Glory Days Grill Invitational 2010

Manassas, VA

Glory Days Grill Invitational 2010 vs Glory Days Grill Invitational 2012

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -5 2556 2561
Overall Average +1:13.16 22:33.71 21:20.56
1st-10th Place +20.50 15:52.40 15:31.90
1st-25th Place +17.72 16:10.12 15:52.40
1st-50th Place +15.52 16:27.60 16:12.08
1st-100th Place +19.66 16:50.14 16:30.48
Common Athletes -- -- 380
Ran Faster -280 50 330
Ran Season Best 90 363 273
Average Time +1:50.61 22:06.06 20:15.46
Median Time +1:40.00 21:46.00 20:06.00
Middle 80% Times +1:49.14 21:55.14 20:06.00
Top 10% Times +1:25.13 17:49.92 16:24.79
Top 25% Times +1:31.61 18:42.89 17:11.28
Top 50% Times +1:42.56 19:52.95 18:10.39
Bottom 50% Times +1:58.65 24:19.18 22:20.53
Bottom 25% Times +2:10.65 26:00.38 23:49.73
Bottom 10% Times +2:27.76 27:49.55 25:21.79
Average Difference +1:50.61 -- --
Median Difference -1:00.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +1:48.36 -- --
Top 10% Difference +1:01.05 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:27.45 -- --
Top 25% Difference +1:16.57 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:27.45 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +2:13.76 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +2:39.19 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +2:58.13 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Sean McGorty Chantilly +1:08.00 15:53.00 14:45.00
Patrick Joseph Loudoun County +1:24.00 16:50.00 15:26.00
Logan Miller Chantilly +1:04.00 16:46.00 15:42.00
Sam Dodge St. Albans School +2:07.00 17:50.00 15:43.00
Tai Dinger St. Albans School +2:15.00 17:59.00 15:44.00
Chris Hoyle Gonzaga College High School +2:54.00 18:43.00 15:49.00
John Lapointe Bishop O'Connell +1:41.00 17:30.00 15:49.00
Faris Sakallah Chantilly +3:03.00 18:54.00 15:51.00
Peter Malander Chantilly +1:36.00 17:28.00 15:52.00
Griffin Colaizzi Georgetown Day School +2:20.00 18:13.00 15:53.00
Mackenzie Haight George C. Marshall +2:46.00 18:42.00 15:56.00
Adam Huff Chantilly +3:34.00 19:41.00 16:07.00
Alec Jones South County High School +2:17.00 18:24.00 16:07.00
Luca Halladay West Potomac +2:12.00 18:40.00 16:28.00
Sam Boardman Georgetown Day School +1:12.00 17:42.00 16:30.00
Luke Sharkey James W. Robinson +22.00 16:53.00 16:31.00
Zach Ward Herndon +3:15.00 19:48.00 16:33.00
Ryan Hart Yorktown +53.00 17:27.00 16:34.00
Sai Kurra Potomac Falls +2:27.00 19:01.00 16:34.00
Logan Feierbach Tuscarora High School (VA) +1:21.00 17:55.00 16:34.00
Biruk Amare John R. Lewis High School +1:44.00 18:19.00 16:35.00
Bradley Heuer Herndon +43.00 17:21.00 16:38.00
Ashkan Mohammadi South Lakes +2:20.00 18:58.00 16:38.00
Matt Celsa Potomac Falls +4:10.00 20:50.00 16:40.00
Joshua Parshall Chantilly +1:47.00 18:28.00 16:41.00
Andrew Goldman Herndon +6:07.00 22:50.00 16:43.00
Daniel Matson Thomas Jefferson S&T +40.00 17:24.00 16:44.00
Jordan Ferbrache Potomac Falls +53.00 17:37.00 16:44.00
