2024 Distance Twilight Classic 2024

Springfield, VA
Timing/Results K&G Timing

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Athlete Entries

Boys 1600 Meter Run 79 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Post, Elijah 4:19.94 Centreville
Dovgalyuk, Calvin 4:20.76 Trinity Christian School
Leachman, Curtis 4:22.94 Wakefield School
Gaffney, Patrick 4:23.34 Lake Braddock
Garvey, Jack 4:24.63 The Heights School
Garcia, Carlos 4:26.44 Patriot High School
Pritchard, Jack 4:27.18 West Springfield
Lattimer, Nelson 4:30.01 Lake Braddock
Leachman, Emmett 4:31.95 Wakefield School
Dean, Edison 4:32.53 West Springfield
Jones, Aidan 4:32.60 W.T. Woodson
Asady-Kany, Timothy 4:33.20 Lake Braddock
Cahill, Cregan 4:33.56 The Heights School
Gibson, Noa 4:36.89 South Lakes
Dermody, Kevin 4:39.20 Lake Braddock
Rockefeller, Bradley 4:39.82 Lake Braddock
Plath, Evan 4:41.11 Centreville
Sutton, Jack 4:41.52 West Potomac
Jessup, Wyatt 4:41.88 Centreville
Gaydos, Mark 4:43.24 West Springfield
Thomas, Will 4:44.30 Lake Braddock
Wilkins, Charlie 4:46.27 South Lakes
Blejski, Derek 4:47.54 West Potomac
Cremers, Joseph 4:48.85 The Heights School
Westmoreland, Luke 4:49.52 West Potomac
Loyer, Jackson 4:49.81 Centreville
Lima, Isaac 4:50.28 W.T. Woodson
Solomon, Tyler 4:50.32 Centreville
Villareal, Daniel 4:51.25 West Springfield
Trexel, Hayden 4:51.37 Patriot High School
Stryzhak, Oleksandr 4:51.39 West Potomac
Eye, Alex 4:51.95 Patriot High School
Lifland, Seth 4:52.21 W.T. Woodson
Drey, Ethan 4:52.47 Oakton
Rivers, Colin 4:53.40 Oakton
Cho, Caleb 4:53.55 Centreville
Warden, Thomas 4:53.61 W.T. Woodson
Lichtenstein, Devin 4:54.08 W.T. Woodson
Post, Zacchaeus 4:55.00 Centreville
Knapp, Oliver 4:55.05 Patriot High School
Edwards, Andrew 4:55.96 West Potomac
Montgomery, Matt 4:56.00 Centreville
Kretzer, Eamon 4:56.09 West Potomac
Rade, Sean 4:56.63 W.T. Woodson
Dean, Elias 4:57.03 West Springfield
Angulo, Jayden 4:57.15 Patriot High School
McAllister, Benson 4:57.37 Oakton
Nolan, Oliver 4:57.47 W.T. Woodson
Kehde, Connor 4:57.70 South Lakes
Pollio, Ryan 4:57.96 West Potomac
Hailemariam, Nolawi 4:58.39 W.T. Woodson
Schoendorf, Alex 4:58.60 West Potomac
Leahy, Noah 4:58.71 W.T. Woodson
Nousain, Miles 4:58.87 W.T. Woodson
Residori, Evan 4:59.39 West Springfield
Kaul, Zain 5:00.70 Oakton
Kutz, Grant 5:03.70 South Lakes
Webb, Patrick 5:08.69 South Lakes
Villegas, Krishna 5:09.77 Oakton
Bowman, Cole 5:10.77 Patriot High School
Rodulfo, Emmanuel 5:11.40 Patriot High School
Benson, Calvin 5:13.82 Lake Braddock
Malone, Josh 5:14.07 Patriot High School
Guinther, Gabriel 5:15.14 Lake Braddock
Solomon, Nathan 5:17.93 Centreville
Devine, Jackson 5:19.02 Oakton
Richards, Grayson 5:20.00 Lake Braddock
Culver, Tyson 5:21.62 Lake Braddock
Younts, James 5:25.87 Patriot High School
Brixius, Ryan 5:26.46 Patriot High School
Blandburg, Milton 5:27.28 Lake Braddock
