) 19:50.3 (185)
186 Van Konynenburg, Quinn JR 3204 National Cathedral 141 25:00.8 4:51.4 8:02.6 4:43.5 (189) 7:36.9 (188) 9:39.0 (195) 14:50.6 (198) 15:59.6 (195) 17:01.4 (194) 19:56.1 (189)
187 Pohl, Marin JR 810 Charlottesville 142 25:02.5 4:53.1 8:03.1 4:42.3 (182) 7:39.9 (199) 9:41.3 (200) 14:57.0 (202) 16:07.3 (201) 17:09.8 (201) 20:07.5 (197)
188 Freilich, Alice 9 800 Charlottesville 143 25:02.9 4:53.5 8:03.2 5:08.7 (272) 8:13.4 (267) 10:19.2 (256) 15:26.7 (230) 16:37.6 (222) 17:37.6 (218) 20:25.3 (204)
189 Palen, Jessica JR 3349 North Shore 144 25:03.8 4:54.4 8:03.5 4:37.8 (160) 7:29.1 (167) 9:30.0 (173) 14:40.2 (178) 15:53.0 (186) 16:55.7 (187) 19:52.7 (187)
190 Ashury, Hafifa JR 1088 Deep Run 145 25:04.1 4:54.7 8:03.6 4:47.4 (206) 7:39.9 (198) 9:41.5 (202) 14:52.3 (201) 16:03.3 (199) 17:05.6 (198) 20:02.1 (192)
191 Lawson, Mallory 9 1102 Deep Run 146 25:04.3 4:54.9 8:03.7 4:54.0 (229) 7:52.8 (225) 9:52.7 (215) 15:04.5 (206) 16:15.6 (204) 17:13.7 (202) 20:10.8 (199)
192 Ferguson, Maggie SO 3475 Our Lady Of Good Counsel -- 25:04.7 4:55.3 8:03.8 4:21.9 (84) 7:13.7 (127) 9:19.3 (148) 14:28.7 (164) 15:42.1 (164) 16:42.4 (162) 19:40.2 (169)
193 Worek, Olivia SO 1979 James Madison -- 25:05.0 4:55.6 8:03.9 4:26.5 (113) 7:17.1 (138) 9:19.5 (150) 14:30.4 (166) 15:44.7 (167) 16:46.9 (171) 19:44.4 (175)
194 Boswell, Mirren SR 2539 Loudoun Valley -- 25:05.6 4:56.2 8:04.1 4:43.1 (187) 7:37.6 (189) 9:37.5 (192) 14:48.6 (194) 15:58.5 (193) 17:00.3 (192) 20:04.6 (195)
195 Freeman, Madison JR 312 Atlee -- 25:05.8 4:56.4 8:04.2 4:47.8 (208) 7:40.1 (200) 9:39.9 (196) 14:47.5 (193) 15:59.4 (194) 17:02.7 (195) 20:01.9 (191)
196 Petersen, Kate JR 1967 James Madison -- 25:06.7 4:57.3 8:04.5 4:45.5 (196) 7:38.0 (191) 9:37.5 (191) 14:52.3 (200) 16:02.9 (198) 17:04.2 (197) 19:59.8 (190)
197 Rabb, Palmer JR 3914 Saint Catherine's -- 25:07.3 4:57.9 8:04.7 5:07.4 (265) 8:05.8 (249) 10:03.7 (234) 15:10.0 (209) 16:21.5 (207) 17:21.8 (205) 20:14.1 (200)
198 Ahmad, Manaal JR 4976 Wheatley School -- 25:08.2 4:58.8 8:05.0 5:00.6 (246) 7:55.3 (228) 9:57.8 (224) 15:13.6 (214) 16:22.4 (211) 17:20.7 (204) 20:10.6 (198)
199 Callahan, Charlotte JR 858 Collegiate -- 25:09.3 4:59.9 8:05.3 5:08.0 (267) 8:10.5 (259) 10:18.3 (254) 15:32.8 (236) 16:40.2 (226) 17:39.7 (224) 20:32.6 (212)
200 Adams, Chloe JR 104 Alexandria City High School -- 25:22.5 5:13.1 8:09.5 4:40.3 (171) 7:33.3 (176) 9:35.6 (186) 14:51.8 (199) 16:04.7 (200) 17:07.9 (200) 20:05.2 (196)
201 Richardson, Anna SR 3422 Ocean Lakes 147 25:28.4 5:19.0 8:11.4 4:36.9 (155) 7:28.4 (165) 9:33.0 (179) 14:50.5 (197) 16:01.3 (197) 17:03.2 (196) 20:03.8 (194)
202 LeBlanc, Sarah JR 4345 Stonebridge School 148 25:29.3 5:19.9 8:11.7 4:50.7 (222) 7:47.8 (220) 9:51.5 (212) 15:14.6 (215) 16:25.3 (214) 17:26.8 (212) 20:25.5 (205)
203 Gifford, Molly SR 570 Briar Woods -- 25:31.1 5:21.7 8:12.3 4:35.4 (148) 7:24.8 (154) 9:27.6 (168) 14:45.1 (190) 15:57.3 (190) 17:00.7 (193) 20:03.0 (193)
204 Chatowsky, Zephyr 8 795 Charlottesville 149 25:33.4 5:24.0 8:13.1 5:13.5 (285) 8:14.7 (268) 10:17.8 (253) 15:22.5 (221) 16:31.4 (216) 17:32.7 (215) 20:28.9 (210)
