Glory Days Grill Invitational 2010

Manassas, VA

Varsity B Boys

RaceTab 3 by MileSplit          Registered to: Brandon Miles,

                Glory Days Grill Invitational - 10/9/2010                 
                 Bull Run Regional Park, Centreville, VA 

                   Varsity B Boys 5000 Meter Run Finals                   
    Name                      Yr Team                           Time   Pts
  1 Nick Tuck                    Lake Braddock              16:54.00     1
  2 Greg Hadley                  The Heights                17:06.00     2
  3 Daniel Samet                 Georgetown Day School      17:09.00     3
  4 Gurjeet Chinayana            Broad Run                  17:13.00     4
  5 James Turner                 James W. Robinson          17:14.00     5
  6 Andrei Klein                 St. Albans School          17:14.00     6
  7 Matthew Holton               Heritage (Leesburg)        17:15.00     7
  8 Axel Tarnvik                 Briar Woods                17:17.00     8
  9 Jt Duke                      Dominion                   17:20.00     9
 10 Mitch Clements               Broad Run                  17:21.00    10
 11 Jeffrey Edmondson            Westfield                  17:27.00    11
 12 Ryan Hart                    Yorktown                   17:27.00    12
 13 Bruce McIntosh               Loudoun County             17:30.00    13
 14 Zac Kish                     Broad Run                  17:35.00    14
 15 Steven Hurwitt               Broad Run                  17:38.00    15
 16 Filagot Dinku                Wakefield High School      17:41.00    --
 17 Sam Boardman                 Georgetown Day School      17:42.00    16
 18 Stefan Vanburen              Dominion                   17:44.00    17
 19 Samuel Rogers                Tuscarora High School      17:45.00    18
 20 William Greenwood            Lake Braddock              17:45.00    19
 21 Sam Dodge                    St. Albans School          17:50.00    20
 22 Miles Graham                 St. Albans School          17:51.00    21
 23 Mike Dragnich                St. Albans School          17:52.00    22
 24 Josh Holton                  Heritage (Leesburg)        17:53.00    23
 25 Sam Coffman                  Dominion                   17:55.00    24
 26 Andrew Hayden                Broad Run                  17:55.00    25
 27 Logan Feierbach              Tuscarora High School      17:55.00    26
 28 Brennan Gillis               St. Albans School          17:57.00    27
 29 Tai Dinger                   St. Albans School          17:59.00    28
 30 Jared Rohrbaugh              Heritage (Leesburg)        18:01.00    29
 31 Steven Mitchell              Westfield                  18:02.00    30
 32 Michael Mchugh               South Lakes                18:02.00    31
 33 Ben Johnson                  James W. Robinson          18:02.00    32
 34 Ben Kunst                    Georgetown Day School      18:03.00    33
 35 Stetson Page                 Heritage (Leesburg)        18:04.00    34
 36 Jay Winkleman                Field School               18:04.00    35
 37 Logan Smith                  Loudoun County             18:05.00    36
 38 Steven Graham                Loudoun County             18:07.00    37
 39 Nathan Kiley                 Westfield                  18:09.00    38
 40 Nathaniel Rogers             Our Lady of Good Counsel   18:10.00    39
 41 Andrew Hicks                 West Potomac               18:10.00    --
 42 David Roache                 South Lakes                18:10.00    40
 43 Ben Monarch                  Georgetown Day School      18:11.00    41
 44 John Vigil                   Broad Run                  18:11.00    42
 45 Paul Costantini              James W. Robinson          18:12.00    43
 46 Mark Sohl                    Lake Braddock              18:12.00    44
 47 Gerardo Perez                Mount Vernon               18:13.00    --
 48 Nelson Auguste               Georgetown Day School      18:13.00    45
 49 Griffin Colaizzi             Georgetown Day School      18:13.00    46
 50 John MacLaughlin             Yorktown                   18:14.00    47
