Oatlands Invitational 2023

Leesburg, VA
Timing/Results PMV Timing

Splits Varsity A Boys

Varsity A Boys

September 23, 2023

Results By Race Management Systems, Inc.

Overall Finish List - Boys


All Teams

 Place  Score Bib No Name                   Team                               1 Mile   2 Mile    Final        Time    Pace       

    1      1   1285  James Partlow         Gov. Thomas Johnson High School       4:55     5:37     5:26         15:59  5:10/M        
    2      2   2365  Bazil Mathes          Monticello                            4:56     5:36     5:32         16:05  5:11/M        
    3      3   1602  Quinn Parrish         James River (Midlothian)              4:56     5:36     5:35         16:08  5:12/M        
    4      4    467  Tarek Benlamkaddem    Broad Run                             4:56     5:36     5:36         16:09  5:13/M        
    5  (< 5)   1776  William Pardue        John Handley                          4:56     5:36     5:36         16:09  5:13/M        
    6      5   1694  Ethan Pratt-Perez     James Wood High School                                 16:10         16:10  5:13/M        
    7      6   3035  Sebi Hume             St. Albans School                     4:56     5:36     5:46         16:18  5:16/M        
    8      7   1971  Ty Blair              Loudoun Valley                        4:57     5:38     5:52         16:28  5:19/M        
    9      8    407  Henry Strahm          Blacksburg High School                4:59     5:37     5:56         16:33  5:21/M        
   10      9   3044  William Strong        St. Albans School                     4:55     5:41     5:59         16:36  5:21/M        
   11     10    551  Bryson Barnett        Chelsea Academy                       4:57     5:40     6:01         16:39  5:22/M        
   12     11   2862  Dylan McGraw          Sherando                              5:00     5:38     6:01         16:40  5:23/M        
   13     12   1939  Joe Tafe              Loudoun County                        4:59     5:40     6:01         16:41  5:23/M        
   14     13   3141  Sasha Minsky          The Potomac School                    4:56     5:39     6:06         16:42  5:24/M        
   15     14     44  Eli Phillips          Albemarle                             4:57     5:40     6:05         16:44  5:24/M        
   16     15    413  Harrison Whitfield    Blacksburg High School                4:59     5:45     6:00         16:45  5:24/M        
   17     16   3262  Jared Ruggles         Tuscarora High School (VA)            4:57     5:42     6:08         16:47  5:25/M        
   18     17   3582  Nathaniel Swanson     Winston Churchill High School         5:04     5:40     6:03         16:48  5:25/M        
   19     18   1927  Blake Conner          Loudoun County                        4:56     5:44     6:14         16:55  5:28/M        
   20     19   3081  Cregan Cahill         The Heights School                    5:00     5:43     6:13         16:58  5:28/M        
   21     20   3096  Jack Garvey           The Heights School                    5:01     5:45     6:13         17:00  5:29/M        
   22     21    405  Asher Roach           Blacksburg High School                4:59     5:50     6:12         17:02  5:30/M        
   23     22    387  Ryan Bagchi           Blacksburg High School                5:02     5:54     6:06         17:03  5:30/M        
   24     23   1001  Greg Borden           Freedom (South Riding)                5:04     5:51     6:07         17:03  5:30/M        
   25     24   3568  Santiago Gutierrez    Winston Churchill High School         5:03     5:47     6:14         17:05  5:31/M        
   26     25   3661  Prescott Noll         Woodgrove                             4:57     5:56     6:13         17:06  5:31/M        
   27     26    820  Aaron Forgas          Dominion                              4:58     5:51     6:19         17:08  5:32/M        
   28     27   3042  Liam Quinn            St. Albans School                     4:58     5:50     6:21         17:10  5:32/M        
   29     28   1589  Wes DeJarnette        James River (Midlothian)              5:08     5:50     6:12         17:11  5:33/M        
   30     29   3048  Laszlo Wolfe          St. Albans School                     4:59     5:54     6:19         17:13  5:33/M        
   31     30   3252  Luke Getz             Tuscarora High School (VA)            5:02     5:56     6:14         17:13  5:33/M        
   32  (< 5)   1779  Will Thomas           John Handley                          5:09     5:55     6:08         17:13  5:33/M        
   33     31   3308  Korey Kauflin         Urbana High School                    5:03     5:50     6:19         17:13  5:34/M        
   34     32   2901  Sean Gravell          Sherwood High School                  5:13     5:54     6:07         17:15  5:34/M        
   35     33   3323  Anthony Verdi         Urbana High School                    5:03     5:56     6:16         17:17  5:35/M        
   36     34    818  Levente Domonkos      Dominion                              5:03     5:58     6:15         17:17  5:35/M        
   37     35   1455  Owen Wratten          Heritage (Leesburg)                   5:03     5:58     6:16         17:17  5:35/M        
   38     36    400  Zander Krisch         Blacksburg High School                5:08     5:58     6:14         17:21  5:36/M        
   39     37   2352  Creighton Doherty     Monticello                            5:06     5:57     6:18         17:22  5:36/M        
   40     38   3269  Grant White           Tuscarora High School (VA)            5:07     5:50     6:24         17:22  5:36/M        
   41     39   1991  Max Panica            Loudoun Valley                        5:03     5:52     6:26         17:22  5:36/M        
   42     40    482  Jack Zettlemoyer      Broad Run                             5:05     5:52     6:24         17:23  5:37/M        
   43     41   1940  Michael Tafe          Loudoun County                        5:20     5:55     6:07         17:24  5:37/M        
   44     42     32  JT Hillis             Albemarle                             5:08     6:04     6:11         17:24  5:37/M        
   45     43   2029  William Moore         Louisa County High School             5:06     6:01     6:17         17:25  5:37/M        
   46     44   1450  Maximilian Schmidt    Heritage (Leesburg)                   5:03     5:58     6:23         17:25  5:37/M        
   47     45   3664  James Torrible        Woodgrove                             5:03     5:58     6:26         17:28  5:38/M        
   48     46   3080  Sean Burke            The Heights School                    5:13     6:03     6:13         17:30  5:39/M        
   49     47   3085  Patrick Connolly      The Heights School                    5:22     6:01     6:06         17:30  5:39/M        