Nick O'Connell Westfield +2:17.00 19:01.00 16:44.00
Ethan Pacifico Potomac Falls +1:44.00 18:29.00 16:45.00
Billy Cox Georgetown Day School +2:42.00 19:29.00 16:47.00
Michael Mchugh South Lakes +1:03.00 18:02.00 16:59.00
Greg Anderson Thomas Jefferson S&T +48.00 17:48.00 17:00.00
Jesse Schaffer Meridian +53.00 17:55.00 17:02.00
Ben Gautier South County High School +4:02.00 21:05.00 17:03.00
Kevin Ryan Potomac Falls +3:35.00 20:43.00 17:08.00
Kip Talman Centreville +1:22.00 18:33.00 17:11.00
Bradley Shawen Quince Orchard High School +1:01.00 18:13.00 17:12.00
Brian Yudkin C.G. Woodson +37.00 17:50.00 17:13.00
Nick Marshall James W. Robinson -29.00 17:17.00 17:46.00
Steven Kool Thomas Jefferson S&T +1:42.00 19:00.00 17:18.00
Brendan Connelly Potomac Falls +4:28.00 21:46.00 17:18.00
Jeremy K. Brown Meridian +31.00 17:49.00 17:18.00
James Simon Thomas Jefferson S&T +2:55.00 20:16.00 17:21.00
Brandon Lathrop Potomac Falls +2:24.00 19:45.00 17:21.00
Andrew Stepka Paul VI Catholic +1:46.00 19:08.00 17:22.00
Ben Heberling Loudoun County -3:17.00 17:23.00 20:40.00
James Blersch Westfield +1:34.00 18:58.00 17:24.00
Brendan Cevasco James W. Robinson +3:38.00 21:02.00 17:24.00
Joseph Brough Bishop O'Connell +2:53.00 20:18.00 17:25.00
Jordan Buzzell James W. Robinson +32.00 17:58.00 17:26.00
Ben Kunst Georgetown Day School +37.00 18:03.00 17:26.00
Paul Sanders Meridian +1:05.00 18:31.00 17:26.00
Andrew Santaniello C.G. Woodson +1:29.00 18:55.00 17:26.00
Nick Clem Potomac Falls +1:24.00 18:51.00 17:27.00
Tim Boyles Westfield +3:06.00 20:36.00 17:30.00
Michael Murphy South County High School +1:02.00 18:34.00 17:32.00
Stephen Redmon Hayfield Secondary School +50.00 18:22.00 17:32.00
Kyler Blodgett Thomas Jefferson S&T +1:28.00 19:00.00 17:32.00
Ryan Guinee South County High School +1:15.00 18:48.00 17:33.00
Aaron Skouby Paul VI Catholic +1:57.00 19:30.00 17:33.00
Peter Price Thomas Jefferson S&T +2:24.00 19:59.00 17:35.00
Caleb Hoehner Loudoun County +1:03.00 18:39.00 17:36.00
Cameron Keith James W. Robinson +1:44.00 19:21.00 17:37.00
Jack Perales Loudoun County +3:20.00 20:57.00 17:37.00
Crispin Bernier West Potomac +14.00 17:52.00 17:38.00
Kyle Thompson South County High School +3:51.00 21:31.00 17:40.00
Nicholas Deatley South Lakes +49.00 18:30.00 17:41.00
Mark Kozy James W. Robinson +34.00 18:15.00 17:41.00
Stephen Shaw Seton School +1:17.00 18:59.00 17:42.00
Tim Jackson Seton School +1:29.00 19:11.00 17:42.00
Matthew Moore John R. Lewis High School +3:51.00 21:34.00 17:43.00
Grant Mcclure St. Albans School +1:36.00 19:22.00 17:46.00
Philip Abboud St. Albans School +1:36.00 19:23.00 17:47.00
Patrick Doolin Gonzaga College High School +4:03.00 21:50.00 17:47.00
John Marshall Meridian +4:41.00 22:30.00 17:49.00
Luke Kuprenas Thomas Jefferson S&T +1:09.00 18:58.00 17:49.00
Matt Wattendorf Thomas Jefferson S&T +2:46.00 20:36.00 17:50.00
Andrew Fleischer Quince Orchard High School +1:03.00 18:56.00 17:53.00
