Dominion District XC Championships 2010 vs Dominion District Championships 2008

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -131 86 217
Overall Average -1:09.98 19:40.92 20:50.90
1st-10th Place -17.23 16:17.70 16:34.93
1st-25th Place -2.88 17:02.00 17:04.88
1st-50th Place +25.60 17:57.80 17:32.20
1st-100th Place -1:26.84 16:55.59 18:22.43
Common Athletes -- -- 19
Ran Faster 3 11 8
Ran Season Best -7 12 19
Average Time -20.48 18:28.48 18:48.96
Median Time -42.92 18:06.41 18:49.33
Middle 80% Times -29.58 18:19.71 18:49.29
Top 10% Times -27.33 15:42.00 16:09.33
Top 25% Times -38.51 16:05.00 16:43.51
Top 50% Times -44.63 16:44.64 17:29.28
Bottom 50% Times +5.73 18:21.48 18:15.75
Bottom 25% Times +20.74 21:30.32 21:09.58
Bottom 10% Times +31.40 23:40.95 23:09.55
Average Difference -20.48 -- --
Median Difference -1:35.33 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -30.08 -- --
Top 10% Difference -23.33 -- --
Top 50% Difference -36.33 -- --
Top 25% Difference -28.51 -- --
Top 50% Difference -36.33 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -12.11 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +23.11 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +14.40 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Evan Niciphor * Cosby -57.69 15:38.00 16:35.69
Brayden Burleigh Midlothian High School +11.03 15:54.00 15:42.97
Nathan Clarke* Manchester High School -1:11.87 15:46.00 16:57.87
Sam Hush Midlothian High School -1:27.30 16:20.00 17:47.30
Kyle Murray* Midlothian High School +1.42 16:47.00 16:45.58
Cody Stancil* James River (Midlothian) -2:30.53 16:51.00 19:21.53
Mike Todd * Cosby -25.46 17:10.00 17:35.46
Sam Reid* James River (Midlothian) -1:35.33 17:14.00 18:49.33
Joe Eck * Clover Hill -8.22 17:40.00 17:48.22
Megan Mansy Cosby -35.19 18:06.41 18:41.60
Jake Jones Manchester High School +5.27 18:14.00 18:08.73
Claire Benjamin* Midlothian High School -14.59 19:01.00 19:15.59
Kaila Blackburn* Monacan High School +20.14 19:27.19 19:07.05
Jonathon Liss L.C. Bird +1:50.29 21:00.00 19:09.71
Noah Willard Clover Hill +3.72 19:21.00 19:17.28
Meghan Mulroy Midlothian High School +35.37 19:58.72 19:23.35
Greg Rott L.C. Bird -58.93 19:45.00 20:43.93
Stewart Beaumont Monacan High School -1:50.09 20:26.00 22:16.09
Kate Meredith Monacan High School +2:18.89 26:21.90 24:03.01