   50     48   1286  Jonathan Regules      Gov. Thomas Johnson High School       5:07     6:06     6:16         17:31  5:39/M        
   51     49   2817  Thomas Rae            Riverside High School                 5:27     5:52     6:12         17:32  5:39/M        
   52     50   2812  Thomas Marcusen       Riverside High School                 5:26     5:52     6:12         17:32  5:39/M        
   53     51   1024  Carson Rico           Freedom (South Riding)                5:16     6:02     6:13         17:33  5:40/M        
   54     52    239  Cadan Felten          Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School      5:08     5:55     6:29         17:33  5:40/M        
   55     53    155  Owen Parsons          Archmere Academy                      5:05     6:00     6:28         17:33  5:40/M        
   56     54   2708  Connor Kohne          Poolesville High School               5:14     6:01     6:19         17:34  5:40/M        
   57     55   1498  Jack Brinker          Independence High School              5:09     6:03     6:22         17:35  5:40/M        
   58     56     26  Kuyper DeBoer         Albemarle                             5:15     6:03     6:17         17:35  5:41/M        
   59     57    145  Camilo Alvarez        Archmere Academy                      5:02     6:03     6:30         17:36  5:41/M        
   60     58    266  Hunter Whitten        Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School      5:14     6:04     6:19         17:38  5:41/M        
   61     59   2372  Daniel Vizcaino       Monticello                            4:57     6:02     6:38         17:39  5:42/M        
   62     60    393  Miles Ermann          Blacksburg High School                5:19     6:05     6:15         17:39  5:42/M        
   63     61     27  Baelin Duncan         Albemarle                             5:09     6:06     6:25         17:41  5:42/M        
   64     62   1925  Jack Cassidy          Loudoun County                        5:26     5:59     6:15         17:41  5:43/M        
   65     63    388  Benjamin Bailey       Blacksburg High School                5:19     6:03     6:18         17:42  5:43/M        
   66  (> 7)    389  Aiden Carrier         Blacksburg High School                5:12     6:02     6:28         17:43  5:43/M        
   67  (> 7)    396  Lucas Holland         Blacksburg High School                5:17     6:06     6:18         17:43  5:43/M        
   68     64   3584  Griffin White         Winston Churchill High School         5:16     6:03     6:24         17:43  5:43/M        
   69     65   2317  Grayson Spiller       Midlothian High School                5:30     6:00     6:12         17:44  5:43/M        
   70     66   2591  Jason Flick           Our Lady Of Good Counsel              5:18     6:04     6:22         17:45  5:44/M        
   71     67   2370  Owen Sexton           Monticello                            5:08     6:11     6:28         17:48  5:45/M        
   72     68   3266  Brandon Stefkovich    Tuscarora High School (VA)            5:17     6:03     6:28         17:49  5:45/M        
   73     69   2896  Ayden Fritsch         Sherwood High School                  5:14     6:05     6:29         17:49  5:45/M        
   74     70   3135  Zach Dalva-Baird      The Potomac School                    5:13     6:04     6:34         17:52  5:46/M        
   75     71   1970  Bradley Bernard       Loudoun Valley                        5:09     6:04     6:39         17:53  5:46/M        
   76     72   3040  Charlie Palmore       St. Albans School                     5:12     6:11     6:31         17:55  5:47/M        
   77     73   1693  Thomas Newman         James Wood High School                5:24     6:08     6:22         17:55  5:47/M        
   78     74     22  Joey Coleman          Albemarle                             5:09     6:11     6:36         17:56  5:47/M        
   79     75    999  Ty Beyer              Freedom (South Riding)                5:21     6:09     6:26         17:57  5:48/M        
   80     76     30  Ryan Hall             Albemarle                             5:20     6:10     6:26         17:57  5:48/M        
   81     77   1881  Brandon Antonacci     Lightridge High School                5:28     6:09     6:19         17:58  5:48/M        
   82  (< 5)   3375  Curtis Leachman       Wakefield School                      5:13             12:45         17:59  5:48/M        
   83     78   2908  Jackson Schade        Sherwood High School                  5:24     6:12     6:22         17:59  5:48/M        
   84     79    146  Richie Angiullo       Archmere Academy                      5:02     6:09     6:47         17:59  5:48/M        
   85     80   1359  Kaedon Howley         Harrisonburg                          5:29     6:02     6:28         17:59  5:48/M        
   86     81   3133  Luke Carter           The Potomac School                    5:23     6:12     6:24         18:00  5:49/M        
   87     82   3142  Trip Moser            The Potomac School                    5:23     6:12     6:24         18:00  5:49/M        
   88     83   1002  James Byerle          Freedom (South Riding)                5:12     6:17     6:31         18:01  5:49/M        
   89     84    244  Michael Habib         Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School      5:24     6:12     6:25         18:02  5:49/M        
   90     85   1160  Andrew Bennett        Georgetown Day School                 5:22     6:07     6:32         18:03  5:49/M        
   91     86   3254  Ben Kelly             Tuscarora High School (VA)            5:19     6:10     6:34         18:04  5:50/M        
   92     87   2872  Brock Smith           Sherando                              5:30     5:57     6:36         18:04  5:50/M        
   93     88   1931  Sam Edwards           Loudoun County                                11:35     6:30         18:05  5:50/M        
   94     89   1454  Michael Tartaglione   Heritage (Leesburg)                   5:25     6:08     6:32         18:06  5:50/M        
   95     90   2303  Ryan Kurichh          Midlothian High School                5:31     6:00     6:35         18:06  5:51/M        
   96     91   1980  Julian Israel         Loudoun Valley                        5:30     6:07     6:29         18:07  5:51/M        
   97     92    473  Grant McGee           Broad Run                             5:11     6:15     6:43         18:09  5:51/M        
   98     93   3304  Jackson Foster        Urbana High School                    5:21     6:14     6:35         18:11  5:52/M        
   99     94   2030  Gavin Myers           Louisa County High School             5:22     6:13     6:37         18:12  5:52/M        
  100     95   3648  Tyler Elliott         Woodgrove                             5:21     6:12     6:38         18:13  5:53/M        

