Southeastern District XC Championships 2010 vs Southeastern District XC Championships 2009

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -5 204 209
Overall Average +36.99 23:19.78 22:42.79
1st-10th Place +36.96 17:12.70 16:35.74
1st-25th Place +41.72 18:00.16 17:18.44
1st-50th Place +42.79 18:52.20 18:09.41
1st-100th Place +42.70 20:06.96 19:24.26
Common Athletes -- -- 89
Ran Faster 7 48 41
Ran Season Best -25 64 89
Average Time -11.87 22:03.63 22:15.50
Median Time +21.36 21:51.00 21:29.64
Middle 80% Times -0.08 21:41.78 21:41.85
Top 10% Times -12.62 17:07.78 17:20.39
Top 25% Times -12.68 18:03.96 18:16.63
Top 50% Times -3.82 19:21.78 19:25.60
Bottom 50% Times -19.66 24:16.07 24:35.72
Bottom 25% Times -47.17 26:53.61 27:40.77
Bottom 10% Times -1:47.94 30:23.22 32:11.17
Average Difference -11.87 -- --
Median Difference +1:22.36 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +0.02 -- --
Top 10% Difference -13.83 -- --
Top 50% Difference -13.14 -- --
Top 25% Difference -11.26 -- --
Top 50% Difference -13.14 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -8.50 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -48.56 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -1:55.41 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Jeremy Greenwald Grassfield -26.72 16:12.00 16:38.72
Seth Taylor Grassfield -18.98 16:32.00 16:50.98
Nick Richardson Western Branch High School -1:00.48 16:36.00 17:36.48
Matt Freedman Hickory High School +4.91 17:14.00 17:09.09
Michael Sanders Hickory High School -2.67 17:10.00 17:12.67
Alex Midkiff Grassfield -23.80 17:20.00 17:43.80
Alex Reel Western Branch High School +1:40.47 19:02.00 17:21.53
Jared White Great Bridge High School +23.93 17:59.00 17:35.07
Andrew Werner Western Branch High School -45.77 17:37.00 18:22.77
Colin Winchester Western Branch High School -1:59.35 17:38.00 19:37.35
Devin Keel Lakeland -1:23.01 17:51.00 19:14.01
Kevin Kneisler Great Bridge High School +1:11.79 19:07.00 17:55.21
Cody Morgan Western Branch High School -42.12 18:00.00 18:42.12
Gabe Wolstenholme Hickory High School -2:17.55 18:01.00 20:18.55
Josh Boron Hickory High School -35.62 18:06.00 18:41.62
Tyler Marcous Great Bridge High School +32.96 18:46.00 18:13.04
Lee Matheson Grassfield +4:33.69 22:47.00 18:13.31
Zach Inman Hickory High School +25.07 18:40.00 18:14.93
Brett Gordon Hickory High School -49.44 18:32.00 19:21.44
Bradley Wright Grassfield +19.11 19:02.00 18:42.89
Robert Murray Grassfield +11.25 18:56.00 18:44.75
Zach Harrelson Great Bridge High School -31.21 18:51.00 19:22.21
Justin Sikes Western Branch High School -40.18 19:04.00 19:44.18
Nate Mickelson Western Branch High School +28.63 19:33.00 19:04.37
Zach Cadieux Hickory High School -2:08.70 19:15.00 21:23.70
Teresa Williamson Hickory High School -1:12.44 19:27.00 20:39.44
David Waterfield Lakeland -1:18.07 19:36.00 20:54.07
Carolyn Cunniffe Grassfield +30.87 20:28.00 19:57.13
Mitchell Pitts Hickory High School +25.30 20:23.00 19:57.70
Michael Pharr Hickory High School +1:39.41 21:39.00 19:59.59
Jamal Cannon Nansemond River -27.62 20:09.00 20:36.62
Matt Heimer Western Branch High School +1:50.53 22:00.00 20:09.47
Roderick Williams Deep Creek High School +2.27 20:12.00 20:09.73
Ian Blake Grassfield +3.83 20:16.00 20:12.17