205 Phaneuf, Sloane 9 3420 Ocean Lakes 150 25:33.6 5:24.2 8:13.1 4:53.9 (227) 7:54.1 (227) 10:00.8 (229) 15:25.7 (227) 16:37.7 (223) 17:37.8 (219) 20:40.1 (215)
206 Herzog, Wyn 9 2150 Jamestown -- 25:34.8 5:25.4 8:13.5 4:47.0 (203) 7:47.3 (217) 9:53.1 (216) 15:11.5 (212) 16:22.2 (210) 17:24.7 (210) 20:25.9 (206)
207 Loeser, Josephine 9 3089 Monacan High School 151 25:35.5 5:26.1 8:13.7 4:03.6 (11) 6:32.5 (19) 8:16.4 (20) 12:38.6 (21) 13:39.7 (22) 14:34.4 (25) 21:13.5 (244)
208 Spector, Mia JR 3200 National Cathedral -- 25:35.7 5:26.3 8:13.8 4:48.1 (212) 7:47.3 (218) 9:51.4 (211) 15:11.6 (213) 16:21.5 (208) 17:25.5 (211) 20:26.3 (207)
209 Morgan, Della 9 1517 Glen Allen High School -- 25:39.6 5:30.2 8:15.0 4:40.5 (173) 7:34.1 (180) 9:32.9 (178) 14:37.4 (173) 15:50.0 (176) 16:57.5 (190) 20:18.1 (201)
210 Jacobs, Columbia 9 1098 Deep Run 152 25:42.2 5:32.8 8:15.9 4:47.7 (207) 7:46.3 (214) 9:53.6 (218) 15:10.6 (210) 16:22.9 (213) 17:22.9 (208) 20:24.9 (203)
211 DeSantos, Sarah SO 3471 Our Lady Of Good Counsel -- 25:46.7 5:37.3 8:17.3 4:57.7 (237) 7:56.7 (230) 9:59.3 (227) 15:10.9 (211) 16:20.0 (205) 17:22.4 (207) 20:28.8 (209)
212 Michelson, Maya SO 317 Atlee -- 25:48.7 5:39.3 8:18.0 4:48.9 (215) 7:45.4 (213) 9:50.2 (210) 15:08.9 (208) 16:20.6 (206) 17:24.3 (209) 20:29.3 (211)
213 Whalan, Isabella SR 3352 North Shore 153 25:50.2 5:40.8 8:18.5 4:11.1 (39) 6:57.3 (77) 8:59.1 (104) 14:25.9 (161) 15:40.6 (162) 16:46.2 (168) 20:19.8 (202)
214 La Fleur, Anja SR 4924 Western Albemarle -- 25:50.3 5:40.9 8:18.5 5:06.6 (263) 8:09.2 (256) 10:19.8 (258) 15:44.2 (250) 16:56.1 (246) 17:58.3 (243) 20:56.0 (232)
215 Patterson-Cox, Annie 9 4557 The Potomac School 154 25:50.9 5:41.5 8:18.7 4:50.1 (219) 7:41.4 (203) 9:45.2 (208) 15:00.6 (204) 16:14.4 (203) 17:22.4 (206) 20:42.0 (217)
216 Brin, Sana SR 4545 The Potomac School 155 25:51.9 5:42.5 8:19.0 5:05.2 (259) 8:06.9 (251) 10:11.4 (243) 15:25.0 (225) 16:38.2 (225) 17:38.9 (223) 20:38.6 (214)
217 Leone, Addison SR 2154 Jamestown -- 25:52.8 5:43.4 8:19.3 5:12.7 (284) 8:17.4 (274) 10:20.2 (260) 15:34.1 (242) 16:44.3 (235) 17:44.7 (229) 20:45.8 (221)
218 Ferrick, Laela JR 113 Alexandria City High School -- 25:53.0 5:43.6 8:19.4 5:04.1 (257) 8:04.9 (245) 10:08.0 (237) 15:27.4 (231) 16:40.7 (228) 17:42.5 (227) 20:42.6 (218)
219 Gonzalez, Grace SO 1956 James Madison -- 25:53.4 5:44.0 8:19.5 4:52.9 (224) 7:51.4 (223) 9:58.3 (225) 15:18.2 (217) 16:30.2 (215) 17:33.6 (216) 20:36.8 (213)
220 Freday, Evelyn SO 525 Blacksburg High School -- 25:57.8 5:48.4 8:20.9 4:58.1 (238) 7:58.3 (233) 10:03.1 (233) 15:26.4 (229) 16:40.7 (229) 17:44.5 (228) 20:48.3 (222)
221 Davison, Mira 9 522 Blacksburg High School -- 25:58.3 5:48.9 8:21.1 4:59.4 (242) 7:58.3 (234) 10:02.7 (232) 15:25.9 (228) 16:36.8 (221) 17:38.1 (221) 20:45.6 (220)
222 Bhat, Eesha 9 2658 Maggie Walker -- 26:00.0 5:50.6 8:21.6 4:33.2 (140) 7:31.2 (171) 9:34.6 (183) 15:02.0 (205) 16:21.8 (209) 17:27.0 (213) 20:50.1 (226)