 Place  Score Bib No Name                   Team                               1 Mile   2 Mile     Final       Time    Pace       

  101     96   1600  Juan Murias           James River (Midlothian)              5:21     6:10     6:41         18:13  5:53/M        
  102  (> 7)    406  Louis Semtner         Blacksburg High School                5:16     6:14     6:43         18:14  5:53/M        
  103     97   2308  Gabriel Ramirez       Midlothian High School                5:32     6:13     6:29         18:15  5:53/M        
  104     98   1507  Aaron Massey          Independence High School              5:21     6:07     6:47         18:16  5:54/M        
  105     99   3101  Edmund Nolan          The Heights School                    5:34     6:16     6:25         18:16  5:54/M        
  106    100    247  Donovan Hicks         Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School      5:26     6:12     6:37         18:16  5:54/M        
  107    101    581  Landon Horton         Clarke County                         5:18     6:16     6:41         18:16  5:54/M        
  108    102    476  Javier Sanchez HightowBroad Run                             5:23     6:14     6:39         18:17  5:54/M        
  109    103   1026  Jason Smith           Freedom (South Riding)                5:26     6:16     6:34         18:17  5:54/M        
  110    104   1362  Andrew McMichael      Harrisonburg                          5:33     6:14     6:29         18:17  5:54/M        
  111    105   3086  Joseph Cremers        The Heights School                    5:15     6:11     6:51         18:18  5:54/M        
  112    106     25  Garret DeBoer         Albemarle                             5:20     6:18     6:39         18:18  5:54/M        
  113    107   3644  Owen Chandler         Woodgrove                             5:26     6:12     6:41         18:20  5:55/M        
  114    108   3137  Eli Levine            The Potomac School                    5:16     6:16     6:48         18:21  5:55/M        
  115    109   3023  William Cantrell      St. Albans School                     5:13     6:18     6:49         18:21  5:55/M        
  116    110   2702  Caleb J. Bodmer       Poolesville High School               5:25     6:20     6:36         18:21  5:55/M        
  117    111   2850  Jed Bell              Sherando                              5:31     6:10     6:41         18:22  5:56/M        
  118    112   2861  Ryan Maki             Sherando                              5:30     6:02     6:50         18:23  5:56/M        
  119    113   1893  Thomas Novinger       Lightridge High School                5:27     6:17     6:38         18:23  5:56/M        
  120    114   1169  Simon Kessler         Georgetown Day School                 5:30     6:21     6:32         18:24  5:56/M        
  121  (> 7)     23  Hayes Costello        Albemarle                             5:19     6:24     6:39         18:24  5:56/M        
  122    115   1516  Sanjay Rudraraju      Independence High School              5:27     6:11     6:45         18:24  5:56/M        
  123    116   3097  Stas Gwiezdzinski     The Heights School                    5:34     6:16     6:34         18:25  5:56/M        
  124    117   1170  Noah Kolker           Georgetown Day School                 5:32     6:19     6:34         18:26  5:57/M        
  125    118   1929  Gabe Cunnington       Loudoun County                        5:38     6:08     6:40         18:26  5:57/M        
  126    119   2601  Jackson Rogers        Our Lady Of Good Counsel              5:24     6:20     6:41         18:26  5:57/M        
  127    120   2803  Brady Cook            Riverside High School                 5:40     6:11     6:34         18:26  5:57/M        
  128    121   3034  Rafi HUME             St. Albans School                     5:30     6:20     6:35         18:27  5:57/M        
  129  (> 7)   3031  Declan HAMILTON       St. Albans School                     5:29     6:16     6:40         18:27  5:57/M        
  130    122   1448  Isaac Pingry          Heritage (Leesburg)                   5:33     6:18     6:35         18:27  5:57/M        
  131    123   2825  Jonathan Yiarga       Riverside High School                 5:44     6:15     6:28         18:28  5:58/M        
  132    124   3306  Hyatt Gordon          Urbana High School                    5:37     6:26     6:26         18:30  5:58/M        
  133    125   1886  Zachary Haddon        Lightridge High School                5:32     6:23     6:34         18:30  5:58/M        
  134    126   1896  Samuel Ruiz           Lightridge High School                5:33     6:21     6:35         18:30  5:58/M        
  135    127   1440  Nicholas Gutierrez FraHeritage (Leesburg)                   5:32     6:18     6:40         18:31  5:59/M        
  136    128   3534  Schuyler Nitzsche     William Monroe                        5:24     6:17     6:48         18:31  5:59/M        
  137    129   3651  Logan Goodwin         Woodgrove                             5:39     6:17     6:34         18:31  5:59/M        
  138    130    833  Drew Peterson         Dominion                              5:19     6:30     6:42         18:32  5:59/M        
  139    131   1599  Matt Morgan           James River (Midlothian)              5:17     6:22     6:52         18:32  5:59/M        
  140    132   3150  Max Zeldes            The Potomac School                    5:20     6:15     6:57         18:32  5:59/M        
  141    133   2824  Ruyue Xia             Riverside High School                 5:42     6:16     6:34         18:33  5:59/M        
  142    134   3579  Daniel McNelis        Winston Churchill High School         5:27     6:23     6:43         18:33  5:59/M        
  143    135   2026  Gabriel HURST-BARBEITOLouisa County High School             5:25     6:30     6:37         18:34  5:59/M        
  144    136   2031  Brayden Nemec         Louisa County High School             5:23     6:24     6:47         18:34  6:00/M        
  145    137   2902  Theodore Haris        Sherwood High School                  5:26     6:19     6:49         18:35  6:00/M        
  146    138   3311  Simon Lipchock        Urbana High School                    5:38     6:25     6:31         18:35  6:00/M        
  147    139   3587  Justin Zacharia       Winston Churchill High School         5:26     6:23     6:45         18:35  6:00/M        
  148    140   1369  Declan Young          Harrisonburg                          5:28     6:18     6:48         18:36  6:00/M        
  149    141    584  Aidan Kreeb           Clarke County                         5:42     6:24     6:29         18:37  6:00/M        
  150    142    586  Matthew Lisk          Clarke County                         5:41     6:25     6:30         18:37  6:01/M        