 51 Michael Orrick               W.T. Woodson               18:14.00    48
 52 Mark Kozy                    James W. Robinson          18:15.00    49
 53 Robbie Heartfield            St. Albans School          18:16.00    50
 54 Phil Shutler                 W.T. Woodson               18:17.00    51
 55 Caleb Gomez                  Stonewall Jackson (Manass  18:18.00    52
 56 Ashkan Katirai               South County               18:18.00    53
 57 Drew Smith                   Our Lady of Good Counsel   18:19.00    54
 58 Will Steinhilber             Westfield                  18:19.00    55
 59 James Herrick                The Heights                18:20.00    56
 60 Erick Warnquist              Heritage (Leesburg)        18:21.00    57
 61 Samuel Ivers                 Chantilly                  18:22.00    58
 62 Joey Rugari                  South Lakes                18:22.00    59
 63 Nick Scyoc                   James W. Robinson          18:23.00    60
 64 Simon Vogler                 John Handley               18:24.00    61
 65 Drew McInnis                 Dominion                   18:26.00    62
 66 Peter Volpone                Woodgrove                  18:27.00    63
 67 Scott Fraser                 Chantilly                  18:29.00    64
 68 Phil Devine                  Dominion                   18:29.00    65
 69 Prosser Josh                 South County               18:30.00    66
 70 Kyle Lonergan                Dominion                   18:30.00    67
 71 Paul Sanders                 George Mason               18:31.00    68
 72 Dawite Ewnetu                Wakefield High School      18:31.00    --
 73 Alex Kerr                    Broad Run                  18:32.00    69
 74 Robbie Field                 George Mason               18:32.00    70
 75 Enrique Alonso               Our Lady of Good Counsel   18:34.00    71
 76 Michael Murphy               South County               18:34.00    72
 77 Anthony Lynch                Flint Hill School          18:35.00    73
 78 Morgan Frejo                 Westfield                  18:36.00    74
 79 Pierce Baker                 Seton School               18:36.00    75
 80 Roy Seitz-Mcleese            Field School               18:38.00    76
 81 Caleb Hoehner                Loudoun County             18:39.00    77
 82 Ned Selzer                   John Handley               18:40.00    78
 83 Juan Carlos Urcia            Our Lady of Good Counsel   18:40.00    79
 84 Jacob Wellner                Edmund Burke School        18:41.00    --
 85 Jason Eller                  Dominion                   18:41.00    80
 86 Austin Zveare                Washington-Lee             18:42.00    81
 87 David Valverde               Westfield                  18:43.00    82
 88 Samy Bensidhoum              South Lakes                18:45.00    83
 89 Jacob Firman                 Wakefield High School      18:45.00    --
 90 Garrett Thomas               Briar Woods                18:46.00    84
 91 Devon Kirk                   Woodgrove                  18:47.00    85
 92 Grant Carlson                Thomas Edison              18:48.00    86
 93 Steven Bock                  Yorktown                   18:49.00    87
 94 Nick Farrell                 Lake Braddock              18:50.00    88
 95 Vlad Gordon                  Thomas Edison              18:50.00    89
 96 Evan Blake                   South County               18:52.00    90
 97 Pete Severs                  W.T. Woodson               18:52.00    91
 98 Daniel Tobin                 James Madison              18:53.00    92
 99 Danny Morin                  St. John's College High S  18:54.00    93
100 Jj Pitrelli                  Lake Braddock              18:54.00    94
101 Faris Sakallah               Chantilly                  18:54.00    95
102 Josh Kinickerbocker          South Lakes                18:54.00    96
103 Lawrence Kirk                Edmund Burke School        18:55.00    --
104 Andrew Santaniello           W.T. Woodson               18:55.00    97
105 Dylan Newell                 Briar Woods                18:56.00    98
106 Ryan Barbalace               Flint Hill School          18:56.00    99
