Fort Defiance Polar Bear 2023

Fort Defiance, VA
Hosted by Fort Defiance
Timing/Results Blue Ridge Timing

Athlete Entries

Boys 1000 Meter Run 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hebb, Taylee Waynesboro
Marin-Perez, Chris Waynesboro
Beaver, Jacob Fort Defiance
Meadows, Sam Wilson Memorial
McMahon, Liam Wilson Memorial
Patnode, Adyson Fort Defiance
Bair, Cooper Turner Ashby
Keyes, Nathaniel Waynesboro
Karimzai, Murad Waynesboro
Landes, Caleb Turner Ashby
Arenas, Tristan Broadway
Pumphrey, Andrew Wilson Memorial
Starcher, Aidan Buffalo Gap
Baird, Tyler Wilson Memorial
Diehl, Gavin Broadway
Robinson, Daniel Staunton High School
Souders, Christian Turner Ashby
Colander, Dylan Waynesboro
Miller, Conner Fort Defiance
Leichner, Finn Wilson Memorial
Ryan, Asher Broadway
Obaugh, Tyler 2:44 Stuarts Draft
Melton, Dawson 2:46 Stuarts Draft
Groves, Gage 3:06.60 Waynesboro
Schulz, Jacob 3:12.10 Fort Defiance
Johnston, Jaiden 3:20.76 Staunton High School
McWhorter, Luke 3:20.99 Wilson Memorial
Painter, Owen 3:25.19 Staunton High School
Perry, Hayden 3:30.15 Stuarts Draft
Tippett, Xavier 3:40.12 Broadway
Larson, Ryan 3:50.50 Turner Ashby
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pumphrey, Andrew Wilson Memorial
Marin-Perez, Chris Waynesboro
McNorton, Landon Wilson Memorial
Tippett, Xavier Broadway
McWhorter, Luke Wilson Memorial
McCracken, Tristan Waynesboro
Santos Nguyen, Jaiden Broadway
Sanders, Carter Wilson Memorial
Tinnell, Ryley Broadway
McMahon, Liam Wilson Memorial
Williamson, Ross Waynesboro
Bryant, Josh 5:02.00h Staunton High School
Kerr, Jayden 5:19.36 Broadway
Schulz, Jacob 5:34.18 Fort Defiance
Armstrong, Nelson 5:47.45 Wilson Memorial
Forsyth, Harper 5:50.24 Fort Defiance
Whiting, Nate 5:52 Turner Ashby
Miller, Conner 9:03 Fort Defiance
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Boys 300 Meter Dash 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bratton, John Turner Ashby
Jones, John Waynesboro
Rothgeb, Christian East Rockingham High School
Murillo, Marco Broadway
Martin, Silas Stuarts Draft
Patel, Dhrav Waynesboro
Chen, Unilemic East Rockingham High School
Dodd, Lucas Broadway
Smith, Dashea Stuarts Draft
Sheffer, Evan Staunton High School
Miller, Briscoe Waynesboro
Teter, Drew Turner Ashby
Hackworth, Nathan Wilson Memorial
Bell, Tariq Stuarts Draft
Capps, Ben Waynesboro
Rutan, Uriah Broadway
Volokh, Semon Staunton High School
Campbell, Owen Buffalo Gap
Estes, Zion Turner Ashby
Rose, Trayton Wilson Memorial
Redifer, Colton Waynesboro
Shifflett, Rylee Broadway
Reed, Izaiah 38.02 Staunton High School
Hurd, John 38.99 Stuarts Draft
Wylie, Gabriel 39.93 East Rockingham High School
Davidson, Ethan 41.19 Turner Ashby
Kandoth, Alden 42.20 Staunton High School
Swisher, Connor 42.91 Buffalo Gap
Lavaway, Dillon 44.32 Fort Defiance
Gerken, Rylan 45.51 East Rockingham High School
Reed, Cole 46.00 Buffalo Gap
Clark, Aiden 46.10 Stuarts Draft
Koenig, David Braxton 46.90 Waynesboro
Knick, Tyler 47.34 Wilson Memorial
Cash, Brogan 49.41 Fort Defiance
Earhart, Dustyn 49.60 Stuarts Draft
Ketchum, Zach 52.00 Waynesboro
Pelina, Carter 58.20 Wilson Memorial
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Groves, Gerard Waynesboro
Lopez, Ever Wilson Memorial
Norris, Grayson Waynesboro
Spurlock, Robert Staunton High School
Strole, Micah Wilson Memorial
Groves, Adam Waynesboro
Williamson, Ross Waynesboro
Kite, Zyler Wilson Memorial
Ryan, Asher 12:03.20 Broadway
Forsyth, Harper 12:26.45 Fort Defiance
Armstrong, Nelson 13:10.60 Wilson Memorial
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Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Broadway
Relay Team A Stuarts Draft
Relay Team A Wilson Memorial