223 Kliegel, Madison 1 3597 Patriot High School 156 26:00.4 5:51.0 8:21.7 4:32.0 (135) 7:19.2 (142) 9:20.5 (153) 14:40.3 (181) 15:57.7 (192) 17:07.5 (199) 20:27.2 (208)
224 Lane, Paige SO 4925 Western Albemarle -- 26:01.5 5:52.1 8:22.1 5:08.7 (273) 8:09.3 (257) 10:19.9 (259) 15:46.1 (254) 16:57.1 (247) 17:58.2 (242) 20:57.7 (233)
225 Helsley, Aislin 9 1957 James Madison -- 26:02.3 5:52.9 8:22.3 4:59.7 (243) 8:03.5 (242) 10:07.7 (235) 15:31.7 (234) 16:44.1 (233) 17:48.6 (232) 20:51.5 (228)
226 Roberts, Rebekah 9 537 Blacksburg High School -- 26:03.6 5:54.2 8:22.8 4:55.7 (233) 7:56.9 (231) 10:02.0 (230) 15:24.5 (223) 16:35.9 (219) 17:37.9 (220) 20:45.2 (219)
227 Layman, Naomi SR 1961 James Madison -- 26:03.9 5:54.5 8:22.9 5:00.3 (245) 8:04.8 (244) 10:12.4 (245) 15:33.0 (237) 16:45.8 (239) 17:48.9 (234) 20:52.5 (230)
228 Reuter, Tori SO 2554 Loudoun Valley -- 26:10.1 6:00.7 8:24.9 4:49.8 (218) 7:48.5 (221) 9:51.6 (213) 15:17.5 (216) 16:31.4 (217) 17:35.7 (217) 20:49.6 (224)
229 Lehman, Maddy JR 1962 James Madison -- 26:10.7 6:01.3 8:25.0 4:40.2 (170) 7:35.9 (186) 9:38.7 (194) 14:59.9 (203) 16:12.4 (202) 17:17.0 (203) 20:51.6 (229)
230 Marshall, Campell JR 2156 Jamestown -- 26:11.1 6:01.7 8:25.2 5:19.3 (297) 8:28.1 (291) 10:33.2 (284) 16:00.7 (270) 17:13.4 (264) 18:16.0 (259) 21:20.9 (253)
231 Carter, Maddie 8 307 Atlee -- 26:12.7 6:03.3 8:25.7 4:50.1 (220) 7:52.0 (224) 9:56.8 (220) 15:22.7 (222) 16:36.1 (220) 17:38.8 (222) 20:41.3 (216)
232 Shepherd, Sarah SO 2683 Maggie Walker -- 26:15.1 6:05.7 8:26.5 5:07.6 (266) 8:17.8 (275) 10:26.8 (274) 15:50.3 (257) 17:04.0 (255) 18:07.0 (253) 21:09.8 (240)
233 Howard, Lena 9 3477 Our Lady Of Good Counsel -- 26:18.3 6:08.9 8:27.5 4:52.4 (223) 7:50.5 (222) 9:57.0 (221) 15:19.9 (219) 16:35.4 (218) 17:40.2 (225) 20:49.7 (225)
234 Mellina, Anna JR 2678 Maggie Walker -- 26:19.9 6:10.5 8:28.0 4:45.3 (195) 7:44.0 (212) 9:52.3 (214) 15:21.4 (220) 16:37.8 (224) 17:41.8 (226) 20:51.0 (227)
235 Haium, Peyton SO 4916 Western Albemarle -- 26:20.4 6:11.0 8:28.2 5:24.6 (300) 8:44.2 (298) 10:52.0 (296) 16:09.3 (282) 17:23.7 (275) 18:26.1 (272) 21:19.3 (250)
236 Horstick, Natalie 9 3872 Riverbend High School 157 26:24.4 6:15.0 8:29.5 4:47.9 (211) 7:46.3 (215) 9:53.8 (219) 15:24.6 (224) 16:42.6 (230) 17:48.7 (233) 20:54.9 (231)
237 Sharrow, Olivia SO 448 Bishop McNamara High School 158 26:25.4 6:16.0 8:29.8 4:57.4 (236) 8:02.8 (237) 10:09.3 (239) 15:35.0 (245) 16:50.9 (241) 17:57.1 (240) 21:04.6 (237)
238 Serwit, Ava JR 3482 Our Lady Of Good Counsel -- 26:27.1 6:17.7 8:30.3 4:58.5 (239) 7:57.5 (232) 10:02.5 (231) 15:29.7 (233) 16:44.2 (234) 17:50.1 (236) 21:01.7 (235)
239 Pregnall, Emma SO 1400 Gainesville High School -- 26:28.8 6:19.4 8:30.9 4:45.2 (194) 7:47.8 (219) 9:57.1 (222) 15:28.6 (232) 16:44.5 (236) 17:51.8 (239) 21:04.7 (238)
240 Bowers, Mollie JR 3079 Monacan High School 159 26:30.4 6:21.0 8:31.4 4:42.2 (180) 7:41.7 (204) 9:53.2 (217) 15:25.3 (226) 16:43.3 (231) 17:50.1 (237) 21:03.5 (236)
241 Luzaich, Anisten 9 4929 Western Albemarle -- 26:31.6 6:22.2 8:31.8 5:03.9 (255) 8:05.3 (247) 10:10.3 (242) 15:40.0 (247) 16:55.8 (245) 17:58.7 (244) 21:19.8 (251)