  151    143   3316  Joshua Rothery        Urbana High School                    5:38     6:25     6:34         18:38  6:01/M        
  152    144   3528  Aiden Dumas           William Monroe                        5:27     6:20     6:52         18:40  6:02/M        
  153    145   3130  Noah Altschuler       The Potomac School                    5:36     6:19     6:45         18:41  6:02/M        
  154    146   1890  Arhan Kumar           Lightridge High School                5:32     6:23     6:45         18:41  6:02/M        
  155    147   1447  Cole Luba             Heritage (Leesburg)                   5:41     6:23     6:38         18:43  6:02/M        
  156    148   1751  Nicholas Rini         John Champe High School               5:39     6:28     6:37         18:44  6:03/M        
  157    149    249  Peter Lanpher         Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School      5:41     6:28     6:35         18:44  6:03/M        
  158    150   1969  Baylor Bartlett       Loudoun Valley                        5:34     6:28     6:43         18:46  6:03/M        
  159    151   2353  Colden Doyle          Monticello                            5:31     6:30     6:45         18:47  6:04/M        
  160    152    826  Srikar Kunapuli       Dominion                              5:29     6:30     6:47         18:47  6:04/M        
  161    153   1515  Aidan Routson         Independence High School              5:32     6:20     6:55         18:48  6:04/M        
  162    154   2800  Samuel Carlone,       Riverside High School                 5:44     6:15     6:48         18:48  6:04/M        
  163    155   1013  Matthew Kamon         Freedom (South Riding)                5:39     6:26     6:42         18:48  6:04/M        
  164    156    837  Nathaniel Wilson      Dominion                              5:30     6:28     6:49         18:49  6:04/M        
  165    157   1937  Matthew Ramarge       Loudoun County                        5:53     6:13     6:42         18:49  6:04/M        
  166    158   1997  Timothy Sweeney       Loudoun Valley                        5:35     6:29     6:45         18:50  6:05/M        
  167    159   2294  Mason Captain         Midlothian High School                5:34     6:26     6:49         18:51  6:05/M        
  168    160   2044  Nathaniel Wilson      Louisa County High School             5:25     6:35     6:50         18:51  6:05/M        
  169    161   2038  Taylen Soriano        Louisa County High School             5:41     6:29     6:40         18:51  6:05/M        
  170    162   1452  Jackson Stoner        Heritage (Leesburg)                   5:41     6:25     6:44         18:51  6:05/M        
  171    163   3657  Chandler Mercer       Woodgrove                             5:42     6:27     6:42         18:51  6:05/M        
  172    164   3253  Jacob Jackson         Tuscarora High School (VA)            5:38     6:24     6:49         18:52  6:05/M        
  173    165   3064  Joshua Goldstein      Stone Bridge                          5:39     6:30     6:42         18:53  6:06/M        
  174    166    148  Ben Cole              Archmere Academy                      5:21     6:38     6:55         18:54  6:06/M        
  175    167   3268  Colin Weissman        Tuscarora High School (VA)            5:40     6:29     6:45         18:55  6:06/M        
  176  (> 7)   3100  Joseph McNiff         The Heights School                    5:22     6:26     7:06         18:56  6:07/M        
  177    168   2268  Giovanni Rossi        Middletown High School                5:36     6:31     6:48         18:56  6:07/M        
  178    169    835  Anthony Rodriguez     Dominion                              5:36     6:26     6:53         18:56  6:07/M        
  179    170   2819  James Todd            Riverside High School                 5:46     6:28     6:41         18:57  6:07/M        
  180    171   2028  Owen McHugh           Louisa County High School             5:34     6:30     6:53         18:59  6:08/M        
  181    172   2588  Matthew Culkin        Our Lady Of Good Counsel              5:46     6:33     6:39         19:00  6:08/M        
  182  (> 7)   1444  Dylan Keyser          Heritage (Leesburg)                   5:30     6:20     7:08         19:00  6:08/M        
  183    173   3297  Luke Acton            Urbana High School                    5:40     6:30     6:50         19:01  6:08/M        
  184  (> 7)   1924  Henry Cassidy         Loudoun County                        5:46     6:24     6:50         19:01  6:08/M        
  185    174   3588  Alex Zhang            Winston Churchill High School         5:28     6:29     7:04         19:02  6:08/M        
  186  (> 7)   3092  John Flynn            The Heights School                    5:36     6:36     6:49         19:02  6:08/M        
  187    175   2703  Alex D. Daniels       Poolesville High School               5:28     6:35     6:57         19:02  6:09/M        
  188    176    576  James Casey           Clarke County                         5:41     6:25     6:56         19:03  6:09/M        
  189    177   3561  Sean Anderson         Winston Churchill High School         5:44     6:29     6:49         19:03  6:09/M        
  190    178    153  Aidan Mahon           Archmere Academy                      5:27     6:33     7:03         19:04  6:09/M        
  191  (> 7)   3078  Damien Beglis         The Heights School                    5:36     6:34     6:54         19:05  6:09/M        
  192    179   2367  Lukas Muehlberg       Monticello                            5:24     6:32     7:09         19:05  6:10/M        
  193  (> 7)   1941  Carter Williams       Loudoun County                        5:47     6:24     6:54         19:06  6:10/M        
  194  (> 7)   3128  Avi Agrawal           The Potomac School                    5:40     6:26     7:00         19:07  6:10/M        
  195    180    157  Gavin Rovner          Archmere Academy                      5:18     6:31     7:20         19:09  6:11/M        
  196    181   1360  CJ Hulleman           Harrisonburg                          5:50     6:47     6:33         19:12  6:12/M        
  197    182    262  Daniel Skendaj        Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School      5:32     6:36     7:03         19:12  6:12/M        
  198    183   1585  Shuai Chan            James River (Midlothian)              5:41     6:34     6:58         19:14  6:12/M        
  199    184   1162  Dominic Bloch-Prime   Georgetown Day School                 5:35     6:30     7:09         19:15  6:13/M        
  200    185   3072  Ethan Shepherd        Stone Bridge                          5:53     6:33     6:49         19:15  6:13/M        

