All American Relays - CANCELED 2019

Radford, VA

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jarrett, Harrison Fort Chiswell
Blaker, Chad 11.25 Narrows
Ramsey, Shane 11.32 Bland County
Sharitz, Trevor 11.70 George Wythe (Wytheville)
Jones, Eli 11.71 Fort Chiswell
Davis, B 11.99 Radford High School
Bowman, Reid 12.00 Narrows
Younger, Jaquez 12.02 George Wythe (Wytheville)
Owens, Dylan 12.05 Eastern Montgomery
Blaker, Chase 12.23 Narrows
Ratcliffe, Chaston 12.27 Giles
Shinault, Chris 12.36 Graham
Varney, Ezra 12.51 Fort Chiswell
Fox, Gabe 12.52 Eastern Montgomery
Wells, Ravvon 12.63 George Wythe (Wytheville)
Clark, Nicholas 12.82 Radford High School
Grayson, Elliot 12.85 Radford High School
Morehead, Kendrick 13.15 Bland County
Myers, Tanner 13.35 Bland County
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cecil, Will 17.14 Giles
Green, Tyrus 17.21 George Wythe (Wytheville)
Tanner, Kamaree 18.95 Radford High School
Martinez, Luis 20.68 Eastern Montgomery
Cooney, Aiden 21.48 Radford High School
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sark, Ethan Fort Chiswell
Hancock, Ronald Fort Chiswell
Swatsky, Nathan George Wythe (Wytheville)
Cooney, Nick 4:48.21 Radford High School
Hartig, William 4:54.91 Radford High School
Pinckney, Benji 4:57.88 Grayson County
Osborne, Isaiah 5.15 Grayson County
Porter, Jacob 5:06.63 Radford High School
Davis, Brennen 5:14.00h Giles
Fallon, Jace 5:20.53 Eastern Montgomery
Elkins, Lance 5:25.33 Eastern Montgomery
Wall, Jamison 5:26.41 Narrows
Harden, Corey 5:32.93 Bland County
Green, Logan 5:41.51 Narrows
Leonard, Seth 5:58.49 George Wythe (Wytheville)
Hoops, Gavin 6:05.48 Graham
Kegley, Carter 6:09.16 George Wythe (Wytheville)
Parker, Phoenix 6:11.99 Graham
Duncan, Cody 6:26.20 Rural Retreat
Sisk, Matthew 6:44.16 Bland County
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Blaker, Chad 22.72 Narrows
Bethea, Jw 23.36 Radford High School
Younger, Jaquez 23.92 George Wythe (Wytheville)
Thompson, Braydon 24.38 George Wythe (Wytheville)
Jones, Eli 24.41 Fort Chiswell
East, Garrett 24.80 Eastern Montgomery
Tanner, Kamaree 24.90 Radford High School
Via, Christopher 24.92 Narrows
Martinez, Luis 25.33 Eastern Montgomery
Shinault, Chris 25.83 Graham
Bowman, Reid 25.89 Narrows
Wilkins, Joseph 26.05 George Wythe (Wytheville)
Buracker, Gavin 26.24 Giles
Runyon, Jacob 26.44 Fort Chiswell
Jarrett, Harrison 26.98 Fort Chiswell
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Roupe, Cody Eastern Montgomery
Green, Tyrus 42.64 George Wythe (Wytheville)
Tanner, Kamaree 43.49 Radford High School
Thompson, Isaac 44.62 Galax
Cecil, Will 45.9 Giles
Cooney, Aiden 49.45 Radford High School
Tillison, Davion 50.47 George Wythe (Wytheville)
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Taylor, John George Wythe (Wytheville)
Ramsey, Ben 10:32.40 Radford High School
Pinckney, Benji 10:52.00 Grayson County
Steele, Logan 11:20 Giles
Ruiz, Eddie 12:45.83 Eastern Montgomery
Cerva, Sam 15:03.57 Eastern Montgomery
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Snidow, Dawson Narrows
Wohlford, William 1:00.02 Radford High School