242 Mulligan, June 8 805 Charlottesville 160 26:33.8 6:24.4 8:32.5 5:13.6 (286) 8:15.0 (269) 10:20.4 (261) 15:33.4 (239) 16:45.3 (238) 17:46.9 (230) 21:11.0 (242)
243 Concer, Valentina SR 2138 Jamestown -- 26:34.1 6:24.7 8:32.6 5:16.4 (292) 8:26.2 (286) 10:32.9 (283) 16:01.8 (271) 17:14.0 (265) 18:16.6 (261) 21:20.7 (252)
244 Hockman, Lauren 9 2604 Louisa County High School -- 26:36.2 6:26.8 8:33.2 5:09.9 (275) 8:27.1 (288) 10:37.1 (286) 16:21.2 (289) 17:37.6 (287) 18:43.9 (285) 21:49.9 (278)
245 Dubyk, Rachel SR 3380 North Stafford -- 26:36.8 6:27.4 8:33.4 5:03.5 (252) 8:03.1 (239) 10:08.4 (238) 15:31.8 (235) 16:43.6 (232) 17:49.3 (235) 21:00.3 (234)
246 Marzilli, Rae SR 4005 Sidwell Friends School -- 26:37.7 6:28.3 8:33.7 4:41.9 (179) 7:46.7 (216) 9:59.0 (226) 15:45.0 (252) 16:58.5 (249) 18:05.0 (249) 21:18.4 (248)
247 Parasram, Ananya 1 3599 Patriot High School 161 26:38.8 6:29.4 8:34.1 4:37.8 (161) 8:12.9 (263) 10:25.2 (270) 15:54.2 (261) 17:07.6 (257) 18:06.5 (251) 21:24.5 (255)
248 Mucci, Katrina SO 2161 Jamestown -- 26:39.2 6:29.8 8:34.2 5:19.1 (295) 8:27.9 (290) 10:38.3 (289) 16:11.9 (284) 17:27.7 (279) 18:26.5 (274) 21:25.0 (257)
249 DOYLE, Anna SO 3186 National Cathedral -- 26:39.7 6:30.3 8:34.4 4:58.6 (240) 8:03.0 (238) 10:10.2 (241) 15:34.9 (244) 16:50.6 (240) 17:57.4 (241) 21:13.2 (243)
250 Han, Anna JR 4983 Wheatley School -- 26:40.2 6:30.8 8:34.5 5:08.6 (271) 8:10.6 (260) 10:18.7 (255) 15:50.2 (256) 17:03.9 (254) 18:10.0 (255) 21:23.5 (254)
251 Nystrom, Becca JR 3913 Saint Catherine's -- 26:40.4 6:31.0 8:34.6 5:14.5 (287) 8:17.1 (273) 10:25.0 (269) 15:55.3 (262) 17:11.8 (260) 18:15.6 (258) 21:24.5 (256)
252 Sattelmaier, Kate SO 323 Atlee -- 26:42.6 6:33.2 8:35.3 5:03.9 (254) 8:05.1 (246) 10:13.1 (246) 15:37.7 (246) 16:55.1 (243) 18:01.0 (246) 21:17.4 (246)
253 Ridgway, Emily SO 2167 Jamestown -- 26:42.7 6:33.3 8:35.3 5:16.6 (293) 8:26.3 (287) 10:32.2 (282) 16:02.4 (273) 17:18.0 (269) 18:22.3 (266) 21:26.4 (258)
254 Ahmadi, Raihana JR 1949 James Madison -- 26:44.8 6:35.4 8:36.0 5:17.6 (294) 8:15.9 (272) 10:23.5 (267) 16:04.8 (276) 17:22.8 (274) 18:25.4 (270) 21:33.4 (263)
255 Beckner, Millie 8 4337 Stonebridge School 162 26:45.9 6:36.5 8:36.4 5:08.2 (269) 8:31.7 (295) 10:50.8 (295) 16:26.3 (290) 17:41.5 (288) 18:45.0 (287) 21:38.5 (268)
256 Woo, Madison 9 4564 The Potomac School 163 26:46.8 6:37.4 8:36.7 5:06.1 (260) 8:08.0 (253) 10:16.3 (250) 15:44.8 (251) 17:00.6 (251) 18:06.0 (250) 21:17.1 (245)
257 Braun-wahlin, Annika 8 794 Charlottesville 164 26:49.0 6:39.6 8:37.4 5:11.8 (281) 8:15.5 (270) 10:19.4 (257) 15:33.1 (238) 16:45.2 (237) 17:47.8 (231) 21:10.9 (241)
258 Glover, Alex SO 2542 Loudoun Valley -- 26:54.2 6:44.8 8:39.0 5:02.0 (249) 8:05.5 (248) 10:13.7 (247) 15:45.8 (253) 17:01.2 (252) 18:03.7 (248) 21:18.3 (247)
259 Irwin, Alyssa 9 3874 Riverbend High School 165 26:58.2 6:48.8 8:40.3 4:56.0 (234) 8:02.1 (235) 10:14.0 (248) 15:52.7 (258) 17:09.6 (259) 18:16.8 (262) 21:27.8 (259)
260 Ryan, Kaitlyn SO 811 Charlottesville -- 26:58.4 6:49.0 8:40.4 5:26.4 (305) 8:41.1 (296) 10:47.4 (294) 16:18.5 (286) 17:34.7 (284) 18:38.1 (281) 21:41.5 (272)
