Meet Information
PLACE: Great Meadow, The Plains, VA
DATE: Saturday, November 15 and 16, 2013
MEET CO-DIRECTORS: Dave Davis, Mountain View High School
Ken Wall, Freedom High School (South Riding)
Derek Farrey, Tuscarora High School
TIME SCHEDULE Friday, November 15
10:00am..Coachs Meeting (Group 6A)
10:30am..Group 6AGirls
11:15am..Group 6A Boys
11:15am..Coachs Meeting (Group 5A)
11:45am..Group 5A Girls
12:30pm..Group 5A Boys
12:30pm..Coachs Meeting (Group 4A)
1:00pmGroup 4A Girls
1:45pmGroup 4A Boys
TIME SCHEDULE Saturday, November 16
10:00am..Coachs Meeting (Group 3A)
10:30am..Group 3AGirls
11:15am..Group 3A Boys
11:15am..Coachs Meeting (Group 2A)
11:45am..Group 2A Girls
12:30pm..Group 2A Boys
12:30pm..Coachs Meeting (Group 1A)
1:00pmGroup 1A Girls
1:45pmGroup 1A Boys
Practice Times: The course will be open on Thursday from 11:00AM until 4:30 PM. If there is inclement weather the course will be closed. The course will reopen on Friday after the last race at 2:30 PM (for Saturday participants) and will close again at 4:30 PM. Please stay off of the course you are not racing on.
Course: Two courses will be set up. If the weather is excellent we will run the original course both days, if not then Friday will be the new course. It will be very similar to the original course. The difference will be Festival Hill (across the creek).
Awards: Will be at the conclusion of each classification
Admission: $10.00
RULES AND SCORING: Cross Country section of the National Federation Edition of the Track and Field Rule Book (2012-2013) Scoring (Rule 9- Section 2)
Coaches will not be permitted in the finish line area or chip return area.
NO SPECTATORS ALLOWED ON THE COURSE, MOST OF THE COURSE IS VISIBLE FROM VIEWING AREA, BUT BINOCULARS ARE HELPFUL. Violation of this rule will prompt disqualification of a schools participants.
CHIP TIMING: We will be using Run High for chip timing and scoring the meet. Finish Lynx Cameras will be set up at the finish line. There will also be a finish line judge to call close finishes. Coaches shall inform their athletes to turn in their chip before exiting the finish line area.
UNIFORM AND EQUIPMENT: Participants are required to wear a school issued uniform top and shorts. Participants must attach their bib number to the front of their uniform. The VHSL will provide bib numbers for each participant. Running shoes or spikes must be worn during the competition. Participants may were one wristwatch. Participants may not wear LIVESTRONG bracelets or other jewelry. No earrings allowed to be worn during the competition. No Hats or bandannas. Sweat bands are permitted.
*NEW* ONLINE ENTRY: ALL state meet entries this year must be done online by ALL coaches on Entries will open up the start of regional week on Monday, November 4th and close on Friday, November 8th at NOON. You regional meet director/representative will be given a meet password to distribute to coaches in their respective regions to allow you access to enter the meet online. Below is the meet page where the entries will be done at starting on Monday, November 4th:
Click on the green Enter Online button once entries open during regional week (will stay closed until that time) to start entry process. Must be a team admin of your team page on in order to enter. Do not wait until end of season to become a team admin. Make sure all your athletes names and graduation years are correct on your roster before entering.
When entering the state meet online, make sure that you enter only in your classification's races for both boys and/or girls (event 5K) and then select/enter all athletes that qualified individually or as a team and your additional alternates if a team qualifier (only allowed to enter a max of 10 athletes/gender for team qualifiers - room for only 3 alternates). Click the save button at the bottom of that event entry page after you have selected all of your athletes competing/alternates. Teams with only individual qualifiers should be only entering those individuals who qualified, no additional athletes.
More online registration help can be found here:
Regional Directors will confirm entries and will also need to follow the directions provided and also e-mail the Region Directors report (typed) to Dave Davis and Derek Farrey. The meet directors should collect state entry forms from each school that qualifies or has individuals that qualify for the state meet.
TEAM PACKETS: Available the day of the meet only. Packets may be picked up at the pavilion. Packets will include a course map, bib number, race chips to be attached to both shoes, a time schedule, and coachs meeting agenda.
EXPENSES: All expenses for travel, meals, and lodging must be provided by the competing school.
LODGING: Each coach is responsible for making his own hotel reservations. A list of hotels and motels in the Warrenton-Manassas area are on the VHSL website.
TENTS: Must be erected behind the house. No tents are allowed on the hill.
DRESSING AREA: There will be no dressing area provided. Portable restrooms will be provided.
AWARDS: Team and individual awards will be presented at the Pavilion. Athletes and coaches should listen for a P.A. announcement as to the exact time awards will be presented.
SCHOOL AND INDIVIDUAL QUALIFYING LIMITS: The Boys and Girls championship will be limited to the top six teams from each region and the top 10 individuals (not on a team) from each regional meet.
STATE CROSS-COUNTRY T-SHIRTS & SWEATSHIRTS: T-Shirts (crew neck, short, & long sleeve) and sweatshirts will be available in a variety of styles. Martin Screen Print will be there on Friday and Saturday.
