Octoberfest Invitational - CANCELLED - entry will be refunded 2022

The Plains, VA
Timing/Results PMV Timing

Athlete Entries

Boys 5000m Run 93 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hamlin, William Cosby
Harper, Knoah Massaponax
Barnette, Maddox Castlewood
Horn, John Freedom (South Riding)
Arthur, Jack Cosby
Weaver, Brody Freedom (South Riding)
Beyer, Ty Freedom (South Riding)
Bradshaw, Evan Cosby
Gillespie, Chance Massaponax
Kiser, Heath Castlewood
Madda, Noel Freedom (South Riding)
Gambardella, Ryan Freedom (South Riding)
Rinaldi, Greyson Cosby
Xia, Nathan Freedom (South Riding)
Bush, Jacob Castlewood
Gibson, Colt Freedom (South Riding)
Asady-Kany, Timothy Lake Braddock
Chen, Ivan Cosby
Kemmey, Ryan Massaponax
Douglas, Preston Cosby
King, Payton Castlewood
Omwa, Joel Freedom (South Riding)
Elasady, Omar Freedom (South Riding)
Seymour, Gabe Freedom (South Riding)
Howell, Jacob Cosby
Lasley, Jacob Castlewood
Heren, Eli Freedom (South Riding)
Polacios, Diego Massaponax
Nicholas, ian Cosby
Perry, Tony Freedom (South Riding)
Amin, Vivek Freedom (South Riding)
Leone, Bobby 16:31.70 Lake Braddock
Bachmann, Christian 16:48.50 Lake Braddock
Gibson, Adam 16:50.80 Castlewood
Kimble, Tyler 16:56.40 Lake Braddock
Aviles, Eric 16:59.00 Freedom (South Riding)
Smith, Jason 17:10.00 Freedom (South Riding)
Hendrickson, Parker 17:10.00 Lake Braddock
Byerle, James 17:34.00 Freedom (South Riding)
Clark, Henry 17:36.00 Freedom (South Riding)
Fath, Michael 17:36.80 Cosby
Cattie, Mason 17:51.00 Cosby
Lattimer, Nelson 17:57.00 Lake Braddock
McCue, Liam 17:57.10 Hereford High School
Nicholson, Jack 18:03.00 Hereford High School
Travis, Terry 18:09.20 Massaponax
Thomas, Will 18:15.00 Lake Braddock
Weaver, Landon 18:21.00 Cosby
Dagostino, Brandon 18:31.60 Cosby
Gasparini, Justin 18:34.20 Hereford High School
Taylor, Grayson 18:35.00 Lake Braddock
Brown, Justin 18:42.60 Hereford High School
Borden, Greg 18:46.00 Freedom (South Riding)
Henok, Meba 18:49.00 Lake Braddock
Moreno-Valeriano, Terry 18:52.04 Annandale
Elstun, Aiden 18:53.70 Cosby
Spruill, Nathan 18:55.00 Cosby
Dermody, Kevin 19:06.00 Lake Braddock
Parbadia, Om 19:13.00 Freedom (South Riding)
Mendoza, Lucas 19:33.00 Cosby
Kamon, Matthew 19:35.00 Freedom (South Riding)
Gobell, Grant 19:53.30 Hereford High School
Rico, Carson 20:02.00 Freedom (South Riding)
Gibbs, Christopher 20:05.00 Freedom (South Riding)
Seymour, Gabriel 20:08.00 Freedom (South Riding)
Riley, Trey 20:11.00 Lake Braddock
Kim, San 20:21.00 Freedom (South Riding)
Lorusso, Danny 20:27.00 Freedom (South Riding)
Raab, Tristan 20:31.41 Freedom (South Riding)
Rajan, Varun 20:32.00 Freedom (South Riding)
Doone, Diego 20:32.00 Freedom (South Riding)
Guerrero, Zion 20:35.00 Freedom (South Riding)
Major, Gavin 20:37.00 Cosby
Hughes, Charles 20:42.00 Lake Braddock
Kandimalla, Rishi 20:59.00 Freedom (South Riding)
Manzanarez, Brandon 21:22.00 Annandale
Worley, Frank 21:25.53 Castlewood
Bourque Sánchez, Cristian 21:28.00 Cosby
Grandison, Bernie 21:36.00 Cosby
Henderson, Benjamin 21:46.00 Freedom (South Riding)
Holtz, Cooper 21:49.00 Annandale
Ali, Semir 21:51.00 Annandale
Maiden, Grant 21:56.11 Freedom (South Riding)
Bush, Jason 22:03.00 Cosby
Kennedy, Alex 22:08.00 Annandale
Dotson, Johnathan 22:25.40 Castlewood