261 Feeney Moreno, Micaela SO 3381 North Stafford -- 27:01.5 6:52.1 8:41.4 4:46.3 (202) 7:43.6 (210) 9:44.4 (206) 15:05.8 (207) 16:22.4 (212) 17:28.1 (214) 20:48.5 (223)
262 McDonald, Ava 8 4346 Stonebridge School 166 27:06.7 6:57.3 8:43.1 5:07.4 (264) 8:21.0 (281) 10:20.7 (262) 15:59.2 (269) 17:18.4 (270) 18:26.1 (273) 21:39.4 (269)
263 Shafiei, Zahar SR 1521 Glen Allen High School -- 27:07.6 6:58.2 8:43.3 5:00.2 (244) 8:03.5 (241) 10:16.3 (251) 15:53.3 (259) 17:08.9 (258) 18:15.5 (257) 21:30.1 (260)
264 Brockman, Kiana 9 3180 National Cathedral -- 27:08.2 6:58.8 8:43.5 5:12.3 (282) 8:22.1 (284) 10:30.1 (280) 16:03.3 (274) 17:18.9 (271) 18:25.8 (271) 21:34.0 (264)
265 Weedman, Laila JR 1977 James Madison -- 27:12.1 7:02.7 8:44.8 4:49.2 (216) 7:55.7 (229) 10:07.9 (236) 15:40.9 (248) 17:01.3 (253) 18:08.8 (254) 21:32.0 (262)
266 Busey, Lucia SO 1952 James Madison -- 27:17.3 7:07.9 8:46.5 5:00.7 (248) 8:04.2 (243) 10:09.8 (240) 15:47.6 (255) 17:05.1 (256) 18:11.8 (256) 21:38.5 (267)
267 Rhodes, Gigi JR 3916 Saint Catherine's -- 27:18.8 7:09.4 8:46.9 5:15.1 (289) 8:18.6 (279) 10:26.4 (273) 15:56.7 (265) 17:12.5 (263) 18:18.2 (264) 21:40.9 (271)
268 Gebelein, Savannah SO 3412 Ocean Lakes 167 27:20.5 7:11.1 8:47.5 5:10.2 (277) 8:18.2 (276) 10:31.3 (281) 16:08.2 (281) 17:24.1 (276) 18:29.3 (278) 21:44.0 (274)
269 Mattox, Madison JR 3090 Monacan High School 168 27:21.9 7:12.5 8:47.9 4:34.4 (144) 7:30.9 (170) 9:44.5 (207) 15:33.5 (240) 16:55.4 (244) 18:06.6 (252) 21:36.6 (266)
270 Ludmar, Louisa SR 3346 North Shore 169 27:22.3 7:12.9 8:48.1 4:36.5 (152) 7:25.9 (160) 9:25.6 (161) 15:18.4 (218) 16:40.5 (227) 17:51.1 (238) 21:18.7 (249)
271 Jackson, Grace 1 919 Colonial Forge 170 27:22.5 7:13.1 8:48.1 4:58.7 (241) 8:09.1 (255) 10:22.2 (264) 15:56.0 (264) 17:14.1 (266) 18:23.4 (268) 21:36.1 (265)
272 Morgan, Claire JR 1516 Glen Allen High School -- 27:22.6 7:13.2 8:48.2 5:00.6 (247) 8:06.8 (250) 10:15.9 (249) 15:55.5 (263) 17:12.4 (262) 18:17.9 (263) 21:31.6 (261)
273 Atmadjaja, Leonora SO 3338 North Shore 171 27:23.5 7:14.1 8:48.5 5:08.1 (268) 8:13.2 (266) 10:22.4 (265) 15:58.2 (267) 17:16.6 (268) 18:24.0 (269) 21:40.3 (270)
274 Anderson, Kaela' 9 303 Atlee -- 27:23.8 7:14.4 8:48.6 4:54.0 (228) 7:53.9 (226) 10:00.5 (228) 15:33.7 (241) 16:52.0 (242) 18:00.5 (245) 21:57.5 (284)
275 Novak, Misha JR 1398 Gainesville High School -- 27:24.6 7:15.2 8:48.8 5:02.9 (250) 8:13.0 (265) 10:27.5 (275) 16:07.4 (279) 17:28.6 (281) 18:38.4 (283) 21:53.3 (280)
276 Walcott, Miriam JR 4939 Western Albemarle -- 27:25.9 7:16.5 8:49.2 5:06.3 (262) 8:09.6 (258) 10:21.2 (263) 15:57.3 (266) 17:14.3 (267) 18:22.8 (267) 21:46.5 (275)
277 Randle, Jordin SO 1401 Gainesville High School -- 27:26.0 7:16.6 8:49.3 5:03.9 (256) 8:12.9 (262) 10:27.5 (276) 16:07.7 (280) 17:29.0 (282) 18:38.2 (282) 21:53.4 (281)
278 Shanahan, Audrey 1 3604 Patriot High School -- 27:29.7 7:20.3 8:50.5 5:06.2 (261) 8:12.9 (264) 10:26.4 (272) 15:58.2 (268) 17:19.8 (272) 18:26.9 (275) 21:41.5 (273)