Nunes, Zach 5:31.85 Patriot High School
Younts, Sean 5:34.64 Patriot High School
Howell, Nicholas 5:34.66 Patriot High School
Thepsoumane, Xemuel 5:58.74 Patriot High School
O'Dell, Andrew 6:09.75 Patriot High School
Caparoula, Mason 6:14.23 Patriot High School
Jaffa, Adam 6:52.09 Patriot High School
Zeger, Owen 7:20.63 Patriot High School
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Aguirre-Martinez, Manuel 24.01 South Lakes
Walsh, Dylan 24.07 South Lakes
Bednarz, Aiden 24.17 South Lakes
Yudkovsky, Isaac 24.20 South Lakes
Hood, George 24.32 South Lakes
Raffel, Jason 24.35 South Lakes
Quinn, Ryan 25.64 South Lakes
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pritchard, Jack 9:33.79 West Springfield
Gibson, Noa 9:53.33 South Lakes
Beumer, Kian 9:59.38 South Lakes
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Westmoreland, Luke 1:00.37 West Potomac
Pollio, Ryan 1:00.44 West Potomac
Stryzhak, Oleksandr 1:01.00 West Potomac
Schoendorf, Alex 1:06.14 West Potomac
Jackson, Miles 49.55 South Lakes
Post, Elijah 51.20 Centreville
Redican, Joseph 53.00 South Lakes
Cicero, James 53.20 West Potomac
Jessup, Wyatt 53.70 Centreville
Leonard, Robert 53.79 West Potomac
Siriwardene, Chris 54.90 Centreville
Watterson, Adam 55.81 West Potomac
Plath, Evan 56.10 Centreville
Loyer, Jackson 56.69 Centreville
Solomon, Tyler 56.90 Centreville
McGuckin, Joshua 57.04 West Potomac
Cho, Caleb 57.30 Centreville
Post, Zacchaeus 58.60 Centreville
Blejski, Derek 58.68 West Potomac
Edwards, Andrew 59.00 West Potomac
Kretzer, Eamon 59.00 West Potomac
Sutton, Jack 59.06 West Potomac
Montgomery, Matt 59.69 Centreville
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Boys 800 Meter Run 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tano, Hayato South Lakes
Bachmann, Christian 1:56.40 Lake Braddock
Cicero, James 1:56.80 West Potomac
Aguirre-Martinez, Manuel 1:57.10 South Lakes
Elcock, Zain 1:58.18 W.T. Woodson
Leonard, Robert 1:58.97 West Potomac
Raffel, Jason 1:59.02 South Lakes
Yudkovsky, Isaac 1:59.08 South Lakes
Smith, Gavin 1:59.27 West Springfield
Hood, George 1:59.94 South Lakes
Siriwardene, Chris 2:00.00 Centreville
De Altin Popiolek, Matteo 2:00.52 Thomas Edison
Casey, Cole 2:01.27 South Lakes
Bednarz, Aiden 2:01.87 South Lakes
Hailemariam, Nahom 2:02.00 W.T. Woodson
Quinn, Ryan 2:02.12 South Lakes
Garvey, Jack 2:02.19 The Heights School
Alonzo, Cael 2:02.24 West Springfield
Cahill, Cregan 2:02.40 The Heights School
Newell, Landon 2:02.80h Oakton
Eklund, Conor 2:03.68 Oakton
Cremers, Joseph 2:03.88 The Heights School
Haworth, Sebastian 2:03.94 West Springfield
Jacks, Noah 2:04.38 South Lakes
Rampton, Jackson 2:04.54 West Springfield
Boyer, Reagan 2:05.00 W.T. Woodson
Gardner, Jacob 2:05.07 W.T. Woodson
White, Andrew 2:05.23 Patriot High School
Manka, Marek 2:05.94 Lake Braddock
Wolf, Stephen 2:06.00 W.T. Woodson