Relay Team A East Rockingham High School
Relay Team A Turner Ashby
Relay Team A Waynesboro
Relay Team A 1:36.56 Staunton High School
Relay Team A 1:42.34 Fort Defiance
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Broadway
Relay Team A Buffalo Gap
Relay Team A Stuarts Draft
Relay Team A Wilson Memorial
Relay Team A East Rockingham High School
Relay Team A 4:08.12 Fort Defiance
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Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Waynesboro
Relay Team A Staunton High School
Relay Team A Stuarts Draft
Relay Team A Wilson Memorial
Relay Team A Broadway
Relay Team A Waynesboro
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Boys 500 Meter Dash 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rothgeb, Christian East Rockingham High School
Kauffman, Andrew Broadway
Larson, Ryan Turner Ashby
Riddle, Keller Waynesboro
Koenig, David Braxton Waynesboro
Malcolm, Lane Buffalo Gap
Sullivan, Cael East Rockingham High School
Shifflett, Rylee Broadway
Ketchum, Zach Waynesboro
Harris, Alton Staunton High School
Moyers, Tyler Broadway
Bain, Blade Stuarts Draft
McCarty, Kendrick Staunton High School
Souders, Christian Turner Ashby
Reed, Sullivan 1:14.50 Staunton High School
Dean, Jacob 1:17.16 East Rockingham High School
Pleasants, John 1:18 Stuarts Draft
Teter, Drew 1:18.73 Turner Ashby
Sellers, Conner 1:20.24 Wilson Memorial
Randall, Jude 1:21.16 East Rockingham High School
Hansen, Major 1:21.80 Staunton High School
Duquette, Alex 1:24.20 Buffalo Gap
Kerr, Joseph 1:26.29 Broadway
Landes, Caleb 1:29.95 Turner Ashby
Fint, Seth 1:31.90 Stuarts Draft
Cash, Brogan 1:36.90 Fort Defiance
Shepherd, Tac 1:38.94 Waynesboro
Floyd, Zach 1:40.27 Stuarts Draft
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Boys 55 Meter Dash 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Anthony, Katrell Stuarts Draft
Mensah-Agyekum, Jaden Wilson Memorial
Gomez Garcia, Angel East Rockingham High School
Martin, Silas Stuarts Draft
Karimzai, Murad Waynesboro
Brent, Jonah Waynesboro
Chen, Unilemic East Rockingham High School
Shutt, Lucas Staunton High School
Bratton, John Turner Ashby
Quick, Spencer Wilson Memorial
Snyder, Trent Waynesboro
Bell, Tariq Stuarts Draft
Miller, Briscoe Waynesboro
Levin, Reece Staunton High School
Watkins, Christopher Stuarts Draft
Gruver, Brayden Wilson Memorial
Gonzalez-Meza, Jared Turner Ashby
Smith, Dashea Stuarts Draft
Garcia, Adrian East Rockingham High School
Rutan, Uriah Broadway
Alphin, Dylan Buffalo Gap
Smiley, Devin Turner Ashby
Day, Evan Waynesboro
Kahn, Daniel Staunton High School
Tyree, Brayden 6.94h Wilson Memorial
Foster, Omir 7.14 Waynesboro
Wright, Carson 7.22 Fort Defiance
Goins, Tristin 7.22 Broadway
Briggs, Sam 7.40 Turner Ashby
Pataki, Anthony 7.44 East Rockingham High School
Knicely, Cole 7.50 Broadway
Barrett, Ashton 7.56 Staunton High School
Lavaway, Dillon 7.77 Fort Defiance
Earhart, Dustyn 8.13 Stuarts Draft
Hoffeditz, Herschel 8.30 Broadway
Trujillo, Camden 9.30 Waynesboro
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Boys 55 Meter Hurdles 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ennis, Jordan Broadway
Floyd, Zach Stuarts Draft
Carter, Marcus Wilson Memorial
Davenport, Anthony 10.92 Staunton High School
Patterson, Qua'ran 8.68 Waynesboro
McLaughlin, Jeffrey 9.17 Fort Defiance
Sommerfield, BC 9.68 Fort Defiance
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Boys High Jump 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Darby, Walker 5-8 Staunton High School
Watkins, Christopher 5-8 Stuarts Draft
Teter, Drew 5-6 Turner Ashby
Sommerfield, BC 5-4 Fort Defiance
Moyers, Tyler 4-8 Broadway
Clark, Brayden Staunton High School
Quick, Spencer Wilson Memorial