279 Ferrick, Langlie JR 114 Alexandria City High School -- 27:34.5 7:25.1 8:52.0 5:10.4 (278) 8:22.1 (285) 10:37.9 (288) 16:19.5 (288) 17:36.4 (286) 18:43.8 (284) 22:02.1 (286)
280 Jenkins, Laila JR 445 Bishop McNamara High School 172 27:36.4 7:27.0 8:52.6 4:40.9 (176) 7:41.2 (202) 9:57.6 (223) 15:34.6 (243) 16:57.5 (248) 18:16.4 (260) 21:54.2 (283)
281 Green, Rylie JR 444 Bishop McNamara High School 173 27:37.1 7:27.7 8:52.8 4:57.0 (235) 8:02.7 (236) 10:12.1 (244) 15:54.1 (260) 17:12.0 (261) 18:18.6 (265) 21:54.0 (282)
282 Zhang, Olivia SO 2690 Maggie Walker -- 27:37.9 7:28.5 8:53.1 5:08.5 (270) 8:18.5 (277) 10:28.1 (277) 16:05.5 (278) 17:25.2 (278) 18:32.8 (279) 21:49.5 (277)
283 HUR, Lucy SO 3190 National Cathedral -- 27:45.5 7:36.1 8:55.5 5:10.7 (279) 8:19.5 (280) 10:28.9 (279) 16:04.2 (275) 17:20.9 (273) 18:27.5 (276) 21:47.0 (276)
284 Chau, Jayden 9 1387 Gainesville High School -- 27:49.6 7:40.2 8:56.8 5:03.0 (251) 8:12.4 (261) 10:24.8 (268) 16:05.1 (277) 17:28.6 (280) 18:37.9 (280) 21:51.0 (279)
285 Houghton, Elsie SO 2151 Jamestown -- 27:57.9 7:48.5 8:59.5 5:16.1 (291) 8:27.3 (289) 10:35.3 (285) 16:27.1 (291) 17:46.1 (290) 18:55.5 (289) 22:17.4 (288)
286 Burkhardt, Hannah SR 107 Alexandria City High School -- 28:01.2 7:51.8 9:00.6 5:10.1 (276) 8:21.9 (282) 10:37.5 (287) 16:17.4 (285) 17:35.8 (285) 18:44.7 (286) 22:02.0 (285)
287 Choi, Esther 9 4547 The Potomac School 174 28:01.5 7:52.1 9:00.7 5:05.1 (258) 8:08.0 (254) 10:17.1 (252) 15:44.1 (249) 16:59.3 (250) 18:01.9 (247) 21:09.0 (239)
288 Sheikh, Junnah SO 4011 Sidwell Friends School -- 28:09.9 8:00.5 9:03.4 5:15.1 (288) 8:31.3 (294) 10:47.1 (293) 16:40.7 (294) 18:03.3 (292) 19:09.0 (292) 22:34.0 (291)
289 Didra, Lily 9 1504 Glen Allen High School -- 28:15.2 8:05.8 9:05.1 5:15.9 (290) 8:30.2 (292) 10:40.8 (292) 16:32.4 (292) 17:50.4 (291) 19:00.3 (291) 22:33.2 (290)
290 Adcock, Claire SO 2656 Maggie Walker -- 28:16.9 8:07.5 9:05.6 5:09.1 (274) 8:18.5 (278) 10:28.7 (278) 16:10.9 (283) 17:33.2 (283) 18:46.2 (288) 22:16.6 (287)
291 Sobieray, Katherine SO 3199 National Cathedral -- 28:28.0 8:18.6 9:09.2 5:25.2 (302) 8:44.7 (300) 11:04.1 (300) 16:54.2 (298) 18:14.7 (295) 19:25.2 (295) 22:46.6 (292)
292 Linton, Audrey JR 1104 Deep Run 175 28:30.3 8:20.9 9:09.9 5:22.7 (298) 8:45.8 (303) 11:02.3 (299) 17:04.5 (300) 18:26.9 (299) 19:36.9 (297) 22:51.2 (293)
293 Bass, Caroline JR 916 Colonial Forge 176 28:31.9 8:22.5 9:10.5 4:54.5 (231) 8:07.3 (252) 10:25.3 (271) 16:18.6 (287) 17:44.8 (289) 18:59.3 (290) 22:24.6 (289)
294 Jones-Edwards, Lauren 9 3086 Monacan High School 177 28:41.5 8:32.1 9:13.5 4:36.1 (150) 7:38.5 (194) 9:46.7 (209) 16:02.3 (272) 17:24.8 (277) 18:28.7 (277) 23:06.5 (298)
295 Scrofani, Grace 9 2168 Jamestown -- 28:42.2 8:32.8 9:13.8 5:52.1 (329) 9:30.1 (321) 11:44.9 (319) 17:36.1 (312) 18:55.3 (308) 20:05.1 (308) 23:21.6 (303)
296 BOYD, Elizabeth JR 3179 National Cathedral -- 28:46.3 8:36.9 9:15.1 5:26.9 (307) 8:53.1 (307) 11:08.4 (304) 17:06.5 (301) 18:28.6 (300) 19:38.2 (298) 23:09.9 (300)
297 Oberg, Lily SO 3033 Midlothian High School 178 28:47.4 8:38.0 9:15.4 5:33.4 (317) 8:59.3 (313) 11:15.8 (309) 17:07.6 (302) 18:29.5 (301) 19:39.1 (300) 23:01.3 (297)