Forrest Doss Tuscarora High School (VA) +2:55.00 20:49.00 17:54.00
Sean Nguyen Centreville +3:05.00 21:00.00 17:55.00
Matt Danisewicz Paul VI Catholic +1:38.00 19:33.00 17:55.00
Daniel Coo Westfield +52.00 18:50.00 17:58.00
Noah Follin George C. Marshall +3:36.00 21:36.00 18:00.00
Nicholas Zirkle George C. Marshall +4:05.00 22:05.00 18:00.00
Seth Hein James W. Robinson +3:09.00 21:10.00 18:01.00
Michael Uhrig South Lakes +3:41.00 21:42.00 18:01.00
Nichola Haliday Thomas Jefferson S&T -15.00 18:02.00 18:17.00
Thomas Pullano Gonzaga College High School +2:04.00 20:06.00 18:02.00
Patrick Wang Thomas Jefferson S&T +4:24.00 22:28.00 18:04.00
Jaemin Kim Westfield +55.00 19:00.00 18:05.00
Devoe Arnold St. Albans School +2:50.00 20:55.00 18:05.00
Patrick Linehan Chantilly +3:21.00 21:27.00 18:06.00
Nick Sanders Loudoun County +4:19.00 22:26.00 18:07.00
David Drawbaugh Meridian +3:02.00 21:09.00 18:07.00
Peter Morris Yorktown +1:39.00 19:50.00 18:11.00
Adel Lah Lou Mount Vernon -8.00 18:12.00 18:20.00
James Pala Meridian +5:15.00 23:28.00 18:13.00
Philip Bader St. Albans School +2:50.00 21:04.00 18:14.00
Kevin Grimm Centreville +3:30.00 21:44.00 18:14.00
Steven Yu Centreville +3:29.00 21:44.00 18:15.00
Ben Spencer Loudoun County +2:32.00 20:47.00 18:15.00
Bailey Kolonich John R. Lewis High School +23.00 18:38.00 18:15.00
Michael Kvartunas Paul VI Catholic +2:42.00 20:58.00 18:16.00
Tristan O'Shea Potomac Falls +3:53.00 22:09.00 18:16.00
Dan Russell Gonzaga College High School +3:39.00 21:55.00 18:16.00
Jerry Lin Quince Orchard High School +1:36.00 19:54.00 18:18.00
Gabriel Perkins Quince Orchard High School +3:40.00 22:05.00 18:25.00
Calvin Baker St. Albans School +3:21.00 21:46.00 18:25.00
Daniel Murray Chantilly +1:13.00 19:42.00 18:29.00
Wyatt Bodmer James Madison +1:05.00 19:34.00 18:29.00
David Cate West Potomac +2:11.00 20:40.00 18:29.00
Landon Henderson St. Albans School +2:37.00 21:08.00 18:31.00
Teddy Gelman Quince Orchard High School +1:44.00 20:17.00 18:33.00
Raymond Chaing Mount Vernon -1:20.00 18:34.00 19:54.00
Sean Maraia C.G. Woodson +1:02.00 19:36.00 18:34.00
Alex Orellana Patriot High School +2:02.00 20:37.00 18:35.00
Alexander Schmidt Freedom (South Riding) +2:20.00 20:56.00 18:36.00
Justin Mancusi South County High School +2:52.00 21:28.00 18:36.00
Mckay Allen Gonzaga College High School +1:56.00 20:33.00 18:37.00
Thomas Hay Thomas Jefferson S&T -24.00 18:40.00 19:04.00
Spencer Tollo George C. Marshall +1:39.00 20:20.00 18:41.00
Austin Zveare Washington-Liberty High School -7:56.00 18:42.00 26:38.00
Michael Romans Lake Braddock +17.00 19:00.00 18:43.00
James Patton St. Albans School +1:23.00 20:07.00 18:44.00
Max Bryski St. Albans School +4:44.00 23:29.00 18:45.00
Riley O'Halloran Gonzaga College High School +2:29.00 21:17.00 18:48.00
Bradley Magnuson South County High School +33.00 19:22.00 18:49.00
Devin Nihill Bishop O'Connell -16.00 18:50.00 19:06.00
James Penman Chantilly +6:42.00 25:32.00 18:50.00