Garber, Ian Broadway
Dodd, Lucas Broadway
Shifflett, Rylee Broadway
Lucas, Will East Rockingham High School
Robertson, Cal East Rockingham High School
Bower, Cameron Stuarts Draft
Cash, Brogan Fort Defiance
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Boys Long Jump 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Briggs, Sam 19-7 Turner Ashby
Hurd, John 18-10.5 Stuarts Draft
Tyree, Brayden 18-9 Wilson Memorial
Clark, Brayden 17-9 Staunton High School
Whitaker, Jacob 16-4.5 Staunton High School
Gruver, Brayden 13-5 Wilson Memorial
Snyder, Trent Waynesboro
Shepherd, Tac Waynesboro
Estes, Zion Turner Ashby
Moore, Bryson Staunton High School
Howard, Dimitri Staunton High School
Pelina, Carter Wilson Memorial
Cole, Timothy Wilson Memorial
Knicely, Cole Broadway
Diehl, Gavin Broadway
Simmons, Will Turner Ashby
Bower, Cameron Stuarts Draft
Whitcomb, Eli Waynesboro
Wright, Carson Fort Defiance
Lavaway, Dillon Fort Defiance
Knicely, Walker Broadway
Beck, Kristian Broadway
Smiley, Devin Turner Ashby
Bell, Tariq Stuarts Draft
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Boys Pole Vault 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Knicely, Walker 11-9 Broadway
McLaughlin, Jeffrey 9-6 Fort Defiance
Beck, Kristian 8-6 Broadway
Helmick, Daniel Turner Ashby
Snyder, Trent Waynesboro
Ennis, Jordan Broadway
Groves, Gerard Waynesboro
Marin-Perez, Chris Waynesboro
Keyes, Nathaniel Waynesboro
Wright, Carson Fort Defiance
Lavaway, Dillon Fort Defiance
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Boys Shot Put 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Showalter, Parker 35-7.5 Wilson Memorial
Hoffeditz, Herschel 35-3.5 Broadway
Quintero, Henry 29-10 Stuarts Draft
Quick, Nolan 24-2 Wilson Memorial
Grenz, Cooper 20-7 Stuarts Draft
Stamm, Bryce 18-4 Waynesboro
Bickford, Teegan Waynesboro
Otto, Will Waynesboro
Eastman, Joshua Waynesboro
Miller, Briscoe Waynesboro
Pesic, Luka Waynesboro
Carr, Mac Staunton High School
Johnson, Aidan Staunton High School
Tinsley, Jahmair Staunton High School
Carter, Marcus Wilson Memorial
Vasquez, Ricky Wilson Memorial
Berkey, Jacob Broadway
Fly, Josh Broadway
Post, Ryder Broadway
Pincock, Joseph Wilson Memorial
Bilyard, Tyler East Rockingham High School
Wylie, Christopher East Rockingham High School
Sullivan, Cael East Rockingham High School
Eagle, Isaac Fort Defiance
Sandridge, K'amen Fort Defiance
Bailey, Zion Staunton High School
Hayes, Wyatt Stuarts Draft
Vance, Fannon Stuarts Draft
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Boys Triple Jump 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Briggs, Sam 42-6.75 Turner Ashby
Hurd, John 41-2 Stuarts Draft
Tyree, Brayden 36-4 Wilson Memorial
Simmons, Will 33-5 Turner Ashby
Beck, Kristian 32-6.75 Broadway
Floyd, Zach 32-1.5 Stuarts Draft
Vess, Max Wilson Memorial
Sanders, Carter Wilson Memorial
Gruver, Brayden Wilson Memorial
Smith, Dashea Stuarts Draft
Watkins, Christopher Stuarts Draft
Wright, Carson Fort Defiance
Lavaway, Dillon Fort Defiance
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Girls 1000 Meter Run 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Austin, Alexis Waynesboro
Carver, Emma Waynesboro
Stapleton, Erin East Rockingham High School
Plautz, Cassidy Wilson Memorial
Sloat, Sierra Waynesboro
Simpkins, Kate East Rockingham High School
Keagy, Hailey Fort Defiance
Cronk, Erika Wilson Memorial
Misick, Isabel Stuarts Draft
Kimmell, Lydia Waynesboro
Whitcomb, Catherine Waynesboro
Castillo, Khloe Staunton High School
Quintero, Blanca Stuarts Draft
Lang, Bethany Fort Defiance
Braun, Logan 3:31.02 Fort Defiance
Corbin, Claudia 3:40.45 Fort Defiance
Cranford, Haven 3:48.20 Wilson Memorial
Teshome, Eliana 3:48.50 Turner Ashby