298 soofi, zainab SR 3605 Patriot High School -- 28:54.4 8:45.0 9:17.7 5:29.6 (312) 8:52.2 (306) 11:18.5 (310) 17:07.9 (303) 18:35.2 (303) 19:48.7 (302) 23:15.8 (302)
299 Delcour, Scarlett 9 1954 James Madison -- 28:57.4 8:48.0 9:18.6 5:10.9 (280) 8:21.9 (283) 10:40.5 (290) 16:40.8 (295) 18:03.6 (293) 19:16.8 (294) 22:57.7 (295)
300 Walrond, Olivia JR 4351 Stonebridge School 179 28:59.7 8:50.3 9:19.4 4:53.0 (225) 8:03.3 (240) 10:23.1 (266) 16:36.6 (293) 18:05.9 (294) 19:15.9 (293) 22:57.5 (294)
301 Brickley, Vivian 9 3080 Monacan High School 180 29:02.1 8:52.7 9:20.2 5:03.6 (253) 8:15.7 (271) 10:40.7 (291) 16:58.7 (299) 18:23.3 (298) 19:38.8 (299) 22:59.8 (296)
302 Kiser, Esther 9 4170 Spotswood 181 29:07.1 8:57.7 9:21.8 5:26.6 (306) 8:43.8 (297) 11:01.6 (298) 16:49.3 (297) 18:14.7 (296) 19:29.3 (296) 23:06.6 (299)
303 Thornton, Copeland SR 871 Collegiate -- 29:09.6 9:00.2 9:22.6 5:48.8 (324) 9:19.1 (320) 11:27.0 (314) 17:27.2 (307) 18:47.5 (306) 19:54.1 (304) 23:27.2 (304)
304 Rudy, Grace 9 4934 Western Albemarle -- 29:25.8 9:16.4 9:27.8 5:24.8 (301) 8:45.7 (302) 11:04.6 (301) 17:08.1 (304) 18:30.8 (302) 19:42.1 (301) 23:14.3 (301)
305 Bostaph, Lydia 9 306 Atlee -- 29:38.4 9:29.0 9:31.8 5:46.7 (323) 9:09.2 (316) 11:29.3 (315) 17:30.1 (308) 18:52.8 (307) 20:03.5 (307) 23:36.0 (305)
306 Thaller, Bridget 1 3606 Patriot High School -- 29:38.5 9:29.1 9:31.9 5:12.3 (283) 8:30.4 (293) 10:57.8 (297) 17:09.2 (305) 18:42.5 (304) 19:56.5 (305) 23:44.9 (307)
307 Costa, Adhana SR 521 Blacksburg High School -- 29:40.7 9:31.3 9:32.6 5:25.2 (303) 8:49.0 (305) 11:11.8 (306) 17:38.3 (315) 19:05.5 (314) 20:19.8 (313) 23:51.7 (309)
308 Linegang, Emily 9 1963 James Madison -- 29:56.6 9:47.2 9:37.7 5:32.4 (313) 8:57.5 (312) 11:21.2 (311) 17:35.7 (310) 18:59.3 (309) 20:10.9 (309) 23:56.1 (310)
309 Bunting, Myra 9 2136 Jamestown -- 29:58.4 9:49.0 9:38.3 5:29.2 (310) 8:55.2 (310) 11:15.4 (308) 17:38.2 (314) 18:59.7 (310) 20:14.0 (311) 23:44.7 (306)
310 Hidalgo, Isabella SO 2603 Louisa County High School -- 30:01.6 9:52.2 9:39.3 5:23.8 (299) 8:53.3 (308) 11:10.8 (305) 17:34.2 (309) 19:00.9 (312) 20:17.1 (312) 23:59.2 (312)
311 Decker, Annalise 9 1953 James Madison -- 30:06.9 9:57.5 9:41.0 5:32.5 (314) 8:57.4 (311) 11:21.4 (312) 17:36.1 (311) 18:59.7 (311) 20:12.0 (310) 23:56.1 (311)
312 Resendiz-Perez, Elizabeth 9 4176 Spotswood 182 30:10.4 10:01.0 9:42.1 5:27.1 (308) 8:44.3 (299) 11:06.0 (303) 17:17.4 (306) 18:47.4 (305) 19:58.8 (306) 23:45.4 (308)
313 Riddle, Rileigh 9 3093 Monacan High School 183 30:59.6 10:50.2 9:57.9 5:25.5 (304) 8:54.2 (309) 11:25.9 (313) 17:48.8 (316) 19:21.0 (315) 20:40.3 (315) 24:25.1 (315)
314 Carter, Zoe 8 4342 Stonebridge School 184 31:02.6 10:53.2 9:58.9 5:19.2 (296) 8:47.9 (304) 11:12.8 (307) 17:36.8 (313) 19:04.4 (313) 20:20.6 (314) 24:18.9 (314)
315 Ward, Ella 1 3607 Patriot High School -- 31:10.5 11:01.1 10:01.4 5:29.5 (311) 8:45.2 (301) 11:05.9 (302) 16:47.7 (296) 18:23.0 (297) 19:49.7 (303) 24:05.1 (313)