Alex Mallo Bishop O'Connell +2:35.00 21:25.00 18:50.00
Evan Barnard Tuscarora High School (VA) +1:56.00 20:48.00 18:52.00
John Feest St. Albans School +5:06.00 24:02.00 18:56.00
Kevin Buehler Potomac Falls -2:06.00 18:57.00 21:03.00
Noah Fletcher Westfield +2:40.00 21:37.00 18:57.00
Austin Stahle Chantilly +1:14.00 20:12.00 18:58.00
James Bigler West Potomac +54.00 19:52.00 18:58.00
Ian Booe Westfield +3:01.00 22:00.00 18:59.00
Sebastian Lerner Thomas Jefferson S&T +35.00 19:35.00 19:00.00
David Guinee South County High School +3:24.00 22:24.00 19:00.00
Brian Presler Briar Woods -2:13.00 19:06.00 21:19.00
Matthew Mettenheimer Tuscarora High School (VA) +57.00 20:04.00 19:07.00
Sean Carney Potomac Falls +1:19.00 20:29.00 19:10.00
Arjun Iyer Thomas Jefferson S&T +5:59.00 25:09.00 19:10.00
Daniel Anderson Thomas Jefferson S&T +1:04.00 20:17.00 19:13.00
Andrew Meredith Westfield +3:17.00 22:30.00 19:13.00
Tommy Flynn Quince Orchard High School +1:17.00 20:31.00 19:14.00
Samantha Lull Chantilly +1:59.00 21:14.00 19:15.00
Garrett Lazorchak Tuscarora High School (VA) +1:47.00 21:02.00 19:15.00
Jeffery Mangold Tuscarora High School (VA) +1:18.00 20:33.00 19:15.00
Thomas Boley St. Albans School +5:28.00 24:43.00 19:15.00
Ryan Sierzega James Madison +1:54.00 21:11.00 19:17.00
Matt Mason South Lakes -1:18.00 19:18.00 20:36.00
Oscar Grainger Briar Woods +2:04.00 21:23.00 19:19.00
Evan Horil Chantilly +3:02.00 22:21.00 19:19.00
Patrick McGrath Loudoun County +2:12.00 21:32.00 19:20.00
Ian Hargreaves Centreville +4:37.00 23:58.00 19:21.00
Ted Lorence Lake Braddock +2:26.00 21:47.00 19:21.00
Christopher Brink Hayfield Secondary School +5:51.00 25:14.00 19:23.00
Will Bradbury Thomas Jefferson S&T +1:27.00 20:54.00 19:27.00
Brent King Hayfield Secondary School +3:28.00 22:57.00 19:29.00
Jackson Biddle St. Albans School +5:00.00 24:29.00 19:29.00
Nathan Rionda Paul VI Catholic +2:19.00 21:49.00 19:30.00
Charde Barnes Bowie High School -10.00 19:31.00 19:41.00
Isabela Medina Centreville +16.00 19:47.00 19:31.00
Brandon Richardson St. Albans School +2:39.00 22:11.00 19:32.00
William Ferrer George C. Marshall +2:06.00 21:38.00 19:32.00
Drew Von Rintein Westfield +4:02.00 23:35.00 19:33.00
Jackie Deffer Briar Woods +47.00 20:21.00 19:34.00
John Hassett St. Albans School +2:33.00 22:07.00 19:34.00
Peter Scharf Potomac Falls +1:35.00 21:11.00 19:36.00
Rebecca Vinter Centreville +54.00 20:31.00 19:37.00
Teddy Meyers Quince Orchard High School +1:21.00 20:58.00 19:37.00
Tony Thumpasery St. Albans School +3:18.00 22:55.00 19:37.00
Patrick McWilliams Loudoun County +46.00 20:25.00 19:39.00
Sean O'Neil Loudoun County +2:10.00 21:49.00 19:39.00
Ana Valdez Loudoun County +1:22.00 21:02.00 19:40.00
Stephen Gurley South Lakes +50.00 20:31.00 19:41.00
Fred La Violette St. Albans School +2:19.00 22:00.00 19:41.00
Mackenzie Fennell Patriot High School +1:58.00 21:40.00 19:42.00
Zachary Twigg Loudoun County +1:48.00 21:31.00 19:43.00
Carson Overholt Flint Hill School +3:35.00 23:19.00 19:44.00
