19th Annual Stonewall Jackson Invitational 2016

New Market, VA

19th Annual Stonewall Jackson Invitational 2016 vs 22nd Annual SJHS XC Invitational 2019

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +81 490 409
Overall Average +48.48 25:34.73 24:46.25
1st-10th Place -1.37 18:12.00 18:13.37
1st-25th Place -7.59 18:44.84 18:52.43
1st-50th Place +3.65 19:23.26 19:19.61
1st-100th Place +1.51 20:10.92 20:09.41
Common Athletes -- -- 28
Ran Faster -16 6 22
Ran Season Best 1 1 --
Average Time +2:22.21 25:48.50 23:26.29
Median Time +2:40.25 25:00.00 22:19.75
Middle 80% Times +2:25.45 25:48.26 23:22.81
Top 10% Times +1:20.96 20:26.00 19:05.04
Top 25% Times +1:44.19 21:10.14 19:25.95
Top 50% Times +2:26.82 22:42.14 20:15.32
Bottom 50% Times +2:17.59 28:54.86 26:37.26
Bottom 25% Times +2:41.51 31:33.00 28:51.49
Bottom 10% Times +3:27.90 33:52.00 30:24.10
Average Difference +2:22.21 -- --
Median Difference -12.45 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +2:27.53 -- --
Top 10% Difference +1:00.29 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:49.58 -- --
Top 25% Difference +1:09.72 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:49.58 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +2:54.84 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +3:46.87 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +4:22.15 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Anthony Cadle Strasburg +2:56.16 21:52.00 18:55.84
Tyler Wilmer Riverheads +7:01.59 26:10.00 19:08.41
Jad Lkorchy C.D. Hylton +2:07.13 21:18.00 19:10.87
Chris Wood Wilson Memorial +1:16.96 20:37.00 19:20.04
Matthew Holmes Wilson Memorial +3:36.43 23:22.00 19:45.57
G Rose Fishburne Military School +4:37.14 24:25.00 19:47.86
Tyler Zimbro Strasburg +51.92 20:45.00 19:53.08
Tristan Williams Stonewall Jackson (Quicksburg) -2:23.75 19:56.00 22:19.75
Johnathan Cardoso Central (Woodstock) +2:27.59 22:33.00 20:05.41
David Berry Sherando +52.00 21:10.00 20:18.00
Reid Cox Clarke County +5:09.82 26:12.00 21:02.18
Annika Fisher Buffalo Gap +3:19.56 24:34.00 21:14.44
Asa Hinton Clarke County +6:20.07 27:48.00 21:27.93
Samuel Seekford Page County +2:54.38 24:26.00 21:31.62
Ben Gordon Wilson Memorial +1:40.79 23:34.00 21:53.21
Ryan Kehrer Riverheads +6:00.67 29:15.00 23:14.33
Kateri Thorne Clarke County +1:23.51 25:09.00 23:45.49
Mary Carter Strasburg +4:09.77 28:19.00 24:09.23
Karl Bue Clarke County -5.76 24:38.00 24:43.76
Olivia Wightman Central (Woodstock) -1:42.22 24:40.00 26:22.22
Charlotte Smith Clarke County -3:06.99 25:00.00 28:06.99
Abby Davis Strasburg -12.45 25:54.00 26:06.45
Melissa Oczkowski Stonewall Jackson (Quicksburg) +49.89 27:44.00 26:54.11
Olivia Turner Luray +6:18.74 33:46.00 27:27.26
Haley Tenney Staunton High School +3:44.20 32:04.00 28:19.80
Abbey Nauman Page County -33.00 29:37.00 30:10.00
Madison Walton Riverheads +3:55.12 33:51.00 29:55.88
Emma Houseknecht Riverheads +2:52.59 33:59.00 31:06.41