107 Aidan Papavizas              Yorktown                   18:56.00   100
108 Brian Flowers                Briar Woods                18:56.00   101
109 Andrew Konnath               George C. Marshall         18:57.00   102
110 Ryan Mattimoe                Lake Braddock              18:57.00   103
111 Ashkan Mohammadi             South Lakes                18:58.00   104
112 Stephen Shaw                 Seton School               18:59.00   105
113 Mohamed Labor-Koroma         Chantilly                  18:59.00   106
114 Connor Mills                 James Madison              18:59.00   107
115 Michael Romans               Lake Braddock              19:00.00   108
116 John Tracey                  St. John's College High S  19:01.00   109
117 Harrison Fallon              Field School               19:01.00   110
118 Jason Dunlap                 George C. Marshall         19:02.00   111
119 Marshall Findley             Herndon                    19:03.00   112
120 Thomas Lazor                 Westfield                  19:04.00   113
121 Jared Burns                  John Handley               19:04.00   114
122 Troy Sinha                   Our Lady of Good Counsel   19:04.00   115
123 Joseph Beatty                The Heights                19:06.00   116
124 Brian Presler                Briar Woods                19:06.00   117
125 Philip Allen                 The Heights                19:06.00   118
126 Adam Lenhart                 Woodgrove                  19:07.00   119
127 Luke Woodard                 St. John's College High S  19:09.00   120
128 Leland Schwartz              Georgetown Day School      19:09.00   121
129 Jeffrey Niemann              W.T. Woodson               19:09.00   122
130 Daniel Torraca               Heritage (Leesburg)        19:09.00   123
131 Dylan Hyatt                  Briar Woods                19:10.00   124
132 Chris Sener                  Field School               19:10.00   125
133 Kevin Baldwin                Herndon                    19:11.00   126
134 Ricky Garcia                 Seton School               19:11.00   127
135 Patrick Sheridan             St. John's College High S  19:11.00   128
136 Eric Tutterow                James Madison              19:11.00   129
137 Paul Darmstadter             George Mason               19:13.00   130
138 Daniel Lulli                 The Heights                19:14.00   131
139 Peter Ciampa                 Bishop O\'Connell          19:15.00   132
140 Rich Uhrig                   South Lakes                19:18.00   133
141 Jonathan Carolla             Yorktown                   19:19.00   134
142 Ze'ev Lailari                George Mason               19:20.00   135
143 Cameron Keith                James W. Robinson          19:21.00   136
144 Andrew Heinzman              Washington-Lee             19:21.00   137
145 Bradley Magnuson             South County               19:22.00   138
146 Rhorbin Fernandez Baut       Falls Church               19:22.00   139
147 Thomas Kleiber               Thomas Edison              19:22.00   140
148 Tony Holl                    Seton School               19:23.00   141
149 Jack Scheren                 Woodgrove                  19:23.00   142
150 John Jack Lyon               Thomas Edison              19:23.00   143
151 Nick Connolly                Edmund Burke School        19:25.00    --
152 Tyler Demoss                 Tuscarora High School      19:26.00   144
153 Matthew Baker                George Mason               19:26.00   145
154 Alex Czujko                  Our Lady of Good Counsel   19:27.00   146
155 Matthew Graham               Stonewall Jackson (Manass  19:27.00   147
156 Michael Person               Yorktown                   19:28.00   148
157 Cameron Holdaway             James Madison              19:29.00   149
158 Kevin Bliss                  Seton School               19:29.00   150
159 Nate Williams                Herndon                    19:29.00   151
160 John Nesemann                George Mason               19:30.00   152
161 William Truban               John Handley               19:31.00   153
162 Raaj Bhavsar                 Chantilly                  19:31.00   154