Jed Alcantara Briar Woods +1:21.00 21:06.00 19:45.00
Thomas Friestad James W. Robinson +1:52.00 21:38.00 19:46.00
Natalie Rosas Tuscarora High School (VA) +53.00 20:39.00 19:46.00
Regina Schreiber Quince Orchard High School +1:55.00 21:43.00 19:48.00
Adam Cleland Flint Hill School +3:00.00 22:50.00 19:50.00
Mary Cate Scully South County High School +4.00 19:56.00 19:52.00
Daniel Kim Potomac Falls +42.00 20:34.00 19:52.00
Derek Wu Thomas Jefferson S&T +1:09.00 21:05.00 19:56.00
David Mould Georgetown Day School +1:11.00 21:07.00 19:56.00
Andrew Ng George C. Marshall +3:47.00 23:47.00 20:00.00
Brandon Pinince Lake Braddock +3:31.00 23:31.00 20:00.00
Brendan O'Conner James W. Robinson +8.00 20:11.00 20:03.00
Megan Toole Chantilly +14.00 20:18.00 20:04.00
Esteban Molina Centreville +1:19.00 21:25.00 20:06.00
Julia Ernst Georgetown Day School +3:17.00 23:23.00 20:06.00
Josh Robson Washington-Liberty High School +2:13.00 22:19.00 20:06.00
Matt Triggs Seton School +3:09.00 23:16.00 20:07.00
Michael Cateriano Centreville +58.00 21:06.00 20:08.00
Sam Klein Georgetown Day School +3:27.00 23:35.00 20:08.00
Keenan Moore Gonzaga College High School +3:52.00 24:00.00 20:08.00
Stephen Smith Gonzaga College High School +2:33.00 22:42.00 20:09.00
Scott Eustice Georgetown Day School +3:11.00 23:21.00 20:10.00
Dillon Creswell Patriot High School +1:36.00 21:46.00 20:10.00
Hannah Beaman Meridian -2:29.00 20:11.00 22:40.00
Chris Parrino St. Albans School +2:20.00 22:31.00 20:11.00
Mackenzie Barclay Potomac Falls +48.00 21:00.00 20:12.00
Marie Therese Kane Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School +53.00 21:05.00 20:12.00
Kieran Hutson Gonzaga College High School +1:06.00 21:19.00 20:13.00
Allison Mcnulla West Potomac +3:41.00 23:56.00 20:15.00
Benjamin Hyde Washington-Liberty High School +1:51.00 22:06.00 20:15.00
Patrick Hulse South County High School +2:35.00 22:51.00 20:16.00
Connor Phillips Thomas Jefferson S&T +1:47.00 22:03.00 20:16.00
Brian Abod Gonzaga College High School +57.00 21:15.00 20:18.00
Caitlin McNichol Loudoun County +5:08.00 25:27.00 20:19.00
Jack Alvarez James Madison +1:37.00 21:58.00 20:21.00
Josh Harmon St. Albans School +1:48.00 22:10.00 20:22.00
Catherine Arendt Bishop O'Connell +3:09.00 23:31.00 20:22.00
Katie Daniels Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School +1:33.00 21:58.00 20:25.00
Peter Richards St. Albans School +1:54.00 22:19.00 20:25.00
Taylor Chamness Bishop O'Connell +58.00 21:25.00 20:27.00
Christopher Fernandez Hayfield Secondary School +53.00 21:21.00 20:28.00
Catherine Panasenkov Quince Orchard High School +24.00 20:53.00 20:29.00
Reagan Warrington Westfield -1:06.00 20:30.00 21:36.00
Sean Doyle Centreville +8.00 20:39.00 20:31.00
Alaina Patrick Paul VI Catholic +9:21.00 29:52.00 20:31.00
Bradley Rainbolt Quince Orchard High School +50.00 21:25.00 20:35.00
Anna Nordseth Loudoun County -39.00 20:36.00 21:15.00
Liz Mittan Briar Woods +1:14.00 21:50.00 20:36.00