DIRECTIONS: From the east or west ---take I-66 to Exit 31 (Rt. 245-2miles)
From south---take US Rt.17 or US Rt. 29 North to Warrenton, continue north
on US Rt. 17, approx. 8 miles. Great Meadow will be on the right
PLACE: Great Meadow, The Plains, VA
DATE: Saturday, November 15 and 16, 2013
MEET CO-DIRECTORS: Dave Davis, Mountain View High School
Ken Wall, Freedom High School (South Riding)
Derek Farrey, Tuscarora High School
TIME SCHEDULE Friday, November 15
10:00am..Coachs Meeting (Group 6A)
10:30am..Group 6AGirls
11:15am..Group 6A Boys
11:15am..Coachs Meeting (Group 5A)
11:45am..Group 5A Girls
12:30pm..Group 5A Boys
12:30pm..Coachs Meeting (Group 4A)
1:00pmGroup 4A Girls
1:45pmGroup 4A Boys
TIME SCHEDULE Saturday, November 16
10:00am..Coachs Meeting (Group 3A)
10:30am..Group 3AGirls
11:15am..Group 3A Boys
11:15am..Coachs Meeting (Group 2A)
11:45am..Group 2A Girls
12:30pm..Group 2A Boys
12:30pm..Coachs Meeting (Group 1A)
1:00pmGroup 1A Girls
1:45pmGroup 1A Boys
Practice Times: The course will be open on Thursday from 11:00AM until 4:30 PM. If there is inclement weather the course will be closed. The course will reopen on Friday after the last race at 2:30 PM (for Saturday participants) and will close again at 4:30 PM. Please stay off of the course you are not racing on.
Course: Two courses will be set up. If the weather is excellent we will run the original course both days, if not then Friday will be the new course. It will be very similar to the original course. The difference will be Festival Hill (across the creek).
Awards: Will be at the conclusion of each classification
Admission: $10.00
RULES AND SCORING: Cross Country section of the National Federation Edition of the Track and Field Rule Book (2012-2013) Scoring (Rule 9- Section 2)
Coaches will not be permitted in the finish line area or chip return area.
NO SPECTATORS ALLOWED ON THE COURSE, MOST OF THE COURSE IS VISIBLE FROM VIEWING AREA, BUT BINOCULARS ARE HELPFUL. Violation of this rule will prompt disqualification of a schools participants.
CHIP TIMING: We will be using Run High for chip timing and scoring the meet. Finish Lynx Cameras will be set up at the finish line. There will also be a finish line judge to call close finishes. Coaches shall inform their athletes to turn in their chip before exiting the finish line area.
UNIFORM AND EQUIPMENT: Participants are required to wear a school issued uniform top and shorts. Participants must attach their bib number to the front of their uniform. The VHSL will provide bib numbers for each participant. Running shoes or spikes must be worn during the competition. Participants may were one wristwatch. Participants may not wear LIVESTRONG bracelets or other jewelry. No earrings allowed to be worn during the competition. No Hats or bandannas. Sweat bands are permitted.
*NEW* ONLINE ENTRY: ALL state meet entries this year must be done online by ALL coaches on Entries will open up the start of regional week on Monday, November 4th and close on Friday, November 8th at NOON. You regional meet director/representative will be given a meet password to distribute to coaches in their respective regions to allow you access to enter the meet online. Below is the meet page where the entries will be done at starting on Monday, November 4th:
Click on the green Enter Online button once entries open during regional week (will stay closed until that time) to start entry process. Must be a team admin of your team page on in order to enter. Do not wait until end of season to become a team admin. Make sure all your athletes names and graduation years are correct on your roster before entering.
When entering the state meet online, make sure that you enter only in your classification's races for both boys and/or girls (event 5K) and then select/enter all athletes that qualified individually or as a team and your additional alternates if a team qualifier (only allowed to enter a max of 10 athletes/gender for team qualifiers - room for only 3 alternates). Click the save button at the bottom of that event entry page after you have selected all of your athletes competing/alternates. Teams with only individual qualifiers should be only entering those individuals who qualified, no additional athletes.
More online registration help can be found here:
Regional Directors will confirm entries and will also need to follow the directions provided and also e-mail the Region Directors report (typed) to Dave Davis and Derek Farrey. The meet directors should collect state entry forms from each school that qualifies or has individuals that qualify for the state meet.
TEAM PACKETS: Available the day of the meet only. Packets may be picked up at the pavilion. Packets will include a course map, bib number, race chips to be attached to both shoes, a time schedule, and coachs meeting agenda.
EXPENSES: All expenses for travel, meals, and lodging must be provided by the competing school.
LODGING: Each coach is responsible for making his own hotel reservations. A list of hotels and motels in the Warrenton-Manassas area are on the VHSL website.
TENTS: Must be erected behind the house. No tents are allowed on the hill.
DRESSING AREA: There will be no dressing area provided. Portable restrooms will be provided.
AWARDS: Team and individual awards will be presented at the Pavilion. Athletes and coaches should listen for a P.A. announcement as to the exact time awards will be presented.
SCHOOL AND INDIVIDUAL QUALIFYING LIMITS: The Boys and Girls championship will be limited to the top six teams from each region and the top 10 individuals (not on a team) from each regional meet.
STATE CROSS-COUNTRY T-SHIRTS & SWEATSHIRTS: T-Shirts (crew neck, short, & long sleeve) and sweatshirts will be available in a variety of styles. Martin Screen Print will be there on Friday and Saturday.
DIRECTIONS: From the east or west ---take I-66 to Exit 31 (Rt. 245-2miles)
From south---take US Rt.17 or US Rt. 29 North to Warrenton, continue north
on US Rt. 17, approx. 8 miles. Great Meadow will be on the right