VHSL Class 3 State XC Meet 2024

Blacksburg, VA
Timing/Results SnapTiming

Meet Information

No Pets are allowed on the course.

Course Preview is Noon to 5pm on Friday only weather permitting         . 

 Address: 1278 Washington St SW, Blacksburg, VA 24060

Buford Meredith Cross Country Course @ Virginia Tech Duck Pond

PARKING:  There is FREE on-site parking near the course. Please park in the "Cage" parking lot and use the only entrance to the course which is at the Cage lot. Do NOT park at the VET School (you will get towed/ticketed if parking at the VET school). 

Bus Parking: Busses will be able to drop off athletes at the Cage and utilize the Litton - Reaves parking lot during the race. This lot is close to the cage lot and large enough to accommodate busses. (901 Prices Fork Rd, Blacksburg, VA)