The Running Store City-County Championship 2024

Manassas, VA

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McCarter, Jackson 10.88 Patriot High School
Yuille, Cedric 11.05 Osbourn Park
Glover, Aaron 11.09 Patriot High School
Davis, Korel 11.11 Osbourn Park
Allen, Omar 11.18 Patriot High School
Manning, Luke 11.30h Patriot High School
Clarke, Bryce 11.38 Osbourn Park
Smith, Koven 11.47 Gainesville High School
Whitaker, Darian 11.54 Patriot High School
Ferguson, Marcus 11.74 Unity Reed
Clarke, Joshua 11.92 Gainesville High School
Danquah, Derron 11.93 Osbourn Park
Pearson. JR, Matthew 11.98 Unity Reed
Chumpa, Napat 12.08 Osbourn Park
McRae, Jaden 12.18 Gainesville High School
Knight, Carrington 12.19 Gainesville High School
Wrobel, Jackson 12.25 Gainesville High School
Brown, Elijah 12.73 Unity Reed
Arrow, Carlton 13.34 Unity Reed
Keita-Thornton, Izeiyah 13.85 Unity Reed
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Montgomery, Wathen 14.89 Patriot High School
Daly, Nick 14.97 Patriot High School
Montgomery, Brooks 16.37 Patriot High School
Cranford, Aaron 16.99 Gainesville High School
Ausby, Henry 17.01 Patriot High School
Suggs, Allon 17.05 Gainesville High School
Vazquez-Ortiz, Sebastian 20.90 Osbourn Park
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sayer, Mark 4:51.12 Osbourn Park
Hamacher, Zachary 4:54.84 Gainesville High School
Singh, Jasraj 4:55.00 Gainesville High School
Gustman, Brandon 4:55.00 Gainesville High School
Eye, Alex 4:55.34 Patriot High School
White, Andrew 4:55.61 Patriot High School
Hruska, Herman 5:00.65 Unity Reed
Knapp, Oliver 5:02.29 Patriot High School
Rodulfo, Emmanuel 5:02.40 Patriot High School
Brann, Tyler 5:06.27 Gainesville High School
Moreno, Nicolas 5:06.50 Gainesville High School
Centeno, Maxx 5:10.00h Osbourn Park
Wilcock, Gavin 5:12.01 Patriot High School
Miles, Cade 5:18.16 Osbourn Park
Yunus, Reyan 5:20.00h Osbourn Park
Ryman, Evan 5:22.00 Osbourn Park
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Davis, Korel 22.21 Osbourn Park
Allen, Omar 22.55 Patriot High School
Clarke, Bryce 23.42 Osbourn Park
Balvin, Carlos 23.65 Osbourn Park
Ferguson, Marcus 23.74 Unity Reed
Whitaker, Darian 23.94 Patriot High School
Kuechler, Kyan 24.00 Osbourn Park
Kissi, Bryan 24.21 Patriot High School
Johnson, Christian 24.29 Patriot High School
Brown, Jamir 24.84 Unity Reed
Williams, Kyan 25.04 Gainesville High School
Hicks, Declan 25.44 Unity Reed
Scott, Cody 25.50 Gainesville High School
Hong, Sean 25.92 Gainesville High School
Ortiz-Salguero, Michael 26.02 Osbourn
Britt-Dougan, Isiah 26.54 Gainesville High School
Colding, Jericho 26.89 Osbourn
Merino, Sebastian 28.02 Osbourn
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Montgomery, Wathen 38.62 Patriot High School
Daly, Nick 40.47 Patriot High School
Simmons, Nathaniel 40.58 Osbourn Park
Suggs, Allon 42.46 Gainesville High School
Ramirez, Frankely 42.99 Patriot High School
Allen, Omar 44.53 Patriot High School
Vanderbrink, Alex 45.38 Osbourn Park
Vazquez-Ortiz, Sebastian 52.08 Osbourn Park
Ortiz, Joseph 54.99 Gainesville High School
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Widlake, Brady 10:49.90 Patriot High School
Klein, Matthew 11:00.00 Osbourn Park
Trexel, Hayden 11:20.87 Patriot High School
Yacob, Yadel 11:40.00 Gainesville High School
Kendris, Zachary 11:40.00 Gainesville High School
Hasan, Naadeali 11:51.96 Gainesville High School
