800 Meter Run
2:07.0 Jesse Spangler
2:07.6 Rya Murphy
2:18.3 Joseph Van Ess
2:19.6 Lvise Taylor
2:19.8 Jeb Brown
2:22.2 Tiel Westbrook
2:31.3 Lewis Warren
2:42.2 Kate Gardner
2:47.0 Karl Cover
2:50.7 Changjwok Dang
2:51.4 Lindsey Rogers
2:58.1 Nici Rhodes
3:02.8 William Palagyi
3:05.8 Don Berkeley
3:06.8 Brad Lowe
3:14.2 Brittany Young
3:16.6 Bobby Orndorff
3:27.4 Allison Meyer
3:30.0 Alex Scott
3:31.3 Charles Beverage
3:33.4 Doc Thomas
3:35.4 John McGurn
3:44.2 William Chadim
3:46.7 Christina Arrington
3:53.4 Linda Gulick
4:11.4 Reginald Daniels
100 Meter Dash
12.3 Jeffrey Hernandez
12.6 Jake Dehetre
12.7 Jesse Spangler
12.8 Brad Lowe
13.1 Changjwok Dang
13.4 Jeb Brown
13.6 Lewis Warren
13.6 Joseph Van Ess
14.2 Tiel Westbrook
15.0 Don Berkeley
15.5 Kate Gardner
15.5 Travis Gardner
15.7 Alex Scott
15.9 Karl Cover
16.0 Austin Brier
16.8 Lindsey Rogers
17.1 Bobby Orndorff
17.5 Brittany Young
18.0 John McGurn
18.7 Christina Arrington
19.0 Andrew Orndorff
19.3 Charles Beverage
20.6 Rosewell Ferrell
27.4 McGill Ferrell
34.2 Eleanor Strange
4 x 400 Relay
4:08.5 Team Virginia Bickle: Tiel Westbrook, Joseph Van Ess, Jake Dehetre, Nolan Jez
4:46.2 Team Jesse: Jesse Spangler, Lindsey Rogers, Brittany Young, Jeffrey Hernandez
4:57.8 Good News: Jeb Brown, Lewis , Travis, Alex
5:32.0 Team Dom: Brad Lowe, Austin Brier, Don Berkeley, Karl Cover
5:48.6 Team Charles: Charles Beverage, Allison Meyer, Christina Arrington, Kate Gardner
6:34.1 Team 4 Monkeys: Giles Ferrell, Rosewell Ferrell, Courtney Ferrell, McGil Ferrell
6::34. 6 Team Linda and the Old Guys: Bobby Orndorff, Linda Gulick, William Palagyi, Reginald Daniels
Predict-A-Time Mile
William Palagyi won the Predict-A-Time Mile with a perfect prediction: He predicted 8:40 and ran an 8:40.