VHSL Class 1 State XC Meet 2020-21 2020

Salem, VA

Meet Information

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All state meet Dates and Times are subject to change depending on current COVID guidelines.

DATE:Class 6 -- April 22, 2021Class 3 - April 21, 2021

Class 5 - April 23, 2021Class 2 - April 22, 2021

Class 4 - April 24, 2021Class 1 - April 23, 2021

PLACE: Classes 1, 2, and 3 Green Hill Park, 2501 Green Hill Park Rd, Salem, VA 24153

Classes 4, 5, and 6 Oatlands Historic House and Gardens, 20850 Oatlands Plantation Lane, Leesburg, VA 20175

MEET DIRECTORS: Classes 1 -3 Tommy Maguire, Cave Spring High School

Classes 4 -6 Dave Davis, Charles C. Colgan High School

Derek Farrey, Loudoun County Public Schools

Matt Oblas, Riverside High School

SCHOOL AND INDIVIDUAL QUALIFYING LIMITS:Top 2 teams and top 3 individuals exclusive of qualifying teams from each region championship meet.

ENTRY INSTRUCTIONS: Coaches will enter their athletes by using Milestat.com online entry service. State entry forms should be submitted to the region director to be used by the region director when completing the region director's report. RegionalDirectorstoe-mailtheRegionDirectorsreport(typed)to theVHSL, Tommy Maguire, DaveDavis,andDerekFarrey before the deadline. Entry deadline is Saturday, Aprl 17, 2021 by 9:00 PM.

* New this year each classification has their own state meet page.

Class 1: https://va.milesplit.com/meets/417399-vhsl-class-1-state-xc-meet-2021/info#.YGs7aehKg2x

Class 2: https://va.milesplit.com/meets/417401-vhsl-class-2-state-xc-meet-2021/info#.YGs8NOhKg2w

Class 3: https://va.milesplit.com/meets/417402-vhsl-class-3-state-xc-meet-2021/info#.YGs8buhKg2w

Class 4: https://va.milesplit.com/meets/417406-vhsl-class-4-state-xc-meet-2021/info#.YGxckuhKg2w

Class 5: https://va.milesplit.com/meets/417404-vhsl-class-5-state-xc-meet-2021/info#.YGxc2-hKg2w

Class 6: https://va.milesplit.com/meets/417403-vhsl-class-6-state-xc-meet-2021/info#.YGxdC-hKg2w

COURSE INFORMATION: A 5k (single loop) course at Oatlands. Green Hill Park will have an approximate 400 meter area of overlap.

COACHES PASSES: Each champion and runner-up team advancing will be allowed a total of 3 coaching passes. Each school advancing an individual runner will be allowed 2 coaching passes. No VHSCA or VHSL coaching passes will be accepted.

MEET FORMAT: Due to current parameters within EO72, the meet will have wave starts of 50 or fewer runners by wave. Subject to change if restrictions allow for more participation per wave or race. The following is a description of the runners for each wave:

First Wave: Team's 1 - 5 runners from each of the 8 teams plus top 2 individuals from each region (48 total runners)

Second Wave: Team's 6 & 7 runners from each of the 8 teams plus the 3rd place individuals from each region (20 total runners)

TIME SCHEDULE: Female participants only are allowed during first session. Please do not arrive before 11:30 AM.

GIRLS - 1:00 PM Second wave 1:06 PM

Male participants only are allowed during the second session. Please do not arrive before 2:00 PM.

  BOYS - 3:30 PM Second wave 3:36 PM


All state meet Dates and Times are subject to change.

ADMISSION: Tickets are available through Go Fan for $10 per ticket. Children 6 and under admitted free with parent.

PARKING: Please use the main driveway. Follow signs and parking attendants. Please have your ticket ready to be redeemed by the parking attendant or an event worker.

RULES AND SCORING: NFHS Track and Field Rule for 2020 and the VHSL rules as stated in the VHSL handbook will be observed. CrossCountrysectionoftheNational FederationEditionoftheTrackand FieldRule Book(2020)Scoring(Rule 2-Section 1-3)

CHIPTIMING: Chip timing will be used when scoringthe meet.Finish LynxCameras willbe set up at the finishline in case a runner loses their chip on the course.

FACE COVERINGS: All coaches, officials, timers, event staff, and spectators are required to wear face coverings at all times. Athletes competing will wear masks at all times except when actively competing, including warm-up and/or warm downs.

TEAMPACKETS:Available the dayofthe meetonly. Packets willincludea coursemap,bib number,racechipstobeattached tobothshoes,atimeschedule,and coach's meetingagenda.

ATHLETIC TRAINERS: Certified athletic trainers will be available for limited services, located at the finish line. ATCs will be stationed throughout the course to assist injured athletes.

TENTS:Mustbeerected in designated areas only. More information will be provided in the near future.

DRESSINGAREA:There willbe no dressingareaprovided.Portablerestrooms willbeprovided.

AWARDS:Teamawards willbepresentedat a designated area to each head coach. More information will be provided at each site on race day. Head Coachesshould listenforaP.A.announcementastotheexact timeawards willbepresented.

STATECROSS-COUNTRYT-SHIRTS &SWEATSHIRTS:T-Shirts (crewneck, short,&longsleeve) and sweatshirtswillbeavailableinvariousstyles. All athletes and/or spectators are expected to adhere to face covering and social distancing guidelines while in line.

OVERNIGHT ACCOMODATIONS: Any school requiring overnight accomodations are encouraged to utilize the hotel information link located at https://www.vhsl.org/cross-country/. Hotel information is included for Salem and Leesburg.