Yiengst, Jonas 2:06.84 West Springfield
Han, Matthew 2:06.97 Oakton
Widlake, Brady 2:07.14 Patriot High School
McGuckin, Joshua 2:07.80 West Potomac
Watterson, Adam 2:08.50 West Potomac
Cooper, Noah 2:09.44 West Springfield
Duhan, Danny 2:10.47 Lake Braddock
Richards, Grayson 2:16.72 Lake Braddock
Trexel, Hayden 2:18.28 Patriot High School
Martinez, Damian 2:20.44 Patriot High School
Thach, Josh 2:36.26 Patriot High School
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 53 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Miller, Chloe 5:01.24 West Springfield
Bush, Rickelle 5:01.34 West Springfield
Sapperstein, Caroline 5:10.83 Oakton
Len, Katherine 5:13.24 West Springfield
Djigo, Jaya 5:16.92 Patriot High School
Lichtenstein, Camille 5:18.52 W.T. Woodson
Campbell, Marie 5:19.69 West Springfield
Horner, Allie 5:20.24 West Springfield
McCroskey, Madeleine 5:20.34 West Springfield
Hall, Allyson 5:22.24 West Springfield
Kim, Lauren 5:23.29 Centreville
Mau, Addison 5:24.24 West Springfield
Wevley, Grace 5:26.28 West Springfield
Weisel, Molly 5:26.58 West Potomac
Aponte, Claire 5:27.25 Lake Braddock
Whitehouse, Grace 5:30.55 Lake Braddock
Finlan, Sophia 5:33.41 Lake Braddock
Wisner, Kaydence 5:34.63 West Springfield
Keller, Mary 5:36.58 West Springfield
Keyes, Alexi 5:38.76 West Potomac
Weber, Camila 5:38.88 Patriot High School
Kruzinski, Elizabeth 5:39.14 Oakton
Cheong, Amy 5:39.27 Centreville
Gilbert, Maya 5:39.60 Lake Braddock
Hagner, Margaret 5:40.02 W.T. Woodson
Wiest, Samantha 5:40.03 Lake Braddock
Baird, Eleanor 5:41.57 West Springfield
Jones, Mary Kate 5:43.81 W.T. Woodson
Sayen, Madison 5:44.32 Centreville
Boyle, Riley 5:45.00 Lake Braddock
Sherrill, Amy 5:51.07 Oakton
Clapp, Abigail 5:51.48 West Springfield
Guido, Isabella 5:51.97 West Springfield
Nguyen, Natalie 5:52.57 Oakton
Vafier, Jayden 5:53.46 Centreville
Satterfield, Ava Grace 5:54.41 South Lakes
Hoang, Kaitlyn 5:54.64 Oakton
Cowen, Josie 5:55.41 West Potomac
Bradshaw, Isabella 5:57.22 Oakton
Hobson, Rebecca 5:58.28 South Lakes
Burrell, Sophie 5:58.37 Oakton
O'Dea, Megan 5:59.42 West Potomac
Ansah, Daniella 5:59.64 Patriot High School
McKernan, Jeanne 6:00.27 W.T. Woodson
Anderson, Eliza 6:00.94 West Potomac
Friedman, Calissa 6:05.10 W.T. Woodson
DeCarlo, Anastasia 6:10.49 W.T. Woodson
Indyk, Audrey 6:14.68 W.T. Woodson
Campise, Kendra 6:33.18 Patriot High School
Parasram, Ananya 6:33.90 Patriot High School
Biglete, Isabella 6:34.83 Oakton
soofi, zainab 6:52.72 Patriot High School
El-Khouri, Clara 7:30.25 Patriot High School
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Girls 200m Dash 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harsanyi, Bella 26.65 South Lakes
Elliott, Caroline 27.35 South Lakes
Ryan, Aya 27.40 South Lakes
Van Der Weide, Kiki 27.45 James Madison
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Horner, Kaylee 11:59.39 West Springfield
