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Licensed to Blue Ridge Timing - Contractor License
2020 VA Showcase - 1/18/2020 to 1/19/2020
Liberty Indoor Track Complex
Event 66 Mixed 4x400 Meter Relay Invitational
School Finals Alternate
1 Battlefield 'A' 3:38.79
1) Kannon, Madyson 2)
50.881 (50.881) 1:51.125 (1:00.244) 2:48.809 (57.684)
3:38.781 (49.972)
2 Nansemond River 'A' 3:39.70
1:00.685 (1:00.685) 1:51.571 (50.886) 2:47.975 (56.404)
3:39.695 (51.720)
3 Millbrook 'A' 3:47.98
1) Alexander, Dominique 2)
50.235 (50.235) 1:49.605 (59.370) 2:47.953 (58.348)
3:47.973 (1:00.020)