Collegiate XC Meet #1 2024

Goochland, VA
Hosted by Collegiate

Athlete Entries

Boys 5000 Meter Run 93 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Willis, Calvin Clover Hill
Williams, Benjamin Clover Hill
Sagini, Ryan Clover Hill
Whitehead, James Collegiate
Boyle, Luke Goochland High School
Kelleher, Ian Collegiate
Shevlithier, Matthew Clover Hill
Krumbein, Nathan Collegiate
Aaron, Adrian Goochland High School
Smithson, Tucker Goochland High School
Lanning, Eric Collegiate
Samuels, Henry Collegiate
Shelah, Dominic Clover Hill
Novak, Colt Clover Hill
Pellei, Luke Douglas Freeman
Zwerdling, Henry Collegiate
Combs, Virgil Goochland High School
Diehl, Zachary Goochland High School
Lynch, James Collegiate
Samdani, Aayan Collegiate
Sheru, Shahan Clover Hill
Bowman, Jacob Hermitage
Dickerson, Dylan Clover Hill
Dudley, Reese Collegiate
Shah, Ravi Collegiate
Curry, Aedan Goochland High School
Dunlap, Forrest Collegiate
Jackson, Graham Clover Hill
Scarborough, Latiyf Clover Hill
Curwood, Grayson Collegiate
Funkhouser, Brayden Goochland High School
Neale, Conner Goochland High School
O'Sullivan, Aiden Collegiate
Colasundo, Parker Clover Hill
Afshari, Ryan Clover Hill
Hamid, Zayden Collegiate
Strunk, Connor Collegiate
Corbitt, Alex Goochland High School
Martin, Cole Clover Hill
Salazar, Adrian Clover Hill
Thalhimer, Ben Collegiate
Cotner, Sebastian Goochland High School
Tickle, Luke Goochland High School
Psarros, George Collegiate
Taylor, Joshua 15:17.00 Clover Hill
Moore, Liam 16:43.00 Collegiate
Shah, Aditya 17:49.00 Douglas Freeman
Reeves, Landon 17:56.00 Hermitage
Sutherland, Preston 18:03.00 Collegiate
Ford, Benjamin 18:04.70 Hermitage
Wright, Logan 18:36.00 Hermitage
Pickels, Hudson 18:40.00 Douglas Freeman
Brown, Dustin 18:50.10 Goochland High School
Harris, Benjamin 18:55.00 Collegiate
Stinson, Darren 19:07.00 Douglas Freeman
Lewis, Reade 19:10.00 Collegiate
Petkauskas, Justinas 19:14.00 Collegiate
Rettig, Sean 19:35.00 Douglas Freeman
Hardy, Camron 19:36.30 Goochland High School
Namorato, David 19:40.00 Hermitage
Gibbons, Calvin 19:42.20 Goochland High School
Johnson, Aiden 19:59.00 Goochland High School
Gill, Chase 20:01.00 Collegiate
Ragland, Finnegan 20:04.00 Douglas Freeman
Smith, Noah 20:09.80 Goochland High School
Smith, Jack 20:12.00 Collegiate
Grant, Brayden 20:19.10 Goochland High School
Galahan, Thomas 20:24.00 Collegiate
Forstner, Grayson 20:40.00 Collegiate
Samos, Rylan 20:55.50 Hermitage
Jones, Liam 20:57.00 Collegiate
Phillips, Baxter 21:10.22 Collegiate
Edmonds, Daniel 21:18.00 Clover Hill
Johnston, Kieran 21:19.00 Collegiate
Trabaudo, James 21:20.00 Collegiate
Wilson, Kaiden 21:24.20 Clover Hill
Cummins, Vincent 21:36.00 Hermitage
Turner, Justin 21:38.10 Clover Hill
Rohatgi, Akash 21:52.00 Collegiate
Stoakley, Clyde 22:05.00 Douglas Freeman
Quindoza, Miles 22:05.13 Collegiate
Henderson, Keith 22:08.90 Clover Hill
Fry, Jerry 22:31.70 Goochland High School
Hopkins, Sam 22:41.74 Clover Hill
Cao, Charlie 22:57.40 Clover Hill
Jimenez, Isaac 23:30.40 Hermitage
Tamagnini, Travis 24:09.30 Goochland High School
Hough, Niko 24:25.00 Collegiate
Ramos Cruz, Franklin 24:36.00 Hermitage
Yates, John 24:58.70 Hermitage
Callahan, Patrick 25:27.66 Collegiate
Wong, Kellan 26:54.71 Collegiate
McGrath, Luke 27:03.86 Collegiate
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Girls 5000 Meter Run 62 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Darr, Alex Goochland High School
Reis, Olivia Collegiate
Stines, Shelby Clover Hill
Ventura, Keity Hermitage
Stoakley, Camille Douglas Freeman
Medlin, Lily Goochland High School
Cullen, Jane Collegiate
Weller, Sophia Goochland High School
Arnold, Emma Goochland High School
Streetman, Appoline Collegiate
Heath, Abby Clover Hill
Mejia, Keillin Hermitage
Melton, Lia Goochland High School
Eastwood, Meredith Goochland High School
Fulco, Sophia Collegiate
Reid, Lauren Goochland High School
Lopez, Hailee Goochland High School
Lehosit, Charlotte Clover Hill
Bernstein, Saiesha Hermitage
Wirsing, Sylvia Goochland High School
Oseguera, Ana Goochland High School
Williams, Autumn Collegiate
Heath, Clara Clover Hill
Silcox, Andie Hermitage
de Alba Jimenez, Paula Goochland High School
Johnson, Olivia Goochland High School
Ascari, Francesca Collegiate
Ellis Johnson, Airiana Clover Hill
Harris, Virginia 19:03.00 Collegiate
Ferrell, Rosie 19:16.00 Collegiate
Blaszak, Bridget 19:41.00 Collegiate
Sloan, Sophie 20:28.00 Collegiate
Haske, Amelia 20:56.00 Collegiate
Lewis, Anne 21:11.00 Collegiate
Blackwood, Ellie 21:27.00 Collegiate
Boyer, Macy 21:30.00 Collegiate
Rogerson, Andrea 21:30.10 Goochland High School
Mccomb, Maddie 21:36.40 Collegiate
Harlow, Hadley 21:38.00 Goochland High School
Bupp, Ashton 22:38.00 Clover Hill
Schneider, Sophie 22:39.60 Clover Hill
Molis, Anna Jane 22:48.00 Clover Hill
McMullin, Samantha 22:53.00 Collegiate
Bowman, Olivia 23:56.00 Collegiate
Hough, Madeline 23:58.00 Collegiate
Adamson, Shepard 24:01.00 Collegiate
Myers, MACI 24:07.00 Collegiate
Fleming, Reese 24:42.80 Collegiate
Lewis, Stuart 24:46.50 Collegiate
Testa, Peyton 24:53.10 Clover Hill
Boak, Grace 24:55.70 Collegiate
Crawford, Caroline 25:29.00 Collegiate
Callahan, Charlotte 25:36.00 Collegiate
Winters, Lauren 25:51.00 Clover Hill
El-Ayoubi, Hannah 26:26.48 Collegiate
Turnbull, Sarah 27:02.00 Collegiate
Pisolkar, Kiran 27:19.00 Clover Hill
Dasari, Satyabama 27:39.00 Hermitage
Ganyuma, Jalia 28:34.80 Goochland High School
Lohr, Caroline 28:57.50 Goochland High School
Thornton, Copeland 29:28.00 Collegiate
Kaul, Anaya 30:47.00 Douglas Freeman
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