Bishop Sullivan Catholic Invitational 2010

Virginia Beach, VA

Bishop Sullivan Catholic Invitational 2010 vs Bishop Sullivan Invitational 2009

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +37 143 106
Overall Average +5:06.40 28:13.22 23:06.83
1st-10th Place +1:26.90 19:48.70 18:21.80
1st-25th Place +2:03.06 21:30.64 19:27.58
1st-50th Place +2:20.11 23:04.70 20:44.59
1st-100th Place +2:51.06 25:34.64 22:43.58
Common Athletes -- -- 30
Ran Faster -20 5 25
Ran Season Best -- 30 30
Average Time +2:32.23 25:15.00 22:42.77
Median Time +2:16.94 25:01.00 22:44.06
Middle 80% Times +2:13.73 24:58.63 22:44.89
Top 10% Times +2.79 18:52.33 18:49.54
Top 25% Times +35.30 20:35.25 19:59.95
Top 50% Times +1:04.07 22:08.67 21:04.60
Bottom 50% Times +4:00.39 28:21.33 24:20.94
Bottom 25% Times +5:07.95 30:30.88 25:22.93
Bottom 10% Times +7:29.65 33:48.67 26:19.01
Average Difference +2:32.23 -- --
Median Difference +2:34.01 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +2:08.72 -- --
Top 10% Difference -34.27 -- --
Top 50% Difference +53.88 -- --
Top 25% Difference +13.01 -- --
Top 50% Difference +53.88 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +4:10.58 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +5:52.04 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +8:46.83 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Ryan Lanoue Norfolk Collegiate +5.70 18:23.00 18:17.30
Jakob Lejman Catholic High School +2:33.36 21:07.00 18:33.64
Adam Link Walsingham Academy -43.69 18:54.00 19:37.69
Amory Langley Catholic High School -1:04.81 19:20.00 20:24.81
Marc Leber Nansemond-Suffolk Academy +17.07 20:54.00 20:36.93
Damian Girona Hampton Roads Academy +3:01.57 23:40.00 20:38.43
Mike Faust Catholic High School +1:21.61 22:12.00 20:50.39
Holt Lassiter Catholic High School +2:13.56 23:14.00 21:00.44
Wilson Waddill Hampton Roads Academy +4:16.20 25:49.00 21:32.80
Aj Kelly Catholic High School -10.48 21:55.00 22:05.48
Chris Douglas Catholic High School -34.72 21:57.00 22:31.72
Thomas DiFazio Catholic High School +2:46.37 25:01.00 22:14.63
David Baldwin Norfolk Collegiate +2:16.23 24:44.00 22:27.77
Tyler Webb Catholic High School +3:19.31 25:53.00 22:33.69
Matt Fanghella Catholic High School +8.73 22:52.00 22:43.27
Jacob Howell Nansemond-Suffolk Academy +4:26.94 27:11.00 22:44.06
Brooks Mears Nansemond-Suffolk Academy +2:34.01 25:27.00 22:52.99
Anthony Waldner Nansemond-Suffolk Academy +2.19 22:59.00 22:56.81
Jared Donaghue Catholic High School +3:37.61 26:37.00 22:59.39
Tripp Jones Nansemond-Suffolk Academy +16:10.92 39:17.00 23:06.08
Ian Gallagher Walsingham Academy +1:15.48 25:00.00 23:44.52
Paul Thrush Catholic High School +2:57.16 26:44.00 23:46.84
Thomas Simmons Catholic High School +4:41.07 28:52.00 24:10.93
Tony Monaco Catholic High School +5:04.73 29:50.00 24:45.27
Clay Leverett Catholic High School +4:31.01 29:23.00 24:51.99
Chandler Julien Walsingham Academy -1:29.40 24:59.00 26:28.40
David Ascarrunz Catholic High School +3:19.07 28:27.00 25:07.93
Aaron Houck Catholic High School +3:37.75 28:48.00 25:10.25
Brian Fuller Hampton Roads Academy +27.52 25:42.00 25:14.48
Ben Allen Hampton Roads Academy +5:04.84 32:19.00 27:14.16