 Place  Score Bib No Name                   Team                               1 Mile   2 Mile      Fina       Time    Pace       

  201    186   1356  Elijah Fox            Harrisonburg                          5:51     6:42     6:41         19:15  6:13/M        
  202    187   1273  Jonathan Barreto-Luna Gov. Thomas Johnson High School       5:45     6:40     6:50         19:16  6:13/M        
  203    188   2709  Miles S. Kreske       Poolesville High School               5:55     6:27     6:52         19:16  6:13/M        
  204    189    822  Nathaniel Garland     Dominion                              5:32     6:38     7:05         19:16  6:13/M        
  205    190   1355  Donovan Eanes         Harrisonburg                          5:50     6:43     6:42         19:16  6:13/M        
  206    191   1018  Noel Madda            Freedom (South Riding)                5:37     6:51     6:48         19:16  6:13/M        
  207    192   1601  Davis Newlin          James River (Midlothian)              5:39     6:39     6:58         19:17  6:13/M        
  208    193   2267  Evan Raymond          Middletown High School                5:48     6:42     6:48         19:18  6:14/M        
  209    194   1753  Cole Smith            John Champe High School               5:55     6:45     6:38         19:19  6:14/M        
  210    195   1984  William Liu           Loudoun Valley                        5:44     6:35     6:59         19:19  6:14/M        
  211  (> 7)   1974  Sawyer Clark          Loudoun Valley                        5:46     6:38     6:55         19:19  6:14/M        
  212    196   1508  Karl McDonald         Independence High School              5:39     6:36     7:03         19:20  6:14/M        
  213    197    592  Matthew Stroot        Clarke County                         5:42     6:26     7:12         19:20  6:14/M        
  214    198   1688  Zachary Harrington    James Wood High School                5:43     6:35     7:02         19:21  6:15/M        
  215    199    555  Joe Schueckler        Chelsea Academy                       5:45     6:40     6:55         19:21  6:15/M        
  216    200   2711  Garrett Simons        Poolesville High School               5:56     6:39     6:46         19:22  6:15/M        
  217  (> 7)   3259  William O'Sullivan    Tuscarora High School (VA)            5:41     6:33     7:06         19:22  6:15/M        
  218    201   2311  Gavin Searcey         Midlothian High School                5:55     6:39     6:47         19:22  6:15/M        
  219  (> 7)   1983  Owen Lantow           Loudoun Valley                        5:44     6:35     7:03         19:23  6:15/M        
  220    202   1159  Ollie Alfonso-Frank   Georgetown Day School                 5:40     6:40     7:02         19:24  6:16/M        
  221  (> 7)   2016  Troy Cornett          Louisa County High School             5:43     6:38     7:02         19:24  6:16/M        
  222    203    552  Landon Barnett        Chelsea Academy                       5:46     6:42     6:56         19:25  6:16/M        
  223    204   1605  Hudson Yost           James River (Midlothian)              5:43     6:46     6:55         19:25  6:16/M        
  224  (> 7)    809  Alesandro Alfaro      Dominion                              5:30     6:40     7:15         19:26  6:16/M        
  225    205   3062  William Donohue       Stone Bridge                          5:29     6:39     7:18         19:26  6:16/M        
  226    206   1883  Kedaar Chennam        Lightridge High School                5:37     6:33     7:15         19:27  6:17/M        
  227    207    253  Paolo Mantasas        Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School      5:37     6:42     7:08         19:28  6:17/M        
  228    208   2589  Patrick Donahue       Our Lady Of Good Counsel              5:49     6:41     6:58         19:28  6:17/M        
  229    209   2705  Anil T. Ghosh         Poolesville High School               5:56     6:38     6:55         19:31  6:18/M        
  230    210   2305  Jack Micco            Midlothian High School                5:55     6:37     6:58         19:32  6:18/M        
  231    211   3658  Andrew Meyrowitz      Woodgrove                             5:44     6:39     7:08         19:32  6:18/M        
  232    212   1164  Navin Desai           Georgetown Day School                 5:48     6:44     6:59         19:32  6:18/M        
  233    213   1754  Rupin Thamidisetty    John Champe High School               5:55     6:45     6:52         19:33  6:18/M        