McLaughlin, Mia 4:03.80 Fort Defiance
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Franklin, Thea Wilson Memorial
Austin, Alexis Waynesboro
Simmons, Allie East Rockingham High School
Keagy, Hailey Fort Defiance
Sloat, Sierra Waynesboro
Lane, Abby 5:52.34 Fort Defiance
Neff, Trinity 6:00.59 Fort Defiance
Lantz-Trissel, Magdalena 6:05.70 Turner Ashby
Braun, Logan 6:13.71 Fort Defiance
Corbin, Claudia 6:45.34 Fort Defiance
Childress, Aleah 8:09 Turner Ashby
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Girls 300 Meter Dash 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Keagy, Hailey Fort Defiance
Sauder, Leah Broadway
Forbus, Lainey Wilson Memorial
Driver, Taylor Broadway
Hua, Emma Ruth Fort Defiance
Brackett, Amyah Wilson Memorial
Carter, Addison Waynesboro
Fox, Savanah Broadway
Meyers, Ava East Rockingham High School
Aikens, Samantha Wilson Memorial
Sati, Emina Waynesboro
Hepner, Riley Fort Defiance
Griffith, Kelly Waynesboro
Showman, Hannah Broadway
Heller, Emerson Stuarts Draft
Snow, Karalyn East Rockingham High School
Beverlin, Emma Wilson Memorial
Schwaner, Aurora 44.60 Staunton High School
Hughes, Amelia 45 Turner Ashby
Baska, Maddie 48.64 Stuarts Draft
Landes, Kathryn 49 Turner Ashby
Cubbage, Taylor 49.20 Fort Defiance
Perry, Zoe 49.71 Stuarts Draft
Alger, Caroline 50.11 Buffalo Gap
Sanders, Ella 50.20 Turner Ashby
Bafunye, Rita 51.93 Turner Ashby
Breeden, Kelsey 52.14 East Rockingham High School
Jetton, Sibbie 52.43 Staunton High School
Mayson, Emma 52.70 Staunton High School
Nargi, Aurora 54.35 Wilson Memorial
Sandridge, Grace 55.00 Wilson Memorial
Lilley, Kaylee 56.24 Wilson Memorial
Frye, Ella 56.50 Staunton High School
Robbins, Mariah 56.70 East Rockingham High School
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carver, Emma Waynesboro
Martin, Katelyn East Rockingham High School
Clark, Karina Fort Defiance
Kimmell, Lydia Waynesboro
Conner, Madison Fort Defiance
Cooper, Jesela East Rockingham High School
O'Brien, Molly 15:57.14 Fort Defiance
Sommerfield, Dani 18:48.90 Fort Defiance
Johnson, Gwynn 19:59.42 Fort Defiance
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Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A East Rockingham High School
Relay Team A Wilson Memorial
Relay Team A Turner Ashby
Relay Team A Waynesboro
Relay Team A 1:56.23 Staunton High School
Relay Team A 2:02.14 Fort Defiance
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Stuarts Draft
Relay Team A Wilson Memorial
Relay Team A Broadway
Relay Team A 4:40.24 Fort Defiance
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Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A East Rockingham High School
Relay Team A Wilson Memorial
Relay Team A 11:00.24 Fort Defiance
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Girls 500 Meter Dash 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Snow, Addison Wilson Memorial
Morton, McKinley Fort Defiance
Landes, Kathryn Turner Ashby
Hua, Emma Ruth Fort Defiance
Davis, Skylar Wilson Memorial
Ziegler, Zoey Fort Defiance
Showman, Hannah Broadway
Ruiz, Kaity 1:23.46 Fort Defiance
Driver, Taylor 1:24.72 Broadway
Sanders, Ella 1:36.52 Turner Ashby
Clark, Sophia 1:37.49 Stuarts Draft
Grande Staton, Georgia 1:38.37 Staunton High School
Jones, Gracie 1:40.40 Fort Defiance
Brown, Kendal 1:46.23 Staunton High School
Sandridge, Grace 1:58.00 Wilson Memorial
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Girls 55 Meter Dash 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Blair, Naomi Waynesboro
Danner, Kristina East Rockingham High School
Baska, Maddie Stuarts Draft
Bishop, Isabella Wilson Memorial
Brackett, Amyah Wilson Memorial
Redifer, Jasmine Waynesboro
