Meet Information
Course Map: woodberry_forest_5k.pdf
DRESSING: All competitors are asked to arrive at the course dressed. Lockers and towels will not be available. There will be porta-johns on site.
Program & T-Shirt Rosters: All rosters (program & t-shirts) will need to be turned in by Friday, October 13, 2023. No exceptions. If you do not turn it in in the correct format it will be sent back to you to correct. Please email the following person your template based on your school's name in the alphabet. All submissions need to be in Excel or Google Sheets. No exceptions.
A - M: Becca Lavoie, Miller School,
N - Z: John Green, St. Christopher's School,
When emailing your rosters please CC Katie Cimini and me in your email.
Katie Cimini, Co-Chair, Eastern Mennonite,
Jeremy Eubank, Chair,
CHECK IN: Check in will begin at 9:30 AM. Check in will be at the main tent adjacent to the finish line.
ATHLETES- Athletes must be wearing and show their uniform.
Boys - 25 minute time limit - across all three divisions
Girls - 30 minute time limit - across all three divisions
In reviewing the data this allows us to have a more competitive championship races and allows for us to keep on the schedule outlined above.
Each runner must have three timed results by a system not by hand timing. This will be verified throughout the season. Entries are done via Milestat, not by email.
COACHES/ADDITIONAL PERSONNEL -All coaches must check in at the COACHES TENT to pick up their information. All teams are required to have a coach or volunteer at the finish to deal with any possible medical issues at the finish line and to assist runners through the chute. Instruct your runners to continue moving through the chute, do not let them stop at the finish line.
TRASH: Teams are responsible for picking up after themselves.
PARKING: BUS DRIVERS-Buses will be directed where to park.
MEDICAL POLICY: The top priority of our medical staff is to respond to life threatening medical emergencies. Non-life threatening/minor injuries (example: scraped knees, minor cuts, etc.) may be treated as resources are available and time allows. Serious injuries take precedence and will be treated first.