Bourkland, Keira 12:15.93 Lake Braddock
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Simon, Catalina 1:02.21 South Lakes
Kim, Lauren 1:03.41 Centreville
Catto, Anya 1:04.84 South Lakes
Cheong, Amy 1:05.71 Centreville
Soderholm, Lea 1:07.00 South Lakes
Walsh, Mary Shaw 1:07.05 West Potomac
Sherrill, Amy 1:07.20h Oakton
Kruzinski, Elizabeth 1:07.30h Oakton
Satterfield, Ava Grace 1:08.00 South Lakes
Sayen, Madison 1:08.00 Centreville
Cowen, Josie 1:08.34 West Potomac
Foley, Colette 1:08.52 West Potomac
Bradshaw, Isabella 1:08.97 Oakton
Weisel, Molly 1:09.00 West Potomac
Vafier, Jayden 1:10.74 Centreville
Lee, Thaelia 1:11.28 Patriot High School
Keyes, Alexi 1:12.78 West Potomac
Temple, Mary Beck 1:13.46 West Potomac
Whaley, Morgan 1:13.64 West Potomac
Anderson, Eliza 1:15.00 West Potomac
O'Dea, Megan 1:15.00 West Potomac
Nolan, Sidney 56.81 Patriot High School
Harsanyi, Bella 57.11 South Lakes
Elliott, Caroline 57.89 South Lakes
Ryan, Aya 58.29 South Lakes
Johnson, Rena 59.90 Patriot High School
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Girls 800 Meter Run 44 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Elliott, Caroline 2:10.08 South Lakes
Nolan, Sidney 2:11.64 Patriot High School
Johnson, Rena 2:14.24 Patriot High School
Simon, Catalina 2:15.86 South Lakes
MacGrath, Aidan 2:16.64 West Springfield
Arenholz, Keira 2:16.88 W.T. Woodson
Van Der Weide, Kiki 2:16.99 James Madison
Mikhin, Lydia 2:18.05 James Madison
Barker, Adeline 2:18.64 West Springfield
Lewis, Madilyn 2:19.29 Lake Braddock
Leone, Reagan 2:19.54 West Springfield
Strafford, Anna 2:19.78 W.T. Woodson
Devlin, Madeleine 2:19.85 W.T. Woodson
Simpkins, Paige 2:20.07 Tuscarora High School (VA)
Lashey, Evie 2:21.19 Tuscarora High School (VA)
Duhan, Becca 2:21.60 Lake Braddock
Hubbard, Katelyn 2:23.00h Oakton
Wyant, Lauren 2:24.98 Lake Braddock
Whitehouse, Grace 2:25.20 Lake Braddock
Ward, Abigail 2:25.62 W.T. Woodson
Mesfin, Abbi 2:25.94 Oakton
Lewis, Sophie 2:25.95 Oakton
Hughart, Kylee 2:26.77 Lake Braddock
Yemo, Audrey 2:27.32 Tuscarora High School (VA)
Kuehn, Hannah 2:28.17 W.T. Woodson
Lewis, Raquel 2:28.72 Oakton
White, Katelyn 2:29.49 Lake Braddock
Rein, Frances 2:29.54 Patriot High School
Fanshaw, Mia 2:29.69 W.T. Woodson
Aguirre-Martinez, Johanna 2:30.94 South Lakes
Wolf, Eleanor 2:31.00 W.T. Woodson
Vollbrecht, Sarah 2:31.15 Lake Braddock
Williams, Beth 2:32.00 W.T. Woodson
Imanverdi, Jayla 2:32.24 West Springfield
Malzahn, Keira 2:32.85 South Lakes
McFalls, Kelley 2:32.97 W.T. Woodson
Ha, Irene 2:35.76 South Lakes
Soderholm, Lea 2:37.39 South Lakes
Whaley, Morgan 2:37.95 West Potomac
Foley, Colette 2:38.97 West Potomac
Walsh, Mary Shaw 2:39.48 West Potomac
Shanahan, Audrey 2:51.79 Patriot High School
Freeman, Sabina 2:52.48 South Lakes
Arze-Moya, Rosey 3:46.61 Patriot High School
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