VHSL Class 6 State XC Meet 2022

Leesburg, VA

VHSL Class 6 State XC Meet 2022 vs VHSL Class 6 State XC Meet 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -6 200 206
Overall Average +24.65 19:28.92 19:04.27
1st-10th Place +32.00 16:16.00 15:44.00
1st-25th Place +30.84 16:40.44 16:09.60
1st-50th Place +28.24 17:06.04 16:37.80
1st-100th Place +21.56 17:42.09 17:20.53
Common Athletes -- -- 52
Ran Faster -44 4 48
Ran Season Best 1 2 1
Average Time +51.67 19:24.19 18:32.52
Median Time +40.00 19:27.00 18:47.00
Middle 80% Times +50.55 19:30.60 18:40.05
Top 10% Times +1:07.17 16:43.17 15:36.00
Top 25% Times +1:06.38 17:15.23 16:08.85
Top 50% Times +58.35 17:56.08 16:57.73
Bottom 50% Times +45.00 20:52.31 20:07.31
Bottom 25% Times +50.23 21:39.00 20:48.77
Bottom 10% Times +45.33 22:12.83 21:27.50
Average Difference +51.67 -- --
Median Difference +13.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +51.14 -- --
Top 10% Difference +57.00 -- --
Top 50% Difference +56.65 -- --
Top 25% Difference +1:00.54 -- --
Top 50% Difference +56.65 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +46.69 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +55.08 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:11.50 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Nayan Kasperowski South County High School +1:01.00 16:10.00 15:09.00
Tristan Thurneysen Chantilly +1:47.00 17:05.00 15:18.00
Junior Allen Oakton +1:04.00 16:29.00 15:25.00
Hayden Goodman Woodbridge +48.00 16:32.00 15:44.00
Jibran Hutchins W.T. Woodson +1:07.00 17:03.00 15:56.00
Nathanael McMahon Woodbridge +2:06.00 18:10.00 16:04.00
Nziza Siibo Battlefield +1:15.00 17:27.00 16:12.00
Trent Daniels Gainesville High School +1:36.00 17:48.00 16:12.00
Kaiden Brewer Patriot High School +1:51.00 18:30.00 16:39.00
Owen Renquist Woodbridge +1:29.00 18:11.00 16:42.00
Christian Bachmann Lake Braddock +1:19.00 18:02.00 16:43.00
Benjamin Giffing Grassfield +1:02.00 17:55.00 16:53.00
Luke Barlow Chantilly +50.00 17:48.00 16:58.00
Conor Eklund Oakton -5.00 17:00.00 17:05.00
Bobby Leone Lake Braddock +39.00 17:42.00 17:03.00
Collin Keehan Woodbridge +1:30.00 18:39.00 17:09.00
Alex Morris Chantilly +44.00 17:57.00 17:13.00
Trevor Williams Manchester High School +1:28.00 18:43.00 17:15.00
Jack Morgan Chantilly -45.00 17:22.00 18:07.00
Caiden Aurelio Grassfield +43.00 18:05.00 17:22.00
Solomon Lazo Thomas Dale +23.00 18:04.00 17:41.00
Aidan MacGrath West Springfield +39.00 18:50.00 18:11.00
Alexander Temple Grassfield +24.00 18:45.00 18:21.00
Kate Loescher Colonial Forge +1:56.00 20:20.00 18:24.00
Adeline Barker West Springfield +54.00 19:27.00 18:33.00
Rena Johnson Patriot High School +1:51.00 20:33.00 18:42.00
Elizabeth Gregory Forest Park +39.00 19:26.00 18:47.00
Caroline Tribett Gainesville High School +1:02.00 20:04.00 19:02.00
Keira Arenholz W.T. Woodson +5.00 19:08.00 19:03.00
Liana Eberly Woodbridge +52.00 20:02.00 19:10.00
Hazel Calway Langley +13.00 19:27.00 19:14.00
Anna Strafford W.T. Woodson +1:33.00 20:56.00 19:23.00
Lila Pesavento Langley +21.00 19:45.00 19:24.00
Chloe Burris West Springfield +25.00 19:53.00 19:28.00
Colleen Kelly Battlefield +23.00 19:56.00 19:33.00
Sarah Hymans W.T. Woodson +10.00 19:59.00 19:49.00
Monika Lukas W.T. Woodson +13.00 20:05.00 19:52.00
Kirsten Morley Cosby +2:05.00 21:58.00 19:53.00
Sofia Sheldon Yorktown +48.00 20:46.00 19:58.00
Madison Coutinho James W. Robinson +21.00 20:19.00 19:58.00
Madeleine Spaner Langley +30.00 20:35.00 20:05.00
Noelle Braun Grassfield +1:28.00 21:39.00 20:11.00
Isabella Snow James W. Robinson +58.00 21:09.00 20:11.00
Corinne Jaggard Langley +1.00 20:15.00 20:14.00
Daniela Diaz McLean +1:47.00 22:05.00 20:18.00
Lydia Mikhin James Madison -28.00 20:49.00 21:17.00
Lucy Arnold Battlefield +1:14.00 22:06.00 20:52.00
Grace Sheldon Battlefield +34.00 21:37.00 21:03.00
Haley Donnelly Battlefield +1:07.00 22:16.00 21:09.00
Jenna Nolen Manchester High School -6.00 21:14.00 21:20.00
Caroline Kuhn Cosby +40.00 22:15.00 21:35.00
Grace Wevley West Springfield +16.00 22:37.00 22:21.00