Jarrett, Harrison 1:01.98 Fort Chiswell
Du, Jonathon 1:03.00 Graham
Bethea, Jw 51.77 Radford High School
Lyles, James 52.54 Giles
Hawkins, Blake 54.20 Grayson County
Sizemore, Chris 54.34 Rural Retreat
Owens, Dylan 54.53 Eastern Montgomery
Perdue, Ryan 54.71 Narrows
Morgan, Terry 56.59 George Wythe (Wytheville)
Jones, Eli 56.94 Fort Chiswell
Eastburn, Landon 57.90 Narrows
Streeby, Lachen 58.03 Rural Retreat
Fox, Gabe 58.09 Eastern Montgomery
Wilkins, Joseph 58.37 George Wythe (Wytheville)
Gray, Mason 59.00h Giles
Masters, Brady 59.41 Rural Retreat
Turpin, Jonah 59.88 Fort Chiswell
Kilbourne, Wesley 59.88 Radford High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Bland County
Relay Team A 45.72 Radford High School
Relay Team A 46.57 George Wythe (Wytheville)
Relay Team A 46.88 Narrows
Relay Team A 52.40 Fort Chiswell
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:47.43 Eastern Montgomery
Relay Team A 3:51.55 Narrows
Relay Team A 3:55.00h Giles
Relay Team A 4:26.55 Graham
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A George Wythe (Wytheville)
Relay Team A 8:55.54 Castlewood
Relay Team A 9:09.76 Eastern Montgomery
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Swatsky, Nathan George Wythe (Wytheville)
Wall, Jamison Narrows
Cooney, Nick 2:06.80 Radford High School
Robinson, Holden 2:09.19 George Wythe (Wytheville)
Tyree, Justin 2:09.69 Eastern Montgomery
Riley, Ben 2:15.00 Giles
Davis, Brennen 2:16.00h Giles
Porter, Jacob 2:19.00 Radford High School
Hawkins, Blake 2:23.34 Grayson County
Roop, Landon 2:23.71 Radford High School
Osborne, Isaiah 2:24.13 Grayson County
Blankenship, Matt 2:24.61 Tazewell
Tinsley, Ben 2:29.06 Eastern Montgomery
Sark, Ethan 2:31.56 Fort Chiswell
Leonard, Seth 2:40.05 George Wythe (Wytheville)
Ngyun, Carlin 2:47.64 Graham
Hancock, Ronald 2:52.43 Fort Chiswell
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HS Boys Discus 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Elliott, Caleb 151-8 Giles
VanBrocklin, Jason 138-5 Parry McCluer
Whitt, Dillon 138-1 Radford High School
Staton, Colton 123-1 Parry McCluer
Stafford, Jayden 118-4 Castlewood
Cook, Mitchael 116-10 Floyd County
Gordon, Weston 114-2 George Wythe (Wytheville)
Olverson, Andrew 113-0 Radford High School
Perdue, Spencer 111-5 Radford High School
Christian, Patrick 110-3 Bland County
Palmer, Chris 103-8 Floyd County
Wallace, Zavery 94-5 Parry McCluer
Shepherd, Cole 92-8 Eastern Montgomery
Smith, Thomas 92-4 George Wythe (Wytheville)
King, Mason 92-4 Rural Retreat
Martin, Bryson 91-2 Giles
Crigger, Tyler 84-10 Fort Chiswell
Patrick, Bryce 83-11 Eastern Montgomery
Harmon, Dorran 83-1 George Wythe (Wytheville)
Porter, Logan 82-9 Bland County
Downing, David 79-0 Fort Chiswell
Law, Matthew 77-6 Giles
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HS Boys High Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sizemore, Chris 5-10 Rural Retreat
Roberts, Alex 5-8 Radford High School
Tillison, Davion 5-8 George Wythe (Wytheville)
Green, Tyrus 5-8 George Wythe (Wytheville)
Spence, Trey 5-8 Eastern Montgomery
Crigger, Tyler 5-6 Fort Chiswell
Grayson, Elliot 5-4 Radford High School