163 Greg Nerantzis               Woodgrove                  19:32.00   155
164 Alex Fisher                  Herndon                    19:32.00   156
165 Matthew Deasy                Yorktown                   19:33.00   157
166 Chris Schopper               Briar Woods                19:34.00   158
167 John Hartinger               George Mason               19:34.00   159
168 Sean Maraia                  W.T. Woodson               19:36.00   160
169 Abdul Sahyouni               W.T. Woodson               19:38.00   161
170 Kevin Nuckolls               St. John's College High S  19:40.00   162
171 Michael Tompkins             Loudoun County             19:45.00   163
172 Po-Jeff Yu                   Falls Church               19:46.00   164
173 Alexander Dreo               Flint Hill School          19:46.00   165
174 Yelsy Torres                 Stonewall Jackson (Manass  19:47.00   166
175 Daniel Polliak               Herndon                    19:47.00   167
176 Zach Ward                    Herndon                    19:48.00   168
177 Stuart Doss                  Tuscarora High School      19:49.00   169
178 Blake Place                  Clarke County              19:54.00   170
179 Brett Wigley                 John Handley               19:55.00   171
180 Chad Hilla                   Washington-Lee             19:56.00   172
181 Dylan Freeman                Falls Church               19:58.00   173
182 Michael Peterson             Loudoun County             19:59.00   174
183 Lucas Cecilio                Freedom                    20:00.00    --
184 Joshua Christenson           Trinity Christian School   20:01.00   175
185 Nabeel Janjua                Falls Church               20:03.00   176
186 Kristopher Garrett           Thomas Edison              20:03.00   177
187 Matthew Mettenheimer         Tuscarora High School      20:04.00   178
188 Michael Benson               George C. Marshall         20:04.00   179
189 Martin Debraine              Washington-Lee             20:06.00   180
190 Dario Mitchell               Washington-Lee             20:07.00   181
191 Brendan Ritter               Washington-Lee             20:07.00   182
192 Keck Ung                     Falls Church               20:10.00   183
193 Alex Milliken                Flint Hill School          20:11.00   184
194 Jean Sergile                 John Handley               20:13.00   185
195 Paul Wasel                   St. John's College High S  20:13.00   186
196 Teddy Biddle-snead           Clarke County              20:14.00   187
197 Dane Duncan                  Clarke County              20:14.00   188
198 Luke Soltero                 The Heights                20:14.00   189
199 Greg Pawlow                  Flint Hill School          20:17.00   190
200 Mark Dengler                 John Handley               20:17.00   191
201 Patrick Hansen               James Madison              20:17.00   192
202 Joseph Brough                Bishop O\'Connell          20:18.00   193
203 Kris Yorke                   Tuscarora High School      20:19.00   194
204 Spencer Tollo                George C. Marshall         20:20.00   195
205 Pl. Yanez                    Seton School               20:21.00   196
206 Austin Cooke                 Stonewall Jackson (Manass  20:23.00   197
207 Matthew Trevino              Stonewall Jackson (Manass  20:24.00   198
208 James Keagy                  Chantilly                  20:28.00   199
209 Edward Hubert                Menchville                 20:29.00   200
210 Jason Patrick Tinio          George C. Marshall         20:33.00   201
211 Daniel Judge                 Clarke County              20:35.00   202
212 Johnathan Keaton             Stonewall Jackson (Manass  20:36.00   203
213 Loren Clark                  George C. Marshall         20:38.00   204
214 Jack Henry Bush              Bishop O\'Connell          20:42.00   205
215 Omar Zaki                    Herndon                    20:43.00   206
216 Evan Smith                   Woodgrove                  20:43.00   207
217 Eric Breedlove               Menchville                 20:45.00   208
218 Brandon Sonnefeld            Thomas Edison              20:47.00   209