Kelly Jean Watkins South Lakes +1:27.00 22:03.00 20:36.00
Megan Rhoads Chantilly -35.00 20:36.00 21:11.00
Justin Kim Thomas Jefferson S&T -15.00 20:37.00 20:52.00
Will Stockton St. Albans School +1:10.00 21:48.00 20:38.00
Amanda Holt Westfield +2:06.00 22:44.00 20:38.00
James Truitt St. Albans School +3:37.00 24:16.00 20:39.00
Maria Aukward Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School -14.00 20:40.00 20:54.00
Daniel Buenafe Potomac Falls +1:20.00 22:01.00 20:41.00
Gregory Missar Unity Reed +1:37.00 22:22.00 20:45.00
Hannah Henry James Madison +2:10.00 22:55.00 20:45.00
Steven Scherping Gonzaga College High School +5:19.00 26:05.00 20:46.00
Mackenzie Smith Bishop O'Connell +57.00 21:45.00 20:48.00
Sandy Suh St. Albans School +51.00 21:39.00 20:48.00
Xavier Holl Seton School +2:58.00 23:47.00 20:49.00
Virginia Walsh Chantilly +4:06.00 24:55.00 20:49.00
Nick Ross South County High School +2:36.00 23:26.00 20:50.00
Nathan Daly Westfield +1:17.00 22:08.00 20:51.00
Vincent Delaurentis South County High School -2.00 20:51.00 20:53.00
Emily Balser Loudoun County +1:34.00 22:25.00 20:51.00
Sararose Gaines National Cathedral +2:55.00 23:46.00 20:51.00
Christopher Bardo Washington-Liberty High School +15.00 21:07.00 20:52.00
Katie Murray West Potomac +2:43.00 23:35.00 20:52.00
Jenny Chau Westfield +2:33.00 23:26.00 20:53.00
Ethan Howard South County High School -1:00.00 20:53.00 21:53.00
Courtney Walker Tuscarora High School (VA) +1:33.00 22:28.00 20:55.00
Bobby Eaton Lake Braddock +1:12.00 22:07.00 20:55.00
Natalie Plummer Chantilly -3.00 20:56.00 20:59.00
Lauren Meinhart Meridian +1:43.00 22:40.00 20:57.00
Mitch McDonald Westfield +4:06.00 25:04.00 20:58.00
Ellery Thomas C.G. Woodson +1:24.00 22:23.00 20:59.00
Melanie Trammell Hayfield Secondary School +1:14.00 22:13.00 20:59.00
Michael Nolan Quince Orchard High School +2:53.00 23:54.00 21:01.00
Taylor Schwenke Westfield -19.00 21:04.00 21:23.00
Alicia Devereaux Meridian +50.00 21:54.00 21:04.00
Joanna Ahn Centreville -39.00 21:05.00 21:44.00
Alexandra Sieder Chantilly +4:12.00 25:19.00 21:07.00
Ryan Hindman Yorktown +4:34.00 25:44.00 21:10.00
Austin Wise Trinity Christian School +1:52.00 23:04.00 21:12.00
Anna Bishop Hayfield Secondary School +1:58.00 23:10.00 21:12.00
Alexander Samaha Georgetown Day School +3:54.00 25:07.00 21:13.00
Nick Demarco Gonzaga College High School +2:52.00 24:06.00 21:14.00
Kelsey Yaglou C.G. Woodson +54.00 22:09.00 21:15.00
Alessa Karam Georgetown Day School -3:33.00 21:18.00 24:51.00
Sydney Strub Chantilly +2:32.00 23:56.00 21:24.00
Jeanna Mazaris Tuscarora High School (VA) +1:32.00 22:58.00 21:26.00
Kylie Cuomo Centreville -39.00 21:27.00 22:06.00
Megan Owens Westfield -27.00 21:28.00 21:55.00
Clayton Keating Chantilly -3.00 21:29.00 21:32.00
Jordan Gooch Lake Braddock +2:40.00 24:12.00 21:32.00
James Bruniany Lake Braddock +1:01.00 22:34.00 21:33.00
Arlan Jaska Thomas Jefferson S&T -45.00 21:36.00 22:21.00