Eastburn, Landon 5-4 Narrows
Roupe, Cody Eastern Montgomery
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HS Boys Long Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ramsey, Shane 21-0.5 Bland County
Prioleau, PJ 21-0.5 Radford High School
Lyles, James 21-0 Giles
Blaker, Chad 19-9 Narrows
Jones, Eli 19-4.5 Fort Chiswell
Green, Tyrus 19-4 George Wythe (Wytheville)
East, Garrett 19-3.5 Eastern Montgomery
Owens, Dylan 18-10.75 Eastern Montgomery
Via, Christopher 18-0.5 Narrows
Snidow, Dawson 17-11.25 Narrows
Johnson, Jerzee 17-9 Radford High School
Wilkins, Joseph 17-5 George Wythe (Wytheville)
Varney, Ezra 16-10.25 Fort Chiswell
Runyon, Jacob 16-9.25 Fort Chiswell
Harden, Corey 16-7 Bland County
Morehead, Kendrick 16-4.5 Bland County
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HS Boys Shot Put 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cook, Mitchael 54-0 Floyd County
Whitt, Dillon 50-8.5 Radford High School
Martin, Bryson 46-9.5 Giles
Stafford, Jayden 46-9 Castlewood
McClellan, Zach 45-10 Auburn
Staton, Colton 45-6.5 Parry McCluer
Conley, Aj 44-1 Giles
McKinney, Daniel 43-7 Galax
Olverson, Andrew 43-4 Radford High School
Wallace, Zavery 43-3 Parry McCluer
Taylor, Brady 43-1 Auburn
Christian, Patrick 42-3 Bland County
Conley, Brendon 40-2 Parry McCluer
Palmer, Chris 39-4 Floyd County
Porter, Logan 38-8.75 Bland County
Harmon, Dorran 37-7.25 George Wythe (Wytheville)
Perdue, Spencer 35-9.5 Radford High School
Gordon, Weston 35-3 George Wythe (Wytheville)
Elliott, Caleb 35-0 Giles
Rosenbaum, Brock 33-8.75 George Wythe (Wytheville)
Turpin, Jonah 32-5 Fort Chiswell
Patrick, Bryce 31-2.5 Eastern Montgomery
Sark, Ethan 26-2.5 Fort Chiswell
Loredo-Martinez, Everado 24-9 Eastern Montgomery
Ramsey, Shane Bland County
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HS Boys Sprint Medley Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Graham
Relay Team A George Wythe (Wytheville)
Relay Team A 4:21.07 Eastern Montgomery
Relay Team A 4:45.28 Fort Chiswell
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HS Boys Triple Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lyles, James 43-11.5 Giles
Tillison, Davion 40-7.75 George Wythe (Wytheville)
Tanner, Kamaree 39-11 Radford High School
Prioleau, PJ 39-8.25 Radford High School
East, Garrett 39-5.5 Eastern Montgomery
Green, Tyrus 38-1.75 George Wythe (Wytheville)
Varney, Ezra 35-6 Fort Chiswell
Johnson, Jerzee 34-7 Radford High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Essence 13.18 Galax
Moore, Dymond 13.31 George Wythe (Wytheville)
Betts, Drea 13.80 George Wythe (Wytheville)
Vishneski, Payton 13.87 Eastern Montgomery
Paczosa, Cameryn 13.88 Narrows
Musick, Katy 14.20 Fort Chiswell
Davis, Zoe 14.55 Giles
Blaker, Cristin 14.58 Narrows
Bedwell, Olyvia 14.61 George Wythe (Wytheville)
Mullins, Mandolyn 14.69 Radford High School
Campbell, Lola 14.86 Giles
Kilgore, Kenleigh 14.93 Fort Chiswell
Austin, Lyndsey 15.00 Graham
Sadler, Karah 15.14 Narrows
Lovern, Brinley 15.38 Radford High School
Eanes, Makayla 16.55 Radford High School
Shelor, Faith 16.99 Eastern Montgomery