219 Ben Spencer                  Loudoun County             20:47.00   210
220 Nathan Fisher                Freedom                    20:53.00    --
221 Garrett Lazorchak            Tuscarora High School      21:02.00   211
222 Tucker Kelleher-brozos       Field School               21:09.00   212
223 Zach Bartosiewicz            Clarke County              21:14.00   213
224 Ben Cochran                  Clarke County              21:24.00   214
225 Alex Mallo                   Bishop O\'Connell          21:25.00   215
226 Alexander Walsh              Flint Hill School          21:27.00   216
227 Noah Leavy                   Field School               21:29.00   217
228 Marshall Padilla             Menchville                 21:30.00   218
229 Sean O'connor                Trinity Christian School   21:35.00   219
230 Ben Robohn                   Trinity Christian School   21:36.00   220
231 Bobby Alex                   Heritage (Leesburg)        21:37.00   221
232 Steven Harokopus             Bishop O\'Connell          21:38.00   222
233 Nicholas Robinson            George C. Marshall         21:38.00   223
234 Adam Banker                  Field School               21:43.00   224
235 Charles Lewis                Bishop O\'Connell          21:44.00   225
236 Jon Snyder                   Trinity Christian School   21:52.00   226
237 Issa Gliven                  Archbishop Carroll High S  22:17.00    --
238 Thomas Aveni                 Seton School               22:25.00   227
239 Ben Gulden                   Stonewall Jackson (Manass  22:39.00   228
240 Graham King                  Menchville                 22:43.00   229
241 Will Rogers                  Falls Church               22:43.00   230
242 Adam Cleland                 Flint Hill School          22:50.00   231
243 David Jones                  Trinity Christian School   22:52.00   232
244 Andrew Coffey                Trinity Christian School   22:56.00   233
245 Matt Wilcox                  Trinity Christian School   23:00.00   234
246 Brandon Kolb                 The Heights                23:06.00   235
247 Ryan Jones                   Freedom                    23:21.00    --
248 Fred Butts                   Menchville                 23:47.00   236
249 William Laaksonen            Freedom                    24:18.00    --
250 Nicholas Baas                Wakefield High School      24:37.00    --
251 Hunter Bean                  Menchville                 24:42.00   237
252 Kevin Duong                  Menchville                 27:17.00   238
253 Germal Morgan                Archbishop Carroll High S  27:29.00    --
254 Zachary Green                Archbishop Carroll High S  27:33.00    --
255 Dominique Williams           Archbishop Carroll High S  28:44.00    --

                Varsity B Boys 5000 Meter Run Team Scores                 
    Team                        Pts     1    2    3    4    5   (6)  (7) 
  1 Broad Run                   68      4   10   14   15   25   42   69  
      4     Gurjeet Chinayana          17:13.00
      10    Mitch Clements             17:21.00
      14    Zac Kish                   17:35.00
      15    Steven Hurwitt             17:38.00
      25    Andrew Hayden              17:55.00
      Total Time: 1:27:42      Average: 17:32.40      1-5 Split: 42
  2 St. Albans School           96      6   20   21   22   27   28   50  
      6     Andrei Klein               17:14.00
      20    Sam Dodge                  17:50.00
      21    Miles Graham               17:51.00
      22    Mike Dragnich              17:52.00
      27    Brennan Gillis             17:57.00
      Total Time: 1:28:44      Average: 17:44.80      1-5 Split: 43
  3 Georgetown Day School       138     3   16   33   41   45   46   121 
      3     Daniel Samet               17:09.00
      16    Sam Boardman               17:42.00
      33    Ben Kunst                  18:03.00
      41    Ben Monarch                18:11.00
      45    Nelson Auguste             18:13.00
      Total Time: 1:29:18      Average: 17:51.60      1-5 Split: 1:04
  4 Heritage (Leesburg)         150     7   23   29   34   57   123  221 