Katie Bucaro Paul VI Catholic +1:16.00 22:53.00 21:37.00
Trey Howard Briar Woods +4:14.00 25:52.00 21:38.00
Ginger Collier James Madison +1:10.00 22:50.00 21:40.00
Annie Graham National Cathedral +47.00 22:29.00 21:42.00
Colin Morgan George C. Marshall +2:47.00 24:30.00 21:43.00
Mitchel Lawhorn Lake Braddock +3:30.00 25:13.00 21:43.00
Russell Cestone John R. Lewis High School +2:10.00 23:56.00 21:46.00
Abigail Head James Madison +27.00 22:16.00 21:49.00
Mark Creamer Gonzaga College High School +1:48.00 23:37.00 21:49.00
Lindsey Klunder South County High School +2:59.00 24:53.00 21:54.00
Taylor Leonard Washington-Liberty High School -54.00 21:55.00 22:49.00
Molly Crum Yorktown +1:28.00 23:24.00 21:56.00
James Stowell Loudoun County +3:04.00 25:02.00 21:58.00
Lana Miller Briar Woods -1:19.00 22:00.00 23:19.00
Kelly Ready Meridian -15.00 22:04.00 22:19.00
Katherine Spaeth Yorktown +16.00 22:21.00 22:05.00
Morgan Zeiss Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School +1:26.00 23:34.00 22:08.00
Alex Edelmann Georgetown Day School +3:03.00 25:12.00 22:09.00
Noah Minkoff Quince Orchard High School -2:10.00 22:09.00 24:19.00
Grace Gillen South Lakes +3:33.00 25:44.00 22:11.00
Tea Lanfranconi Hayfield Secondary School -52.00 22:11.00 23:03.00
Kristen Monheim Lake Braddock +2:52.00 25:06.00 22:14.00
Connor Toole Paul VI Catholic +1:30.00 23:44.00 22:14.00
Stephen Horton Trinity Christian School +3:45.00 26:00.00 22:15.00
James Reston St. Albans School +4:54.00 27:12.00 22:18.00
Ryan Toole Paul VI Catholic +1:05.00 23:26.00 22:21.00
Emily Barret Thomas Jefferson S&T +1:53.00 24:16.00 22:23.00
Madison Oliver Flint Hill School +4:31.00 26:54.00 22:23.00
Noah Woodruff Lake Braddock +7:07.00 29:31.00 22:24.00
Tessa Nester Loudoun County +30.00 22:57.00 22:27.00
Jessica Potter Loudoun County +3:20.00 25:48.00 22:28.00
Jenny Klug Tuscarora High School (VA) +2:16.00 24:46.00 22:30.00
Maria Gibney Potomac Falls +4:55.00 27:28.00 22:33.00
Colleen Saunders Westfield -1:04.00 22:33.00 23:37.00
Joey Griffiths Flint Hill School +29.00 23:03.00 22:34.00
Mohini Goel Quince Orchard High School +3:27.00 26:01.00 22:34.00
Tallulah Lewis Meridian +2:43.00 25:18.00 22:35.00
Isabel Larroca Washington-Liberty High School -11.00 22:36.00 22:47.00
Megan McCoy C.G. Woodson +34.00 23:11.00 22:37.00
Katherine Bronstein Georgetown Day School -21.00 22:37.00 22:58.00
Nora Cox Paul VI Catholic +2:12.00 24:50.00 22:38.00
Tori Galliani Quince Orchard High School +40.00 23:20.00 22:40.00
Katrina Schwien Trinity Christian School +3:18.00 26:00.00 22:42.00
Madison Renshaw James Madison +3:03.00 25:50.00 22:47.00
Amanda Balcells Chantilly -13.00 22:51.00 23:04.00
Kayleen Lynch Lake Braddock -1.00 22:55.00 22:56.00
Timmy Moran Gonzaga College High School -1:22.00 22:55.00 24:17.00
Amanda Gormsen James Madison -12.00 22:57.00 23:09.00
Theresa Gibney Potomac Falls -38.00 22:57.00 23:35.00
Aseem Jain Thomas Jefferson S&T +1:00.00 23:57.00 22:57.00