Rhodes, Olivia East Rockingham High School
Njoki, Terry Wilson Memorial
Aikens, Samantha Wilson Memorial
Jones, Gracie Fort Defiance
Heller, Emerson Stuarts Draft
Sati, Emina Waynesboro
Filler, Journey Wilson Memorial
Beverlin, Emma Wilson Memorial
Johnson, Anaya Stuarts Draft
Morton, McKinley Fort Defiance
Lawhorn, Katie Wilson Memorial
Griffith, Kelly Waynesboro
Anderson, Pearl Broadway
Quintero, Blanca Stuarts Draft
Neeley, Mia 7.89 Staunton High School
Bafunye, Rita 8.24 Turner Ashby
Tatro, Ella 8.50 Turner Ashby
Foster, Faith 8.52 Waynesboro
Elsea, Lillian 8.60 Fort Defiance
Dunnings, Dre'a 8.60 Staunton High School
Perry, Zoe 8.75 Stuarts Draft
Mercer, Naomi 9.39 East Rockingham High School
Baugher, Halla 9.70 East Rockingham High School
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Girls 55 Meter Hurdles 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Robertson, Shanna East Rockingham High School
Redifer, Jasmine 10.27 Waynesboro
Lawhorn, Katie 11.20 Wilson Memorial
Conner, Madison 12.65 Fort Defiance
Clark, Ainsley 15.40 Stuarts Draft
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Girls High Jump 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Driver, Taylor 4-8 Broadway
Schwaner, Aurora 4-4 Staunton High School
Brown, Kendal 4-2 Staunton High School
Brumfield, Jessica 4-0 Turner Ashby
Jetton, Sibbie 4-0 Staunton High School
Sloat, Sierra Waynesboro
Lawhorn, Katie Wilson Memorial
Fox, Savanah Broadway
Sauder, Leah Broadway
Redifer, Jasmine Waynesboro
Robertson, Shanna East Rockingham High School
Clark, Karina Fort Defiance
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Girls Long Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schwaner, Aurora 16-7.5 Staunton High School
Redifer, Jasmine 15-5.75 Waynesboro
Baber, Erin 14-3 Wilson Memorial
Neff, Trinity 13-6.75 Fort Defiance
Elsea, Lillian 11-2 Fort Defiance
Hughes, Amelia Turner Ashby
McCoy, Anna Turner Ashby
Carter, Addison Waynesboro
Griffith, Kelly Waynesboro
Austin, Alexis Waynesboro
Whitcomb, Catherine Waynesboro
Flanders, Alyssa Turner Ashby
Herron, Kaylan Staunton High School
Levin, Eden Staunton High School
Lassiter, Saraiah Staunton High School
Sauder, Leah Broadway
Johnson, Gwynn Fort Defiance
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Girls Pole Vault 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tatro, Ella Turner Ashby
Fox, Savanah Broadway
Hepner, Riley Fort Defiance
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Girls Shot Put 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mikolay, Abby 33-6 Stuarts Draft
Washington, Emily 33-2 East Rockingham High School
Miller, Katie 32-8 Turner Ashby
Rogers, Ely 30-3.75 Turner Ashby
Pastrana, Briana 28-0.75 Turner Ashby
Scott, Elizabeth 23-7 Turner Ashby
Baugher, Halla 22-7 East Rockingham High School
Sommerfield, Dani 22-6 Fort Defiance
Arehart, Amber 20-2 Buffalo Gap
McLaughlin, Mia 20-0 Fort Defiance
Crawford, Emily Staunton High School
Valdes Alvarez, Daniela Staunton High School
Anadi, Ohenewah Wilson Memorial
McCurdy, Saige Staunton High School
O'Shea, Emmy Staunton High School
Seal, Annalise East Rockingham High School
Roach, Addison East Rockingham High School
Anderson, Pearl Broadway
Keagy, Hailey Fort Defiance
Baska, Maddie Stuarts Draft
Farris, Mary Stuarts Draft
Farris, Mary Stuarts Draft
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Girls Triple Jump 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schwaner, Aurora 34-8.5 Staunton High School
Perry, Zoe 25-4 Stuarts Draft
McCoy, Anna Turner Ashby
Levin, Eden Staunton High School
Cubbage, Taylor Fort Defiance
Elsea, Lillian Fort Defiance
Flanders, Alyssa Turner Ashby
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