316 Sturdivant, Maya SR 3202 National Cathedral -- 31:12.2 11:02.8 10:02.0 5:41.1 (319) 9:18.1 (318) 11:51.8 (322) 18:27.0 (320) 19:56.6 (319) 21:11.5 (318) 24:56.1 (316)
317 Hammond, Lianna SR 2148 Jamestown -- 31:12.8 11:03.4 10:02.2 5:50.2 (326) 9:31.5 (325) 12:04.7 (323) 18:41.4 (325) 20:11.5 (322) 21:29.8 (322) 25:08.8 (320)
318 Conde Arribas, Alejandra JR 2139 Jamestown -- 31:13.2 11:03.8 10:02.3 5:52.1 (330) 9:31.9 (329) 12:06.1 (325) 18:37.4 (323) 20:11.7 (323) 21:29.6 (321) 25:11.6 (322)
319 Hewson, Addison JR 3871 Riverbend High School -- 31:29.8 11:20.4 10:07.7 5:28.6 (309) 9:03.1 (315) 11:35.9 (317) 18:20.4 (318) 19:51.5 (317) 21:11.8 (319) 25:02.4 (318)
320 Oman, Elizabeth SR 2162 Jamestown -- 31:37.2 11:27.8 10:10.0 5:52.0 (328) 9:31.5 (326) 12:07.5 (326) 18:37.2 (322) 20:10.0 (321) 21:28.3 (320) 25:11.5 (321)
321 Ferreira, Brooke 9 1094 Deep Run 185 31:39.8 11:30.4 10:10.9 5:39.5 (318) 9:16.8 (317) 11:50.8 (320) 18:24.9 (319) 19:55.4 (318) 21:09.0 (316) 25:07.4 (319)
322 Herzog, Delaney SO 2149 Jamestown -- 31:40.7 11:31.3 10:11.2 5:33.4 (316) 9:00.5 (314) 11:33.3 (316) 18:19.0 (317) 19:51.2 (316) 21:09.3 (317) 25:02.1 (317)
323 Anderson, Sophie SR 106 Alexandria City High School -- 31:58.6 11:49.2 10:16.9 5:50.2 (325) 9:30.3 (322) 12:05.6 (324) 18:38.9 (324) 20:17.3 (324) 21:40.8 (324) 25:20.6 (323)
324 Leon, Salome JR 3193 National Cathedral -- 32:02.5 11:53.1 10:18.2 5:53.7 (333) 9:36.9 (333) 12:12.4 (330) 18:50.1 (328) 20:21.7 (325) 21:41.3 (325) 25:26.4 (325)
325 Doster, Molly SR 3185 National Cathedral -- 32:03.9 11:54.5 10:18.6 5:43.3 (320) 9:18.5 (319) 11:51.7 (321) 18:36.3 (321) 20:08.7 (320) 21:29.8 (323) 25:23.1 (324)
326 Bradley, Hana 9 1090 Deep Run 186 32:14.8 12:05.4 10:22.1 5:43.4 (321) 9:31.6 (327) 12:09.6 (329) 18:55.8 (329) 20:32.8 (327) 21:56.6 (327) 26:00.7 (328)
327 Stanke, Anna JR 2172 Jamestown -- 33:04.3 12:54.9 10:38.0 5:53.3 (331) 9:32.4 (330) 12:09.1 (327) 18:47.8 (327) 20:23.7 (326) 21:46.1 (326) 25:48.7 (326)
328 Gudise, Preethi SO 1095 Deep Run -- 33:18.4 13:09.0 10:42.6 5:44.9 (322) 9:31.3 (324) 12:09.5 (328) 18:57.7 (330) 20:35.2 (328) 21:56.7 (328) 25:59.9 (327)
329 Kodali, Swetha SO 1101 Deep Run -- 34:29.6 14:20.2 11:05.5 5:51.1 (327) 9:35.7 (331) 12:18.4 (331) 19:43.6 (331) 21:28.3 (330) 22:56.8 (330) 27:22.5 (330)
330 Durham, Hannah SR 2143 Jamestown -- 36:15.9 16:06.5 11:39.6 5:33.3 (315) 9:30.4 (323) 11:44.5 (318) 18:45.0 (326) 21:13.5 (329) 22:29.6 (329) 27:20.4 (329)
331 Leffler, Anna SO 1103 Deep Run -- 37:25.3 17:15.9 12:02.0 5:53.4 (332) 9:36.2 (332) 12:26.1 (332) 14:31.3 (167) 22:33.2 (331) 24:09.3 (331) 29:06.2 (331)
Shields, Ivey JR 2684 Maggie Walker -- --- 13:43.1 (337)
Crow, Addison SR 310 Atlee -- --- 24:38.2 (338) 29:14.0 (336)
Jawla, Harshi 9 1391 Gainesville High School -- --- 6:02.3 (335) 9:43.0 (334)
Perry, Alaina SO 447 Bishop McNamara High School -- --- 4:24.5 (101) 9:43.5 (335)
Shields, Lydia SR 2685 Maggie Walker -- --- 13:13.9 (336)
Diaz -Contreras, Glenda 9 2142 Jamestown -- --- 5:53.9 (334) 9:31.7 (328)
Dean, Ezra 9 3023 Midlothian High School -- --- 4:36.8 (154) 7:27.1 (163) 9:25.2 (160)