      7     Matthew Holton             17:15.00
      23    Josh Holton                17:53.00
      29    Jared Rohrbaugh            18:01.00
      34    Stetson Page               18:04.00
      57    Erick Warnquist            18:21.00
      Total Time: 1:29:34      Average: 17:54.80      1-5 Split: 1:06
  5 Dominion                    177     9   17   24   62   65   67   80  
      9     Jt Duke                    17:20.00
      17    Stefan Vanburen            17:44.00
      24    Sam Coffman                17:55.00
      62    Drew McInnis               18:26.00
      65    Phil Devine                18:29.00
      Total Time: 1:29:54      Average: 17:58.80      1-5 Split: 1:09
  6 James W. Robinson           189     5   32   43   49   60   136   -  
      5     James Turner               17:14.00
      32    Ben Johnson                18:02.00
      43    Paul Costantini            18:12.00
      49    Mark Kozy                  18:15.00
      60    Nick Scyoc                 18:23.00
      Total Time: 1:30:06      Average: 18:01.20      1-5 Split: 1:09
  7 Westfield                   208    11   30   38   55   74   82   113 
      11    Jeffrey Edmondson          17:27.00
      30    Steven Mitchell            18:02.00
      38    Nathan Kiley               18:09.00
      55    Will Steinhilber           18:19.00
      74    Morgan Frejo               18:36.00
      Total Time: 1:30:33      Average: 18:06.60      1-5 Split: 1:09
  8 Lake Braddock               246     1   19   44   88   94   103  108 
      1     Nick Tuck                  16:54.00
      19    William Greenwood          17:45.00
      44    Mark Sohl                  18:12.00
      88    Nick Farrell               18:50.00
      94    Jj Pitrelli                18:54.00
      Total Time: 1:30:35      Average: 18:07.00      1-5 Split: 2:00
  9 South Lakes                 309    31   40   59   83   96   104  133 
      31    Michael Mchugh             18:02.00
      40    David Roache               18:10.00
      59    Joey Rugari                18:22.00
      83    Samy Bensidhoum            18:45.00
      96    Josh Kinickerbocker        18:54.00
      Total Time: 1:32:13      Average: 18:26.60      1-5 Split: 52
 10 Loudoun County              326    13   36   37   77   163  174  210 
      13    Bruce McIntosh             17:30.00
      36    Logan Smith                18:05.00
      37    Steven Graham              18:07.00
      77    Caleb Hoehner              18:39.00
      163   Michael Tompkins           19:45.00
      Total Time: 1:32:06      Average: 18:25.20      1-5 Split: 2:15
 11 Our Lady of Good Counsel    358    39   54   71   79   115  146   -  
      39    Nathaniel Rogers           18:10.00
      54    Drew Smith                 18:19.00
      71    Enrique Alonso             18:34.00
      79    Juan Carlos Urcia          18:40.00
      115   Troy Sinha                 19:04.00
      Total Time: 1:32:47      Average: 18:33.40      1-5 Split: 54
 12 Yorktown                    380    12   47   87   100  134  148  157 
      12    Ryan Hart                  17:27.00
      47    John MacLaughlin           18:14.00
      87    Steven Bock                18:49.00
      100   Aidan Papavizas            18:56.00
      134   Jonathan Carolla           19:19.00
      Total Time: 1:32:45      Average: 18:33.00      1-5 Split: 1:52
 13 Briar Woods                 408     8   84   98   101  117  124  158 
      8     Axel Tarnvik               17:17.00
      84    Garrett Thomas             18:46.00
      98    Dylan Newell               18:56.00
      101   Brian Flowers              18:56.00
      117   Brian Presler              19:06.00
      Total Time: 1:33:01      Average: 18:36.21      1-5 Split: 1:49
 14 W.T. Woodson                409    48   51   91   97   122  160  161 
      48    Michael Orrick             18:14.00
      51    Phil Shutler               18:17.00
      91    Pete Severs                18:52.00
      97    Andrew Santaniello         18:55.00
      122   Jeffrey Niemann            19:09.00
      Total Time: 1:33:27      Average: 18:41.40      1-5 Split: 55
 15 South County                419    53   66   72   90   138   -    -  