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gellner, Tyashia 15.97 Radford High School
Hart, Emily 18.15 Giles
Carrow, Raegan 19.19 Radford High School
Blankenship, Hailey 19.31 Narrows
Paschal, Caroline 19.55 George Wythe (Wytheville)
Austin, Lyndsey 19.80 Graham
Thompson, Peyten 20.26 George Wythe (Wytheville)
Holloway, Skyann 20.71 Eastern Montgomery
Blankenship, Bailee 21.17 Giles
Widdoes, Chloe 21.82 Giles
Bedwell, Olyvia 21.88 George Wythe (Wytheville)
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hastings-Crummey, Emma 5:31.44 Radford High School
Dalton, Morgan 5:39.20 George Wythe (Wytheville)
Benson, Katie 5:43.89 Graham
Stewart, Anneliese 5:56.79 Radford High School
Barnes, Abby 5:56.81 Radford High School
McHone, Annalyse 6:10.18 Eastern Montgomery
Osborne, Carli 6:38.08 Eastern Montgomery
Perkins, Seanna 7:32.00h Giles
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Paschal, Caroline George Wythe (Wytheville)
Brown, Essence 27.70 Galax
Moore, Dymond 28.01 George Wythe (Wytheville)
Betts, Drea 28.64 George Wythe (Wytheville)
Martin, Jada 28.98 Fort Chiswell
Davis, Zoe 29.51 Giles
Paczosa, Cameryn 29.59 Narrows
Musick, Katy 30.31 Fort Chiswell
Dowdy, Julie 30.41 Fort Chiswell
Campbell, Lola 30.54 Giles
Mullins, Mandolyn 31.69 Radford High School
Blaker, Cristin 31.89 Narrows
Lovern, Brinley 32.27 Radford High School
Potter, Tessa 32.30 Radford High School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Austin, Lyndsey Graham
Blankenship, Hailey 1:00.35 Narrows
Laws, Taylor 1:01.14 Eastern Montgomery
Carrow, Raegan 1:01.21 Radford High School
Saunders, Alia 1:03.32 Radford High School
Gellner, Tyashia 46.96 Radford High School
Saunders, Malika 51.83 Giles
Hart, Emily 53.96 Giles
Widdoes, Chloe 55.11 Giles
Hutchison, Hailey 59.99 Eastern Montgomery
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dominy, Caitlin 12:15.38 Auburn
Benson, Katie 12:31.00 Graham
Brown, Ruth 13:02.10 Giles
McHone, Annalyse 13:19.12 Eastern Montgomery
Seay, Emma 14:37.00 Graham
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Underwood, Elli 1:02.61 Eastern Montgomery
Maldonado, Layla 1:03.69 Giles
Dominy, Caitlin 1:03.95 Auburn
Martin, Jada 1:07.05 Fort Chiswell
Midkiff, Jillian 1:07.55 Giles
Spencer, Emma 1:07.61 Narrows
Weatherspoon, Sarah 1:09.19 Eastern Montgomery
Buskill, Ellie 1:09.46 Radford High School
Streeby, Jade 1:09.62 Rural Retreat
Wheeler, Caroline 1:10.00 Radford High School
Smith, Haley 1:10.97 Fort Chiswell
Lineberry, Erin 1:13.90 Radford High School
Dowdy, Julie 1:15.49 Fort Chiswell
Taylor-Willis, Lexi 1:25.79 Graham
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A George Wythe (Wytheville)
Relay Team A 56.03 Galax
Relay Team A 56.76 Fort Chiswell
Relay Team A 59.00 Radford High School
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:31.26 Giles
Relay Team A 4:40.18 Radford High School
Relay Team A 4:47.58 Eastern Montgomery
Relay Team A 5:08.74 Narrows
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Parry McCluer
Relay Team A 10:49.31 Radford High School
Relay Team A 11:24.24 Castlewood
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Spade, Paige Narrows