Fu, Ben 12:04.73 Gainesville High School
Garcia, Carlos 9:31.94 Patriot High School
Brewer, Kaiden 9:41.56 Patriot High School
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sesay, Amadu 52.52 Osbourn Park
Mwangi, Jason 53.27 Patriot High School
McCarter, Jackson 54.41 Patriot High School
Moore, Dylan 55.16 Gainesville High School
Bordeaux, Parker 55.39 Patriot High School
Mugga, Joshua 55.81 Gainesville High School
Kuechler, Kyan 56.00 Osbourn Park
Glover, Aaron 56.06 Patriot High School
Simmons, Gabriel 56.13 Osbourn Park
Felix-Ugorji, Nnamdi 56.70 Osbourn Park
Johnson, Trenton 58.99 Gainesville High School
Landers, Christopher 59.24 Gainesville High School
Arrow, Carlton 59.53 Unity Reed
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 43.34 Osbourn Park
Relay Team A 44.64 Unity Reed
Relay Team A 45.23 Gainesville High School
Relay Team A 45.28 Patriot High School
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:28.53 Patriot High School
Relay Team A 3:35.00h Osbourn Park
Relay Team A 3:38.00 Gainesville High School
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Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:08.59 Patriot High School
Relay Team A 8:49.45 Gainesville High School
Relay Team A 8:55.00h Osbourn Park
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Boys 800 Meter Run 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Birge, Henry 1:55.08 Patriot High School
Wolde, Robel 2:05.00h Osbourn Park
Sayer, Mark 2:05.29 Osbourn Park
Saunders, Dylan 2:08 Osbourn Park
Fowers, Harrison 2:10.00 Gainesville High School
Hamacher, Zachary 2:10.00 Gainesville High School
Hruska, Herman 2:11.84 Unity Reed
Gustman, Brandon 2:12.00 Gainesville High School
Singh, Jasraj 2:12.00 Gainesville High School
Angulo, Jayden 2:18.17 Patriot High School
Zavala, Darian 2:20.00h Osbourn Park
Malone, Josh 2:20.07 Patriot High School
Martinez, Damian 2:21.00h Patriot High School
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Boys Discus 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Shrestha, Sweekar 145-11 Gainesville High School
Goleno, Nick 138-0 Gainesville High School
Medrano Galindo, Kevin 123-2 Osbourn Park
Sorto, Joseph 123-0 Osbourn Park
Holmes, Payton 112-11 Patriot High School
Miner, Kevin 108-11 Patriot High School
Rahman, Ridhwan 97-0 Patriot High School
Lee, Derrick 84-4 Patriot High School
Boruff, Tyler 77-2 Gainesville High School
Eller, Naamon 76-11 Unity Reed
Welch, Zion 75-10 Osbourn Park
Fitzgerald, David 75-2 Osbourn Park
Wrobel, Jackson 75-0 Gainesville High School
Singleton, Isaiah 52-7 Unity Reed
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Boys High Jump 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Patrick, Davion 5-10 Gainesville High School
Cazar, Micah 5-8 Osbourn Park
Mao, Ayden 5-8 Patriot High School
Vazquez-Ortiz, Sebastian 5-6 Osbourn Park
Kelly, Leo 5-4 Patriot High School
Pennix, Trey 5-4 Patriot High School
Bayoh, Hamidu 5-4 Osbourn Park
Colquhoun, Kamari 5-2 Gainesville High School
Williams, Jaiden 5-2 Osbourn Park
Armstrong, Carter 5-2 Patriot High School
Folie, Nicholas 4-10 Gainesville High School
Colquhoun, Kaden 4-10 Gainesville High School
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Boys Long Jump 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Amoateng, Lyndon 21-10.5 Patriot High School
Yuille, Cedric 20-4.75 Osbourn Park
Montgomery, Brooks 20-1.5 Patriot High School
