The St. Christopher's Invitational will be allowing more teams into the meet on Saturday with the option of closing the meet again if they reach the maximum of 50 teams. The cost will be $150.00 per team (boys’ and girls’). If you are just bringing a boys’ or girls team then the cost will be $75.00. There is no per athlete minimum charge. It is a straight $75.00 per gender per team. There is a new reconfigured schedule. The teams who are interested must first contact meet director Marshall Ware to get acceptance into the meet.
More information on St. Christopher's rescheduled date from this past Saturday's postponed events to this Saturday, February 6th including a time schedule. A decision will be made on Monday afternoon or early Tuesday morning on whether to allow new teams not originally entered in the meet. The online entry system is re-opened for coaches who would like to scratch, substitute, or update.

Section Winner - Dalton Kuhar (Fuqua) 11:58.67 (13th overall)

Section Winner - Deep Run 9:59.49 (2nd overall)

Fastest qualifier - Alston Johnson (Gar-Field) 6.55

Fastest qualifier - Amira Idris (C.D. Hylton) 7.33

Fastest qualifier - Anthony Williams (Potomac Senior) 7.57

Fastest qualifier - Renay Ransaw (Hampton) 8.62
No snow fell during the entire duration on Friday's portion of the St. Christopher's Invitational and many teams returned home without encountering any precipation either. In a normal big weekend for track & field in Virginia which has been ruined due to an incoming winter storm, at least some athletes and teams were able to make the trip to Richmond and turn in some quality times and marks at St. Christopher's School's state of the art indoor track & field facility.
We will be running the scheduled events for this evening and going with a running schedule. We should get ahead of time. Events for Saturday Jan. 29th are rescheduled for Saturday Feb. 6th.
Entry list for this weekend's St. Christopher's Invitational to be held in Richmond, Va.
There have been several inquiries about this weekend’s meet and what we are planning as far as the weather goes. We have been trying to figure out how to handle this for the last few days as we watched the storm track become more and more certain to affect the meet. Here is the plan that we have come up with...