Ryan Quinn Oscar Smith High School -1:13.26 20:18.00 21:31.26
Katie Bishop Western Branch High School +2:59.53 23:24.00 20:24.47
Warren Beatty Nansemond River +21.50 20:48.00 20:26.50
Torrian Moore Nansemond River +1:22.36 21:54.00 20:31.64
Alexandra Justice Western Branch High School -1:11.51 20:35.00 21:46.51
Morgan Murphy Hickory High School +1:41.72 22:23.00 20:41.28
Elizabeth Wade Great Bridge High School -28.16 20:42.00 21:10.16
Patrick Fisher Hickory High School +13.29 20:59.00 20:45.71
Nathaniel Chandler Nansemond River -4.33 20:54.00 20:58.33
Katherine Mello Great Bridge High School +26.97 21:22.00 20:55.03
Peyton Holm Grassfield +11.07 21:12.00 21:00.93
Hannah Gray Grassfield -3.47 21:04.00 21:07.47
Brett Brumund Oscar Smith High School -42.19 21:11.00 21:53.19
Emily Bolster Oscar Smith High School -1:15.84 21:25.00 22:40.84
Amanda Cullen Grassfield +21.36 21:51.00 21:29.64
Sterling Peden Nansemond River +2:43.48 24:19.00 21:35.52
Rene Vanhooijdonk Hickory High School -23.29 21:45.00 22:08.29
Calvin Stanford Oscar Smith High School +1:28.18 23:19.00 21:50.82
Christian Ruiz Oscar Smith High School -1.17 21:52.00 21:53.17
Janel Cannon Nansemond River +1:04.20 22:59.00 21:54.80
Claire Harrington Oscar Smith High School -6.24 21:59.00 22:05.24
Charles Cannon Nansemond River +21.82 22:27.00 22:05.18
Timothy Abresh Hickory High School +29.48 22:36.00 22:06.52
Jerry Cunningham Nansemond River +50.47 22:58.00 22:07.53
Patsy Delacey Western Branch High School -2:45.44 22:13.00 24:58.44
Johnny Williams Western Branch High School -1:15.11 22:14.00 23:29.11
Emily McClellan Western Branch High School -7.73 22:16.00 22:23.73
Xavier Bell Indian River High School -2:24.80 22:20.00 24:44.80
Kalynn Blakely Western Branch High School +51.40 23:15.00 22:23.60
Anthony Morrison Nansemond River -49.25 22:35.00 23:24.25
Juliette Zadrazil Western Branch High School -56.60 22:41.00 23:37.60
Rachel Greenwald Grassfield -47.07 22:44.00 23:31.07
Lark Washington Kings Fork -2:45.40 22:53.00 25:38.40
Shannon Foster Grassfield +18.00 23:12.00 22:54.00
Haley Balcom Grassfield +1:25.46 24:22.00 22:56.54
Jonathon Mosher Lakeland -2:25.97 23:12.00 25:37.97
Quante Cotton Deep Creek High School -9.83 23:25.00 23:34.83
Kailey Strothers Grassfield +1:22.49 24:51.00 23:28.51
Anna Yong Grassfield +2:50.82 26:24.00 23:33.18
Katherine Matais Western Branch High School +13.81 23:52.00 23:38.19
Mason Powers Hickory High School +1:51.49 25:34.00 23:42.51
Delaney Williams Hickory High School +1:15.52 25:12.00 23:56.48
Sloane Stoufer Oscar Smith High School -1:07.52 24:35.00 25:42.52
Lauren Essenmacher Hickory High School -2:11.18 24:39.00 26:50.18
Nicole Tsetsilas Kings Fork -7.83 25:34.00 25:41.83
Tyra Rounds Grassfield +4:47.61 30:28.00 25:40.39
Cory Burton Oscar Smith High School -2:34.24 25:43.00 28:17.24
Rebecca Strunc Oscar Smith High School -1:45.36 26:15.00 28:00.36
Sara Nelson Lakeland +1:00.83 27:59.00 26:58.17
Abigail Bartolome Oscar Smith High School -3:44.08 28:10.00 31:54.08
Kimberlyn Mehalko Lakeland -5:15.21 28:45.00 34:00.21
Abigail Lashells Lakeland -5:14.74 28:47.00 34:01.74
Laura Iseminger Hickory High School -1:56.76 31:09.00 33:05.76
Aziza Chattman Deep Creek High School +3:27.97 36:25.00 32:57.03
Lishelle Wesley Deep Creek High School -5:03.91 35:22.00 40:25.91