Chumpa, Napat 19-11.75 Osbourn Park
McIntosh, Jarel 19-4 Unity Reed
Kuechler, Kyan 19-2.5 Osbourn Park
Brown, Jamir 18-1 Unity Reed
Mao, Ayden 18-0 Patriot High School
Pennix, Trey 18-0 Patriot High School
Simmons, Seth 17-2.5 Osbourn Park
Sadler, Quinn 17-0 Gainesville High School
Folie, Nicholas 16-10 Gainesville High School
Johnson, Trenton 15-0 Gainesville High School
McKenney, Bryson 15-0 Gainesville High School
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Boys Pole Vault 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Grant, Jameson 12-6 Patriot High School
warren, carter 12-6 Patriot High School
Miner, Kevin 12-0 Patriot High School
Reeder, Max 12-0 Osbourn Park
Stirling, Trevor 11-0 Patriot High School
Lamb, Vincent 10-6 Gainesville High School
Landers, Christopher 10-0 Gainesville High School
Scott, Cody 9-0 Gainesville High School
Bartlett, Thrace 7-0 Osbourn Park
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Boys Shot Put 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Miner, Kevin 44-1.25 Patriot High School
Wrobel, Jackson 40-8.75 Gainesville High School
Sorto, Joseph 40-6.25 Osbourn Park
Soriente, Matthew 40-2 Gainesville High School
Medrano Galindo, Kevin 39-1 Osbourn Park
Shrestha, Sweekar 38-9.5 Gainesville High School
Rahman, Ridhwan 38-7.5 Patriot High School
Holmes, Payton 37-11.5 Patriot High School
Aboraah, Kwame 36-4.5 Osbourn Park
Fitzgerald, David 35-8 Osbourn Park
Goleno, Nick 34-0.75 Gainesville High School
Ansah, Daniel 33-9.5 Patriot High School
Eller, Naamon 30-8 Unity Reed
Singleton, Isaiah 19-4 Unity Reed
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Boys Triple Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Amoateng, Lyndon 45-0.5 Patriot High School
Patrick, Davion 43-1 Gainesville High School
Cranford, Aaron 40-10.75 Gainesville High School
Yuille, Cedric 40-9.25 Osbourn Park
Chumpa, Napat 40-0.5 Osbourn Park
Clarke, Joshua 39-5.5 Gainesville High School
Martinez, Michael 38-11.5 Gainesville High School
Pennix, Trey 38-0 Patriot High School
Mao, Ayden 36-0 Patriot High School
Kelly, Leo 34-5 Patriot High School
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ainerua, Rebekah 12.97 Patriot High School
Whitaker, Sierra 13.15 Patriot High School
Langaster, Nadia 13.27 Osbourn Park
White, Sydney 13.36 Gainesville High School
Jespersen, Isabelle 13.38 Patriot High School
Owusu, Davina 13.50 Patriot High School
Sutton, MacKenzie 13.56 Gainesville High School
Gaskins, Bryana 13.57 Patriot High School
Cermeli, Illiana 13.65 Osbourn Park
Thompson, Christen 13.69 Osbourn Park
Lyon, Chloe 13.73 Osbourn Park
Gayton, Leila 13.79 Gainesville High School
Massaquoi, Larissa 13.89 Gainesville High School
Harper-Louis, Mikaylea 13.93 Gainesville High School
Myers, Tierney 14.12 Osbourn Park
Reyes, Kylie 15.08 Unity Reed
Rolle McMillan, Londyn 15.49 Unity Reed
Thompson, Ayonna-Marie 15.67 Unity Reed
Diaz, Daniela 15.81 Unity Reed
Garments Gomez, Ashley 15.88 Unity Reed
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harris, Aubree 14.71 Osbourn Park
Bowman, Ashley 15.32 Patriot High School
Hendershot, Sa'Diah 16.15 Patriot High School
White, Sydney 17.02 Gainesville High School
Garcia, Kiara 17.07 Patriot High School
Schmidt, Madalyn 18.55 Patriot High School
Fain, Lauren 19.95 Osbourn Park
Chung, Alena 19.99 Gainesville High School
James, Jae 23.31 Osbourn Park