      53    Ashkan Katirai             18:18.00
      66    Prosser Josh               18:30.00
      72    Michael Murphy             18:34.00
      90    Evan Blake                 18:52.00
      138   Bradley Magnuson           19:22.00
      Total Time: 1:33:36      Average: 18:43.20      1-5 Split: 1:04
 16 The Heights                 423     2   56   116  118  131  189  235 
      2     Greg Hadley                17:06.00
      56    James Herrick              18:20.00
      116   Joseph Beatty              19:06.00
      118   Philip Allen               19:06.00
      131   Daniel Lulli               19:14.00
      Total Time: 1:32:52      Average: 18:34.40      1-5 Split: 2:08
 17 Chantilly                   477    58   64   95   106  154  199   -  
      58    Samuel Ivers               18:22.00
      64    Scott Fraser               18:29.00
      95    Faris Sakallah             18:54.00
      106   Mohamed Labor-Koroma       18:59.00
      154   Raaj Bhavsar               19:31.00
      Total Time: 1:34:15      Average: 18:51.00      1-5 Split: 1:09
 18 Tuscarora High School       535    18   26   144  169  178  194  211 
      18    Samuel Rogers              17:45.00
      26    Logan Feierbach            17:55.00
      144   Tyler Demoss               19:26.00
      169   Stuart Doss                19:49.00
      178   Matthew Mettenheimer       20:04.00
      Total Time: 1:34:59      Average: 18:59.80      1-5 Split: 2:19
 19 George Mason                548    68   70   130  135  145  152  159 
      68    Paul Sanders               18:31.00
      70    Robbie Field               18:32.00
      130   Paul Darmstadter           19:13.00
      135   Ze'ev Lailari              19:20.00
      145   Matthew Baker              19:26.00
      Total Time: 1:35:02      Average: 19:00.40      1-5 Split: 55
 20 Field School                558    35   76   110  125  212  217  224 
      35    Jay Winkleman              18:04.00
      76    Roy Seitz-Mcleese          18:38.00
      110   Harrison Fallon            19:01.00
      125   Chris Sener                19:10.00
      212   Tucker Kelleher-brozos     21:09.00
      Total Time: 1:36:02      Average: 19:12.40      1-5 Split: 3:05
 21 Woodgrove                   564    63   85   119  142  155  207   -  
      63    Peter Volpone              18:27.00
      85    Devon Kirk                 18:47.00
      119   Adam Lenhart               19:07.00
      142   Jack Scheren               19:23.00
      155   Greg Nerantzis             19:32.00
      Total Time: 1:35:16      Average: 19:03.20      1-5 Split: 1:05
 22 John Handley                577    61   78   114  153  171  185  191 
      61    Simon Vogler               18:24.00
      78    Ned Selzer                 18:40.00
      114   Jared Burns                19:04.00
      153   William Truban             19:31.00
      171   Brett Wigley               19:55.00
      Total Time: 1:35:34      Average: 19:06.80      1-5 Split: 1:31
 23 Seton School                598    75   105  127  141  150  196  227 
      75    Pierce Baker               18:36.00
      105   Stephen Shaw               18:59.00
      127   Ricky Garcia               19:11.00
      141   Tony Holl                  19:23.00
      150   Kevin Bliss                19:29.00
      Total Time: 1:35:38      Average: 19:07.60      1-5 Split: 53
 24 St. John's College High S   612    93   109  120  128  162  186   -  
      93    Danny Morin                18:54.00
      109   John Tracey                19:01.00
      120   Luke Woodard               19:09.00
      128   Patrick Sheridan           19:11.00
      162   Kevin Nuckolls             19:40.00
      Total Time: 1:35:55      Average: 19:11.00      1-5 Split: 46
 25 Thomas Edison               635    86   89   140  143  177  209   -  
      86    Grant Carlson              18:48.00
      89    Vlad Gordon                18:50.00
      140   Thomas Kleiber             19:22.00
      143   John Jack Lyon             19:23.00
      177   Kristopher Garrett         20:03.00
      Total Time: 1:36:26      Average: 19:17.20      1-5 Split: 1:15