  234  (> 7)    252  Cherian Mampilly      Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School      5:41     6:44     7:06         19:33  6:19/M        
  235    214   1696  Will Simko            James Wood High School                5:32     6:46     7:15         19:34  6:19/M        
  236  (> 7)   3666  James Wagner          Woodgrove                             6:02     6:42     6:49         19:35  6:19/M        
  237    215   2592  Samuel Goertner       Our Lady Of Good Counsel              5:50     6:40     7:05         19:36  6:20/M        
  238    216   2271  Quinn Sullivan        Middletown High School                5:48     6:41     7:06         19:37  6:20/M        
  239    217   2266  Daniel Michaels       Middletown High School                5:48     6:41     7:08         19:38  6:20/M        
  240  (> 7)   3032  DJ Heiber             St. Albans School                     5:29     6:32     7:35         19:38  6:20/M        
  241    218   1357  Aaron Graham          Harrisonburg                          6:03     6:51     6:45         19:40  6:21/M        
  242  (> 7)   1435  Carlos Fuenmayor      Heritage (Leesburg)                   5:40     6:45     7:15         19:41  6:21/M        
  243    219   1678  Carrick Amerine       James Wood High School                5:42     6:42     7:16         19:41  6:21/M        
  244    220   2276  Tobias White          Middletown High School                5:54     6:41     7:06         19:42  6:22/M        
  245  (> 7)   1973  Kyle Bratrud          Loudoun Valley                        5:45     6:45     7:12         19:43  6:22/M        
  246    221   3068  Matthew Palmer        Stone Bridge                          6:01     6:47     6:55         19:44  6:22/M        
  247  (> 7)   3580  Kevin Peng            Winston Churchill High School         5:45     6:48     7:10         19:44  6:22/M        
  248    222   2315  Ben Singleton         Midlothian High School                5:54     6:38     7:11         19:44  6:22/M        
  249    223   2254  Ryan Carpenter        Middletown High School                5:55     6:52     6:57         19:45  6:23/M        
  250  (> 7)   1354  Boris Dmytriyev       Harrisonburg                          5:54     6:55     6:55         19:46  6:23/M        
  251    224   1683  Tyler DeWarf          James Wood High School                5:47     6:48     7:10         19:47  6:23/M        
  252    225   2368  Caleb Saville         Monticello                            5:39     6:42     7:24         19:47  6:23/M        
  253  (> 7)   3572  Matthew Kim           Winston Churchill High School         5:45     6:51     7:10         19:47  6:23/M        
  254    226   2264  Aidan McCrohan        Middletown High School                5:53     6:49     7:03         19:47  6:23/M        
  255    227   1748  John Moye             John Champe High School               5:55     6:44     7:07         19:48  6:23/M        
  256  (> 7)    250  Ryan Maged            Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School      5:44     6:51     7:13         19:50  6:24/M        
  257  (> 7)   2373  Tristan Walker        Monticello                            5:30     6:46     7:34         19:51  6:24/M        
  258    228    587  Warren Maiberger      Clarke County                         5:49     6:49     7:13         19:52  6:25/M        
  259    229   1165  Wyatt Grace           Georgetown Day School                 5:42     6:52     7:17         19:52  6:25/M        
  260  (> 7)   2806  Edward Hong           Riverside High School                 6:00             13:54         19:54  6:25/M        
  261    230    154  Breandan Marley       Archmere Academy                      5:31     7:04     7:18         19:55  6:26/M        
  262    231   1687  Owen Hahn             James Wood High School                5:38     6:52     7:24         19:55  6:26/M        
  263  (> 7)    261  Xavier Shanley        Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School      5:51     7:03     7:00         19:55  6:26/M        
  264    232    471  Ian Gerard            Broad Run                             5:40     6:44     7:33         19:58  6:26/M        
  265  (> 7)   2270  Calvin Smith          Middletown High School                5:54     6:54     7:12         20:01  6:28/M        
  266    233   3071  Austin Scranton       Stone Bridge                          5:57     6:51     7:13         20:02  6:28/M        