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Philip, Sherlyn 5:54.05 Patriot High School
French, Lily 5:56.30 Osbourn Park
Weber, Camila 5:59.37 Patriot High School
Miller, Emily 6:03.26 Gainesville High School
Bernarte, Eliana 6:28.30 Gainesville High School
Crossin, Elaina 6:35.55 Osbourn Park
Kirkland, Emily 6:47.02 Gainesville High School
Bono, Brooke 6:51.54 Gainesville High School
soofi, zainab 6:52.72 Patriot High School
Shanahan, Audrey 6:54.87 Patriot High School
Wilson, Samira 7:04.17 Gainesville High School
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nasir, Farah 24.99 Gainesville High School
Akinbi, Foladayo 26.15 Osbourn Park
Bowman, Ashley 26.45 Patriot High School
Ainerua, Rebekah 26.63 Patriot High School
Harris, Aubree 26.72 Osbourn Park
Whitaker, Sierra 26.72 Patriot High School
White, Sydney 27.15 Gainesville High School
Lyon, Chloe 27.56 Osbourn Park
Langaster, Nadia 27.69 Osbourn Park
Martin, Nevaeh 27.83 Unity Reed
Ortiz, Justice 28.00 Unity Reed
Moore, Alesha 28.04 Gainesville High School
Hendershot, Sa'Diah 28.46 Patriot High School
Blair, Alyssa 29.44 Gainesville High School
Dike, Shoshana 29.98 Unity Reed
Thompson, Ayonna-Marie 31.28 Unity Reed
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Zacharzewski, Catarina 1:06.01 Osbourn Park
Yang, Sidney 45.39 Osbourn Park
Bowman, Ashley 46.18 Patriot High School
Harris, Aubree 46.23 Osbourn Park
Hendershot, Sa'Diah 50.18 Patriot High School
Schmidt, Madalyn 51.34 Patriot High School
Garcia, Kiara 51.78 Patriot High School
Hayes, Tarianna 52.71 Osbourn Park
Chung, Alena 52.81 Gainesville High School
Harper-Louis, Mikaylea 53.87 Gainesville High School
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Philip, Sherlyn 12:41.21 Patriot High School
Weber, Camila 12:47.00 Patriot High School
Djigo, Jaya 13:08.26 Patriot High School
Rein, Frances 13:13.57 Patriot High School
Averna, Ireland 14:30.00 Osbourn Park
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stephenson, Niya 1:00.50 Patriot High School
Akinbi, Foladayo 1:02.67 Osbourn Park
Waters, Madeline 1:03.09 Patriot High School
Sutton, MacKenzie 1:03.32 Gainesville High School
Moore, Alesha 1:04.03 Gainesville High School
Blair, Alyssa 1:04.92 Gainesville High School
Becker, Alek 1:06.10h Osbourn Park
Gaskins, Bryana 1:06.33 Patriot High School
Allen, Leah 1:08.50 Gainesville High School
Snead, Samia 1:09.63 Osbourn Park
Dagim, Naomi 1:20.00 Osbourn Park
Nolan, Sidney 56.61 Patriot High School
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 49.82 Patriot High School
Relay Team A 52.81 Gainesville High School
Relay Team A 53.24 Unity Reed
Relay Team A 55.06 Osbourn Park
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:12.81 Patriot High School
Relay Team A 4:18.00h Osbourn Park
Relay Team A 4:43.00 Gainesville High School
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Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 14:00.00 Gainesville High School
Relay Team A 9:40.00h Patriot High School
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Girls 800 Meter Run 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Rena 2:19.43 Patriot High School
Mullins, Elaina 2:21.07 Osbourn Park
Hackley, Skye 2:30.78 Osbourn Park
Ansah, Daniella 2:34.92 Patriot High School
Miller, Emily 2:38.25 Gainesville High School
Gidaspova, Anna 2:43.72 Gainesville High School
French, Lily 2:47.28 Osbourn Park
