VHSL Group AAA State Indoor T&F Championships 2011

Hampton, VA
Hosted by Bethel

Boys 55 Meter Hurdles Finals

Licensed to Atlantic Coast Timing Systems - Contractor License
                                       HY-TEK's Meet Manager 2/26/2011 01:15 PM
      2011 Virginia AAA State Indoor Track Meet - 2/25/2011 to 2/26/2011       
                            Boo Williams Sportplex                             
                                  Hampton, VA                                  
Event 12  Boys 55 Meter Hurdles
 39" height
AAA meet rec: #  7.16  1999        RICKY HARRIS, CENTERVILLE                   
BWSP facilit: @  7.20  1/31/2009   Wayne Davis III, Southeast Raleigh (NC)     
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals  H#
  1   333 Mcfadden, Daniel    12 Heritage (Ne            7.34       7.21   2 
  2    22 Jenkins, John       12 Annandale               7.38       7.34   2 
  3   461 Demiel, JaQuan      12 Lakeland                7.53       7.37   2 
  4   682 Williams, Anthony   12 Potomac Seni            7.46       7.46   2 
  5   898 Wyatt, Vincent      12 William Flem            7.48       7.51   2 
  6   679 Brewer, Devin       12 Potomac Seni            7.62       7.53   1 
  7   410 Jones, Tyler        12 John Marshal            7.74       7.59   1 
  8   267 Williams, Justin    12 Granby                  7.70       7.63   1 
  9   277 Holloway, Trey      11 Grassfield              7.57       7.69   2 
 10   439 Finklea, Chris      12 L.C. Bird               7.63       7.73   1 
 11   859 Burris, Jamal       11 Western Bran            7.75       7.83   1 
 12   332 Bateman, Jamar      12 Heritage (Ne            7.81       8.24   1 
                    Women - Team Rankings - 9 Events Scored
    1) Western Branch              82        2) Thomas Dale                25.50
    3) South County                22        4) Lee-Davis                  15   
    5) Phoebus                     14        6) Atlee                      12   
    7) Grassfield                  11        8) West Potomac               10   
    8) Osbourn Park                10        8) Cosby                      10   
   11) Mountain View                9.50    11) Highland Springs            9.50
   13) Green Run                    8       13) Henrico                     8   
   13) Hayfield                     8       16) Landstown                   7   
   17) C.D. Hylton                  6       17) Menchville High School      6   
   17) Gloucester                   6       17) Cox                         6   
   17) Battlefield                  6       22) Kempsville                  5   
   22) Albemarle                    5       22) West Springfield            5   
   22) Meadowbrook                  5       26) James W. Robinson           4   
   26) Hampton                      4       26) Midlothian                  4   
   29) Chantilly                    3.50    30) Thomas Jefferson S&T        3   
   30) Booker T. Washington         3       30) Patrick Henry (Ashland)     3   
   30) W.T. Woodson                 3       30) John Marshall               3   
   35) Great Bridge                 2       35) Woodbridge                  2   
   35) Lake Braddock                2       38) William Fleming             1   
   38) Oakton                       1       38) Ocean Lakes                 1   
                     Men - Team Rankings - 7 Events Scored
    1) Atlee                       32        2) First Colonial             25   
    3) Lakeland                    18        4) Colonial Forge             12   
    4) Ocean Lakes                 12        6) Annandale                  11   
    7) Heritage (Newport News)     10        7) Lee-Davis                  10   
    7) Woodside                    10        7) James W. Robinson          10   
    7) Woodbridge                  10       12) Great Bridge                8   
   12) Highland Springs             8       12) Potomac Senior High Schoo   8   
   15) Douglas Freeman              7       16) Oscar Smith                 6   
   16) Nansemond River              6       16) Kellam                      6   
   19) Grassfield                   5       19) Midlothian                  5   
   19) South Lakes                  5       19) Thomas Dale                 5   
   19) Lake Braddock                5       19) J.R. Tucker High School     5   
   25) William Fleming              4       26) Western Branch              3   
   26) Green Run                    3       26) Stafford                    3   
   26) Indian River                 3       26) Halifax County              3   
   31) Centreville                  2       31) Langley                     2   
   31) Kempsville                   2       31) John Marshall               2   
   31) L.C. Bird                    2       36) Tallwood                    1   
   36) Franklin County              1       36) I.C. Norcom                 1   
   36) Granby                       1       36) Chantilly                   1