
Northside HS Track

Venue Records

NOT OFFICIAL RECORDS. These stats are according to our database.

Meets Held Here

Date Meet
2025-04-05 Northside Invitational
2024-04-20 Northside Invitational
2024-04-11 Northside Quad Meet
2022-04-27 Read Mountain MS Tri meet
2022-04-20 Northside MS vs. Central Academy MS
2022-04-09 Northside Invitational
2022-04-07 Northside MS vs. William Byrd MS
2022-03-23 Northside MS vs. Benjamin Franklin MS
2022-02-07 Northside Winter Relay Carnival
2021-06-01 BRD#6
2021-01-30 Northside Tri Meet (William Byrd/Hidden Valley)
2020-04-04 Viking Invitational
2019-04-06 Northside Invitational
2018-04-18 Northside
2009-03-25 Northside, Hidden Valley
2005-04-27 Northside Tri Meet

XC Course Rating

The higher the number the more difficult the course statistically.

Conversion Table
15:00 + 41.00 21:00 + 58.00
16:00 + 44.00 22:00 + 1:00.00
17:00 + 47.00 23:00 + 1:03.00
18:00 + 49.00 24:00 + 1:06.00
19:00 + 52.00 25:00 + 1:09.00
20:00 + 55.00 26:00 + 1:11.00