Davis, Jamie 2:50.65 Gainesville High School
Crossin, Elaina 2:59.24 Osbourn Park
Parasram, Ananya 3:00.01 Patriot High School
El-Khouri, Clara 3:31.31 Patriot High School
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Girls Discus 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Akinkugbe, Olamide 103-3 Patriot High School
Kwakye, Gabrielle 96-6 Osbourn Park
Vidallo, Sophia 94-4 Gainesville High School
Bedzo, Deborah 91-6 Osbourn Park
Holmes, Lia 90-10 Gainesville High School
Obadare, Esther 74-5.5 Patriot High School
Sarinana, Justice 73-11.5 Gainesville High School
Korkos, Christina 71-7 Patriot High School
Singleton, Kira 69-8.25 Unity Reed
Reyes, Yasmin 67-10 Osbourn Park
Bailey, Alexis 63-8 Patriot High School
Brierre, Maya 53-1 Osbourn Park
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Girls High Jump 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sackey, Korkor 5-4 Patriot High School
Akinbi, Foladayo 5-4 Osbourn Park
Harper-Louis, Mikaylea 4-10 Gainesville High School
Landers, Lydia 4-10 Patriot High School
Cappellini, Tara 4-8 Gainesville High School
Hayes, Tarianna 4-8 Osbourn Park
Sutton, MacKenzie 4-6 Gainesville High School
Owusu, Davina 4-6 Patriot High School
Bowman, Ashley 4-6 Patriot High School
McIntosh, Bianca 4-6 Osbourn Park
Gayton, Leila 4-4 Gainesville High School
Myers, Tierney 4-4 Osbourn Park
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Girls Long Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harris, Aubree 16-11.5 Osbourn Park
Hampton, Alani 16-7 Patriot High School
Langaster, Nadia 16-0 Osbourn Park
Dike, Shoshana 15-11.75 Unity Reed
Ortiz, Justice 15-11 Unity Reed
Williams, Jessica 15-10 Gainesville High School
Bowman, Ashley 15-9 Patriot High School
Sackey, Korkor 14-11 Patriot High School
Thompson, Ayonna-Marie 14-0 Unity Reed
Nformi, Haley 13-5.5 Osbourn Park
Zacharzewski, Catarina 13-0 Osbourn Park
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Girls Pole Vault 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rodriguez , Viviana 11-9 Osbourn Park
Kunz, Anna 10-0 Osbourn Park
Johnson, Emily 9-6 Gainesville High School
Cappellini, Tara 9-6 Gainesville High School
Wilcoxen, Olivia 9-0 Gainesville High School
Blankenship, Catherine 9-0 Patriot High School
Paz, Esther 8-0 Osbourn Park
Lemaux, Stella 8-0 Patriot High School
White, Alexa 6-0 Patriot High School
Epperly, Ava 6-0 Patriot High School
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Girls Shot Put 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Akinkugbe, Olamide 39-9 Patriot High School
Sarinana, Justice 30-2 Gainesville High School
Bedzo, Deborah 29-1 Osbourn Park
Bailey, Alexis 28-10.5 Patriot High School
Williams, Olivia 27-6 Patriot High School
Reyes, Yasmin 27-4.5 Osbourn Park
Hampton, Taylor 27-3.5 Osbourn Park
Holmes, Lia 26-3 Gainesville High School
Vidallo, Sophia 26-3 Gainesville High School
Kwakye, Gabrielle 26-0.5 Osbourn Park
Singleton, Kira 26-0.25 Unity Reed
Obadare, Esther 24-11.5 Patriot High School
Harper-Louis, Mikaylea 20-0 Gainesville High School
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Girls Triple Jump 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Jessica 34-9 Gainesville High School
Hampton, Alani 32-7.5 Patriot High School
Landers, Lydia 31-9.5 Patriot High School
Nformi, Haley 30-3.25 Osbourn Park
Kunz, Anna 29-10.5 Osbourn Park
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