  267  (> 7)   2351  Matthew Carl          Monticello                            5:57     6:52     7:15         20:05  6:29/M        
  268  (> 7)   2037  Casen Soriano         Louisa County High School             6:03     6:54     7:07         20:05  6:29/M        
  269  (> 7)   2319  Garrett Tambourine    Midlothian High School                6:06     6:52     7:07         20:06  6:29/M        
  270    234   2851  Sebastian Berrios     Sherando                              6:14     6:50     7:02         20:07  6:30/M        
  271  (> 7)    821  Devin Fuller          Dominion                              5:59     7:01     7:09         20:11  6:31/M        
  272  (> 7)   1603  Garrett Rae           James River (Midlothian)              5:56     6:53     7:22         20:12  6:31/M        
  273    235   3065  Jack Johnson          Stone Bridge                          6:02     7:01     7:10         20:13  6:32/M        
  274    236   2859  Ward Heffern          Sherando                              6:02     7:01     7:10         20:14  6:32/M        
  275    237   2777  Mason Comer           Rappahannock County                   6:01     6:55     7:17         20:14  6:32/M        
  276    238   1756  Jacob Zalenski        John Champe High School               5:56     6:51     7:27         20:15  6:32/M        
  277    239   2894  Caleb Charmatz        Sherwood High School                  6:09     6:53     7:12         20:15  6:32/M        
  278  (> 7)    831  Samuel Melaku         Dominion                              5:49     7:06     7:21         20:16  6:32/M        
  279  (> 7)   2256  James Garruto         Middletown High School                5:54     6:55     7:27         20:17  6:33/M        
  280    240   3074  Riley Weyer           Stone Bridge                          6:01     6:51     7:28         20:21  6:34/M        
  281  (> 7)   2362  Joe Isakson           Monticello                            5:57     6:59     7:25         20:22  6:34/M        
  282  (> 7)   3653  Jonah Jimeno          Woodgrove                             6:08     6:55     7:19         20:22  6:35/M        
  283  (> 7)   1168  Nathan Ireri          Georgetown Day School                 5:51     6:59     7:32         20:23  6:35/M        
  284    241   1279  Thomas Gibbons        Gov. Thomas Johnson High School       6:04     7:03     7:16         20:24  6:35/M        
  285  (> 7)   2805  Daniel Garcia-Soliz   Riverside High School                 6:11     6:57     7:15         20:24  6:35/M        
  286    242   2905  Olin Hogentogler      Sherwood High School                  6:10     6:58     7:16         20:25  6:35/M        
  287    243   2779  Aaron Oakes           Rappahannock County                   6:11     7:03     7:14         20:28  6:36/M        
  288    244   2904  Alexander Hofmann     Sherwood High School                  6:09     6:59     7:22         20:32  6:37/M        
  289    245   2852  Huntley Combs         Sherando                              6:13     7:07     7:13         20:34  6:38/M        
  290  (> 7)   1361  Lucas Maynard         Harrisonburg                          6:09     7:09     7:16         20:36  6:39/M        
  291  (> 7)   1684  Zane DeWarf           James Wood High School                6:06     7:09     7:25         20:41  6:40/M        
  292  (> 7)   2897  Zaire Fulmore         Sherwood High School                  6:09     6:58     7:34         20:42  6:41/M        
  293  (> 7)   3066  Wyatt McNiel          Stone Bridge                          6:14     7:11     7:19         20:45  6:42/M        
  294  (> 7)   1933  Ben Hataway           Loudoun County                        6:09     7:04     7:31         20:45  6:42/M        
  295  (> 7)   2300  Will Hodge            Midlothian High School                5:54     6:53     8:00         20:49  6:43/M        
  296  (> 7)   2903  Zachary Harris        Sherwood High School                  6:09     7:04     7:36         20:50  6:43/M        
  297  (> 7)   1590  Dylan Field           James River (Midlothian)              5:56     7:13     7:50         20:59  6:46/M        
  298    246    556  Jimmy Stanford        Chelsea Academy                       6:07     7:11     7:47         21:07  6:49/M        
  299    247    585  Luke LaMaster         Clarke County                         6:10     7:24     7:35         21:09  6:50/M        
  300  (> 7)   2911  Robert Nicoll         Sherwood High School                  6:18     7:19     7:34         21:12  6:50/M        

