Photos taken by Dani Villiva from the 2008 Metro Run & Walk Northern Virginia Invitational held at Edison High School, Alexandria, VA on Friday and Saturday 11-12 April 2008.
2008 Metro Run & Walk Invitational
Apr 12, 2008
2008 Metro Run and Walk Northern Virginia Invitational
Apr 12, 2008
Photos taken by Ted Plunkett from the 2008 Metro Run and Walk Northern Virginia Invitational held at Thomas Edison High School in Alexandria, VA on Friday and Saturday, April 11th and 12th..
Metro Run & Walk Holiday Invite Performance List & Final Instructions
Dec 21, 2007 will be on-site with coverage at this weekend's Metro Run & Walk Holiday Invitational at Prince George County's Sports & Learning Center. Final instructions and performance list for the MRW Holiday Invite.
Metro Run & Walk Northern Virginia Invitational Performance List
Apr 10, 2008
Performance list for the 2008 Metro Run & Walk Northern Virginia Invitational to be held Friday, April 11th and Saturday, April 12th at Thomas Edison High School in Alexandria, Virginia.