Dalton, Morgan 2:30.26 George Wythe (Wytheville)
Lin, Alice 2:36.01 Radford High School
Steele, Ellowyn 2:44.00h Giles
Osborne, Carli 2:58.46 Eastern Montgomery
Pennington, Sierra 3:12.11 Eastern Montgomery
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HS Girls Discus 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Midkiff, Jocelyn 140-0 Giles
Bradley, Paiton 96-8 Giles
Nance, Raven 90-0 Giles
Clark, Tristen 88-3 Parry McCluer
Shields, Grayson 81-10 Parry McCluer
Smith, Madison 79-3 Eastern Montgomery
McGlothin, Abby 77-9 Narrows
Worth, Caprea 74-11 Graham
Lambert, Aislinn 71-2.25 George Wythe (Wytheville)
Porterfield, Jenna 60-11 Parry McCluer
Dillon, Lianna 60-3 George Wythe (Wytheville)
Terry, Karley 44-3 Radford High School
Asbury, Abby 37-10 Graham
Chrisley, Nevada George Wythe (Wytheville)
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HS Girls High Jump 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Essence 5-0 Galax
Midkiff, Jocelyn 4-11 Giles
Ramsey, Sheena 4-8 Bland County
Underwood, Elli 4-6 Eastern Montgomery
Smith, Haley 4-4 Fort Chiswell
Streeby, Jade 4-2 Rural Retreat
Osborne, Carli 4-2 Eastern Montgomery
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HS Girls Long Jump 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gellner, Tyashia 16-4.5 Radford High School
Vishneski, Payton 15-11.2 Eastern Montgomery
Paczosa, Cameryn 15-7 Narrows
Maldonado, Layla 15-2.5 Giles
Martin, Jada 14-10 Fort Chiswell
King, Madelyn 14-9.75 Rural Retreat
Dowdy, Julie 14-5.5 Fort Chiswell
Blaker, Cristin 13-9.5 Narrows
Hart, Emily 13-7.5 Giles
Pennington, Alyssa 13-3 Giles
Blankenship, Hailey 12-3 Narrows
Kilgore, Kenleigh 12-2.5 Fort Chiswell
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HS Girls Shot Put 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Midkiff, Jocelyn 38-6 Giles
Clark, Tristen 37-4 Parry McCluer
Worth, Caprea 32-0 Graham
Smith, Madison 31-0 Eastern Montgomery
Shields, Grayson 30-9 Parry McCluer
Nance, Raven 30-0 Giles
Lambert, Aislinn 28-8 George Wythe (Wytheville)
McGlothin, Abby 28-7 Narrows
Belcher, Whitney 27-0 Giles
Dillon, Lianna 23-0 George Wythe (Wytheville)
Porterfield, Jenna 22-9 Parry McCluer
Odum, Hannah 22-3 Fort Chiswell
Asbury, Abby 19-8 Graham
Terry, Karley 15-9 Radford High School
Kilgore, Kenleigh Fort Chiswell
Chrisley, Nevada George Wythe (Wytheville)
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HS Girls Sprint Medley Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Eastern Montgomery
Relay Team A 4:47.00h Floyd County
Relay Team A 5:29.99 Radford High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Maldonado, Layla 35-5 Giles
Gellner, Tyashia 34-3.5 Radford High School
Dowdy, Julie 33-2.25 Fort Chiswell
King, Madelyn 31-2 Rural Retreat
Blaker, Cristin 31-0.25 Narrows
Musick, Katy 30-7 Fort Chiswell
Smith, Haley 30-5 Fort Chiswell
Pennington, Alyssa 30-3 Giles
Hart, Emily 30-2 Giles
Blankenship, Hailey 29-11 Narrows
Paczosa, Cameryn 29-7 Narrows
Vishneski, Payton 29-0 Eastern Montgomery
Harden, Valencia Parry McCluer
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