 26 James Madison               669    92   107  129  149  192   -    -  
      92    Daniel Tobin               18:53.00
      107   Connor Mills               18:59.00
      129   Eric Tutterow              19:11.00
      149   Cameron Holdaway           19:29.00
      192   Patrick Hansen             20:17.00
      Total Time: 1:36:49      Average: 19:21.80      1-5 Split: 1:24
 27 Flint Hill School           711    73   99   165  184  190  216  231 
      73    Anthony Lynch              18:35.00
      99    Ryan Barbalace             18:56.00
      165   Alexander Dreo             19:46.00
      184   Alex Milliken              20:11.00
      190   Greg Pawlow                20:17.00
      Total Time: 1:37:45      Average: 19:33.00      1-5 Split: 1:42
 28 Herndon                     712    112  126  151  156  167  168  206 
      112   Marshall Findley           19:03.00
      126   Kevin Baldwin              19:11.00
      151   Nate Williams              19:29.00
      156   Alex Fisher                19:32.00
      167   Daniel Polliak             19:47.00
      Total Time: 1:37:02      Average: 19:24.40      1-5 Split: 44
 29 Washington-Lee              751    81   137  172  180  181  182   -  
      81    Austin Zveare              18:42.00
      137   Andrew Heinzman            19:21.00
      172   Chad Hilla                 19:56.00
      180   Martin Debraine            20:06.00
      181   Dario Mitchell             20:07.00
      Total Time: 1:38:12      Average: 19:38.40      1-5 Split: 1:25
 30 Stonewall Jackson (Manass   760    52   147  166  197  198  203  228 
      52    Caleb Gomez                18:18.00
      147   Matthew Graham             19:27.00
      166   Yelsy Torres               19:47.00
      197   Austin Cooke               20:23.00
      198   Matthew Trevino            20:24.00
      Total Time: 1:38:19      Average: 19:39.80      1-5 Split: 2:06
 31 George C. Marshall          788    102  111  179  195  201  204  223 
      102   Andrew Konnath             18:57.00
      111   Jason Dunlap               19:02.00
      179   Michael Benson             20:04.00
      195   Spencer Tollo              20:20.00
      201   Jason Patrick Tinio        20:33.00
      Total Time: 1:38:56      Average: 19:47.20      1-5 Split: 1:36
 32 Falls Church                835    139  164  173  176  183  230   -  
      139   Rhorbin Fernandez Baut     19:22.00
      164   Po-Jeff Yu                 19:46.00
      173   Dylan Freeman              19:58.00
      176   Nabeel Janjua              20:03.00
      183   Keck Ung                   20:10.00
      Total Time: 1:39:19      Average: 19:51.80      1-5 Split: 48
 33 Clarke County               960    170  187  188  202  213  214   -  
      170   Blake Place                19:54.00
      187   Teddy Biddle-snead         20:14.00
      188   Dane Duncan                20:14.00
      202   Daniel Judge               20:35.00
      213   Zach Bartosiewicz          21:14.00
      Total Time: 1:42:11      Average: 20:26.20      1-5 Split: 1:20
 34 Bishop O\'Connell           967    132  193  205  215  222  225   -  
      132   Peter Ciampa               19:15.00
      193   Joseph Brough              20:18.00
      205   Jack Henry Bush            20:42.00
      215   Alex Mallo                 21:25.00
      222   Steven Harokopus           21:38.00
      Total Time: 1:43:18      Average: 20:39.60      1-5 Split: 2:23
 35 Trinity Christian School   1072    175  219  220  226  232  233  234 
      175   Joshua Christenson         20:01.00
      219   Sean O'connor              21:35.00
      220   Ben Robohn                 21:36.00
      226   Jon Snyder                 21:52.00
      232   David Jones                22:52.00
      Total Time: 1:47:56      Average: 21:35.21      1-5 Split: 2:51
 36 Menchville                 1091    200  208  218  229  236  237  238 
      200   Edward Hubert              20:29.00
      208   Eric Breedlove             20:45.00
      218   Marshall Padilla           21:30.00
      229   Graham King                22:43.00
      236   Fred Butts                 23:47.00
      Total Time: 1:49:14      Average: 21:50.80      1-5 Split: 3:18