Brian Clark Flint Hill School +2:38.00 25:37.00 22:59.00
Gillian Cannon Lake Braddock +2:23.00 25:22.00 22:59.00
Summer Thompson Loudoun County +1:51.00 24:57.00 23:06.00
Ashley Sienicki James Madison +2:08.00 25:21.00 23:13.00
Jay Khandpur George C. Marshall +8:14.00 31:31.00 23:17.00
Carolyn Gorick Briar Woods +1:59.00 25:17.00 23:18.00
Abby Fahnestock Trinity Christian School -6.00 23:19.00 23:25.00
Patrick Nicholson George C. Marshall +4:04.00 27:26.00 23:22.00
Shantel Vogel Paul VI Catholic +3:15.00 26:47.00 23:32.00
Meredith Hilton National Cathedral +3.00 23:37.00 23:34.00
Norah McDonald Yorktown -1:42.00 23:39.00 25:21.00
Katie Keating Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School -39.00 23:39.00 24:18.00
Kylie Ritz Tuscarora High School (VA) +24.00 24:14.00 23:50.00
Cynthia Yoon C.G. Woodson +3:19.00 27:09.00 23:50.00
Grant Strudwick St. Albans School +6:25.00 30:21.00 23:56.00
Abigail Bennsky Hayfield Secondary School +1:16.00 25:14.00 23:58.00
Elinor Hanley National Cathedral +1:24.00 25:22.00 23:58.00
Charlotte Jeppsen National Cathedral +3:50.00 27:59.00 24:09.00
Aidana Saudabayeva National Cathedral +3:39.00 27:48.00 24:09.00
Gabriella Durgin Potomac Falls +1:04.00 25:15.00 24:11.00
Grace Cleland Flint Hill School +2:48.00 26:59.00 24:11.00
Jacqueline Johnson Paul VI Catholic +4:29.00 28:42.00 24:13.00
Anna Bultrowicz Loudoun County +2:01.00 26:17.00 24:16.00
Ana Maria Stella Bishop O'Connell +2:44.00 27:11.00 24:27.00
Kelly Ayers James Madison +1:06.00 25:36.00 24:30.00
Jane Husk Bishop O'Connell +2:15.00 26:48.00 24:33.00
Lizzie Callahan Lake Braddock +16.00 24:52.00 24:36.00
Adam Huber Quince Orchard High School -1:30.00 24:36.00 26:06.00
Amy Gelb James Madison -18.00 24:53.00 25:11.00
Meghan Coyle Hayfield Secondary School -11.00 24:56.00 25:07.00
Valerie Cateriano Centreville +43.00 25:42.00 24:59.00
Katie Hannah Centreville +2:03.00 27:02.00 24:59.00
Camille Sides James W. Robinson +2:58.00 28:01.00 25:03.00
Caroline Lempres National Cathedral +6:54.00 32:00.00 25:06.00
Kirsten Hodge Hayfield Secondary School +2:59.00 28:05.00 25:06.00
Carolyn Murphy West Potomac +1.00 25:08.00 25:07.00
Robyn Smith C.G. Woodson +2:50.00 27:58.00 25:08.00
Sarah Miller Meridian +2.00 25:10.00 25:08.00
Camille Helmick James W. Robinson +4:17.00 29:26.00 25:09.00
Jessica Thoppil Tuscarora High School (VA) +6:10.00 31:24.00 25:14.00
Allison Pinson Yorktown -1:54.00 25:27.00 27:21.00
Marie Tummarello James Madison +2:46.00 28:29.00 25:43.00
Kelly Mahoney Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School -2:38.00 25:45.00 28:23.00
Tessa Cafritz Georgetown Day School +3:56.00 29:59.00 26:03.00
Sydney Hyland Centreville + 26:15.00 26:15.00
Claire Butler Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School +9.00 26:31.00 26:22.00
Julia Novey Georgetown Day School -23.00 27:15.00 27:38.00
Ashleigh Bielen Westfield +21.00 27:52.00 27:31.00
Hannah Morris Yorktown +1:25.00 29:35.00 28:10.00