Befekadu, Daniel 23:02.00 Annandale
Castel, Rhys 23:06.00 Freedom (South Riding)
Salter, Christopher 23:28.00 Freedom (South Riding)
Koshy, Elijah 23:31.00 Freedom (South Riding)
Kennedy, John 23:54.00 Annandale
Geon, Keegan 26:06.00 Cosby
Schuckert, Alexander 26:33.60 Cosby
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Girls 5000m Run 76 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hosseini, Helena Freedom (South Riding)
Worley, Eliza Castlewood
Kuhn, Caroline Cosby
Ali, Ameera Lake Braddock
Drapas, Katerina Freedom (South Riding)
Hall, Madison Massaponax
Davis, Kinley Cosby
Crooks, Natalie Freedom (South Riding)
Bradley, Abby Castlewood
Morley, Kayla Cosby
Reading, Abby Cosby
Maiwald, Sarah Freedom (South Riding)
Euripides, Chrysanthi Massaponax
Gephart, Amelia Cosby
Eastridge, Gianna Freedom (South Riding)
Kim, Alaina Massaponax
Chavis, Alicia Cosby
LaTessa, Lilly Cosby
Aaron, Emily Freedom (South Riding)
Lafreniere, Laura Lake Braddock
Alvarez, Anny Massaponax
Phillips, Jozalynn Castlewood
Burke, Kayleigh Freedom (South Riding)
Haynie, Isabella Cosby
D'Souza, Naavya Freedom (South Riding)
Rose, Alexis Massaponax
Challis, Mackenzie Cosby
Snider, Estelle 18:51.60 Hereford High School
Snider, Sylvia 19:02.10 Hereford High School
Byerle, Jillian 19:24.00 Freedom (South Riding)
Fick, Carleigh 20:12.55 Freedom (South Riding)
Bolte, Laila 20:53.10 Lake Braddock
Morley, Kirsten 21:04.30 Cosby
Warrenfeltz, Megan 21:05.30 Hereford High School
Priddy, Olivia 21:08.40 Massaponax
Seitz, Scarlett 21:20.60 Hereford High School
Prasanna, Adhira 21:28.07 Freedom (South Riding)
Wood, Julia 21:31.84 Freedom (South Riding)
Sweeney, Hadley 21:34.00 Hereford High School
Brownie, Julia 21:48.00 Cosby
Fick, Evelyn 21:48.00 Freedom (South Riding)
Burch, Allison 22:17.96 Freedom (South Riding)
Garcia, Summer Grace 22:21.00 Freedom (South Riding)
Lewis, Madilyn 22:31.00 Lake Braddock
Hood, Madeline 22:33.90 Lake Braddock
Haynie, Arianna 22:34.00 Cosby
Waterfield, Kayla 22:48.00 Freedom (South Riding)
Thompson, Caroline 22:50.00 Freedom (South Riding)
Rico, Cameron 22:55.00 Freedom (South Riding)
Desai, Sanvi 22:55.00 Freedom (South Riding)
Berhe, Mikal 22:59.00 Lake Braddock
Rico, Addison 22:59.00 Freedom (South Riding)
Thompson, Kaylie 23:20.00 Freedom (South Riding)
Gray, Finley 23:20.00 Freedom (South Riding)
Gilbert, Maya 23:43.00 Lake Braddock
Coria Tarazona, Alison 23:43.00 Annandale
Collins, Chloe 23:53.82 Freedom (South Riding)
Russell, Jana 24:04.90 Annandale
Pennington, Sofia 24:10.00 Cosby
Ellis, Madelyn 24:38.00 Massaponax
Dalrymple, Keira 24:41.00 Annandale
Drapas, Katie 25:11.00 Freedom (South Riding)
Knerl, Jordan 25:20.00 Lake Braddock
Gary, Addison 25:34.00 Freedom (South Riding)
Nagle, Sara 25:39.44 Annandale
Nagle, Sage 25:55.00 Annandale
Tanudjaja, Heidi 25:59.00 Freedom (South Riding)
Robinson, Sarah 26:00.00 Lake Braddock
Canonica, Lucy 26:10.00 Freedom (South Riding)
Coffren, Madison 26:25.00 Freedom (South Riding)
Treanor, Madeline 26:37.00 Cosby
Kane, Rachel 27:18.00 Freedom (South Riding)
Hedgecock, Madeline 27:19.00 Freedom (South Riding)
Newcomb, Tenley 27:36.00 Freedom (South Riding)
Moura, Pamela 29:12.36 Annandale
Annapureddy, Sanjana 31:46.00 Freedom (South Riding)
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