 Place  Score Bib No Name                   Team                               1 Mile   2 Mile       Fin       Time    Pace       

  301    248   1292  Max Zander            Gov. Thomas Johnson High School       6:21     7:14     7:39         21:15  6:52/M        
  302    249   2594  Jack Landers          Our Lady Of Good Counsel              6:19     7:20     7:36         21:16  6:52/M        
  303  (> 7)    580  Jonathan Hornbaker    Clarke County                         5:56     7:32     7:50         21:18  6:53/M        
  304    250   3526  Eric Basel            William Monroe                        6:06     7:18     7:58         21:23  6:54/M        
  305    251   1744  Ryan Gam              John Champe High School               6:14     7:27     7:41         21:23  6:54/M        
  306  (< 5)    845  Sam Neville           Dominion Christian School             6:26     7:07     7:49         21:23  6:54/M        
  307    252    481  Joshua Whitehead      Broad Run                             6:13     7:28     7:41         21:24  6:54/M        
  308  (> 7)   2848  Adrian Banks          Sherando                              6:13     7:15     7:59         21:28  6:56/M        
  309    253   3530  Alister Hogge         William Monroe                        6:06     7:25     8:01         21:33  6:57/M        
  310    254   2593  Elijah Jackson        Our Lady Of Good Counsel              5:57     7:38     8:00         21:36  6:58/M        
  311  (> 7)   2857  Toby Fox              Sherando                              6:23     7:25     7:49         21:38  6:59/M        
  312    255   1290  Jayden Suarez         Gov. Thomas Johnson High School       6:14     7:19     8:08         21:42  7:00/M        
  313  (> 7)   2849  Gus Barbe             Sherando                              6:28     7:30     7:46         21:45  7:01/M        
  314    256    430  Samuel Burnett        Briar Woods                           6:12     7:39     7:57         21:50  7:03/M        
  315    257   1289  Jackson Spence        Gov. Thomas Johnson High School       6:21     7:22     8:07         21:51  7:03/M        
  316    258   3537  Brenden Sharp         William Monroe                        6:16     7:33     8:07         21:56  7:05/M        
  317  (< 5)    849  Matthew Walls         Dominion Christian School             6:39     7:41     7:48         22:10  7:09/M        
  318  (> 7)   1592  Richard Garnett       James River (Midlothian)              5:58     7:52     8:22         22:13  7:10/M        
  319  (> 7)   3070  Ethan Rasinski        Stone Bridge                          6:37     7:50     7:53         22:21  7:13/M        
  320  (> 7)   1291  Ezekiel Valor         Gov. Thomas Johnson High School       6:27     7:49     8:10         22:28  7:15/M        
  321    259   3536  Cade Prough           William Monroe                        6:16     7:52     8:20         22:29  7:15/M        
  322    260   2782  Joel Wangsgard        Rappahannock County                   6:34     7:50     8:09         22:35  7:17/M        
  323    261    453  Akshaj Vishnubhatla   Briar Woods                           6:39     7:59     8:00         22:39  7:18/M        
  324    262    449  Alexander Speck       Briar Woods                           6:25     8:13     8:03         22:42  7:19/M        
  325    263    428  Michael Baksis        Briar Woods                           6:32     8:00     8:15         22:49  7:22/M        
  326  (> 7)   1588  Sam Collins           James River (Midlothian)              6:39     7:50     8:19         22:49  7:22/M        
  327  (> 7)   1006  Omar Elasady          Freedom (South Riding)                6:41     7:52     8:16         22:49  7:22/M        
  328  (> 7)   1275  Cole Carpenter        Gov. Thomas Johnson High School       6:28     7:48     8:32         22:50  7:22/M        
  329  (> 7)   1272  William Baker         Gov. Thomas Johnson High School       6:41     7:50     8:20         22:52  7:23/M        
  330  (> 7)   1598  Braeden Marr          James River (Midlothian)              6:33     7:56     8:32         23:02  7:26/M        
  331    264    455  Collin Waning         Briar Woods                           6:21     7:59     8:44         23:04  7:27/M        
  332  (> 7)   1604  Liam White            James River (Midlothian)              6:33     7:59     8:32         23:05  7:27/M        
  333    265   2776  Grant Burfield        Rappahannock County                   6:38     8:01     8:25         23:05  7:27/M        
  334    266    431  David Cassidy         Briar Woods                           7:02     8:00     8:02         23:05  7:27/M        
  335    267   3532  Tommy Lamb            William Monroe                        6:31     7:58     8:47         23:16  7:31/M        
  336    268    553  Peter Cuddeback       Chelsea Academy                       6:32     8:08     8:48         23:29  7:35/M        
  337  (> 7)   3535  Varick Nitzsche       William Monroe                        6:28     8:11     8:50         23:30  7:35/M        
  338    269    438  Ashwin Kommaraju      Briar Woods                           6:51     8:12     8:55         23:59  7:45/M        
  339  (> 7)    426  Awais Ahmad           Briar Woods                           7:08     8:24     9:06         24:40  7:57/M        
  340    270   2778  Henry Loth            Rappahannock County                   7:30     8:51     9:44         26:07  8:26/M        
  341    271   2780  Ronin Rhodes          Rappahannock County                   8:21    10:00    11:24         29:46  9:36/M        
  342  (> 7)   3531  Wyatt Jones           William Monroe                        8:22    12:07    12:12         32:43 10:33/M